Gabe Valdez - Cattle Mutilations, August 1, 2011


Gabe Valdez was a New Mexico state patrol officer assigned to areas plagued with cattle mutilations and UFO sightings. He investigated these mutilations and has come to some unique conclusions that he believes he has seen sufficient proof to support. Valdez also worked with Paul Bennewitz and retired Air Force Intelligence officer, Richard Doty, the two people who started the rumors that there was a joint Human-Alien secret base under the Archuleta Mesa just outside of Dulce, NM. We will get his take on this theory as well. Interview start 0:38:00

Giorgio Tsoukalos - Ancient Aliens, July 31, 2011


July 31, 2011-Producer of Ancient Aliens, and publisher of Legendary Times magazine, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, joined George Knapp to ponder the idea that extraterrestrials have been visiting us since the dawn of man and how they continue to visit us. The new season of Ancient Aliens just kicked off with an episode tied in with the movie Cowboys & Aliens. Native American lore refers to such things as ant people, and flying shields-- this might have been how they would describe aliens and their craft without having a technological frame of reference, he explained. The Kachinas were said to descend from the sky and give knowledge to Native American ancestors, and some carvings they made of them look like modern day astronauts, with helmets, antennae, and tubes, he continued.

Tsoukalos talked about a newspaper report of a UFO incident that took place in 1865 in Montana. A trapper saw a fiery object crash, and tracked it down. He found what looked like a great big rock that had chambers with hieroglyphs in it. Some Native Americans described Thunderbirds as having skins like metal, impenetrable to arrows-- rather than birds, these might have been alien craft. He believes that in cases where ancient people referred to gods, they were actually talking about ET visitors who would seem like gods, because they didn't understand their technology.

Written in the Egyptian text, al-khitat, "the pyramids were built by the Egyptians with the assistance of the guardians in the sky, or the watchers from heaven," Tsoukalos detailed. He estimated that the pyramids at Giza were erected 12,500 years ago, during a "golden age," when the structures lined up with what was then the position of Orion's belt in the sky. He also spoke about the Nazca lines in Peru, which he suggested may have originally been part of an ET mining operation that left tracks, and the locals expanded on the lines in order to get the "gods" to come back.

David Hatcher Childress & Brien Foerster - Mystery of the Ancient Elongated Skulls July 31, 2011


July 31, 2011-David Hatcher Childress is the author of 15 books, including The Lost Cities Series. He has appeared in numerous documentaries about Atlantis, ancient mysteries and UFOs. David has been on expeditions around the world, beginning at the age of 19, in search for lost cities, ancient mysteries and clues of our origins.

At 11 years of age Brien Foerster became fascinated with the Native art of the Haida native people and began carving totem poles, and other related art forms. He completed an Honours Bachelor Of Science degree, but decided to take up carving and sculpture full time. After working in Hawaii as assistant project manager for the building of a 62 foot double hull sailing canoe, he started an online outrigger paddle business, which flourished internationally.

Peru became his next major area of interest. The study of the Inca culture led to his writing a book, A Brief History Of The Incas and he runs Hidden Inca Tours in Peru. David and Brien join us for an interview to talk about their co-authored book about the phenomenon of cranial elongation. The Inca may have been the last people in South America to exhibit this characteristic. Cranial elongation was global in scope, and seemed to occur over at least 2 time periods; the greater number were bound skulls of the priestly and regal class or classes, wanting their children to "look like the ancestors and have their intelligence and psychic power." The older ones, mainly in Peru, were the ancestors. -Red Ice Creations

Elongated Skulls Of Paracas

Max Igan - Revolution Radio - July 24, 2011


Panel Discussion: Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011


Richard Dolan, Peter Levenda, Timothy Good, Ed Grimsley, Richard C. Hoagland

Timothy Good: Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011


Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence - the most highly classified subject on Earth.

Since 1961, he has amassed a wealth of evidence, including several thousand declassified intelligence documents.

Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations, including the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group, and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies.

In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the West to be interviewed on Russian television. He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002. He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations. He is known to millions through his numerous television appearances and has co-produced several documentaries on the subject.

Ed Grimsley: Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011


Ed Grimsley has been seeing battles between unknown aircraft in the night skies since he was a teenager. Since then he has continued seeing what appear to be Delta shaped and Saucer shaped aircraft in space shooting it out using what appear to be laser weapons. He has seen hundreds of these objects recently and using his five Military grade night vision binoculars he has invited many people to come to his areas and view the objects in earth space shooting it out. Using his night vision glasses, even skeptics who thought he was 'seeing things' have now been convinced that what Ed Grimsley has been trying to tell people about all these years is very real.

Marc Stevens - Individual Sovereignty vs. Government Enslavement: The Politics of Voluntary Servitude, July 29, 2011


In this interview longtime legal researcher, author and radio host Marc Stevens parses the techniques that government uses on every level in the U.S.A. to intimidate and manipulate individuals into voluntary compliance with a fraudulent system.

