James Horak | EMVs, Kontrolle der Sonne und der Solare Amboss

Source: emvsinfo.blogspot.com

EMVs, Kontrolle der Sonne und der Solare Amboss

Gigantisches Objekt in der Nähe der Sonne entdeckt - Der Solare Amboss
Zeitraffer der Sonnenaktivität vom 1. Juni bis zum 12. Juli 2011
Komposit der Bilder von SECCHI COR2-A und SECCHI EUVI-A 304
vom Naval Research Laboratory auf www.Helioviewer.org zur Verfügung gestellt

James Horak erklärt die erstaunlichen Phänomene, die wir in der Nähe der Sonne beobachten können. In einer 2 Uhr Position sehen wir ein Objekt, den Solaren Amboss, der bisher nie von der Wissenschaft erwähnt wurde. Dieses Objekt ist einhundert mal größer als alle Planeten des Sonnensystems zusammen und war schon immer dort und wurde von den Sonnenobservatorien im Weltraum abgebildet und ist nun für die ganze Welt zu sehen. Diese Sensation wird uns mit dem Kommentar der NASA präsentiert, dies sei eine Faser vom Mantel des Weihnachtsmanns aber jeder kennt die wahre Abkürzung für NASA: Niemals eine ehrliche Antwort (Never A Straight Answer). Das Naval Research Laboratory scheint es nicht zu kümmern...

Sie sind Zeuge einer erstaunlichen Entdeckung und aufgefordert Ihr Konzept der Realität neu zu überdenken, zögern Sie nicht, diese 'Entdeckung' wird unsere Welt verändern und unsere Überlebenschancen erhöhen. Bedenke auch: spirituelle Technologie von gigantischen Ausmaßen kümmert sich unablässig um unser Wohlergehen und kann jetzt bei ihrer Tätigkeit beobachtet werden.

In diesem Video sehen Sie nach einer Serie von sechs starken Eruptionen innerhalb von vier Tagen, vom ersten Juni bis zum 12 Juli 2011, daß das Gebiet zwischen dem 'Solaren Amboss' und der Sonne sich verdunkelt. In einen energiearmen Zustand verwandelt, bildet das dunkle Gebiet eine Art Verbindung zwischen Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss. Nach diesen Eruptionen und der Bildung des 'Kanals' oder 'Portals' füllt sich das ganze Gebiet um die Sonne herum mit sich schnell bewegenden Objekten. Diese Objekte nutzen den Kanal oder Portal das von der Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss gebildet wird um aus dem ganzen Universum hierher zu springen, meistens nur als Durchgangsverkehr, wie James weiß.

Die EMVs und ET-Schiffe, die zahlreich ein- und austreten nutzen Zeit-Kompression um das Portal zu passieren, die von der Energie der Sonne und dem Solaren Amboss ermöglicht werden.

Wir sehen weitere merkwürdige Objekte aber das Eigenartigste ist ein Sonnen-Kreuzer, einem Schmetterling ähnelnd, der auf einem gekrümmten Weg vorbeizieht und einem Flare nahekommt und dort auftankt. Diese Zivilisation benutzt eine unterschiedliche Technologie, vielleicht sind sie die Hippies des Universums?

Die Anzahl von solaren Explosionen innerhalb von nur sechs Wochen ist erstaunlich und man könnte bezweifeln, daß die Sonne mehr als sechs Milliarden Jahre aktiv sein kann ohne auszubrennen.

Diese Bilder sind so ehrfurchteinflößend, insbesondere wenn Du anerkennst was hier von dem bestqualifiziertesten Mann, den es gibt, offenbart wird und der uns helfen wird ebenso zu den Sternen zu gelangen - falls wir die Neue Welt Ordnung vereiteln.

'Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun' - was wusste Pink Floyd darüber?


David Morgan | Silver and the Global Recession, August 11, 2011

Source: veritasshow.com

With the current global crisis and stock market meltdowns we bring David Morgan, an economist and silver expert to discuss the merits of buying silver to hedge the falling dollar. We discussed the current global economic crisis, the Federal Reserve, and more.

Seduced by silver at the tender age of 11, David Morgan started investing in the stock market while still a teenager. A precious metals aficionado armed with degrees in finance and economics as well as engineering, he created the Silver-Investor.com website and originated The Morgan Report, a monthly that covers economic news, overall financial health of the global economy, currency problems ahead and reasons for investing in precious metals.

