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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query friendship. Sort by date Show all posts

The Friendship Case

Source: UFOTVstudios youtube

It caused a great media sensation. Mass UFO sightings. People wanted to know what was happening but know one could penetrate the mystery. Now after 50 years of silence, insider witnesses have decided to speak. A UFO contact case that has been kept secret for decades is now revealed. Humans working together with extraterrestrials in secret. Hundreds of people were involved. Countless pieces of evidence remain. Only now can the truth be known. This is the unbelievable true story about The Friendship Case.

See also: "Friend-Ship" A True Tale Of Repeated Alien Contact by Multiple Witnesses

"Friend-Ship" A True Tale Of Repeated Alien Contact by Multiple Witnesses

An extraordinary Italian case of alien contact with humans, kept secret for half a century, has finally come to light.

In Pescara, in 50'/70's, a group of extraterrestrials contacted directly an unsuspected number of people. The project was called Friendship. The humans were carried on their bases, even on board of UFOs. Almost all of the involved people belong to Italian high society. Among them, the famous consul Alberto Perego.
The witnesses of such incredible experience are finally determined to speak. The exclusive footage and photos that they collected are simply amazing.
Friendship: a case that will change your mind about the interaction between men and extraterrestrials.

Visit for further details.

Timothy Good | Secret Space Program, UFOs, ET & Coverup


February 24, 2011
Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence.

He became interested in the subject in 1955, when his passion for aviation and space led him to read a book by Major Donald Keyhoe describing UFO sightings by qualified observers such as military and civilian pilots. In 1961, after reading a book by Captain Edward Ruppelt, a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer, he began to conduct his own research.

Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations. In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the west to be interviewed on Russian television. He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002.

He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations. Timothy Good is the author of the bestseller "Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up" and "Beyond Top Secret" and his latest is called "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence" among several others.

He joins us from the UK to discuss UFOs, ET contact, abductions, the hybridization program, colonization, warfare and much more.

Topics Discussed: Donald Keyhoe, flying saucers, Project Bluebook, ridicule, UFO, abductions, Antonio Villas Boas, unearthly disclosure, the hybridization program, colonization, extra terrestrial contact, warfare, crash in Aztec New Mexico, secret project, satellite government, amicizia (friendship), gradual disclosure and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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UFOs & ET Visitation | Timothy Good


August 30, 2010–One of the world’s most respected authorities on alien phenomena, Timothy Good, discussed the staggering evidence for UFOs, and the possible colonization of Earth by extraterrestrials. One of the most disturbing aspects to ufology is the number of military deaths since the late 1940s, he noted. When the military opened fire on UFOs, there was retaliation on a large scale, and "I would say that conservatively hundreds of military pilots have lost their lives." The Roswell craft, he suggested, was shot down by US military. According to one statistic, more than 3,500 pilots (including commercial) have seen UFOs, he stated.

Regarding the existence of ETs, Good said "I am convinced, and have been for decades, that they are here,"-- some are based on Earth, and have a vested interest in our planet. He has come to believe human abductions and the developing of hybrids was done for the ETs' benefit rather than ours. Cross breeding and genetic experiments have been conducted on a colossal scale, and the intention behind the hybrids is "to create a passive human race incapable of violence," thus setting us up for conquest, he warned.

Good also recounted an interesting episode in 1989 when Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey was planning a traveling exhibit on UFOs & aliens, and certain high ranking officials were reportedly considering lending out real UFOs and alien bodies for the display. However, after Good published details about this in his book, Alien Contact, the exhibition was canceled. He also spoke about various contactee cases, such as the Italian "Friendship" group, whose contacts with ETs were said to begin in 1956. Good reported that many recent sightings in the UK were due to Chinese lanterns, but there was also an increase in triangular craft. The US, he added, has acquired advanced craft propulsion from recovered alien vehicles.

Freeman & Jamie Hanshaw - Hour 1 & 2 | Hollywood Mind Control, August 30, 2012


August 30, 2012–Freeman is a TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. He is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, government conspiracy, and ancient civilizations. His partner Jamie also studies the occult activities of secret societies, the Freemasons, magic, sorcery, Kabalistic rituals, and Hollywood trauma-based mind control.

