Dr. John Campbell | European excess deaths, official data | Jan. 23, 2023

Source: Dr. John Campbell youtube

There are excess deaths throughout Europe and in all age groups.

EuroMOMO Bulletin, Week 2, 2023
https://www.euromomo.eu This week

Pooled EuroMOMO, all-cause mortalit
Elevated level of excess mortality,
overall and in all age groups.
Data from 25 European countries or subnational regions
Average levels from pre 2020

Andrei Martyanov | Warnings and Reports | Jan. 24, 2023

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com

About (real) war economy, and strategic planning.

David Icke | Power Structure Of World Rule | Jan. 23, 2023

Source: davidicke.com

Rubin Report | WEF Head Creeps Out Crowd by Describing His Weird Future Fantasy | Direct Message | Jan. 20, 2023

Source: rubinreport.com

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about the latest craziness out of the World Economic Forum; Klaus Schwab sharing his creepy fantasy of everyone getting brain chips and brain implants; Tony Blair discussing the digital infrastructure being planned to put a global vaccine passport in place; and FBI Director Christopher Wray revealing the deep level of collusion between the public and private sectors. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community.

S0 News | Big CME Eruption, Noah Event Magnetic Excursion | Jan. 21, 2023

Source: suspicious0bservers.org

Andrei Martyanov | Two Navies, Two Admirals | Jan. 21, 2023

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Staffs and Estimates with Assessments.

Sarah Westall | Andy Schectman | Economy on the "Edge of Collapse", Central Banks are Making Moves | Part 1 & 2 | Jan. 21, 2023

Source: Sarahwestall.com, MilesFranklin.com

Andy Schectman rejoins the program to discuss the signs that are appearing everywhere pointing to the collapse of the Western monetary system. We discuss the latest moves and signs as well as what the overall strategy could be. We also question the motives of our politicians considering their moves are undermining the livelihoods of citizens.

Redice TV | Con Inc. Infighting, Crowder Expose Daily Wire’s Grabbler Game, The Diversity Scam | Jan. 20, 2023

Source: redice.tv

Mark Collett joins Henrik to cover Con Inc.'s war as Crowder exposed Daily Wire's greedy con game and more. Tune in this January 20, 2023.

Max Igan | Life in these Times - Good Vibrations Podcast | Jan. 19, 2023

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Dr. Mercola Interviews | The Effect of Vaccines On The Brain - Interview with Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic | Jan. 23, 2023

Source: Mercola.com

For years, I've warned that aluminum is a serious neurotoxic hazard involved in rising rates of autism and Alzheimer's disease (AD). I've also warned that vaccines are a significant source of such exposure, and may be one of the worst, since by injecting it, the aluminum bypasses your body's natural filtering and detoxification systems.

Research has found a strong link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease. Patients with a genetic mutation that predisposes them to early onset of Alzheimer’s and more aggressive disease have universally high aluminum content in their brains.

According to a British researcher, without aluminum in the brain, Alzheimer’s does not develop.
When aluminum was first approved for use in vaccines, it was approved based on its efficacy. It was never actually tested for safety. It was simply assumed to be safe.

Aluminum has been shown to cause mitochondrial dysfunction and depletion of adenine-triphosphate (ATP), which sets the stage for virtually any chronic disease. Aluminum salts can increase levels of glial activation, inflammatory cytokines and amyloid precursor protein within the brain.

Recent research found the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine schedule — when adjusted for bodyweight — exposes children to a level of aluminum that is 15.9 times higher than the recommended “safe” level. -Mercola.com

Dark Journalist | Mystery School Presidents Revealed! | Jan. 21, 2023

Source: darkjournalist.com

Please join us for this special X-Series Episode 144 as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt takes us behind the scenes to reveal the Presidents and the Mystery Schools and Secret Societies that raised them to power!

New World Next Week | Oxford Fights Climate Lockdowns | Jan. 20, 2023

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: How Finland Is Teaching a Generation to Spot Misinformation

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