Jim Marrs, Cody Lundin | Suppressed News, May 9, 2011

Source: costtocoastam.com, jimmarrs.com, codylundin.com

May 9, 2011–Author Jim Marrs discussed various conspiracy theories, and how events such as the ongoing deadly radiation from the Fukushima reactors and spraying of Corexit in the Gulf continue with little news coverage. We live in a "fake world" now, he contended. with such issues surrounding Pres. Obama such as his birth certificate, the so-called killing of bin Laden, and the phony pictures of his dead body that appeared. The secret operatives that claimed to have killed Osama bin Laden dumped his body into the ocean saying it was custom in his homeland of Saudi Arabia, a predominately desert country, and without any objective forensics performed. If bin Laden was unarmed, why didn't they capture him to bring him to trial for his crimes?, asked Marrs.

According to many credible sources, bin Laden has been dead since December 2001, probably from his kidney problems. This wasn't reported back then because the government needed to keep him alive in order to justify such programs as the Patriot Act, and Homeland Security, he conjectured. The removal of bin Laden now was a tactic to take people's mind off Obama's issues about his birth certificate and citizenship, he continued.

Regarding suppression of news coverage of Japan's nuclear radiation which is still spewing from the damaged plants, he cited how "the nuclear industry doesn't want everyone to know how bad this is, because we would be doing like Germany is doing and shutting all nuclear plants down." Speaking about the UFO secrecy issue, Marrs said disclosure hasn't taken place because government & the military don't want to admit to the public that there's technology that they don't have, and that they don't have any control over this technology.

Survival Skills
First hour guest, Founder of the Aboriginal Living Skills School, Cody Lundin, talked about the recent case of a woman surviving 49 days trapped in the wilderness. Her husband, who hasn't been found yet, probably was following GPS, instead of following where he was going, and that probably cost him his life, he suggested. Lundin shared survival skills, which include training on how to handle body temperature regulation. He noted that the highest cause of death in the wilderness stems from either hypothermia or hyperthermia.

News segment guests: John Lott, Catherine Austin Fitts

Secret Space Program Conference, Amsterdam April 3, 2011

Source: secretspaceprogram.com, argusoog.org

Peter Levenda
Topic: Sinister forces, Paper clip, Nazi to NASA Secret Space Program, JFK and the Cold War

Timothy Good
Topic: Aliens - A need to know - The Greatest Cover-up of all time.

Richard Hoagland
Topic: 9/11, "Where did the Towers Go?" by Dr. Judy Wood

Richard Dolan
Topic: Worlds Above and Below: How A Secret Civilization Broke Away From Our Own

Ed Grimsley
Topic: Nightvision, UFO Wars

Robin Falkov | Herbs, Health and Food Freedom & Radiation Defense, May 8, 2011

Source: redicecreations.com, healthfreedomrights.com

May 8, 2011–Robin Falkov is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, has practiced Homeopathy for over 25 years, and is a Diplomat of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners. Falkov, a licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine, is fully trained in Traditional Chinese & Herbal Medicine. Her comprehensive consultations include nutritional therapies, diet and lifestyle review.

She joins us to talk about food & health freedom, radiation and pollution defense and the medical system. We begin the interview talking about the herbal ban in the EU. Then, Robin discusses the HR1364 bill in America, to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act concerning the distribution of information on legitimate scientific research in connection with foods and dietary supplements, and for other purposes.

It seems big pharma doesn't want the public to know about plants that cure, especially since they cannot patent plants. Robin will also talk about the pros and cons of the medical system. Later, we get into the important topic of the effects of radiation, as well as other pollutants, and what we can do to help build a defense against it.

Topics Discussed: herbal ban in EU, bureaucrats, HR 1364, freedom of speech and science, Australia banning plants, plants that cure cancer, children on medication, medical system, nutrition, chemicals, eating locally, eating in season, Japan, radiation, Gulf oil spill, hydroponic gardening, greenhouses, potassium iodine, depopulation, seafood, long term toxic exposure, radiation measurements and more.
~Red Ice Creations

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Today, May 9, 2011 marks the 1-year anniversary of the Information Machine. It’s been a great year. The feedback for this project is very positive. I would like to thank all visitors and those who support this project.
I am grateful for your generosity.

Some statistics for the first year. I have done 803 posts and the site reached 121.600+ visitors worldwide.

We live in interesting times and I will do my best to assist you all with some profound informations.

Best wishes,

Dr. Brian O'Leary | Free Energy, May 3, 2011

Source: spectrumradionetwork.com, brianoleary.info

May 3, 2011–Over the past twenty years, Dr. O'Leary has researched, lectured and written extensively about new paradigms of science and global transformation. His most recent book Re-Inheriting the Earth describes how we can lift out of ourselves out of our current path of global destruction. Much of his work is based on extensive international travels to some of the best and brightest researchers of new science, new medicine and "free" energy.

Dr. O'Leary has published internationally ten trade books on the frontiers of science, space, energy and culture, with sales averaging over 10,000 copies per book. He was a NASA scientist-astronaut, assistant professor of astronomy at Cornell University alongside Carl Sagan, and has also taught Physics for Poets and Princeton University and technology assessment at the University of California Berkeley School of Law and Hampshire College. He has published over 100 technical papers in the peer reviewed scientific literature and another 100 popular magazine and Op-Ed pieces worldwide. He has appeared frequently on American national television and radio, including the Today Show, Larry King Live, the Donahue Show and the Art Bell Show.(C.V.)

Max Igan on TNSRadio, May 8, 2011

Source: tnsradio.ning.com, thecrowhouse.com

Brizer from TNSRADIO interviews Max Igan.

