RT | Mossad Agrees Iran has No Nuke Bomb Plot, March 19, 2012

Source: RT.com

Reacting to being cut off by the SWIFT banking system - Iran has now threatened to block the Straight of Hormuz - a major artery in global oil shipping. That warning comes as US and Israeli intelligence agencies, the CIA and Mossad, admit that Iran hasn't yet decided to develop nuclear weapons. And Peter Rushton, political analyst and historian, says it's ideology, not facts, driving talk of war against Iran.

NSA Building A $2 Billion Quantum Computer Artificial Intelligence Spy Center, March 18, 2012

Source: blog.alexanderhiggins.com

The NSA is a data center to house a 512 qubit quantum computer capable of learning, reproducing the brain’s cognitive functions, and programming itself.

The National Security Center is building a highly fortified $2 Billion highly top secret complex simply named the “Utah Data Center” which will soon be home to the Hydrogen bomb of cybersecurity – A 512 Qubit Quantum Computer — which will revitalize the “total information awareness” program originally envisioned by George Bush in 2003.

The news of the data center comes after Department of Defense contractor Lockheed Martin secured a contract with D-Wave for $10 million for a 512 qubit Quantum Computer code-named Vesuvius.

Vesuvius is capable of executing a massive number of computations at once, more than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 0, which is would take millions of years on a standard desktop.

The computer will be able to crack crack even the most secure encryption and will give the US government a quantum leap into technologies once only dreamed of including the rise of the world’s very first all-knowing omniscient self-teaching artificial intelligence.

The D-Wave Quantum computer boasts of a wide array of features including:

Binary classification – Enables the quantum computer to be fed vast amounts of complex input data, including text, images, and videos and label the material
Quantum Unsupervised Feature Learning QUFL – Enables the computer to learn on its own, as well as create and optimize its own programs to make itself run more efficiently.
Temporal QUFL – Enables the Computer to predict the future based in information it learns through Binary classification and the QUFL feature.
Artificial Intelligence Via Quantum Neural Network – Enables the computer to completely reconstruct the human brain’s cognitive processes and teach itself how to make better decisions and better predict the future based.

D-Wave’s 512-qubit chip, code-named Vesuvius
D-Wave’s 512-qubit chip, code-named Vesuvius. The white square on the right contains the quantum goodness. Photo: D-Wave

Read full article here: blog.alexanderhiggins.com

Prometheus Full Trailer - International Version, March 18, 2012

Ridley Scott, director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner," returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

Release Date:
June 8, 2012 (USA)

Dr. Kirby Surprise | Synchronicity, March 9, 2012

Source: Veritasradio.com, HowSynchronicityWorks.com

Oh boy. This one’s a brain twister.

We’ve got a scientist explaining spirituality. Or rather, a psychotherapist explaining quantum physics.

Synchronicity: The mind does a back flip when it happens, that tear in the veil. Something in your environment has just sent you a very strong, very personal message. “Who’s hearing my thoughts?” You wonder. “Who’s communicating with me?” You’ve just experienced intelligence in the ether, and things will never be the same.

But Dr. Kirby Surprise says we are creating these experiences. He says we affect change in our environment by paying attention to it – that this fact is now accepted science.

So, okay. Let’s say you’re driving down the road and mentally ask the universe, “Stop and get gas, or wait until later?” Then as you’re watching the trees go by a sign pops up on the side of the road. It says, “Gas up now. Straight ahead.” Well, that’s a clear answer to your question and you’ve just had a synchronistic experience. Right?

Yes, and no, Surprise seems to say. Apparently we use our intelligence to project the answer we want.

But he also says there’s a seamless mesh of our minds and the environment; that separation is an illusion. “Synchronistic experiences are tiny versions of enlightenment. They allow us to understand that there is no separation of us and the universe.”

Synchronicity occurs when our conscious minds are in communication with our unconscious minds, and receive an answer, he’s saying. By observing our environment with the question in mind, we engender a response in 3-D.

Surprise says stimulants like coffee help us experience more and stronger synchronicities, and that depressants such as alcohol suppress them. He says we can generate synchronicities at will, and tells us how.

Enlightening discussion, although it’s a bummer to find out that the information coming through is “only as intelligent as the person perceiving it.”

Mel says the doctor’s book is outstanding.

Carl Munck | The Code, The Pyramid Matrix & ET, March 15, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, pyramidmatrix.com

March 15, 2012–Carl Munck created the science of "archaeocryptograpy," a study of the underlying mathematical order beneath the proportions, size, and placement of the world's sacred sites. Carl claims there is incontrovertible evidence of precise global positioning, thousands of years ago, requiring space age technologies, and satellite triangulation. His website provides introductory examples of how ancient monuments encode their positions in the matrix.

