21-Year-Old Genius Offers Solution to the Oil Crisis

Source: lemondrop.com

Since April 20, when BP's Deepwater oil rig sort of, well, exploded and began pumping millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, ruining ecosystems and coastlines in the worst spill in history, a number of solutions have been attempted. They've tried sticking a giant dome over the pipe and pumping it full of garbage, for example, but a 21-year-old girl from Long Island may have come up with a solution that can actually work.

It helps that Alia Sabur is a genius -- she began work on her engineering PhD at the age of 14 and become the youngest college professor in the history of America at the age of 18, and now she thinks she's got the answer to our problem. She calls it the "seabed retread," and it involves stuffing the leaking riser with a pipe surrounded by deflated tires, then inflating the tires.

Although the tires might not be able to inflate completely inside the riser, it should be able to stem the flow of oil, which could then be redirected into a new pipe, she figures, according to calculations she sketched out on a piece of paper in typical genius fashion.

Alia was reading before she could walk, had moved on to novels by the age of two, and was playing in an orchestra by 11. She's currently working on a doctorate in engineering from Drexel University, and although she hasn't gotten her idea to BP yet, she hopes they'll consider it if their efforts fail, even though it doesn't involve writing angry letters to Twitter or flooding the Gulf with golf balls.

NWO Busted: Man who exposed Bilderberg reveals conspiracy secrets to EU

The Speech

On BILDERBERG - MEP Mario Borghezio, Daniel Esturin - European Parliament Press Conference

Preview: Mel Fabregas from VERITAS interviews Joseph Farrell, Ph.D.

Source: veritasshow.com

Mel Fabregas from VERITAS interviews Joseph Farrell, Ph.D.: Nazi, Inc. The Nazis lost the war but won the peace. Their business plan continues to this day. War, fascism, 9/11 and even Roswell.

Richard C. Hoagland | Phobos-Ancient Alien Spaceship, Mars, NASA & Disclosure


27 May 2010—Richard C. Hoagland talks about Phobos, Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Cosmic Warfare, 2010 - the year we make contact, the secret history of NASA, ET and disclosure and much more.

download mp3

Dolores Cannon | The Mayan Calendar, 2012 and 5D Earth

Regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon talks about the Mayan Calendar, 2012 and what to expect on 5D Earth as evidenced by her regression hypnotherapy clients who have been reporting on future events while under hypnosis..

Dolores Cannon | 'Volunteer' Souls & Lost Knowledge

Source: coasttocoastam.comozarkmt.com

29. November 2009 — Past-life regressionist and author Dolores Cannon discussed the waves of people known as "volunteers," aliens in human form, who are coming to Earth in increasing numbers, and other "lost knowledge" she derived from her hypnosis sessions with clients placed in deep trance. While ETs seeded the planet, and developed the human race from monkeys, it is only in the last 50 years or so, that volunteer souls from other planets and spiritual dimensions have been coming to Earth to be born in human bodies, she explained. The timing of this relates to the development of nuclear weapons in the 1940s, and the aliens' concern that humanity might destroy itself, she continued. Because the ETs have a policy of non-interference, they felt that bringing new souls, without previous karma, to Earth could bring about a positive change from within, she said.

She delineated three waves of volunteers:
First Wave-- These people would be in their 40s and early 50s now, finally adjusting to life after going through turbulent early years of feeling they didn't belong here. A number tried to commit suicide or were treated for depression.

2nd Wave-- Presently in their 20s and 30s, these folk had an easier time, and have been called "channels, generators, and antennas," and project positive energy. Many have chosen not to have children, as this creates karma, and they don't want to have to return to Earth after this life.

3rd Wave-- The New Children are coming into the world with altered DNA, so they can function in a different reality (vibrations are pushing Earth into a new dimension).

Cannon also touched on her communications with Nostradamus, who told her about the power of the "group mind" to change things, and forestall dire events. She believes we have averted the worst of what Nostradamus warned about, including the coming of the third Antichrist.


Mel Fabregas from VERITAS interviews Jay Weidner - Life After Death, Ancient Texts & The Vril

Source: veritasshow.com

Author, filmmaker, and hermetic scholar Jay Weidner discussed his documentary about life-after-death, as well as his research into an ancient group known as the Aryans or the Vril, who migrated to Mars. His film, Infinity: The Ultimate Trip features such people as Dannion Brinkley and Gregg Braden exploring concepts of the afterlife and reincarnation. Weidner said he made the film to help people not be afraid to die, and to no longer be afraid to live their lives freely. "Once we realize that there's no such thing as death, then I think we're going to be liberated from the political and social environment that we've been thrust into," he said. In the film, Brinkley reported that the government has investigated near-death experiences but has refused to tell the public what they've found, because it's in their interests to control the populace through fear.

Secrets are going to come undone, "and one of the main secrets of all is that we are hyperdimensional beings...and that energies do not die, they only transform themselves," Weidner declared. In his study of the ancient Sanskrit texts called the Puranas, he learned that humanity has been on Earth for as long as a million years, and repeats four different cycles. Our current age, they predicted, will end in the year 2442 with coronal mass ejections wiping out life as we know it.

According to Weidner's interpretation of the Puranas, during one of the previous cycles when solar ejections occurred, a group of Earthlings were able to escape to Mars and live there safely underground. When they returned to Earth, their appearance had changed to tall, pale-colored beings, who became known as the Ayrans or the Vril, he said, adding that they're secretly ruling the planet. He also talked about L. Austine Waddell's research into the Aryans, and director Stanley Kubrick, whom he believed was trying to reveal knowledge of secret ruling societies, in his films like Eyes Wide Shut, and an abandoned project called The Aryan Papers.