Julian Assange RT Exclusive - Full Interview

Source: RT.com

Wikileaks' Julian Assange speaks exclusively to RT. The man behind WikiLeaks says his website's revelations are just the tip of the iceberg. In an exclusive interview with RT, Julian Assange said it is only a matter of time before more damaging information becomes known.

Max Igan | Bin Laden, Beltane & the Rituals of the Matrix

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - American Voice Radio - 05/06/11

Lloyd Pye | Starchild Skull DNA, Disclosure & Directed Panspermia

Source: redicecreations.com, starchildproject.com, Starchild Skull DNA Analysis Report - 2011, lloydpye.com

May 5, 2011–Lloyd Pye is an author and researcher widely known for his work with the Starchild Skull. Before writing alternative nonfiction, he was known for his best selling nonfiction book Everything You Know Is Wrong. In this interview, Lloyd shares his latest breakthrough research into the Starchild Skull.

He'll begin talking about mitochondrial DNA and DNA classifications of various species known and unknown. At what point can he claim the Starchild Skull as alien? Then, Lloyd will talk about how he believes the Starchild Skull can be a smooth bridging mechanism into alien disclosure.

He briefly discusses government involvement with aliens, the underworld of geneticists and the NIH database. Later, Lloyd opens up and shares his theory about how life began on Earth through"directed panspermia," not by evolution. He says all life everywhere has related DNA. We are ubiquitous beings that all have similar functions. He'll also discuss the scientific community, the disbelievers vs. the true cutting edge scientists. Lloyd will also talk about the positive side of post-disclosure and new technology.

Topics Discussed: Mitochondrial DNA, 23 Chromosomes, nuclear technology, genetic technology, haplogroups, 33 majors, Neanderthal, genes from ET, Star Wars bar scene, Ubiquitous DNA, Dinosaurs, exo-planet research, the intervention theory, panspermia and more. ~Red Ice Creations

VERITAS | Richard Dolan - A.D. After Disclosure

Source: veritasshow.com, keyholepublishing.com, UFOs & The National Security State, A.D. [After Disclosure]

Richard Dolan talked about his new book, co-authored with Bryce Zabel, After Disclosure, which examines what life will be like after the reality of UFOs is revealed. Despite what has been a fruitless, decades-long fight for answers to the UFO enigma, the authors contended that disclosure is an inevitability.

"There's going to be a time, a day, a moment, an event," Dolan said, "something in which the 'powers that be' are forced to make the decision to disclose." "When they do decide they have to give it up, because events are spinning out of their own control, they'll try to manage it, even as it goes public." Having looked at the various possible scenarios where UFO disclosure becomes such a necessity, they determined that an incontrovertible, mass UFO sighting recorded by modern technology would be the most likely event.

Detailing how he thinks they think UFO disclosure would unfold, the authors speculated that the announcement may occur on a Friday afternoon. They theorized that this timing would be used to off-set a potentially catastrophic stock market reaction and to also allow for the general public to use the weekend to digest the stunning news.

The duo traced the disclosure announcement from the first day, which they foresee as a time of confusion and potential panic, to the first week, when people would begin asking questions about why and how this news remained secret for so long. This call for accountability, they said, would result in a paradoxical relationship between society and the media, military, and government, where they would be blamed for "missing" the story but also looked to for answers and protection.

Ultimately, Zabel and Dolan put forward the idea that, while the first post-disclosure year would be "a bumpy ride," society will eventually stabilize as it becomes acclimated to the new world that has emerged from beneath the veil of secrecy.

Richard M. Dolan was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1962. He holds an MA in History from the University of Rochester and a BA in History from Alfred University. He earned a Certificate in Political Theory from Oxford University and was a Rhodes Scholar finalist. Prior to his interest in anomalous phenomena, Dolan studied US Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy.

In 2000, he published a 500-page study, UFOs and the National Security State. This is the first volume of a two-part historical narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Included are the records of more than fifty military bases relating to innumerable violations of sensitive airspace by unknown objects, demonstrating that the US military has taken the topic of UFOs seriously indeed.

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell has called Dolan's book "monumental," while Dr. Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, has declared it to be "a must-read for serious students in the field."Dolan has published numerous articles on anomalous phenomena, science, and the intelligence community for UFO Magazine. In 2003, he helped to found Phenomena, a magazine dedicated to leading edge issues pertaining to science and society, and for which he continues to serve as Senior Editor and regular contributor. Richard Dolan also continues to research and write volume two of UFOs and the National Security State. He lives with his family in Rochester, New York.

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William Henry | The God Particle, Conscious Energy and YOU

Source: unknowncountry.com, WilliamHenry.net

April 27, 2011–William Henry has been doing research into the very latest discoveries about the god particle, and Whitley Strieber interviews him in this special--and VERY special edition of Revelations about the profound meaning of this discovery, and whether or not we are opening a door to the conscious energy that is all around us.

Who are the 'immovable ones' and why did the ancient Maya say that an oil called itz will fall from the sky and play a role in the opportunity for human transformation that is upon us? Rich wisdom and information here.

Secrets of The 3rd Reich (Full Version)

Evidence of the use of extra terrestrial technology. One of the last great mysteries of the 20th century is the occult past of the 3rd reich, and membership of secret societies by some of its leading exponents.

The question as to whether these people were aware of the existence of lost extraterrestrial technologies, once applied by past advanced cultures, is raised by completely new research, supported by historical documents and original film footage of the period. Were the disk-shaped flying objects (UFOs), driven by anti-gravitation forces, actually constructed?.

Test pilots, engineers and investigators explain the Nazi programme for space travel and contact with aliens. Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.

Topics: ufo, conspiracy, illuminati, mars, coverup, secret space programm, antigravity, free energy, nazi technology, atlantis
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