David considers himself a big-picture macroeconomist whose main job as education—educating people about honest money and the benefits of a sound financial system—and his second job as teaching people to be patient and have conviction in their investment holdings. A dynamic, much-in-demand speaker all over the globe, David's educational mission also makes him a prolific author having penned "Get the Skinny on Silver Investing" available as an e-book or through Amazon.com. As publisher of The Morgan Report, he has appeared on CNBC, Fox Business, and BNN in Canada. He has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Futures Magazine, The Gold Report and numerous other publications.

Additionally, he provides the public a tremendous amount of information by radio and writes often in the public domain. You are encouraged to sign up for his free publication which starts you off with the Ten Rules of Silver Investing where he was published almost a decade ago after being recognized as one of the top authorities in the arena of Silver Investing.

Newly Released UFO files from the UK Government, August 11, 2011

Source: ufos.nationalarchives.gov.uk

Files released in August 2011

The files contain a wide range of UFO-related documents, drawings, letters and parliamentary questions covering the years 1985-2007.

Read eyewitness accounts of UFO sightings, see the picture of a ‘flying saucer’ which was sent for analysis by defence experts and discover the bizarre story of ‘Mork and Mindy's' visit to East Dulwich.

Start by reading our highlights guide (PDF, 397kb) to help you navigate your way through the files released in August 2011.

Seven files in this tranche (DEFE 31/182/1-188/1) contain copies of numerous UFO reports made by members of the public and submitted to MoD between April 1993 and July 1996. These reports are duplicates of papers from tranche #4 of the UFO files, released by The National Archives in August 2009 (DEFE 24/1959/1-1961/1 and DEFE 24/1974/1-76/1 on the webpage).
Due to the large size of some of these files, we recommend you save them to your PC before opening them. Please right click on the links and select the ‘save’ option.

Link to the Archive

Christopher Everard | Fukushima Update, Mind Control & Religious Programming, August 9, 2011

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, Christopher Everard

August 9, 2011–Chris & Sheree guest host Blacklisted News Radio and interview British Filmaker, Author and founder of Enigma Tv, Christopher Everard. We discuss Fukushima updates, radiation, mind control, religious programming. ~Truth Frequency Radio

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Suzanne Toro interviews Clif High, August 3, 2011

Source: Suzanne Toro, halfpasthuman.com, webbotforum.com

Content includes: Patrick Geryl, Solar Activity, Clif High, Matterium, 7 sacred plants, crop circles, earthquakes, inland seas, 9.11.11, 10.11.11, 1.6.12, 12.20.12...Lettuce & Kale, Beyond linear education, Self imposed World Economic Crisis, Asia, Australia, South America, Meditation, Bipolar earth and human impacts, Weeping Mountains...the big Shake and Bake.

Dr. Nick Begich | HAARP & Mind Control, August 8, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com, earthpulse.com

August 8, 2011–Lecturer on new technologies, health and earth science related issues, Dr. Nick Begich gave updates on Project HAARP and its implications for controlling weather and populations, as well as how we can develop a strong influence for personal and global change through technology and our own internal power. HAARP is an array of antennas, and by firing radio frequencies through them, a number of effects can be created such as altering the ionosphere (which begins about 30 mile above the Earth), he explained. These instruments can create a heating effect and as a consequence might be used for changing jet streams or manipulating the weather, he noted.

He cited one positive aspect of HAARP-- it can be used for earth-penetrating tomography, imaging under the earth's surface and being able to isolate every oil and gas field, for example. Yet, HAARP has also been associated with mind effects and the impact of radio frequency energy on the human body. A modulated external signal couples with the brain, and can change a person's chemical and emotional state, he detailed. Begich also touched on the history of mind control, such as the early work of the CIA's MK-ULTRA, which used unwitting subjects.

There's a lot of interest in the effects of various kinds of energy exchanges in fields as diverse as the military and the healing arts, such as using sound and light for tissue regeneration, he noted. Begich also addressed how his home state of Alaska has a huge base of natural resources, such as oil, which could be used as a source to help bail America out of its economic woes.

Wayne Herschel | The Jordanian Codices, August 7, 2011

Source: redicecreations.com, thehiddenrecords.com

Wayne Hershel is a symbologist and author of "The Hidden Records". He is with us to discuss the exciting new find of "The Jordanian Codices". They are a very interesting collection of credit card sized lead and copper books that first was brought to the attention of the world in March 2011.

With as-of-yet undeciphered text and symbols, they are believed to contain information about early Christianity, the sects around the Middle East and maybe even details about the life of Jesus. The cave where the discovery was made is less than 100 miles from Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The question is if these codices contain an equally amount of interesting and sensitive information. Wayne Herschel, born in 1959, lives in Cape Town. He has always had a passion for the unexplained and the mysterious.

