The Greek | Genetically Modified Babies! What is next? | Freeman TV | Feb. 15, 2016


Francis Crick Institute just announced that it will make the UK the first country to modify embryo with DNA altering. They stated that it is illegal to implant these embryos into women. If you know and don't speak, how guilty should you feel?

Will these new technologies change the very concept of what it is to be human? What is the soul and could our knowledge of the body be completely wrong? Is our understanding of the obvious so misguided? Is the alternative media the flip side of a media coin that is bound for destruction of nations? If you say that it was an inside job, are you not indicting your own nation?

Let's talk predictions. Will Apophis destroy planet Earth in 2029? Is our destruction due to our stark materialism and a cosmic karma scheme or is God ready to press reset. How many times has earth had a face lift? Sonic booms were reported in South Carolina and New Jersey. Houses shook and a boom left them thinking it was the end of the world. No meteors were spotted in either event and the military says they have not broken the sound barrier with any weapons.

Daz Smith | Remote Viewing | Tapping Into The Universal Mind, Inside Area 51, Secret Mars Base, Stargate | Feb. 14, 2016


Bio Daz Smith: 
Daz Smith has been Remote Viewing in the UK since 1997. Daz trained in the Military technique called CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing).

For the past sixteen plus years he has practiced Remote Viewing and have developed it to a level whereby he now feel very comfortable with his overall accuracy and ability and can confidently pass this on to clients. Remember – a Remote Viewer is never 100% accurate 100% of the time but saying this, they can be spookily accurate on occasions. Most of the time they hover around the 60 – 80+% accurate mark.

Many examples of Daz’s Remote Viewing projects and participation can be found on this website and on many others where I have participated in public demonstrations of Remote Viewing. This includes large projects like four+ years of work at The Farsight Institute for Courtney Brown on the Climate change project, Multiple Universe Project and the (current) Mysteries project and others. All three of these projects involve differing schools of Remote Viewing methodology, working together to achieve the end results – We feel these result are stunning – if you don’t believe me take a look for yourself!

Daz has also worked over 200 missing person cases to date (July 2013) for the U.S. police forces in cooperation with the Findme Group, client projects and private Remote Viewing consultation group work.

In March 2009 Daz created and published the first Remote Viewing magazine – Eight Martinis, which can be downloaded for FREE or if you wish you can order a full color printed copy for your files. The magazine covers Remote Viewing, its use and applications in the real world. We are currently at the time of writing this on Issue 10 (November 2013)and growing year on years with tens of thousands of downloads and orders.

In 2010 Daz graduated the Lyn Buchanan P>S>I Operational Certification Program. This certification program is designed to challenge viewers to produce CRV work in a style and at a caliber that meets or exceeds new industry standards.

Daz has for the last six years worked for some of the main names in the field of Remote Viewing; Lyn Buchanan, Courtney Brown Ph.D., Paul H smith Ph.D., Angela T Smith Ph.D., Alexis Champion, IRVA’s Warcollier Prize and many others on both public and private/client remote viewing work and projects.

Steven & Kiersten Sedlmayr | Fourth Phase Water | Offplanet TV | Feb. 10, 2016


Steven Sedlmayr is an engineer who invented the large flat-screen displays seen in sports arenas and stadiums. When his wife declined to drink tap water he set about to develop a better distillation system, and in the process, discovered another "phase" of water that defied conventions.

In this interview, joined by his daughter, Kiersten, we discuss the health benefits of this "super-structured" water, also known as "EZ" water, and the ongoing development and marketing to bring this super-hydrating form to a world desperate for "living waters".

Max Igan | The Storm Has Come | Feb. 12, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 250 - Feb 12th, 2016

Prof. James McCanney | The Nazca Palpa Lines Mystery Solved | OffPlanet Radio


Professor James M. McCanney, M.S., Physics

James McCanney joins us to discuss:
- Oregons standoff and the murder of Lavoy Finicum by "Feds", Restoring state citizens' sovereignty, USA Babylon Captivity
- Water filters, the Flint, Michigan toxic water situation, and the AquaCera water filters.
- The Nazca and Palpa Lines Mystery Solved: Ancient offworld antenna array? McCanney unlocks this ancient grid and revises human history.