Advocating degrees of non-compliance; describing himself as anti-violence, anti-human-farming, Stevens vociferously asserts that:
- The federal government has always been a tool of the super wealthy.
- All politics is diversion from the reality of the larger construct, away from the
underlying violence.
- We are participating in our own enslavement; complacent out of fear of reprisal.
- Government methods of intimidation into submission are criminal.
- While the burden of non-compliance with fraudulent systems lies with the
individual, questioning the system at any juncture with judges, police and
bureaucrats meets deflection, anger, and is dealt with punitively.

And much more.

Marc Stevens is the author of Adventures in Legal Land, a scathing expose on the true nature of government based on real court room experience. Marc also hosts The No State Project, a weekly radio show dedicated to bringing about a voluntary society, heard on 10 AM/FM affiliates. The show is live every Sat from 4-7pm est. Marc Stevens knows how to make judges and bureaucrats squirm and worry with his powerful method of simple critical questioning that deals with factual reality instead of legal fictions and deception.

Christopher Knight & Alan Butler - Civilization One, The Moon & The Megalithic Yard July 28, 2011


Chris became a writer almost by accident. In 1976 he became a Freemason because he was curious to know what the organization was really about. He decided to conduct his own private research and for the next 20 years he slowly reconstructed the origins of the craft. Four books later, he is known for his investigations into ritual and belief systems.

Alan Butler is an engineer as well as a professional writer. He set out on a two decade search that led to the decoding of some of the most important details regarding prehistoric knowledge and achievement in Europe. Alan Butler is a recognized expert in ancient cosmology. Chris and Alan have also co-authored four books including, Civilization One and Who Built the Moon? In this first hour, we'll talk with both Chris and Alan about Civilization One. They say there must have been a highly advanced precursor to what is currently the earliest recognized civilization. They'll talk about the mystery of the ancient "megalithic yard"-an incredibly precise unit of measurement that's based on a deep understanding of the solar system.

Chris and Alan will also talk about our universe as being designed to make humans, patterns and messages in our solar system, human DNA and time travelers. Later, we discuss megalithic builders and stone circle technology. -Red Ice Creations

download mp3

Carmen Boulter - Egypt & Pyramid Mysteries, July 27, 2011


Former professor at the University of Calgary, Carmen Boulter, discussed the pyramids in Egypt, and other mysteries of their ancient culture. The Great Pyramid served as an energy generator, based on the materials it was constructed out of, and its location on intersecting ley lines, she said. The ancient Egyptians may have had energy devices that used telluric or Earth currents, she theorized. Further, the Great Pyramid might have harnessed and stored power created by the interaction of sunlight on water moving through zigzag passageways, to build a charge with crystalline matrices, she added. Working with sound, light, and magnetism, flowing energy was enhanced by the shape and structure of the pyramids, which also had water tables underneath them, she noted.

"I think the Egyptians were in touch with higher level beings," and the realms of the unseen, in the way that shamans are, she commented. There were places where they used a substance like mercury and immersed themselves in what may have been huge teleportation chambers, she continued. Boulter shared some anomalous photos (see below) that she recently took in Egypt, which included unexplained lights over the Great Pyramid, as well as images from the Temple of Dendera that depict their creation mythology.

She believes some of Egypt's triumphs like the Great Pyramid were built during a 'Golden Age' as far back as 50,000 years ago, based on the length of precessional cycles. The pyramids "were probably put there to stave off the declining energy as we were slipping from the energy of the Golden Age," she suggested. Boulter also announced her involvement with, a soon-to-launch online learning and social action network.

Richard C. Hoagland - Comet Elenin as a Time Capsule, Norway Attack & The Messengers of Horus, July 25, 2011


July 25, 2011-Richard C. Hoagland is a former museum space science Curator, a former NASA Consultant and was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. In the early 1970's, Hoagland proposed to Carl Sagan (along with Eric Burgess) the placement of a "message to Mankind" aboard Pioneer 10 -- humanity's "first" unmanned probe of Jupiter. Since then he has been pioneering the pursuit of uncovering the hidden data of our solar system. He is the author of several books, probably most famous for his theories on the face on Mars.

His website, is updated regularly with analytical research into current anomalies on our planet and way beyond. In this interview, Richard shares his convincing theory about Comet Elenin, its symbolism, purpose and message which is a positive one. He rips apart the fear-porn propaganda about Comet Elenin as this is a key point in time and someone or something is intervening to steer consciousness into another direction. Could it be that Elenin is a time capsule sent by our ancestors containing important information crucial for this time? Then, Hoagland weaves together an intense eye-opener which connects Comet Elenin with September 11, the original masonic message, the bombing in Norway and the secret space program.

Stephen Bassett on WDD, upcoming UFO Conferences, Area 51, Roswell, Nasa and ET Disclosure, July 25, 2011


July 25, 2011-Steve Bassett, advocate for ending the government imposed truth embargo regarding the ET presence, updated his progress pushing for government disclosure of UFOs.

His latest effort is for a World Disclosure Day, and he noted with interest, that a large number of online endorsements have come from citizens of mainland China. He suggested that the defunding of SETI could have a positive effect on disclosure, because he believes the program serves as a propaganda front to take the the pressure off the government revealing what it knows.

Bassett also argued that the emergence of more high profile contactees (such as musicians Sammy Hagar, and Robbie Williams), as well as coverage of the topic on such TV programs as The Daily Show and Colbert Report will help drive the disclosure movement.
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