Dr. Rima Laibow | "Doctors Are Being Assassinated For Taking On Big Pharma Corruption!" | July 15, 2015

Source: richieallenshow.com, drrimatruthreports.com

The Phoenix Lights | Revealing New Look

Source: ThinkerThunker youtube

For the first time ever, this hand-held footage has been stabilized. What it reveals might surprise you.

Jeff Rense & Jay Weidner | Strange Weather Around The Planet

Source: rense.com

Clip from July 8, 2015 - guest Jay Weidner on the Jeff Rense Program.

Gary Lachman | Revolutionaries of the Soul | Part One | Legalise Freedom Radio | July 14, 2015

Source: legalise-freedom.com, garylachman.co.uk

Gary Lachman discusses his book Revolutionaries of the Soul: Reflections on Magicians, Philosophers, and Occultists. Explorers of occult mysteries and the edges of consciousness change the way we view not only the nature of reality, but also our deepest sense of self.

In Revolutionaries of the Soul Lachman presents punchy, enlightening, and intriguing biographies of some of the most influential esoteric luminaries in recent history. His subjects include Swedish mystical scientist Emanuel Swedenborg; H. P. Blavatsky, Russian cofounder of the Theosophical Society; Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, who inspired the Waldorf School of education; Swiss visionary C. G. Jung, founder of depth psychology; notorious English ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley; Russian esotericist P. D. Ouspensky, explicator of Gurdjieff s early works; and British psychic artist Dion Fortune, who was influential in the modern revival of magical arts. -legalise-freedom.com

'Iran deal was fight for every preposition, victory for diplomacy' | Pepe Escobar | July 14, 2015

Source: RT.com

During nuclear talks Iran was strongly opposed to a Western proposal of installing security cameras at nuclear facilities, which would allow foreign inspectors to monitor them round-the-clock. Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar says it's one of numerous major hurdles to overcome. -RT.com

Humanity vs Insanity #45 | William Engdahl | Greek Tragedy | Part 2 | July 14, 2015

Source: ianrcrane.com, williamengdahl.com

GREECE : Where 'NO' means 'YES'!
The people of Greece have been totally screwed by a 'visionary' Syriza leadership which ultimately lacked the knowledge, the courage and the fundamental wisdom to stand up to the hegemony of the Global Corporatists. The people of Portugal, Spain, Italy & Ireland need to take note ... 'cos you're next! -ianrcrane.com

Part 1: Humanity vs Insanity #44 | William Engdahl | Greek Tragedy

OffPlanet TV | Roger Landry | Media War On Programmed Ignorance | June 24, 2015

Source: radio.offplanetmedia.net, thelibertybeacon.com

Roger Landry, the founder of the multisite media project, The Liberty Beacon, joins us to diagram and diagnose the state of of our media malaise. How Americans, specifically, and the entire planet, have been dumbed-down and programmed to accept "the facts as they are" of a world upside down. Landry calls it "programmed ignorance", we know it better as the tyranny of the mind via mass media. The prescription is to throw off the mainstream media and immerse in the TRUTH.

We cover a broad range of topics: GMOs, vaccinations, chemtrails and fluoride; autism; the take down of the USA to bring in the New World Order; the militarization of police and domestic deployment of the military; the military-industrial complex, BioTech; what America will look like when the economy collapses...and much more...a deep two hours. -OffPlanet Radio

The Hour of Our Time | The Legacy of William Cooper | Documentary

Source: hourofthetime.com

The definitive documentary on the life and death of Milton William Cooper.

Surrounding us in our day to day lives are mysteries, that to spend our days pondering would paralyze us from leading productive lives. So we turn away from these thoughts in order to see out as trouble free an existence as we can.

Then there are those who have made it their business to explore and expose these mysteries: to remind us of what we already know on some deep subconscious level, that things are rarely what they seem on the surface. Bill Cooper was such a man. -hourofthetime.com

Round Table | Geoengineering Dangers Discussed by Officials, Agency Scientists and other Experts | 2015

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

Round table discussion regarding the dangers of geoengineering with Dane Wigington, Frances Mangels, Mark McCandlish, Bill Schappell, Dr. Stephen Davis, Jeff Nelson, Allan Buckmann.

Max Igan | The Full Circle Project - Creating a Full Spectrum Response (15 min Synopsis) | July 9, 2015

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 5 - Episode 01

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

Jeff Rense & Gerald Celente | Anti-American Sentiment on The Rise | July 9, 2015

Source: rense.com

Clip from July 9, 2015 - guest Gerald Celente on the Jeff Rense Program.

Susanne Posel | Hidden Hand Behind Wall Street, 85 that Rule it All, Superstar Hackers, Psycopath Mindset, Jade Helm | July 9, 2015

Source: leakproject.com, occupycorporatism.com

Proprietary algorithms make billions in the stock market within picoseconds. Stock markets manipulated with Artificial Intelligence hacking the system designed by corporations. NYSE shut down via high speed trading creating a malfunction within the system. Hackers using burrowing tunnels to infiltrate their targets. What is the real purpose behind the bank closure in Calexico, CA aka Insurgent Pocket, Via Jade Helm Map. -leakproject.com
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