New World Next Week | Feds Admit the "Internet of Things" is for Spying on You | Feb. 11, 2016


Story #1: The End Is Nigh For Europe As Officials Mull 2 Year Schengen "Suspension"
Wikipedia: Schengen Area
The EU's new Coast Guard / Border proposal
NWNW Flashback: Schengen Ending - The Disintegration Of The European Project (Nov 2015)

Story #2: Feds Admit They’ll Use “Internet Of Things” For Spying
FBI Still Can’t Crack Encrypted Phone From San Bernardino Shootings
Shodan: The Search Engine for The Internet Of Things
In Australia, Even Learning About Encryption Will Be Illegal Soon

Story #3: Whitehat Hacker Replaces Malware with Antivirus

#GoodNewsNextWeek - Parmesan Cheese Is As Good As Gold

#NewWorldNextWeek Headlines:
Fed May Lack Legal Authority for Negative Rates
Microsoft Drops a Cloud Data Center Under the Ocean
Obama Quietly Unveils 4.1 Trillion Dollar Budget with More for Pharma, Military and Cyberwar
While Americans Prepared for the Stupor Bowl…The-Powers-That-Shouldn’t-Be Signed The TPP And the TTIP is Next

Clif High | Clifs Wujo | Feb. 11, 2016


Clifs wujo 'my fellow americans' = discussing method, gold, silver, bitcoin, gardening when it counts, weather, geoengineering, political scum.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 11, 2016


Germany and France are calling for a Euro-Finance Ministry, but Joseph thinks this is a last ditch effort to centralize more control in Brussels against a rising tide of popular opposition in Europe to the "refugee" crisis.

Article: Germany, France call for joint Eurozone finance ministry

Brien Foerster | Pyramids Of Egypt: Secrets That Egyptologists Don't Want You to Know | Feb. 11, 2016


It is clearly time to drop the idea that the dynastic Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza. This video will clearly show you that high technology had to have been used. -Brien Foerster

Sphere Object appears while filming strong storm in Moscow, Russia


When a witness recorded a strong storm, a sphere-like object that rules out of any conventional explanation appears.

Bart Sibrel | Was the $150 Billion Apollo Mission a Giant Hoax for Mankind? | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


We have all heard the famous words uttered by Neil Armstrong as he allegedly stepped on the moon for the first time on July 20, 1969: "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Was it? Or was it a $150 billion giant hoax for mankind? If they couldn't make it, did they fake it? You decide.

The Corbett Report | Zika Fear Falters as False Flag Fraud Fizzles | Feb. 9, 2016


Zika is a bust. But it's accomplished its mission: $1.8 billion in funding, further trial runs of the medical martial law apparatus in another part of the world, and more adulation for the fearless WHO. Join me for today's thought for the day as we put the Zika hype to rest once and for all (hopefully).

Show Notes:
Brazil: Zika found in saliva, urine
Exclusive: U.S. athletes should consider not attending Olympics if fear Zika – officials
Zika prompts urgent debate about abortion in Latin America
Zika virus: Brazilian survey calls into question cause of microcephaly
Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil
Brazil army to go ‘house to house’ in Zika fight
WHO Director-General summarizes the outcome of the Emergency Committee regarding clusters of microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome Obama asking Congress for emergency funding to combat Zika
Zika Virus Outbreak Prompts CDC to Activate Highest Emergency Ops Level
March 26, 2003: President Bush Turns Down Increased Budget for 9/11 Commission

Jim Marrs | Akhenaten Alien DNA & Remote Viewing UFOs | Dark Journalist


In this special Dark Journalist episode he welcomes back Bestselling author of Alien Agenda Jim Marrs for a fascinating rundown of his latest cutting edge research on UFOs, Remote Viewing, Stargates. Genetic Engineering and Alien DNA.

Remote Viewing UFOs
Marrs reveals his 20 year investigation into the Shadowy Black Ops world of Psychic Spies, Remote Viewers, UFO Encounters and Government Coverups of Advanced Technology reverse-engineered from ET craft. Some controversial Remote Viewing by top psychics Ingo Swann and Pat Price revealed that there are massive space bases built on the moon and there are extensive UFO bases here on Earth in four different locations. Jim sees a massive covert program dedicated to keeping the truth of alien involvement on planet earth a secret and he details the efforts that Presidents from JFK onward have made, sometimes with fatal results, to wrest the control of the advanced UFO technology from the breakaway military faction inside the Deep National Security State!

Akhenaten is Moses
They also explore fascinating and undeniable links to alien involvement in our ancient past and the shocking implications of the parallel lives of the enigmatic Pharaoh Akhenaten and the Biblical Prophet Moses and how their historical paths have intertwined to such an astounding degree that it has led him to the stunning conclusion that they are in fact: The Same Person!

