David Icke interview | Take it to the Heart, June 2012

Source: bewusst.tv, davidicke.com

June 2012–Jo Conrad interviews David Icke about the manipulation of humankind, reptilian influence and the awakening of human consciousness...

Alex Newman | Sweden's Big Government 'Utopia' Unmasked, June 17, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, Sweden’s Big Government ‘Utopia’ Unmasked

June 17, 2012–Alex Newman is an American freelance writer and the president of Liberty Sentinel Media Inc., a small media consulting firm. He is currently living in Sweden and has spent most of his life in Latin America, Europe and Africa.

He has a degree in foreign languages and speaks Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian and a little Swedish and Afrikaans. Newman also earned a degree in journalism from the University of Florida, with emphasis on economics and international relations.

He joins us to discuss his article titled, Sweden's Big Government 'Utopia' Unmasked. We'll dig into the meat of Sweden's totalitarian style socialist system, brilliantly rigged to create a collective mind of willing slaves who defend the system at all costs.

Alex explains how this, with a few adjustments, is the globalists' favored political system. Also, we'll mention how this system is being brought to other places in the world. This socialist system seeks to destroy the middle class, to control the education of our children, to destroy the independent thinker and to crush the human spirit, all under the guise of equality for all. ~Red Ice Creations

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Thomas P. Fusco on Offplanet Radio | Behind Cosmic Veil, June 13, 2012

Source: offplanetradio.com, cosmicveil.com

Thomas P. Fusco is an independent researcher who has devoted nearly three decades investigating the relationship between mind, physics, spirituality, parapsychology, scientific anomalies and paranormal phenomena with the goal of uncovering the unifying cosmological framework that has eluded mankind for generations. He has been invited to speak as a guest on over 100 national and international radio programs including Coast to Coast AM.

Talking about: a new model of supernatural mechanics, which not only explains the behavior of strange phenomena like the paranormal, UFOs and psychic phenomena,remote viewing, and orbs; but also provides compelling answers to some of the fundamental problems facing physics today. This cosmological model is based in part on a lost Biblical cosmology that has been hiding in plain sight for centuries. ~Randy Maugans

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James Corbett on Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast, June 14, 2012

Source: smellslikepodcast.com, corbettreport.com

James Corbett of the Corbett Report (www.corbettreport.com), and contributor to RT television joins us for an interesting and informative discussion on the Smells Like Human Spirit podcast. Mr. Corbett, a leading figure in the world of alternative news, was very generous with his time and eloquent in relation to many topics, including human awareness, the role of the media, 9/11, and more. Enjoy. ~Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast

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Robert Morning Sky | The Elders Speak: Return to the Old Ways

Source: veritasradio.com, robertmorningsky.com

This is Robert Morning Sky's third appearance.
In his own words:
In 2003, i made my last public appearance. I chose to place all my focus on performing honorings and spending time with elders who were willing to share their wisdom. I am truly the most fortunate man i know. In these last 8+ years, i have had the honor and privilege of learning from the Semsiye elders, the most extraordinary people i have ever met.

A few years ago, i asked for permission to weave their many stories together so as to produce a much greater overview of the shaman's history of our world. It had been our intent to start to release some of these united stories this year. However, three years ago, my 'lady of fire' fell victim to cancer. She did not make it.

Frankly, i gave up. I had no desire to continue. I let everything go. I gave my works to my elder 'El Vastago'. A few months ago, he and some of the Semsiye elders asked me to resume my efforts to release the work we had been putting together. They have assured me that my grand-father and my 'lady of fire' would absolutely want me to continue. I am sure they are right.

What you will see and hear on this website has been seen and approved by my elders.

For the Semsiye elders, for my grandfather, for my 'lady of fire', for my family and for the children of the future...

