Jordan Maxwell | The Dark Side of Occult Symbolism & Christianity


April 10, 2011–Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades.

Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part that hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore!

In this interview, Jordan begins talking about symbolism found in the underworld of darkness, which was rooted in the ancient world. These same symbols are still being pushed today and people eat it up. He also discusses the occult aspects of war. Jordan says that current events are irrelevant because the "dark stuff" is timeless. Then, he talks about the purpose of detroying the real history.

Later, Jordan discusses Jesus, Christianity and religion. He says religion is not based on the true spirit of God and that religious followers are not connecting to the true divine spirit. Also, the original concepts of Christianity are not present in today's Christianity. It is an ancient story that has never been told. We wrap up briefly talking about Lucifer. Jordan also shares a message given to him by a psychic lady.

Topics discussed: the timeless darkness, symbolism of the dawn, Purim, occult warfare, CIA, blood ritual, confusion, the new dawn, Lucifer and the new age, history, religion, warfare, crusades, Vatican, oil, Jesus, the Roman state religion, the Islamic world, the hidden agenda, government, Mafia families, Church, insanity, the new testament, Barabbas, lies, global socialism and more.

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John Lamb Lash On TMRN Radio, April 2, 2011


April 2, 2011–Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents: John Lamb Lash On TMRN Radio

Stewart Swerdlow | Inner Space, Outer Space and Beyond


April 9, 2011–Join us tonight at 8pm pacific/9pm mountain/10pm central/11pm eastern – as we welcome our much requested guest: Stewart Swerdlow of Expansions to discuss current events both on earth and in the cosmos and what we can expect to endure over the next few months.

Stewart will take you on a ride through the recent events of this five sense reality, then even deeper into the very consciousness of humanity and how we can elevate ourselves beyond this illusion by understanding who we are and where we came from.

In the final 1 hour and a half of the broadcast we are joined by Alexander Higgens, Shep, Bob and Mark of the Intel Hub. ~Truth Frequency Radio

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The Great Global Warming Swindle (Full documentary film)

The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming.

The film's basic premise is that the current scientific opinion on the anthropogenic causes of global warming has numerous scientific flaws, and that vested monetary interests in the scientific establishment and the media discourage the public and the scientific community from acknowledging or even debating this. The film asserts that the publicised scientific consensus is the product of a "global warming activist industry" driven by a desire for research funding. Other culprits, according to the film, are Western environmentalists promoting expensive solar and wind power over cheap fossil fuels in Africa, resulting in African countries being held back from industrialising.

The film won best documentary at the 2007 Io Isabella International Film Week.

A number of academics, environmentalists, think-tank consultants and writers are interviewed in the film in support of its various assertions. They include the Canadian environmentalist Patrick Moore, former member of Greenpeace but for the past 21 years a critic of the organisation; Richard Lindzen, professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Patrick Michaels, Research Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia; Nigel Calder, editor of New Scientist from 1962 to 1966; John Christy, professor and director of the Earth System Science Center at University of Alabama; Paul Reiter of the Pasteur Institute; former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson; and Piers Corbyn, a British weather forecaster.

Carl Wunsch, professor of oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was also interviewed but has since said that he strongly disagrees with the film's conclusions and the way his interview material was used.

Ann Eller | Dragon In The Sky - Planet X, ET Contact and Beyond


Ann Eller, who worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the Father of UFO-Alien research, has a unique perspective on the UFO enigma.

Ann's fascinating story also revisits her days in the White House during the Clinton administration, as a medevac nurse for the Peace Corps, and her exceptional encounters with other-worldly beings.

Because of her time spent with Dr. Hynek, Ann offers a completely different insight into the inner workings of UFO studies and research, as well as her recollections of UFO information with which she became acquainted while serving as Hynek's personal secretary.

Peggy Kelly-Davies | Practical Hypnosis


April 5, 2011–Peggy Kelly-Davies is the founder of The Hypnosis Connection in Bowmanville, ON.· She is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Master Hypnotist, is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor through the National Guild of Hypnostists in the US, and is also an Award Winning Certified Instructor for 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® through The Banyan Hypnosis Center in Tustin, California.