Jim describes evidence that strongly suggests that our distant ancestors were technologically advanced and that sophisticated devices like the Ark of the Covenant were achieved by a close interaction with an advanced off-world culture that is best recorded in the sumerian mythological and historical tablets as the Anunnaki.

He describes the two warring alien factions in possession of powerful genetic labs and DNA hybridization knowledge that were given the names Enki and Enlil and who formed the basis for the original books of the bible and represent the concepts of good and evil. He also explores the incredible similarity between the Egyptian Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau, Mayan Astronomy Pyramid layouts, and Archaeological Ruins including the Face on Mars. This strongly suggests an advanced off-world culture playing a major role in human development in antiquity.

Navy Whistleblower Richard Theilmann
Jim also reveals his connection to whistleblower Richard Theilmann, a Navy Lt. Commander and veteran of black ops that was part of a mission for the Secret Space Program to perform top secret surveillance of space targets and who had been operated on and given enhancements to help him perform Deep Space Missions.

The Cult of Secrecy
This fascinating Dark Journalist episode exposes the great expanse between the public consciousness and awareness about UFOs, largely controlled by the mass media vs the true reality on the ground, only available to a few elite insiders who form the greater part of an invisible power structure that is dedicated to ET secrecy in order to preserve the great advantage of the advanced off-world technology. The massive system of Black Budget money that has been harvested from the public budget to research and develop UFO crash retrievals is becoming abundantly obvious as more and more billions go missing from the federal budget.

In addition, Marrs touches on his experience and research with anecdotes on the SRI Remote Viewing Program, NASA, Physicists Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff, Remote Viewers Ingo Swann and Pat Price, Harvard Professor John Mack, Colonel Phillip Corso, Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Military Cover-ups, and more…!

Shocking, eye-opening, bizarre, thought-provoking, unnerving and alarming, you don't want to miss this challenging, unexpurgated Jim Marrs Interview with Dark Journalist!

Jon Rappoport on The Corbett Report | The Truth About the Zika Virus | Feb. 5, 2016


You may have heard of the wave of birth defects that is ravaging Latin America as the globe gears up for another pandemic panic. But do you know how many of those cases of microcephaly have been confirmed? Or how many of those confirmed cases are said to be "related to" the Zika virus? Today Jon Rappaport of joins us to separate the truth from the hype with the Zika virus panic and discuss whether the WHO and the CDC are merely crying wolf yet again.

Show Notes:
Jon Rappaport’s Blog
Rappaport’s Zika virus coverage
Zika freakout: the hoax and the covert op continue
Birth Defects in Brazil May Be Over-Reported Amid Zika Fears
25,000 US infants diagnosed annually with microcephaly
Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?
WHO Director-General summarizes the outcome of the Emergency Committee regarding clusters of microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome
The swine flu fraud of 1976
Vaccine Efforts Underway as Zika Virus Spreads
Brazilian Ministry of Health Recommended Tdap vaccine for Pregnant Women in 2014

download mp3

Max Igan | Face the Lie | Feb. 5, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 249 - Feburary 5th, 2016

Bob Dean Interview by Search4Truth | Arizona, 2012

Source: Search4TruthReality youtube

Bob Dean shares his UFO experiences and how they've affected his "truth of the reality". This interview was shot on January 25, 2012 in Arizona. It had been reserved for a Television show that my production partners and I have been pitching -- 'Search4Truth: Internet Chatter and Claims Investigated". -Search4Truth

Jon Rapport | The Great Zika Virus Hoax & What's Really Behind It | Richie Allen Show | Feb. 4, 2016


Jay Dyer on Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis | ISIS, Thugs & Tavistock Mind Control


Clyde Lewis invited me on Ground Zero to comment on his thoughts in his piece on government tyranny and ISIS. We discuss mind control, social engineering, psy ops and the Tavistock Institute, as well as Hollywood predictive programming. It also includes some of my ridiculous jokery. -Jay Dyer

Zen Gardner & Max Igan | Now and Zen | Feb. 2, 2016


Stephen Bassett | Disclosure & The Secret Empire | Feb. 4, 2016


Join us for the single longest interview I've ever conducted as we go down the rabbit hole to discuss the UFO issue with Stephen Basset, Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group. Stephen's number priority is to get the United States government to come clean on the UFO issue once and for all. And he'll stop at nothing short of full DISCLOSURE. Are we being visited, or not?

