Joseph P. Farrell | Nazi Tech | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church


Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is our guest and we cover all of his research into ancient technology, lost civilizations, the Great Pyramid, India and how this tech may have been discovered by the German military leading up to and during WWII...and how the info may have spread throughout the world to the present day.

Peter Joseph on the Market Paradox [Full Interview, BoomBust, 2014]


Unedited interview from BoomBust, Dec 2014 | The Zeitgeist Movement | Peter Joseph.

Laird Scranton, Cosmologist | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Dec. 10, 2014


Laird Scranton joins us for the first time to discuss the Dogon, early Egypt, Gobekli Tepe, India, Greece and their connections in symbols, language and high technology. His research shows us that most if not all of the earliest civilizations had knowledge that was commen between them in the sciences, math and the stars.

Joaquin Flores | Political Syncretism: Where Radical Left Meets Traditional Right | Hour 1 | Dec. 19, 2014


 December 19, 2014–Joaquin Flores is an American expat living in Belgrade. He is a full-time analyst at the Center for Syncretic Studies, a public geostrategic think-tank, where his work centers on Eastern European, Eurasian, and Middle East affairs.

Flores is particularly adept at analyzing the psychology of the propaganda wars and cutting through the noise of 'information overload.' He also serves as the Europe-wide coordinator for New Resistance, a US based revolutionary movement. In the first hour, Joaquin explains the impetus for the founding of the Center for Syncretic Studies, formed in 2013 as platform from which to view the various social and ideological movements that exist today with a broad lens.

We discuss the commonality between the radical and progressive left and the radical and paleo-conservative right, which hold the same values and also see the same things wrong with society. Then, Joaquin breaks down the divide and conquer tactics of our leaders, the dictatorship that exists within the US, and the importance of waking up to the delusion that there will be a government reform.

download hour 1 mp3

Entidades Desconocidas en Texas / Unknown Entities in Texas


October 24, 2014, San Antonio, Texas – Carlos Gonzales getting images through his infrared security camera system. Images of spheres showing two recordings in which we can clearly see the presence of these mysterious objects. In one of the recordings we can see a strange luminous object with a kind of appendages clear and striking images.

El 24 de octubre del 2014, en San Antonio, Texas, Carlos Gonzales continua obteniendo por medio de su cámara de seguridad imágenes de esferas a través de su sistema infrarrojo, ahora le mostramos dos grabaciones más en las que podemos ver con toda claridad la presencia de estas misteriosas presencias, en una de las grabaciones podemos ver a un objeto luminoso extraño con una especie de apéndices una imagen clara e impactante.

Max Igan | Rebalancing the Matrix


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 3 - Episode 09.

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

James Maxlow | The Expanding Earth | Legalise Freedom Radio | Dec. 21, 2014



World-renowned geologist James Maxlow discusses the theory of Expansion Tectonics. In a startling challenge to conventional geology, Expansion Tectonics suggests that the Earth has not always been the same size. Hundreds of millions of years ago, it may have been much, much smaller, with vast implications for the past, present and future of life on this planet. A single super-continent called Pangaea dominated Earth 300 million years ago. But whereas Plate Tectonics states that it existed surrounded by a huge super-ocean, Expansion Tectonics suggests that it covered the entire planetary surface. As the planet expanded – about 100 million years ago – so the spaces currently occupied by the great oceans opened up.

Expansion Tectonics offers a radical overhaul of many accepted ideas about the Earth. It can help explain patterns of evolution, how life spread across the planet, catastrophic mass extinctions, and mysteries such as how and when Antarctica could once have been lush, green and free from ice. The theory therefore has relevance to Earth changes that we are witnessing today. It also poses many fascinating questions: if the planet is expanding, where does the additional matter come from? What, if anything, can it tell us about the origins of the Earth? Is expansion occurring on other planets, in other galaxies or even throughout the entire Universe?

With or without Expansion Tectonics, the Earth does continue to expand, although the rate – just a few centimeters per year – is stretched across such a vast timescale that it has barely registered since human beings first evolved. However, should it continue, life on Earth will once again be profoundly transformed during the next few million years.

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Geoengineering Dangers Discussed By Officials , Agency Scientists And Other Experts


On November 21st, 2014, a diverse panel of experts was assembled in Northern California to discuss the profound environmental and human health dangers posed by the ongoing global climate engineering programs.

Northern California media completely blacklisted this important event and gave it no coverage whatsoever even though they were notified in advance. There were nearly 500 concerned citizens in attendance from locations throughout the state, and from locations as far away as Alaska. Some of those present in the audience also included city officials, county officials, and other public agency personnel.

Why did mainstream media totally ignore this major gathering which presented hard science data on the dire issue of climate engineering? Because corporate media's job is to block credible data from reaching the public. All are needed to help sound the alarm on the lethal geoenginering programs. Mainstream media will not help us in this critical battle, it's up to us.

The von Kármán Lecture Series | Dawn’s Mission to the Asteroid Belt

Source: NASA youtube

A Theodore von Kármán Lecture Series talk, held December 4 and 5 at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, addressed the ambitious and exciting mission of the Dawn spacecraft, one of NASA's most remarkable ventures into the solar system.

After more than seven years of interplanetary spaceflight, which included a spectacular exploration of the asteroid Vesta, the Dawn probe is just a few months away from the mysterious world, Ceres. Ceres and Vesta are two of the most massive residents of the main asteroid belt, that vast collection of bodies between Mars and Jupiter. Dr. Marc Rayman, Dawn Project Mission Director, is the featured speaker. -NASA

New World Next Year | 2015


Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This year:

Pilato’s 2014 Story: The Mainstreaming of Conspiracy
The New American ‘Malaise’
“The Elf on the Shelf” is Preparing Your Child to Live in a Future Police State, Professor Warns
The Paranoid Style in American Politics
'Most Transparent' White House Ever Rewrote FOIA to Suppress Sensitive Docs

Corbett's 2014 Story: Treaties, Trade Deals Quietly Transform Our World Behind The Scenes
TPP Talks Get Back Underway In Washington
Eli Lilly Trying To Create 'Supranational Court' With Lawsuit Against Canada, Feds Say
Vattenfall Sues Germany Over Phase-Out Policy
G-20 Agrees On Automatic Tax Data Sharing: OECD
New G20 Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Hit Depositors AND Pensioners

Pilato’s 2015 Trend: Full Disclosure and the Further Exposure of the So-Called Elite
The U.K. Political Pedophile Ring Scandal is Just The Tip of the Iceberg - The Full Story is Much More Disturbing
The Sony Hack Will Define Hypocrisy Downwards
The Pointlessness of Unplugging
Water Will Continue To Become More Valuable Than Oil
Why Hillary Is Not Inevitable: Bill’s Sordid Past

Corbett's 2015 Trend: Alternative Media Will Go From Conspiracy To Community

Rosetta Mission Update | Oops! No Water on Comet 67P? | Dec. 18, 2014


The comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko will be in the news for several months. And it has the potential to spark extensive controversy. Issues could range from electric fields in space, to solar system history and the history of earth itself.

S0 News | Satellite Down, Earth-Directed CME | Dec. 18, 2014


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