She, with co-writer Freeman, is compiling all of this information into a fully illustrated, well-referenced compendium of the occult mind pattern programming of Hollywood and the Mainstream media in their new book, Weird Stuff Operation: Culture Creation. Lana from Radio 3Fourteen also joins Henrik in this interview. During the first hour, we’ll discuss occult Hollywood mind control and the use of pop culture icons for social engineering. Jamie also talks about princess programming, femininity, sexuality, vampires and magic.

We briefly touch upon symbolism found in the 2012 Olympics, notably Mary Poppins. In the second hour, we discuss dark aspects of children’s entertainment and who’s behind the scenes. Currently, Freeman and Jamie are aboard their school bus, "Ms. Emily," a Mystery School Mobile Media Lab Experiment seeking the miraculous and transmitting it back to you in a Type 1 Roadshow fashion on the Friendship Agenda. Freeman shares some stories. ~Red Ice Creations

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Timothy Good | Earth: An Alien Enterprise, October 7, 2013


October 7, 2013–Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence. Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations. In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the west to be interviewed on Russian television.

He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002. He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations. He returns to discuss his latest book, Earth: An Alien Enterprise: The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History.

We'll discuss the book that tells the story of contact between aliens and humans from all across the globe, dating back to 1932, including meetings with military personnel and American presidents such as Eisenhower and Kennedy. In the second hour, we'll discuss the story of a former member of MI6 who revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when he confirmed that there were "other" spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Armstrong also confirmed that the CIA was behind the cover-up.

Timothy also talks about the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev who revealed that "the president of Russia is given a special top secret folder [that] in its entirety contains information about aliens who have visited our planet. Along with this, the president is given a report of the Special Service that exercises control over aliens in our country. I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic."
download hour 1 mp3

Source: UFOTVstudios youtube

It caused a great media sensation. Mass UFO sightings. People wanted to know what was happening but know one could penetrate the mystery. Now after 50 years of silence, insider witnesses have decided to speak. A UFO contact case that has been kept secret for decades is now revealed. Humans working together with extraterrestrials in secret. Hundreds of people were involved. Countless pieces of evidence remain. Only now can the truth be known. This is the unbelievable true story about The Friendship Case.

Five Years On | James Horak & Friends | March 2015


Five years ago James Horak was an invited guest on the Kevin Smith show for the first time. At that time there had been a flurry of images from the SOHO satellite of large objects in and around the sun and it was suggested that James would be able to inform people about them. James has said many times that the main reason he came forward was that he did not want the sightings to be used as part of the ongoing hostile alien thesis.

So eventually he became not only a fairly regular guest on the show, but also formed a close friendship with Kevin Smith.

It is with that impetus that we wanted to look back at the effect that this information had on each of us, as well as look at the broader implications of events since then, environmentally, technically and globally.

Although this was an informal discussion with questions that we wanted to cover with James, it was also important for us to honor the memory of Kevin Smith and his body of work which Shuny has been meticulously archiving.

Please ask questions at for any follow up discussions as we are hoping to be able to do this again in the near future. Thank you for your continued support.

You can subscribe to the legacy of the Kevin Smith Show on 1200 shows from the inventor of paranormal talk radio can be accessed for $30 per six months.

Clark McClelland | Confessions of a NASA Insider | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


From the words of Rainbow and Mike, two strangers who flew from New Mexico to Florida to visit Clark McClelland:

To read and hear about the word "whistleblower"‚brings to mind the unimaginable and daunting task it must be to be in the constant line of fire. To be called, dishonest, a disinformation agent, crazy or a conspiracy nut, are only a few of the names carried on the shoulders of such brave men and women. The stigma never goes away and the weight of its meaning can debilitate the heart and soul of any individual who should voluntarily, carry its burden. One such whistleblower, Clark McClelland has walked the walk of a truthseeker, enduring hardships and ill health and yet, fearlessly carrying on with his message, a message that has not changed through the course of time.

Looking into Clark's eyes, it was easy to see his convictions glimmering through his eyes, they never faltered not even with his bouts with intense physical pain that he endured throughout our visit. Images, stories and friendships all merged together becoming clear and comprehensible, as Clark explained each account of his life and those close to him. I sat across from Clark wishing things were different for him and thinking that if a man like him can be taken down to poverty, are there no limits to what "these"‚people can do.

