Walter Block | Libertarian Philosophy & Anarcho-capitalism, June 24, 2013


June 24, 2013–Walter Block is an Austrian school economist and anarcho-libertarian philosopher and Professor of Economics at Loyola University New Orleans and Senior Fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He is an author, editor, and co-editor of many books. Block has written more than 500 articles for various non-refereed journals, magazines and newspapers, and is a contributor to such journals as The Review of Austrian Economics, Journal of Libertarian Studies, The Journal of Labor Economics, Cultural Dynamics, and the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.

In the first hour, we'll discuss anarchism, free enterprise, ownership of property and the ideal Libertarian society. Walter explains the non-aggression principle, which government's violate. He also defines the idea behind Austrian economics and we briefly discuss Murray Rothbard. Then, we address the misconception that free enterprise or capitalism means war and imperialism or that capitalism is to blame for the downfall of the USA. The idea that the death toll would go up without government is also a fallacy, which we discuss.

Block discusses private alternatives to everything from roads to police. He'll also explain why people are drawn to collectivism/socialism and why Libertarians only get 1% of the vote. At the end of the first hour, we discuss government control and regulation, economy, crony capitalism and fascism in America. In the second hour, we speak on security, government spying and terrorism paranoia. We also discuss bad services government provides and how private owned services would do the job better. Walter covers the good and bad of egalitarianism and we talk about the unfairness of wealth redistribution. We end the hour on Lysander Spooner's "Constitution of No Authority," and how it is not treason to disobey as we did not sign it!
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David Marler | Triangular UFOS, The Richard Dolan Show , June 22, 2013


This is an interview with researcher David Marler, author of "Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation," on the Richard Dolan Show, June 22, 2013. David discusses the reality and the history of triangular UFOs. His book is the first of its kind; there has never before been a book-length treatment of this fascinating subject.

4MIN News | Global Update & Spaceweather, June 24, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Ex-CIA & NSA Director Michael Hayden | Snowden neither hero, nor traitor but very troubled young man, June 24, 2013


PRISM-gate has made Edward Snowden a well known whistleblower. America is split over what to believe. Does NSA tapping of private phones helps fight terror and Snowden is a traitor who's endangered the nation? Or is it a violation of the US constitution and Snowden is a hero to have braved talking against the government? Former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden speaks his mind on SophieCo.

BeePeeOilDisaster | UFO Sitting Next To The Sun Viewable Since Feb. 2013, June 24, 2013

Source: BeePeeOilDisaster youtube, ADG UK youtube

Asia-Pacific Perspective | Asian Food Fight, June 23, 2013


Story #1:

GMO Eggplant Found to be Unsafe for Human Consumption, Environment

Japan cancels tender to purchase U.S. GMO wheat

'Eat and Support' #Fukushima Rice, Without Knowing and Without Choice

Story #2:
Japan finds highly toxic strontium in #Fukushima groundwater

(Another) Leak found at #Fukushima Daiichi desalting device

Government secretly backtracks on #Fukushima decontamination goal

Japan PM promotes nuclear exports at central Europe summit

Santos Bonacci | Cosmic Revelations - Truth Connections Radio, June 19, 2013



An ever-explosive and mysterious chapter of recorded history that never ceases to draw our attention is the great Book of Revelation: the final book of the New Testament in the Christian Bible. Its apocalyptic passages reciting the doom and gloom of a coming series of events that culminate in the return of Christ, can be referenced and compared to cosmic forces seen throughout the ages by astronomers, philosophers, and theologists, alike.

The timing to discuss and debate the actuality of these forces, or events of nature of profound significance, is never more appropriate than now. With the turmoil in the Vatican publicized more than any other time in history, the people are recognizing their power and taking the crimes of church and state seriously. With the position of stars and planetary bodies astrotheologically encoded in holy books and sacred texts of all spiritual and religious cultures, it's quite possible to foretell great swells in tides by following the motions of the universe to discover where this will all lead for the sovereignty of mankind.

Santos joins Truth Connections for the 9th time as teacher and translator to give us another incredible insight into the timelessness of past and present, fact and fiction, as well as myth and legend. We will explore Pagan and Christian holidays, and the history behind them, as well as the battle of good and evil described in Revelation using cosmic symbolism, such as; the 'Beast Of The Sea' having seven heads and ten horns; the 'Dragon' with seven heads; the 'Seven-Horned Lamb' with seven eyes (the Lion of Judah); and much more archetypal imagery.