Carl will tell the story of how he was taken in an alien ship over the Nazca Lines in 1982. He learned their form of math, which he says was not meant for us to decode yet he has cracked some of the codes. These aliens use complicated math to reveal their location. We'll talk about how sacred sites were used for much more than mapping. Carl will mention some of the lesser known sacred sites and explain a bit about base 360 math. He says the universe is tied together by "maps and tangents." We end the interview with comments from Carl about 2012, crop circles and critique of his work. ~Red Ice Creations

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Max Igan | Questioning Reality, March 16, 2012

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - March 16, 2012.

James Corbett | Who's Afraid of War Crimes Prosecution? - Cheney cancels Toronto speaking event, March 17, 2012

Source: globalresearchtv.com, corbettreport.com

Former US Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter, Elizabeth, have cancelled a planned speaking engagement at Toronto's Metro Convention Centre next month, citing safety concerns. According to the president of the promotion company that booked Cheney for the April 24th speech, "He felt that in Canada the risk of violent protest was simply too high. They specifically referenced what happened in Vancouver."

Transcript & Sources

James Martinez on Offplanet Radio | The Cold Fusion Effect, March 14, 2012

Source: offplanetradio.com, coldfusionnow.org, Cash Flow/Cold Fusion Radio with James Martinez

March 14, 2012–James Martinez returns to OffPlanet Radio unravel the free energy juggernaut...beyond the obvious, beyond the programmed responses.

The "cold fusion effect" is a total sensory reframe and the epic moment when humanity chooses: take back your power, or perish in the aftermath. Cold fusion is the metaphor of a much bigger shift in the planetary consciousness, it unlocks an entire new reality that can properly be called the "dawn of the gods." ~Randy Maugans

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Dr. Andrea Rossi-E-Cat Home

Jim Marrs | While World Economies Collapse, Globalist Party Like It's 1999, March 15, 2012

Source: infowars.com, jimmarrs.com

March 15, 2012–Alex talks with former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs, author of The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America.

New World Next Week | Goodbye Enterprise, Impeach Obama 2012, Goldman Sacked, March 15, 2012

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: 'Top Gun' Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise Starting Final Voyage
Navy Carrier USS Enterprise On Final Voyage -- America's Oldest Active-Duty Warship To Close 50-Year Career
Related: Beware the Ides of March
Catch 2012 -- The Synch1ng of th3 Costa Concordia
US Scrambles to Contain Fury Over Attack In Afghanistan

Story #2: 'Impeach Obama' Bill -- Use of Military Without Congress Approval 'High Crime'
Obama Impeachment Bill Now In Congress
House Concurrent Resolution 107
Related: CIA Chief Holds Closed-Door Meeting On Syria With Turkish
Prime Minister
Obama Signs Anti-Protest Trespass Bill
NWNW Flashback: 'Trespass Bill' Will Make Protest Illegal
Boys' Night Out for Obama, Cameron Cost Taxpayers At Least $365K
Brooks Arrest Piles Pressure on Cameron

Story #3: "Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs"
Goldman Exec Quits, Calling Firm 'Toxic'
Resignation Letter Just the Latest Blow to Goldman's Integrity
Related: Goldman Sachs Worked Both Sides In El Paso

Bases 13 | John Urwin Part 2, March 15, 2012

Source: undergroundvideouk.com

In Part 2 of John Urwin's 2012 interview we discus the details of his final mission with the elite British Military force "The 16". at Jareba. John gives details on its location, and the massive flying disc craft that took off before they went in.
They recovered two ancient/alien/human crystal devices, designed to activate dimensional technlogy to re-activate the Pyramids and other gateways. Also a sort of beam weapon. John gives loud and clear warnings about the Illuminati and the expected 3rd World war. ~Miles Johnston

Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy | Skynet Rising: The A.I. Threat to Humanity's Existence, March 14, 2012

Source: inforwars.com, Roman V. Yampolskiy, Ph.D

March 14, 2012–Alex Jones talks with Roman Yampolskiy, a computer scientist at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, who recently wrote an article about the danger to humanity from AI and super-intelligent computers. Mr. Yampolskiy is trained in the fields of programming, forensics, biometrics and artificial intelligence.

[Related Article]
Source: innovationnewsdaily.com
Humanity Must 'Jail' Dangerous AI to Avoid Doom, Expert Says Super-intelligent computers or robots have threatened humanity's existence more than once in science fiction. Such doomsday scenarios could be prevented if humans can create a virtual prison to contain artificial intelligence before it grows dangerously self-aware.

Keeping the artificial intelligence (AI) genie trapped in the proverbial bottle could turn an apocalyptic threat into a powerful oracle that solves humanity's problems, said Roman Yampolskiy, a computer scientist at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. But successful containment requires careful planning so that a clever AI cannot simply threaten, bribe, seduce or hack its way to freedom.

"It can discover new attack pathways, launch sophisticated social-engineering attacks and re-use existing hardware components in unforeseen ways," Yampolskiy said. "Such software is not limited to infecting computers and networks — it can also attack human psyches, bribe, blackmail and brainwash those who come in contact with it."
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