B i o
From 1991 to 1995, Jay was the Public Affairs Director at KCMU-FM in Seattle. He also produced and hosted the weekly radio show Mind Over Matters. Jay has written articles for many periodicals and journals over the years. In 1996 and 1997, Jay produced and hosted the Awakening to Gaia conferences in Boulder, Colorado. These two conferences were designed to bring together many of the diverse scholars, authors and teachers interested in examining alternative historical and scientific theories. In 1997, Jay created and produced the alternative esoteric video catalogue named Explorations.

From 1998 to 2000, Jay was the Video Development Director for Conscious Wave Productions in Boulder, Colorado. He also produced, wrote and directed the nationally viewed documentary for Conscious Wave titled, Earth Under Fire with Dr. Paul LaViolette. Since the year 2000, Jay has been the president of Sacred Mysteries Productions, a video production and distribution company. He is currently in production on a feature film called Secret Landscapes.

David Icke and Jordan Maxwell in conversation

Source: projectavalon.net

David Icke and Jordan Maxwell in conversation about the agenda to control Planet Earth, meeting again for the first time in 15 years.

Illuminati Symbolism in Hollywood Movies

Source: redicecreations.com

25. April 2010 — The pyramid and the all-seeing eye. An ancient occult symbol that shows up in religion, churches, Egypt, alchemy, on money, artwork, logos, crop circles, business models, architecture, food, pharma, government and fraternal organizations. Why? This symbol has been a great catalyst for philosophical, religious and political debate. Watch as we trace the pyramid and eye throughout history from Ancient Egypt and Sumer, leading up to the Masons and pop-culture of today. Then, we ask movie goers at the 33rd Gothenburg International Film Festival why this symbol is showing up in Hollywood movies again and again. With all the big film budgets and creative teams available, why the constant use of the pyramid and eye? Let's explore the origins, possible meaning and purpose behind the pyramid and the eye symbolism, for some of us, a symbol we see everyday.

The Bilderberg Group

Source: coasttocoastam.com

May 24,  2010 — In the second half of the program, investigative journalist Daniel Estulin reported on the clandestine activities of the Bilderberg Group, who will soon be holding a meeting in Spain. On June 1, 2010, he'll make history, being the first journalist to give an address on the Bilderberg Group in the European Parliament in Brussels. "Bilderberg isn't a secret society...it's a medium of bringing together the world's most powerful and most predatory financial interests. And at this time it is that combination that is the worst enemy of humanity," he stated. Among the members are CEOs of the leading corporations, bankers, and European royalty, he said, adding that it's not so much about a New World Order, but rather a "one-world company limited...the control of corporations at the expense of government."

"Bilderberg is positioning itself to destroy the United States dollar," Estulin revealed, citing a source who is a US Bilderberg delegate. He also talked about his new book, Shadow Masters, which draws connections between governments and secret service agencies (like the CIA) working together with drug dealers and terrorists for their mutual benefit.

Space Roundtable

Source: coasttocoastam.com

May 26,  2010 — In a 4-hour special, Buzz Aldrin, Richard C. Hoagland, Howard Bloom, and Robert Zubrin discussed the future of the space program, and how branching out to space is more important now than ever. "A nation that looks up, goes up; a nation that looks down goes down. A nation without a sense of a new frontier begins to cave in upon itself...nations make their own resources by opening up radical new frontiers," said multi-disciplinary scientist Bloom, who argued for America staying in the forefront with their space program. One asteroid has up to 17 trillion dollars of resources, with minerals like platinum and lithium that are used for electric vehicles, he noted.

Bloom said he supports private efforts such as Elon Musk's Space X rocket, as well as Aldrin's Unified Space Vision. Joining him in the first half of the show, Apollo astronaut and rocket scientist Buzz Aldrin outlined a plan in which NASA could land on the Martian moon Phobos in 2022 and set up a base, with eventual landings on Mars itself by 2031. Aldrin also said that he supports an international effort to develop the moon with partners such as China and India.

In the second half of the program, founder of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin and C2C Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland discussed and sometimes debated space issues. Zubrin stated he was not in favor of the Obama space plan, and that instead "our goal should be to send humans to Mars by the end of the decade." Hoagland believes Obama has taken bad advice (from John Holdren in particular) in formulating NASA's mission plan. He also talked about the artificiality of NASA's moon Phobos. Zubrin disagreed that Phobos was artificial and argued that we shouldn't bother building a base on it, when the real discoveries (and settlements) were to be made on Mars.

Jordan Maxwell | Close Encounters and other stories

Source: projectavalon.netjordanmaxwell.com

24. Mai 2010 — Bill Ryan: I recently had the great privilege of talking with Jordan Maxwell, fresh after our May 2010 visit to the Vatican, about some of his personal stories and experiences - some of which are astonishing by any standards. One or two he had told in his September 2009 Interview with Project Camelot, but the majority are new. He has shared these with the public before.

There's nothing here about the workings of the Illuminati or the New World Order. Instead you'll be watching Jordan presenting a series of extraordinary and fascinating personal experiences - any one of which would be significant to most people watching this video - but Jordan has MANY. Kick back and enjoy the presentation. Much of this is new material. NOT to be missed.
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