Stephen Bassett | Disclosure Petition II and the Rockefeller Initiative


A fascinating interview with Paradigm Research Group‘s Stephen Bassett. Listen in to hear why it is a must to reach 25k signatures by March 23rd for the UFO/ET Disclosure Efforts Petition, and let the Government answer what President Bill Clinton’s Office of Science and Technology , in concert with billionaire  Laurance Rockefeller was investigating from 1993-1996!
If you want to know what the government has been keeping from us, now is your chance. It only takes a few minutes to sign the petition, please help by clicking the following link:

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Lyndon LaRouche Addresses 2012 Schiller Institute Conference, February 25, 2012


On Saturday, February 25th, Lyndon LaRouche addressed the 2012 Schiller Institute Conference, titled "Securing Mankind's Future," which took place in Berlin Germany. The question and answer period with Mr. LaRouche is forthcoming, as well as the many other presentations made at the conference including from Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Sky Shields.

Nassim Haramein & Klaus Dona | New Mayan Artifacts Revealed

Update: These Artifacts were found 55 years ago by a tribe in central Mexico... they have been using many of these artifacts around their necks as decorations, necklaces, etc... Re-discovered to the world in 2011! Carbon dating revealed that they pre-date the mayans. A documentary is to be released by the mexican goverment at the beginning of december..artifacts will also show a landing pad thats been found in the jungle plus much more..

Duncan O'Finioan, Miranda Kelly | Between Worlds-The Duncan and Miranda Tapes, February 25, 2012

Source:, O'Finioan's Blog,

February 25, 2012–This is the scheduled session with Duncan and Miranda that was promised after the 02-01-2012 live show, where our Skype connections were systematically taken down at a critical point in the interview. Three hours of audio... with no editing, no music, and no production...this is the "raw" feed from the conference call to the recorder. Including the Crowley revelations, mind control memes and media manipulation, and insights and survival tactics for the "shift".  ~Randy Maugans

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Anita Moorjani's Near Death Experience clears in 4 days, grade 4B lymphoma cancer


Anita was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and doctors told her family she was just hours away from death. It was at this point that she "crossed over" and then returned again into this world with a clearer understanding of her life and purpose on earth. This understanding subsequently led to a total recovery of her health.
Anita was born in Singapore of Indian parents, moved to Hong Kong at the age of two, and has lived in Hong Kong most of her life. Because of her background and British education, she is multi lingual and, from the age of two, grew up speaking English, Cantonese and two Indian dialects simultaneously, and later learned French at school.

She had been working in the corporate field for many years before being diagnosed with cancer in April of 2002. Her fascinating and moving near-death experience in early 2006 has tremendously changed her perspective on life. Her work is now ingrained with the depths and insights she gained while in the other realm. She works on the premise that our inner world (consciousness) is our primary reality, and if our internal state is healthy and strong, then our external world will align itself and fall into place as a result.

She is the embodiment of the truth that we all have the inner power and wisdom to overcome even life's most adverse situations, as she is the living proof of this possibility.

Anita is a compassionate and empathic person who seems to have a gift for articulating and simplifying metaphysical concepts, so that they may be applied in our daily lives.

LaRouchePAC World In Review · Reality Check, February 25, 2012


February 25, 2012–The only thing standing between you and thermonuclear war today, is General Martin Dempsey. But for the efforts of him and a small handful of others among our patriotic military, much of human civilization would already have been annihilated in a global thermonuclear war.

Cigar-shaped UFO over Brazil, Jan. 12, 2012, zoomed & analyzed

Open Minds Update International UFO Congress, Day 4, February 25, 2012


Open Minds Recap of day 4 of the IUFOC.

Anthony Peake | The Nature of Reality & Twilight Zones of Consciousness, February 23, 2012


February 23, 2012–Anthony Peake studied Sociology and History at The University of Warwick and at post-graduate level at The London School of Economics. He is a professional member of The Scientific & Medical Network, The International Association of Near-Death Studies, the Society for Psychical Research and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He is the author of several books and probably best known for his fascinating theory, which he terms Cheating The Ferryman. It suggests a totally new approach to the nature of consciousness and its relationship with the external world.

He returns to Red Ice to discuss the nature of reality. How much of reality are we creating? Anthony explains how the answer lies in the zero point field. He also discusses oneness as opposed to dual reality. We'll explore relevant cutting edge scientific experiments and talk about the intriguing aspect of light particles. Lastly, Peake converses about hypnagogia and the possibility that we are living a lifelong dream. ~Red Ice Creations
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Christoph Hörstel on RT Today | War Lies against Syria


Ben McLeish | The Zeitgeist Movement & potential of a Resource Based Economy, February 24, 2012


February 24, 2012–Host Evita Ochel presents special guest Ben McLeish - lecturer and activist for the Zeitgeist Movement. Ben shares how he got started with the Zeitgeist Movement, what the Movement is all about, what is a resource based economy, and how it can help our current economic, political, social and environmental problems. Ben also talks about how people can get involved, including Global Z Day - March 10, 2012.

Max Igan | Conscience and Justice, February 24, 2012


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - Feb 24, 2012
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