Penney Peirce | Leap of Perception, June 20, 2013


June 20, 2013–Penney Peirce is one of the early pioneers in the intuition development movement, having worked since 1977 with organizations like the San Francisco-based Center for Applied Intuition, The Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, and The Intuition Network. An author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer, Penney specializes in intuition and "skillful perception," personal energy and frequency training, dreamwork, and future trends.

Penney is the author of 6 books. She returns to discuss her latest work, Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention. Penney explains how the Information Age is speeding to a point where life will soon make a leap into the Intuition Age. The resulting reality will function according to different rules and we'll know ourselves as a new kind of human being. She discusses the way in which we feed the current system based on old perception, instead of withdrawing our energy from it in order to bring about the
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Corbett Report | Solutions: Sousveillance, June 21, 2013


By now we are all familiar with the concept of 'surveillance.' In the Orwellian tyranny of the new normal, we are all gradually being made aware that we are living in a panoptic society where everything we do and say is being watched and recorded. So what is the answer to this constant surveillance? Why not use the surveillance technology to keep tabs on what the government is doing? Welcome to the world of sousveillance. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore this concept and the grassroots revolution in citizen media that it has made possible.

Show Notes & MP3

ADG UK | Massive Saucer Appears Next To Sun 2013 HD

Source: ADG UK youtube

Incredible object caught by Soho, which clearly shows an object, saucer shaped materilise next to the Sun. Object is very well defined and clearly has ridges or grooves around its exterior. It also has a notch in its hull, this reminds me of the Tether UFOs recorded by STS 75. This is not dust, the right side of the object seems to be reflecting the sun rays also, dust is not reflective or as defined as this.

New World Next Week | Protest Rising, Hastings Murdered, TWA 800 Update, June 20, 2013


Story #1: Brazil Protests Erupt Over Public Services And World Cup Costs

Peevski Protests Force Bulgaria PM Oresharski's U-Turn

Turkish Official Approves 'Standing Man' Protest
NWNW Flashback: Activists Present List Of Demands In Turkey

Story #2: Journalist Michael Hastings Dead In "Fiery Car Crash"

Video: Michael Hastings Dead, 'It Sounded Like A Bomb Went Off'

WikiLeaks Says Hastings Contacted Their Lawyer Hours Before Death, Saying FBI Investigating Him

NWNW Flashback: Gary Webb Receives Posthumous Apology From Los Angeles Times Writer

Story #3: TWA Flight 800 Crash Was Caused By Missile, Say Former Investigators; New Probe Demanded

Wikipedia: TWA Flight 800 Alternative Theories

Activist Post | The Chinese Version of Agenda 21 and Why the US Should Care, June 18, 2013


Remember those vacant "ghost cities" in China? They won't be vacant much longer....Agenda 21 appears to be in full swing now, and people in this country (US) need recognize this is their own planned future as well. In fact, the video posted below (in the comment section) is a Main Stream Media segment on this very same issue, and the title of the video is accurate: Obama Admin plans to force Americans to move into cities--redistribution of wealth. Perhaps now we can see into the US manufactured "housing crisis" a little more clearly---got an awful lot of people out of their homes, really, really fast, didn't it? Where Agenda 21 and China are concerned, the article states:

 "Agenda 21 is being implemented in China at breakneck speed and the latest phase is coming in under stealth and deception.

The Chinese government is in the process of relocating 250,000 people per week from rural farmlands to densely populated urban areas into what has been dubbed as the Chinese ghost towns. Many of us have heard about these Chinese ghost cities. However, until this year we didn’t really know the true purpose of why these ghost cities were being built."

The Chinese Version of Agenda 21 and Why the US Should Care
Read the Full Article on:

Rosa Koire | UN Agenda 21 Exposed, October 18, 2012

Tonight we talk to Rosa Koire, author of Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 about the ideology and people behind Agenda 21. Topics discussed include: What is Agenda 21? What is communitarianism? What is the history of this agenda? How is it being implemented? And what can people do to combat it? ~James Corbett
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