Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Lentils, Lab-Grown Fish & Pedophile-Positive For SCOTUS? | Mar. 24, 2022


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 95 of No-Go Zone.

Linda Moulton Howe | 2 hour special - 200k Subscriber Celebration plus Interview with Luis Elizondo | Mar. 23, 2022


Topics: 200k Subscriber Celebration plus Interview with Luis Elizondo

Interview with Luis Elizondo
- Former Director, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification (AATIP) 2010-2017
- Collaborated with Office Undersecretary of Defence
- DNI admitted 143 of 144 UFO cases could not be explained

Jordan Maxwell has passed March 23, 2022


Archive: Jordan Maxwell

Whitney Webb | Ukraine & The Specter of Bioterror with Robbie Martin And Gumby | Mar. 18, 2022


Whitney is joined by Robbie Martin and researcher "Gumby" to unpack what we actually know about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine and how the programs behind these labs originated with suspect "bioterror" claims at the end of the Cold War.

Published 03/18/22.

Whitney Webb | Fabians and Fascists with Matthew Ehret


In this episode, Whitney is joined by Matthew Ehret to discuss how the Fabian Society and other groups developed a model for “penetrating” governments throughout the West and beyond long before the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program came into existence.

Published 03/10/22.

The Corbett Report | What Is The Bitcoin Psyop? - Questions For Corbett | Mar. 23, 2022


This week on Questions For Corbett, Coll writes in to ask about the bitcoin psyop. What is crypto and how does it work? Is it evil? James gets into all the Byzantine details.

Show Notes:
Episode 394 - Solutions: Survival Currency
Episode 413 - Give Send Gone
Free Press UNDER ATTACK In Ottawa As DRUTHERS Has BANK ACCOUNT FROZEN Under Emergencies Act!!!
Episode 328 - The Bitcoin Psyop
"Blockchain" at the bitcoin wiki
Hidden Secrets Of Money - Episode 08 (Mike Maloney)
The Byzantine Generals Problem
How does blockchain solve the Byzantine generals problem?
Distributed consensus
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Blockchain vs. Bullshit: Thoughts on the Future of Money
Episode 415 - The Global Digital ID Prison 

Redice TV | The Unelected Globalists Running The World - Jonas Nilsson | Mar. 23, 2022


Film maker Jonas Nilsson from Sweden joins Henrik to discuss Palaestra Media's latest film "The Power Brokers You Never Elected."

We talk about globalism, centralization and the desire of the rootless cosmopolitans to create a system of global government. Replacement and migration as well as AI and transhumanism are large parts of the Great Reset and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Tom Campbell with Andy Chu & Nathan Edwards | Ukraine, Fascism, and Sexual Diversity


Andy Chu of TimeOut for Humanity talks with Physicist and Consciousness Explorer Tom Campbell on Ukraine, fascism, and sexual diversity. Special guest: Nathan Edward

Thomas W. Campbell is a former NASA physicist. His expertise is in simulations and large complex systems. He is also a consciousness explorer who teaches people how to meditate, grow up and become love.

His groundbreaking research unifies physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, the normal and the paranormal. Recently, he designed a set of physics experiments that would revolutionize our understanding of reality. The design was published in a peer-reviewed journal of quantum mechanics.

His book My Big TOE has been translated into several languages. His YouTube videos have inspired millions to live wisely and courageously. To work with Tom directly or learn more about his latest creation: Tom’s Park© : A Virtual Imaginality Game.

Chapter markers: 00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:18 The big picture view of the war in Ukraine
00:16:30 Are the economic sanctions against Russia considered low entropy?
00:20:49 Is it OK to have casual sex or masturbate?
00:31:43 How to deal with sexual guilt?
00:38:29 For the scientist who is pursuing a career in the subjective
00:48:15 Being sociable in a digital world
01:00:08 Are avatars in different reality frames directly or indirectly related?
01:02:04 How to know if your choices are from your intellect or from your being
01:17:59 Is it OK to think of the larger system as a loving source?
01:24:54 Life is like a dream
01:29:32 How to defeat fascism
01:37:27 How come even a dream can evolve? 01:40:49 Not afraid to live, not afraid to die

Andrei Martyanov | 1945 is always on my mind | Mar. 21, 2022


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Hitler dreams about saving Berlin. Spring of 1945. Suicide of the West. Crude.

S0 News | Solar Proton Bombardment, Solar Forcing, James Webb | Mar. 21, 2022


The Corbett Report | SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan! | Mar. 19, 2022


We all know that when a politician walks like a globalist, talks like a globalist, acts like a globalist and quacks like a globalist, that means they're a globalist, right? And what about when that politician comes out with an unbelievable, in-your-face endorsement of the UN-led Agenda 2030 to remodel the world order and lead us into the maws of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset in the name of "sustainable development." Then we all know they're a globalist, right? Well, get a load of this. . . .

Show Notes:
Klaus Schwab Bragging About Infiltrating World Governments | The Great Reset WEF
Canada to send more lethal aid to Ukraine, intends to ban crude oil imports from Russia | FULL
Announcing mandatory vaccination for the federal workforce and transportation sectors
The Canadian MEDIA $600M BAILOUT Exposed! - What You NEED To Know!
PM Justin Trudeau speaks at inaugural global summit on artificial intelligence – December 4, 2020
Justin Trudeau Admires Communist China's "Basic Dictatorship"
Joint Statement on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development
Klaus Schwab Bragging About Infiltrating World Governments | The Great Reset WEF
Russia's Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine
Putin Signs "Fake News" and "Internet Insults" Bill
Censorship, arrests, shutdowns: Putin crushes Russian media | The Listening Post
Protester arrested by Russian jackboots for holding sign that says "Two Words"
Russian President Vladimir Putin says country needs to step up vaccination campaign
Russia : Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm Restaurants to "Hire" Robots to Check Qr Codes of Vaccinate
Putin and Herman Gref at Sberbank's Artificial intelligence conference
Putin praises China's achievements in combating COVID-19
Vladimir Putin says he drove a taxi after fall of Soviet Union
Special Address by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation | DAVOS AGENDA 2021
Episode 381 - Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?
"Putin and Kissinger have maintained warm personal relations over a number of years"
"Putin and Kissinger have held more than a dozen meetings"
Putin Welcomes Kissinger: ‘Old Friends’ to Talk Shop?
"No War" an arrestable offence in Russia, even printing photos of "No War" graffiti is illegal
Sputnik V: What you're not being told
Sputnik V is a scam<br /> Russia's Gamaleya Research, UK-Swedish Astrazeneca Sign Memorandum of Cooperation in COVID-19 Fight
Trump calls vaccines the "greatest achievement"
Trump brags that he's boosted, admonishes hecklers
World Economic Forum Freezes ‘All Relations’ With Russia to Dodge Sanctions
Interview 1703 - Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality
Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network
10 Signs The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset
Is the Narrative Shifting? Or Is This Phase 2 Mass Psychosis?
ESG muscle flexing
China and Russia Creating "Alternate" Banking System
China’s Digital Yuan May Aid Russia Bypass SWIFT Ban, But Will It?
Bank of Russia Proceeds With Digital Ruble, Renews Push for Crypto Ban
Zelensky Receives Standing Ovation From EU Parliament in Emotional Scenes
Episode 369 - Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order!

Dark Journalist | Secret Space Government: UFOs & Emergency Powers! | Mar. 20, 2022


Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a Special LiveStream Deep Investigation of the covert forces at NASA, SpaceX and Blue Origins that have been formulating a Secret Space Government with the Aerospace Infrastructure buildup over 50 years.
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