New World Next Week | SOPA Backout, SCOTUS Copywrong, Abuse Archives, January 19, 2012


Story #1: SOPA Is Back As Websites Go Black
Update: Five Key Senators Abandon Online Piracy Bills Amid Web Protests
Related: Corbett Report Radio 052 - Solutions: People Power

Story #2: SCOTUS Says Congress May 'Re-Copyright' Public Domain Works
Flashback: White House Wants New Copyright Law Crackdown

Story #3: Lawyer Challenges Catholics to Open Secret Archives for Abuse Truth
Related: Belgian Officials Search Bishops' Offices in Abuse Inquiry

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Whitley Strieber, Bev Harris | Enigmas & Aliens, January 17, 2012

Source:,, Bev Harris,

January 17, 2012–Author Whitley Strieber, a supporter of alternative concepts through his Unknown Country website, talked about his new non-fiction book Solving the Communion Enigma, and how various anomalous experiences are interrelated. He addressed the recent spate of unusual and mysterious sounds heard in various locations around the world such as Malaysia and Sweden. The roaring noises are possibly connected to earthquake activity, he conjectured, adding that he and his wife Anne recently heard an unexplained trumpet-type sound at their home.

In talking about UFOs, he cited the book Unconventional Flying Objects, by the late NASA scientist Paul Hill, as presenting some particularly convincing case reports such as two Pan Am pilots witnessing objects flying over Chesapeake Bay. Enigmas such as UFOs, crop circles, and close encounters aren't just part of our physical reality but are really "penetrations from another reality...and represent a moment when you come to the shadow line between realities, and this is why we not only see aliens in that context but our own dead," he mused.

Regarding the aliens or visitors, he suggested that rather than communicating with us, "they're changing us...what we're seeing here is a presence which is engaged in a creative process on this planet" that is part of our evolution. Strieber believes that humanity and Earth are part of a larger civilization "which is tending us for whatever reasons. I think it has to do with the creation and schooling of souls," he said.

Election & Voting Issues
First hour guest, researcher Bev Harris discussed the presidential race and voting issues. The only way the public can confirm voting results are authentic is through a transparent process such as paper ballots-- computers and electronic voting machines can't be secured from their own administrators, she commented. The votes also should be tabulated at the precinct in order to preserve the chain of custody-- there were some problems in this regard in the New Hampshire primary, she noted.

News segment guests: Greg Hunter, Lauren Weinstein

Mack Maloney | UFOs in Wartime, January 17, 2012


January 17, 2012–Mack Maloney, born in Boston, Massachusetts, is the author of 40 sci-fi and adventure books. He graduated from Suffolk University in Boston with a degree in journalism and went on to graduate school at Emerson College earning a degree in filmmaking. Mack joins us to talk about his new non-fiction book, UFOs in Wartime. UFOs are found in Renaissance art, on ancient coins, etched on cave walls-and reported in the Bible but Mack will talk about when they are documented most: in times of war.

We’ll discuss some of these sightings, who made them and how the crafts take sides. Some UFO sightings were also made at key points in history. Mack shares his personal theory about the appearances of these crafts. We also talk about strange sightings in history such as the ghost fliers and rockets, the foo fighters and UFO presence during the black plague of the middle ages.
~Red Ice Creations

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Bill Wood | Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass, January 17, 2012


January 17, 2012–An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft"... involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.

And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. ~Kerry Cassidy

Tom Campbell | The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Evolution Part 2, January 16, 2011


EBTV on presents - The Nature of Reality, Consciousness and Evolution - featuring special guest physicist and author of the book My Big TOE, Tom Campbell, and host Evita Ochel.

In this part 2 of 3, Tom talks about and/or explains the following topics:
- further exploration of what it means to live in a virtual reality
- the possibility of breaking the rule set of reality
- the role of free will
- the role of personal responsibility
- how the mind can change reality
- the potential of prayer
- the ego's influence on reality
- implications of positive thinking vs negative thinking
- how we can change the world - collective reality
- what is the purpose of life
- what is the purpose of a virtual reality
- the role of evolution in a digital information system
- the role of interaction and relationships for evolution
- how the rules of a virtual reality system relate to our evolution
- the role of love and fear in evolution
- feedback in a virtual reality system
- reincarnation and role of death
- the limitations of beliefs with regards to evolution
- explanation of entropy and its importance for our evolution
- what makes us more powerful people
- an explanation of decision space and what influences it
- entropy in relationship to personal decision space
- understanding the potential and limitations of the Law of Attraction
- the value of intent
Watch Part 3 here.