It's different when you see, intelligence and passion slowly ebbing away from a weakened body. It's different when you see a whistleblower face to face and you know there isn't much you can do to help them. I realized I could only give Clark my support and admiration but in the scheme of things, this feels like so little. Maybe friendship becomes more important to a whistleblower because the road they walk can become very lonely.

Interestingly enough, Clark gave me a gift without me even realizing it at first, one day thinking back about our wonderful dinner, I finally understood what makes history happen. Its men and women like Clark McClelland, who are willing to take on the modern Goliaths of our time, just like the unassuming David did. Perhaps if we are lucky, whistleblowers like Clark will be victorious in not just seeking the truth but in getting it out to the masses. Its truth that changes history but the real question is, can society handle the truth.

Now this is Mike speaking , I have read that he is a liar , a hoax and a con man , Rainbow and I sat with him, he is none of the above. We saw him and we saw his evidence maybe not all but more than enough to call him the real thing. The game of the government is to discredit him as the patriot he is.
As Rainbow has stated Clark lives in a state of poverty , so I am asking you to go to his site and buy something. Anything. Get a piece of history and support this man. Just buy a chapter of his book for a couple of bucks. Anything helps to keep this man alive and maybe recover to a more normal life."

Neil Sanders | Maladaptive Programming of the New World Order | Jan. 7, 2017


Magic is defined as the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science. That is to say that our consciousness creates reality. What effect will mainstream programming and the data barrage of the Worldwide Web have on the manifest world? Our rage develops from not accepting where we are and the maladaptive programming of expecting the worst to happen.

Consciousness is the only thing that will transform our world and our imagination has been captured by Hollywood, politics, and magicians. Will we recognize the signs in the road and begin a Friendship Agenda with actual face to face communication and a true sense of sovereignty? If we can believe it, it can be manifest.

Neil Sanders holds an MA in Film Studies, he studied Psychology and Media Production for his BA Honours and is a qualified hypnotherapist. Neil is considered an expert on the subject of mind control and has been studying the history of this dark art and its application by military and government intelligence agencies across the globe for many years. Neil has appeared on several television shows and made numerous radio appearances in Europe and the USA and is the author of Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Volumes one and two.

Mind Control is a documented fact. The control of the actions and emotions of an unsuspecting victim has been a reality since at least the 1950's. Drawing on declassified documents, interviews with the doctors' involved, scientific papers and mainstream media reports, Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own shows the origins, objectives and architects of mind control.

Suspicious0bservers + Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC = Viral Video Marketing, August 11, 2013

Source: DutchsinseReloaded youtube


Description: TRUTH MOVEMENT INFILTRATED BY VIRAL VIDEO MARKETING COMPANY ... started by suspicious0bservers... Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC.

What is Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC.?

quote: "Benjamin R. Davidson pic here on the website : ...

Ben is cofounder and managing member of E3. As a member of Empire Advisors, LLC, Ben brings his valuable experience in business planning, strategic management, and due diligence analysis to E3. Ben is an alumni of Capital University Law School and Penn State University, where he studied economics and accounting. Ben also spearheads operations in Columbus, OH, E3s branch office location.

... Ben and Adrian have found that their friendship has brought invaluable trust and cooperation to managing E3 together and plan to continue their personal and professional relationship into the far future.

... Ben has also served in a number of legal and business positions throughout his career, including N8medical, the Supreme Court of Ohio, and the law offices of Goldberg, Kamin, and Garvin. He specializes in secured transactions, contracts, and business law. Ben also enjoys blogging, running the golf course, video editing, and playing the guitar.

" Suspicious0bservers = E3 LLC ... its even on suspicious0bservers website at the bottom! His website designed by E3 (the million dollar VIRAL VIDEO MEDIA MARKETING COMPANY he founded). Nice that he's the owner !

They even have suspicious0bservers listed under their (our) creations:

Nice that E3 LLC. , founded by Benjamin (suspicious0bservers) , specializes in INTERNET MEDIA MARKETING .. and VIRAL VIDEO MARKETING !!

Turns out that E3 media .. Eminence Entertainment Enterprises E3 LLC. wants to work for the US Army:

This is HUGE ! that is him, suspicous0bservers for sure as the founder!