Max Igan - Godlike Productions, June 14, 2012

Source: godlikeproductions.com, thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Godlike Productions - June, 14th, 2012

Richard Dolan on The Unexplained | UFOs in 2012, June 16, 2012

Source: theunexplained.tv, keyholepublishing.com

This edition we meet US-based Richard Dolan -- a prolific researcher and author with an academic background and an excellent track record -- We hear more about his latest research on the way "the truth" about the UFO phenomenon is bound to come out. -Howard Hughes

Max Igan | The Truth Shall Make You Free, June 15, 2012

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - June, 15th, 2012

Richard Grove | Learning vs. Schooling, June 14, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, tragedyandhope.com, The Peace Revolution Podcast

Richard Grove was trained in Business Management and Administration. He worked in the WTC in 2001 and discovered corporate ties to 9-11. He blew the whistle but was met with deaf ears by corporate media. He proved in court the SEC was involved in covering-up the biggest financial fraud in America, and learned that if he wanted anyone to ever know what happened that he would have to learn how to create media. And he did. He released Project Constellation, several films and many hours of talk radio.

He is also behind the website tragedyandhope.com. Tragedy and Hope creates educational media and provides a comprehensive, open-source, educational model for adults; providing individuals with the resources to attain coherent perspectives at/and/above the Ph.D. level. Tragedy and Hope provides a portal through which individuals can stimulate and fortify Cognitive Liberty and educational methods which facilitate consciousness. Richard will discuss useful tools of learning verses schooling. ~Red Ice Creations

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Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly on Truth Connections Radio, June 12, 2012

Source: truthconnections.wordpress.com, duncanofinioan.com, duncanofinioan.wordpress.com

Robert Duncan O'Finioan (duncanofinioan.com) is here today because he managed to overcome and overthrow his own mind control patterning and programmed behaviours. From a young age, all of Duncan's freedoms were suspended, and after being discovered through Project Talent, a sub-project of the MK ULTRA program, he quickly became his own worst enemy, led and controlled by those with an agenda for power and global dominance. No more a man than a machine, Duncan carried out orders that involved terminations, abductions, infiltration, corruption, surveillance, espionage, intelligence gathering, and more.

Duncan's 'other' life was wrapped in a prison of moment by moment survival: exhausting training regimes and extreme missions; physically succumbing to blackouts, alternate identities, and missing time; as well as enduring bodily harm, mental instability, and deliberate psychic tension. Serious threats to his life at ANY point in time were a mere 'day in the life' of this Super Soldier.

Miranda Kelly's life was similiarly adapted within the classified projects that both were recruited for. Her training was as demanding as Duncan's and her assigned tasks required her to be just as physically strong, quick, and agile, and mentally as fearless as any other. Both became an inpenetrable force, and a necessary twin to each other's survival after being paired together at Duncan's command.

New World Next Week | Syria Psyops, Everyone's a Militant!, Fukushima Update, June 14, 2012

Source: newworldnextweek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: NATO Preparing Vast Disinformation Campaign
Related: The Houla Hoaxsters
US Among Countries To Fund Syrian Opposition
Flashback: Venezuela Coup Linked To Bush Team

Story #2: Obama Re-Defines 'Militant', Media Eats It Up
Secret 'Kill List' Proves a Test of Obama's Principles and Will
Related: Leaking War - How Obama's Targeted Killings, Leaks, and the Everything-is-Classified State Have Fused

Story #3: More Reports Emerge Regarding Fukushima Cover Ups
Japan Lied About Fukushima Radiation Forecasts To Avoid Panic

Recap Video | Large Object Moves Across the Sun 2012

Source: ADG (UK)

Recap on the Incredible Object captured by SOHO, which seems to show a double ringed shaped object phase into view at the top of the screen, then darting across the Sun causing a flash across its surface. Did the UFO collide with the Sun or could it have been the result of tremendous gravitational and magnetic forces eminating from both objects. Whatever the reason, this video is the best evidence to date of ET craft in the proximity of the Sun. Will post all relevant data in a few days, so even if NASA remove the raw footage, I have the raw SOHO files available to download. Thanks. ~ADG (UK)
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