Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 12, 2021


Is everything ok with the US military? That's the background question to a little story shared by G.B.:

New World Next Week | Banksters Set the Table for Net Zero | Nov. 12, 2021


Story #1: UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System
New Financial Alliance for Net Zero Emissions Launches
"Amount of finance committed to achieving 1.5°C now at scale needed to deliver the transition"
COP26 Climate Politics: Contraction And Convergence
Beware Industry-Backed 'Nature-Based Solutions' Scam, Warns Global Climate Coalition
And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle...
Who Wants To Be A Carbon Trillionaire?
What is the Future of (Bankster) Finance? - Questions For Corbett #049
The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here's What's Coming Next
A member emailed about a not-yet-publicized hack attack against a major trucking company in the States

Story #2: Carbon Foodprints? The Ruling Class' Plan To Change What You Eat
Green Cuisine: Why It's Time You Watched Your 'Foodprint'
Despite Using Private Jets & Traveling Around Europe With 85-Car Entourage, Brandon Slams Putin For Appearing By Video Link At COP26
Another Globalist "Simulation" Comes True
Image: 0 days since The Economist wrote about eating bugs
Personal Carbon Allowances Revisited
Beyond Meat Shares Crater As Losses Mount, Company Expects Weak U.S. Sales Growth Ahead

Red Ice TV | No-Go Zone: Free Skank For Jab, Pfizer CEO Says Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ Spreaders Are Criminals, Polish-Belarus Border War | Nov. 11, 2021



Henrik cover the latest in episode 77 of No-Go Zone.

Max Igan | What the actual Fuck? | Nov. 9, 2021


James Corbett on The US vs John Lennon | Nov. 11, 2021

Source:, Glass Onion 

Glass Onion welcomes James Corbett of to discuss the 2006 documentary about John's political activism and his fight against the Nixon administration to stay in the U.S.

We also take some time to look at the political landscape of the time and the difference between then and now in terms of how much the public is shown about what is really happening in the world. Big thanks to Broc West for the video editing and slides.

Show Notes:
Glass Onion podcast on Apple / / Podbean / Soundcloud / Stitcher
Vinnie Caggiano and James Corbett dissect "She Loves You"
The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006 documentary)
Everything I Know About Conspiracies I Learned From The Beatles
Lennon on Lennon: Conversations with John Lennon
Rebuilding America's Defenses (PNAC)
Rumsfeld warns of Pearl Harbor surprise attack at confirmation hearing
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Geraldo Rivera says Obama is Dead Instead of Osama
Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files
Obama: A Legacy of Ashes
"The CIA and the Media" by Carl Bernstein
Church Committee Hearings CIA Heart Attack Gun

Linda Moulton Howe | High Strangeness At U. S. Rhein-Main AFB, Germany | Nov. 10, 2021


High Strangeness At U. S. Rhein-Main AFB, Germany.

Max Igan | Awaken Possibilities Podcast | Nov. 9, 2021


S0 News | Solar Flare, Big Eruption, Big Announcements, Top News | Nov. 10, 2021


S0 News | Cosmic Ray Health Alert, 4 Disasters Revealed, Mars | Nov. 8, 2021


Jay Dyer | Special Report | The Beast System Is Here | Nov. 5, 2021


Jay Dyer breaks down how the Best System has arrived.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | Mars X-Elite Secret UFOS & Archaeology Wars! | Nov. 6, 2021



Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the bizarre Space Push by the elites to colonize the Planet Mars and the occult implications of integrating the God of War into the human origin story.

He also describes how it is closely connected with the Archaeology Wars like the looting of the Baghdad Museum to find sacred power objects and ancient super weapons.

Special Topics: 
Archaeology Wars
Mars Obsession
HotZone Intrigue
Sacred Mythology
Exotic Technology
Mind Control

S0 News | When is Space Weather Scary? & Top Science Updates | Nov. 5, 2021


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