Russian Institute for Strategic Studies: NATO Is Attempting to “Revolutionize The Current World Order”, July 21, 2014


By Daniel Taylor | Old-Thinker News

West seeks “total reconstruction of the world”

The tense situation between Ukraine and the United States is outlined in a paper released earlier this month by the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS). A week prior to the downing of Malaysian flight 17, the institute warned that the west “refuses to adhere to the principles and norms of international law and the rules and spirit of the existing system of international relations.”

Much like the United States Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, RISS provides “…information support to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the State Duma and the Security Council as well as to Government offices, ministries and departments”.

The July 9th paper warns that the United States and NATO are attempting to create a “new world order” out of the Ukrainian situation that will impose totalitarian global laws and regulations. The basis of this system, warns RISS, will be a “single system to issue money”. The authors state that because this system will meet resistance, the threat of war needs to be maintained.

Ukraine, the authors write, is a testing ground for the establishment and its drive for world government. As the IMF and the global elite take over Ukraine.

“It seems that in addition to specific operational objectives, setting a formal and informal foreign control of key functions of the Ukrainian authorities may have the task of testing technologies… and disappearance of the sovereignty of independent States.”

The fact that this information is coming from an obviously pro-Russian perspective does not detract from the fact that this agenda has been well documented and observed for decades by researchers across the globe.


Read the full article at:

RAW: Israeli Gaza offensive sparks global rallies, thousands protest, July 21, 2014


Hundreds of protesters looted shops, burnt cars and attacked a synagogue, as an unauthorized anti-Israeli rally turned violent in a Parisian suburb. Simultaneously, thousands participated in peaceful pro-Palestinian marches across the globe. Read more at:

Palestinian death toll tops 500, Israeli forces suffer 20th death

Secretary of State John Kerry is in Cairo attempting to renew peace efforts between Israel and Hamas militants. Fighting worsened in the Gaza Strip over the weekend with casualties on both sides, although Palestinians bore the brunt of the violence. Nearly 100 Palestinian residents, many children, were killed by fighting Sunday, while 13 Israeli soldiers suffered the same fate. Harry Fear reports for RT on the worsening carnage in Gaza.

Jay Weidner | On the Edge of the Precipice of Civilization | Hour 1 | July 18, 2014


July 18, 2014–Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar, considered to be a ‘modern-day Indiana Jones’ for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind’s spiritual destiny. He is the director of the popular documentary, Kubrick's Odyssey among several others. Jay was featured in the History Channel’s documentary, The Lost Book of Nostradamus and in the History Channel’s special, Nostradamus 2012 and also in Brad Meltzer’s, Decoded. Jay is the co-author of The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye; Alchemy and the End of Time and A Monument to the End of Time.

We’ll discuss current politics in America ranging from insane leftists such as Bill Ayers, to communism and neo-cons who push for war. Jay speaks about how we’re on the precipice of either a successful revolution or the final throws of the ending of our civilization. Later, Jay talks about how liberals do not see the bigger picture, only what makes them feel good in the moment. In the member’s hour, we’ll discuss the Hollywood propaganda machine and getting the alternative going. Jay ties in the Brotherhood of Saturn, which includes cultural Marxists who seek to “transform humanity into slaves for the gods.” Also, Jay gives his analysis of Leonard Cohen’s album The Future. Later, he discusses the wisdomification of the planet.

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CrossTalk | Ukraine's Stalemate


The crisis in Ukraine is one of the most under-reported stories in the world. The Western-backed regime in Kiev looks like a 'political football'. Who will be the winner in this tough game? CrossTalking with Alexander Mercouris, Richard Weitz and Brian Becker.

The Zionist Massacre of Gaza - Cause and Effect | Max Igan, July 18, 2014


WTFflow | Nightvision Skywatch, Mount Valerian, France, July 2014

Source: WTFflow youtube

Description: 07/17/14 - I finally managed to get some footage with my brand new P8079HP Night Vision tube. I waited for a long time to get a clear sky, and the results are pretty amazing, despite the huge amount of streetlight where I live. -WTFflow

Dan Rayner | Asatru Mindset & Reinvigorating the European Spirit


July 14, 2014–Dan Rayner is a 20 year old Politics & Philosophy student at the University of Sheffield, England. Dan found Asatru gradually at the age of 16. At the age of 19 he founded the Nationalist Asatru News and Nationalist, an England based news and Nationalistic Asatru promotion effort seeking to promote Asatru in its purest and most eternal, elegant and inspirational form, to simultaneously spiritually inspire and politically inspire our elegant, ethereal and extraordinary Nordic & Germanic folk to stand up and speak up for their existences.

In the first hour, Dan discusses the Asatru mindset and how it can unlock the European people. Asatru, properly understood and applied, is the most positive force in this world. He explains how folk awakening is the solution to the problems in our era. Later, we’ll discuss the non Germanic spiritual influence of the Semitic religions and Dan shares his view on the European Union and Christian nationalists.

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Kiev leaks phone call 'proving self-defense forces downed MH17', July 18, 2014


Barack Obama claims the U.S. has firm evidence that the plane was shot down by a missile, fired from an area controlled by anti-Kiev fighters. He also accuses Russia of supporting them. Gayane Chichakyan followed the president's speech in Washington DC.

Kyle Hunt | White Identity in a “Post Racial” Society, July 11, 2014


July 11, 2014–Kyle Hunt received his BA in psychology and theater, worked briefly in Silicon Valley, and then became involved in the alternative media in 2008. Over the years he has covered topics such as symbolism, mythology, occultism, synchronicity, spirituality, paganism, racial realities, revisionist history, politics, and anything else that might pique his interest. Kyle is best known for previously blogging on Star Theory, hosting a show on the now defunct Oracle Broadcasting Network, founding Renegade Broadcasting, and most recently leading the controversial White Man March in an effort to raise awareness concerning the ongoing genocide of European people across the world.

In the first hour, Kyle shares his journey from synchromysticism into the study of ZOG. Voltaire said, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” In today’s PC environment, we’ll discuss the one group you cannot criticize. But to find out who is oppressed, simply find out the one group you cannot support. We’ll discuss White identity and interests in a so called “post-racial” America. Kyle talks about the blatant double standards and hypocritical justifications found within the ideology of “diversity” and “tolerance.” We’ll also discuss revisionist history pertaining to WWII and the holocaust. Later, we discuss how feminists demonize European men while they turn around and support Muslims who treat women and gays horribly. Also, we talk about Sarkozy’s “challenge of the 21st century,” racial interbreeding.

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FarOutRadio | Dean Henderson | Powers & Motives Behind Global War


Guest: Dean Henderson, author and geopolitical analyst.

Topic: With current events being on the boil, Dean Henderson covered a wide range of topics with host, Scott Teeters, including Russian President Putin, sanctions , the bogus cease fire in Ukraine, the water shut off in Detroit, International banksters, and several other juicy topics.

Veritas Radio | Dean Henderson - Big Oil, Central Banks, & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics...


This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to

Cloud Cover | Full Documentary


A philanthropic edit of the original documentary "Aerosol Crimes" by Clifford E Carnicom. Visit the Carnicom Institute at:
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