Tom Campbell at The Monroe Institute 11/2015 | Monday Session


Creating your reality, and accessing the data bases are some of the topics discussed by Tom in this video.

This program was conducted by physicist and consciousness researcher Tom Campbell, author of My Big TOE.

Tom is the physicist T.C. in Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys.
Tom shares his unique abilities with the participants by providing advice on preparing for consciousness exploration.

Participants reported significant breakthroughs, advances, and life-changing experiences in this six day workshop.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 4, 2016


Henry Kissinger was in Russia visiting President Putin, a week after a very interesting press conference from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Putin meets with former US State Secretary Henry Kissinger
Russia's Had Enough: No More 'Business as Usual' With US

Brien Foerster | Drone View of Ancient Megalithic Sites in Peru and Bolivia | Feb. 4, 2016


Using the latest quadcopter technology we flew over many of the enigmatic ancient sites in Peru and Bolivia for you to get a different view. -Brien Foerster

Information Machine | Suspicious Structure on Moon Surface by China National Space Administration | Feb. 4, 2016

Source:, Information Machine

One of the first images I have downloaded from the China National Space Administration show some very suspicious structures on the Moon surface. -Information Machine

Jordan Maxwell | Liberation into Subversion: The World Revolution Movement | Hour 1 | Feb. 3, 2016


February 3, 2016–Jordan Maxwell continues as a researcher and an independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and has written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries, including the five-part Ancient Mystery Series.

Jordan returns to Red Ice for another look into what has created the catastrophic times we’re living in and where we are headed. He points to an old operation known as the World Revolution Movement that began in the early 1700s with secret fraternal orders in Europe as the leading edge behind our world class scene of chaos.

We look at the corrupt institutions guiding this crusade – from the government to the banking industry, the military industrial complex and the education system – all of which Jordan says are being controlled by evil forces. Jordan talks about how human progress is being destroyed through a highly orchestrated and heavily financed Marxist experiment in cultural subversion, with America “liberation” and Hollywood at the forefront of the overall transvaluation of societal values.

We discuss the liberal progressive agenda that came out of the opposition to fascism and National Socialism, which, with the aid of marketing, social engineering and manipulation, has now shifted mankind towards a profound state of ignorance and degeneracy. Further, we get into who produced the “American Dream” ideal and all its materialistic promises of liberty, justice and freedom

download hour 1 mp3

The Corbett Report | The Government is Weaning Us Off of Cash | Feb. 3, 2016


Kerry Lutz of joins us today to discuss the war on cash. How long has it being going on? How does it manifest in our daily lives? What will it mean for the future of our NIRP-driven central bank-controlled economic future? And how do we hedge against it?

Show Notes:
The War on Cash: A Country by Country Guide
So It Begins: Bloomberg Op-Ed Calls For An End Of Cash
Bring On the Cashless Future
40% of Americans carry less than $20 in cash

Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 2


Secure your mind, it’s gonna be a wild ride in Part II of The Holographic Episode, the mind-blowing interview with Anthony Peake, expert on Near Death Experiences and researcher into the fringe areas of consciousness! We delve deeper into the Matrix to explore other dimensions, DMT and the pineal gland. Learn how to tell if you’re Lucid Dreaming, whether or not there are trillions of you, and whether we could be living in a computer simulation! -

Listen to Part One: Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 1

Jim Marrs | The World Media Conspiracy | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church


Jim Marrs joins us for a complete look at the world-wide media conspiracy that is all around us...from ISIS, Paris, San Bernardino, the POTUS race, money and UFOs...everything is manipulated and we are being lied to, everyday.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | CERN Dangers Revealed! Paperclip Nazis and Cosmology Cartel | Dark Journalist


Join Dark Journalist as he welcomes back Oxford Scholar and author of the popular Giza Death Star book series Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. His latest book, The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union and Corporate Fascism, explores the deep political roots and global dangers of the controversial particle physics experiment by CERN called The Hadron Collider, which was set up in Geneva, Switzerland with a massive military style budget of over six billion dollars!

Dr. Farrell's research exposes CERN's official story of the so-called "Atom Smasher" Hadron Collider Project, as being ostensibly created for peaceful scientific experiments in particle physics, and reveals that it is actually a dangerous advanced technology project set up for secret military purposes and is seeking the ability to manipulate matter on a galactic scale and possibly even open dimensional doorways.