In his childhood, a strange sighting of lights in the sky, which was later well publicized in the media as a mass sighting, made an indelible impression on him. Like others before him who had been privileged to experience a paranormal event, he was inspired by the realization that we cannot possibly be alone in the universe. This would become a powerful new point of reference for him in reasoning humankind's ancient historical heritage… which remains shrouded in mystery to this very day. Many years later, in his early twenties, Wayne had another brush with the 'unexplained' in a motor cycle accident during a cross country event. He vividly recalls having had what is well documented as a so called 'near death experience'.

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Matthew Alper | The Brain & Spiritual Beliefs, August 7, 2011

Source: coasttocoastam.com, godpart.com

Author and philosopher Matthew Alper shared his contention that human beings are genetically hard wired to experience belief in spirituality and various paranormal phenomena, even though there is no scientific basis for it. According to sociobiology, there are regions in the human brain that generate these belief systems, and Alper concluded that the brain evolved this way as a coping mechanism to deal with the knowledge of our inevitable deaths. "I believe that the anxiety [about death] was so overwhelming that it forced the selection of this cognitive modification which...compels us to believe that there's this other transcendental force...through which, even though we know the physical body will die, we now believe this spiritual component will live on forever," he said.

Alper reported on studies of meditation and prayer, which show decreased blood flow in the amygdala region of the brain-- this helps to reduce anxiety and fear, which could account for the sense of spirituality. Similarly, he noted that the parietal lobe also gets a decreased blood flow, which can affect spatial and temporal consciousness. Many people who are "hyper religious" have epilepsy, he added.

Regarding NDEs, if someone is in the process of dying, decreased blood flow and oxygen cause the brain to release the neurotransmitter glutamate, which interacts with the temporal lobe and triggers religious experiences, he continued. Alper also suggested that giving credence to UFOs/aliens was another way for people to escape anxiety around death, through belief in a supernatural or transcendent power.

David Wilcock | The Source Field Investigations - Full Video

Source: divinecosmos.com

August 6, 2011–Did human extraterrestrials visit Earth -- and predict a Golden Age will culminate in the year 2012, freeing us from evil, fear and doom?

Did the founding fathers of America inherit this prophecy -- and encode it directly into the Great Seal of the United States? Why is there a pyramid with an eye inside a glowing triangle? Is Novus Ordo Seclorum quoted from an ancient prophecy text -- the greatest and most secret treasure of the Roman Empire -- predicting that humans on Earth will transmute into "light beings" and achieve Apotheosis -- where Man becomes God -- and the 'Gods' themselves return?

David Wilcock reveals the stunning scientific proof that DNA and biological life emerge directly out of the Source Field... a universal matrix of energy creating all space, time, matter, energy, biological life and consciousness -- and we are indeed about to experience the Greatest Moment of All Time. Learn about the pineal gland, Illuminati, government conspiracy, UFOs, DMT, the Mayan Calendar and more! -David Wilcock

Max Igan | Surviving the Matrix, August 5, 2011

Source: veritasshow.com, TheCrowhouse.com

Australian musician, artist and radio host Max Igan eloquently and clearly paints a fascinating picture of the world we think we know but don’t. It isn’t run in a way that benefits human beings. None of it makes any sense, he says. Our system of money, of paying to be alive, is detrimental to human well-being and unnecessary. Fear and forced service-to-self stand in the way of our evolution, both individually and collectively.

Waking up to these basic truths, unifying in service to creation and to one another is the answer, Igan says.

Here is a smattering of what he conveys in this densely packed discussion:

The pyramids is a huge message to humanity that nothing is what they tell us it is. Nothing they’ve told us about history is true, nor about the present. The trick is finding out what IS true.

The world we live in is insane. All the problems we have can be dealt with by people realizing who they are, by changing their perspective of reality.

All I can do is speculate about who’s in charge, but the more I look at the research…what’s the eye in the pyramid? It’s the moon. There is some strange stuff going on up there.

But it doesn’t matter who or what is in control. It’s about division – about controlling the human race. All we have to do is unite and we can deal with it. Human unity is the key to the whole thing. Everything in this system is designed to keep people divided and prevent them from ever finding out who and what they are, prevent them from finding their connection to each other.

If we live our lives in service of creation – one’s self, friends, family, the Earth, and you can literally change reality. Ultimately all of us are to blame. Those working within the system believe it’s all real. It’s a complete dream we’ve got to snap out of.