Look up E3 LLC. Benjamin Davidson on google NOW

Notice the above paragraph quote .. He runs a PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY TOO !!! called n8medical ... his dad.. charles e. davidson sits on the board of directors

Joachim Hagopian | How to Overcome Divide and Rule | FreemanTV | Feb.11, 2017


The American Empire trudges on as we see the same war game plan unfold under President Trump as we did under the Obama Administration only now, it feels as if we have partnered with Russia. Obama passed more Executive Orders in his first 10 days of office than The Donald but, that does not dissuade the violent left. Will Trump be pushed into declaring martial law? Will America go to war with Iran as so many of the Neo-Cons have strived for?

How do we overcome this Elite Divide and Rule plan? What does it mean to be human? Is it our culture, our beliefs? The Super Bowl programming leaned heavily on military programming, even the Super Bowl commercials divided us and offered unity through service. Pope Francis declared “Great sporting events like today’s Super Bowl are highly symbolic, showing that it is possible to build a culture of encounter and a world of peace. By participating in sport, we are able to go beyond our own self interest – and in a healthy way – we learn to sacrifice, to grow in fidelity and respect the rules. May this year’s Super Bowl be a sign of peace, friendship and solidarity to the world."

If we can take this game as "symbolic" then, this is the year of the impossible! Let's take advantage of this break in "reality" and turn towards a life well beyond the psychopaths in charge. Are we human enough to avoid a Transgender, Transhumanist Phoenix uprising or are we doomed to a Technocratic Slave System?

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down. It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at Empire Exposed.

Rupert Sheldrake | Meet The Scientist BANNED By TED Talks | Sept. 11, 2024

Source: Jesse Michels youtube

Join us for a captivating conversation with renowned biologist and author, Rupert Sheldrake. In this thought-provoking interview, we delve deep into Sheldrake's groundbreaking theories on morphic resonance, the nature of consciousness, the sense of being stared at, and the limitations of conventional science. Discover how his controversial and heretical ideas within academia challenge mainstream scientific thinking and open up new possibilities for understanding reality and our place within it.

Whether you're familiar with Sheldrake's work or new to his ideas, this interview offers valuable insights into the mysteries of life, mind, and the cosmos. Don't miss out on this chance to explore the cutting edge of science and consciousness research with one of its most original luminaries!

1. Sheldrake has collected an enormous amount of experimental evidence that people can sense when they are being stared at by others, a phenomenon known as “scopaesthesia”

2. This is (possibly) because consciousness involves a “transaction” (a Wheeler-Feynman handshake) between the outer physical world and the brain which emits/projects an image outwards onto any given object being sensed (if that object is conscious, like a human, they can sense that projection taking place). John Cramer, a Physicist from the University of Washington further developed a transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics which may support Sheldrake’s empirical findings here

3. Sheldrake has also acquired a lot of evidence around human and animal ability for “presentiment” or “precognition” of the future. This sounds like pseudoscience on the surface, but if the brain has a quantum component (widely hypothesized by Sir Roger @penrose and others), it could send information back in time providing a real physical model for these sorts of phenomena

4. Biology (morphology and even perhaps cells themselves) per the great work of @drmichaellevin, seem to work towards “conscious” or at least deliberate aims. Sheldrake would say they acquire information through “morphic fields”, a concept Darwin himself may have been open to, but that close minded "neodarwinians" like @RichardDawkins dismiss out of hand. If these fields are at all real (or really, if we have any inherited information transfer transcending DNA), they represent a fundamental update on modern concepts of evolution

5. The Sun and magnetic field of the earth combine to create the finely tuned conditions of intelligent life. Does this point towards a random universe? Or is that just as dogmatic as inserting God as a creator?

6. We speak of Sheldrake’s long friendship with legendary scientist and “fungal philosopher” Terence McKenna. We also discuss Sheldrake’s not super well known book “The Physics of Angels”, one with clear implications for the modern UFO conversation…

7. In 2013, Ted censored Sheldrake's talk with literally no first principles reasoning around his data or experimental protocols. They did it purely because he deviated too much from the consensus "understanding" of consciousness (a subject nobody really understands). This was their explicitly cited reason on their blog. That move, from Ted, was small-minded and contradicts the spirit of true scientific inquiry. Please watch this video (and Sheldrake's others) to engage with his ideas openly! All earnest engagements with them in support or opposition are welcome.
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