Jay Weidner on the Jeff Rense Show | The 2012 Election, January 12, 2012


Jay Weidner on The Jeff Rense Show. Recorded on January 12th, 2012.

Tom Campbell | The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Evolution Part 1, January 15, 2011

Source: ,

EBTV on presents - The Nature of Reality, Consciousness and Evolution - featuring special guest physicist and author of the book My Big TOE, Tom Campbell, and host Evita Ochel.

In this part 1 of 3, Tom talks about and/or explains the following topics:
- transcendental meditation
- out of body experiences
- what is reality
- parallel processing
- knowing vs experiencing
- the limitation of words to describe experiences
- the non-objective nature of our reality
- double slit experiment
- the probabilistic nature of reality
- the origin of the Big Bang
- the limitations of Albert Einstein's work
- the definition of consciousness
- connection of reality to consciousness
- the nature of reality as virtual
- placebo effect and mind healing
- is it possible to be an objective human being
- the uncertainty of our reality
- the subjective nature of our reality
- the rule set of reality
- the consistency of reality
- the power of intent
- the role of fear and ego in creating our reality
- tips for creating an optimal reality

David Icke on The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, January 15, 2012


January 15, 2012–This time we talk to highly compelling and very controversial writer and speaker David Icke about 2012 and what might happen to our world this year – and we look back on what David thinks are the causes of the amazing global events of 2011. ~Howard Hughes

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Colin Andrews | Government Circles, January 12, 2012

Source:,,, The British Government and Crop Circles

January 12, 2012–Colin Andrews is best known for his research into the crop circle & UFO subjects since 1983. He provides the only continuity between the past crop circle research era and the present, along with his friend and colleague, Busty Taylor. Colin is the man who coined the term "Crop Circle."

Among his many accomplishments, he started the first research organization, Circles Phenomenon Research (CPR) and has written numerous books. In the final analysis Andrews believes the phenomenon is challenging people to a higher level of consciousness. In this first hour, Colin begins discussing government circles, Nick Pope, the British government and secrecy.

He mentions the Royal Family's interest into the paranormal. Then, he shares experiences and synchronicities with other crop circle researchers from his early days. Colin talks about interacting with crop circles and the differences today verses back then. He'll also discuss human consciousness working with the Akashic Field.

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Tracy R. Twyman | Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge, January 10, 2012


January 10, 2012–Tracy Twyman has been writing about alternative history and the occult for 14 years. She is the author of several nonfiction books and is also the former Editor of Dagobert's Revenge Magazine, a journal of esoteric history that was published from 1996 to 2003. In 2006 her website made national news when it was banned by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on charges of blasphemy. Recently she was featured in the documentary film Bloodline, released in May 2008. Her book The Merovingian Mythos was licensed by Sony Pictures for use in the upcoming film Angels and Demons, prequel to The Da Vinci Code.

Tracy R. Twyman's latest work on the esoteric history of money. Learn how the modern-day alchemists who control our economy create fool's gold out of nothing. These masters of illusion have tricked us all into sacrificing our own youth, and that of our own children, by convincing us that "time is money."

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Max Igan | Truth Frequency Interview, January 14, 2012


Max Igan on Truth Frequency Radio, January 14, 2012.

"Houston, we have a problem!" (Yugoslavian Space Program) Trailer, January 9, 2012

Docudrama revealing one of the biggest secrets of space race during cold war - Yugoslavian space programme.

"Yugoslavs made rapid development based on unknown diaries of Yugoslav space pioneer Herman Potočnik - Noordung after 2nd world war. Technical solutions described in Potocnik's unpublished papers were the basis for establishing secret Yugoslav space
programme in 1948, after Josip Broz Tito's conflict with Stalin.
In late 1960, CIA discovered that Yugoslavia already had an operational space-flight technology.

In March 1961 Yugoslavia secretly sold complete space programme to USA.
In May 1961, Kennedy announced USA choose to go to the Moon.
In this documentary we will reveal how Tito built the biggest secret underground space centre in Europe in army base Željava with code name "Object 505".

Researched and written by Boštjan Virc
Directed and co-written by Žiga Virc
Production Studio Virc

Object 505 footage:
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