Armageddon actually means “the revealing.” The battle is within. People’s shadows – the darker side of themselves - are emerging more and more, things they haven’t dealt with.

What’s going to happen in 2012 is anybody’s guess. The Mayans say in 2012 the Sun begins to cross the dark rift. That takes 20 years, and somewhere within that rift is a portal that will change this reality. The energy does seem to be changing, but the outcome depends on people, I think, as we collectively affect our reality. We can create whatever we want.

Don’t we employ the government to look after the people, to act on our behalf? They enact legislation that takes our rights away from us. They are acting in breach of trust. We don’t employ them to remove our rights. Humankind needs to be allowed to be all we can be.

People are waking up to how corrupt the system really is. There is no real freedom anywhere on Earth. We could have a government of philosophers and artists, a group of elders.

The world is in a messed up state, a lot of which can be traced to the money system. We need to cancel all debt right now. The monetary system has created shortage in the world and created the dog-eat-dog, psychopathic mentality that modern society now has. We don’t need a dishonest system that knowingly enslaves us to a corrupt system.

The New World Order is already here. We need an absolute change, but we don’t need a global government. We need a group of elders, unity amongst people, administrators who will look after the infrastructure. We need a global awakening – to see the power people have within themselves to effect change. We are being shepherded into a place where we shouldn’t be. We need to address this money supply – the most important factor of control that’s in place, and the interest on money.

Every country George Bush mentioned as the axis of evil countries had no central bank. The war on terror is about installing a central bank in each of those countries. It’s about enslaving people to debt – economic hit men. We need to wake up to it; to stand up to it.

Lead by example, be the change you want to see…you empower those you come across and they start to look into things themselves. Truth isn’t told, it’s realized.

Unity is the answer to everything. All the problems we face are symptoms of the divided state of human consciousness.

Max Igan is a radio talk show host, researcher, artist, musician, philosopher, free thinker, champion for the truth, and a true renaissance man. Max is the man behind the website TheCrowHouse.com, which is filled with great information for those seeking the truth.

Ancient Technology In Peru and Bolivia

Source: ufotv.com

Join Researcher David Hatcher and British Engineer Christopher Dunn as they journey to Cuzco in the Andes Mountains to examine evidence for the possible use of advanced rock-machining techniques. Going to ancient cities and megalithic quarries, they again examine saw marks, advanced lifting and moving techniques, as well as evidence of Pre-Incan megalith builders at Machu Picchu and Ollantaytambo.

They continue on to Lake Titicaca where they investigate the strange megalithic towers and a "stargate" cut into solid rock. Finally they examine the huge granite megaliths at Tiwanaku and Puma Punku for signs of the use of power tools and other advanced, ancient technology. Blows the lid off South American archeology with evidence of advanced ancient technology thousands of years old.

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde | The Norway Massacre, Anders Behring Breivik & Mind Control, August 4, 2011

Source: redicecreations.com, Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde

August 4, 2011–Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde returns to Red Ice Radio to discuss the Norway massacre, the Oslo bombings, the shootings at Utøya, the motives of the accused Anders Behring Breivik and the possibility of him being a victim of mind control.

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde is a medical doctor, originally from Finland, currently living in Norway. She was the chief medical officer of Lapland and is better known for her books and lectures on mind control and conspiracies. Her work also includes parapsychology and out-of-body experiences.

In this interview, we cover what we know so far about the Norway attacks on Friday the 22nd of July. As the media feasts on this tragedy, more information is not only coming to light, some of it is being buried as well. Who benefits from the attacks? We'll discuss Breivik's manifesto "2083 - A European Declaration of Independence". We'll also talk about the inconsistencies of the bombings, the strange actions by certain people and how this tragedy is being used for political purposes. Later, we take a closer look at the symbolism involved in this massacre and the history of mind control in Norway and abroad.

Topics Discussed: motives, Israel, Palestine, Bill Gates, NATO, Norway's Lebensborn, LSD, mind control, Mossad, CIA, EDL, MI5, MI6, Tesla weapons, Dr Judy Wood - Directed Energy Weapon, car bomb, gun laws, bombing of King David's Hotel on July 22nd 65 years ago, murder of Anna Lindh, Zionists, Oslo accords, Palestinian state, Operation Gladio, strategy of tension, left government of Norway, manifesto, Jonas Gahr Store, Mijailo Mijailovic hearing voices, Norway quitting NATO bombings of Libya early, Norwegian Police, Sirhan Sirhan, delta programming and more.

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