Peggy has also served as a Director on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association of Hypnotherapists in Toronto for 2 years.· She is President of the Toronto East Chapter of the NGH & Vice-President of the Mississauga NGH Chapter.

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Jordan Maxwell, Bob Evans on Truth Frequency Radio, April 8, 2011


Another special broadcast, with the legend himself, Jordan Maxwell to discuss the veil of secrecy in this world and the effect it has on our consciousness.

And in the second hour we welcome independent researcher Bob Evans to discuss his intensive research into ELENIN and his discoveries through from the last several years. The information is mind blowing to say the least and definitely a great addition to the archive regarding this topic. Truth Frequency Radio

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James Gilliland | Transcending in the Midst of Chaos


James Gilliland discussed the most recent attempt by the government to shut down the ECETI Ranch and what he is doing to save it. Apparently, there is a concerted effort to curtail the dissemination of information that will assist humanity in the ascension process. We discussed current world events and how to transcend in the midst of chaos. ECETI continues to operate and a conference is scheduled as usual for this year.

James Gilliland is an author, minister, transpersonal intuitive counselor, visionary, and founder of Sattva Sanctuary (the Self Mastery Earth Institute), and ECETI (Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). His books include: A Reunion with Source , Becoming Gods 2, and the soon to be released Ultimate Soul Journey. He is also featured in two videos, Project Contact, and The Keys to Utopia. After a Near Death experience, James was expanded into what he calls interdimensional mind. This greater awareness brought him into a greater understanding of the vast interdimensional multiverses in which we live.

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Ted Loder & Steven Greer: Do we really still need nuclear power?


World Puja Network Show - April 8, 2011

- Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer -

Dr. TED LODER & Steven Greer:
'Do We Really Still Need Nuclear Power?'

With the tragedy in Japan we need to examine this issue again. Dr. Greer and Dr. Loder will discuss the fallacy that nuclear power is the only viable solution that will not pollute the environment. At is an article from the American Federation of Scientists talking about how even small positive developments in solar energy have been suppressed. If even these incremental improvements to traditional alternatives have been suppressed, how much more suppression there must be for the truly innovative solutions! How can we wait any longer to have these real solutions out to the public?

Project Camelot - Bob Dean - A Conversation 2011


In February we were fortunate to have a chance to connect once again with one of our favorite people, one-man disclosure project, Bob Dean. Soon to celebrate his 82nd birthday, he was in good form and waxing eloquent about his relationship with ETs, breaking his security oath and looking toward the future with eyes wide-open.

This is not an interview but rather after three interviews we choose to have a rousing conversation about statements he has made, whether the people are ready for the truth and whether they can handle it. As always, he rises to the occasion giving as good as he gets and taking no prisoners. Eyes twinkling he leads the viewer down the rabbit hole a bit deeper while taking care not to reveal more than he feels the listener can stand.

Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan
February 2011

Max Igan & Bob Tuskin - Mind Control, Mercury & Big Fish


April 2, 2011-This week we are joined by Max Igan and Bob Tuskin for a free flowing round table about mind control, mercury, spirituality, community and the big fish tearing up our fish bowl. -Truth Frequency Radio

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Exotica Radio - Duncan O'Finioan: Part 2-"Stormbringer"


April 2, 2011-The second part of the conversation ties together some looses ends from part one with some questions answered, and some comments questioned. We go deep into the structures of the elite families, the inner workings of justice and eforcement when "they" step over the's too late for "them" to change sides; the future battle, the end game...what will it look like, and the choices to be made, the need to PREPARE; spiritual warfare on multiple levels; racism, false internet "insiders", a false peace and prosperity cycle before the big smack down?...we also discuss the Tuscon, AZ shooter Jared Loughner as MKUltra, and Duncan's analysis of the events...and: "read between the lines..."

Duncan, and his partner/body guard, "Axe" will return for another round soon. - Randy Maugans

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