Strangelets Danger
He cites the massive disturbances in the magnetosphere of the earth when the Hadron Collider is turned on and outlines that it may have serious consequences for physical life on earth and a major impact on the rotation of the planet itself. We also will discover that voices in the scientific community have raised objections that CERN is unsafe due to the potential development of "Strangelets" a distorted potential byproduct of the matter smashing experiments that have been compared to mini black holes that suck in all dense matter and energy. He also shows the undeniable similarity between the CERN Hadron Collider and a Nazi Physics project called The Bell" that was an underground Torsion Physics project built by slave labor and overseen by the top Nazi Scientists to give them a master weapon to rule the world!

Deep State Nazi Connections
Dark Journalist and Dr. Farrell investigate the history of CERN and demonstrate clear links of a post-war Nazi International through the figure of John J. McCloy , lawyer for notorious German corporate conglomerate IG Farben. McCloy was also the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and became the American High Commissioner for post World War II Germany. In a controversial action, McCloy helped clear and vet over 70,000 Nazis (yes, 70,000!) helping to utilize their intelligence networks to set up the CIA.

One of the major figures that he cleared was top Nazi legal theorist and prisoner of war Dr. Walter Hallstein who was eventually responsible for helping to set up CERN and who was also a key architect for developing the the Nazi plan for a European Federation that was eventually adopted as the blueprint for the European Union. McCloy, in a strange twist, also served on the Warren Commission to whitewash any Deep State connections to the JFK Assassination. JFK was famously committed to "Smashing the CIA into a thousand pieces" as a way to root out the Nazi infiltration of the agency and regain control over the government from suspected Nazi collaborators like CIA director Allen Dulles.

Revealing, groundbreaking, shocking, unnerving, and rife with controversial, staggering implications of a massive covert military project hiding in plain sight, don't miss this cutting- edge Dark Journalist Episode!

Dan Willis and Clifford Stone | Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Disclosure | Jan. 29, 2016

Source:,, Cliffords Book: 'Eyes Only: The Story of UFO and Crash Retrievals

Disclosure Project Top Secret military witnesses, Dan Willis and Clifford Stone joined Truth Connections to discuss their 1st hand experience and the many facets of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Disclosure and why transparency is important for humanity to evolve.

Dan Willis held a Top Secret Crypto Level 14 Clearance in the United States Navy. In that position he was privy to handling sensitive military intelligence. Dan is one of the Disclosure Project's Top Secret military witnesses who testified in 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington DC in front of every major media.

This world disclosure event was asking for a congressional hearing in order to bring forth the witness scientists within the black projects who could release the technologies derived from extraterrestrial reverse engineering. These technologies have been hidden for over 60 years and could stop further damage to our planet. This message was sanitized by a controlled mainstream media before reaching the public's attention.

From his personal first hand experiences, as well as looking into the historical indicators that have been purposely omitted from our education system, which reveals an infiltration of unwarranted influences operating behind the secrecy established for our National Security system. This is used to control the public's indoctrination that forms the perception of the "agreed upon reality", in order to hide their illegal operations and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality.

As an ex-radio Broadcast Engineer and ABC newsman, Dan has taken a keen interest in how the mainstream media has withheld disclosure of the full message to the public, a message based on the hundreds of credible military and intelligence witness testimonies.

Clifford Stone retired after 22 years of service as a Sergeant 1st Class from the U.S. ARMY. He held a Secret Clearance in Special Operations with Nuclear Assurity and performed UFO Crash Recovery missions as a first responder and helped to keep living ET's alive until medics arrived on the scene.

He is an ET Interface who was brought in to communicate with EBE's aka Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, telepathically that were being held by the U.S. as prisoners. Clifford still maintains communication with an ET called Korona who has been with him his entire life.

Clifford also participated in the 2001 National Press Club, Disclosure Project press conference going on the record that we had categorized at the time he left the military, there were 57 types of ET races and that many of them were humanoid, could walk around and we couldn't tell the difference between them and human beings.

Linda Moulton Howe | Tour


NASA | Flight Over Dwarf Planet Ceres | Jan. 29, 2016

Source: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory youtube

Take a flight over dwarf planet Ceres in this video made with images from NASA's Dawn spacecraft. The simulated flyover was made by the mission's camera team at Germany's national aeronautics and space research center (DLR). -NASA

Rob Joyce | NSA TAO Chief on Disrupting Nation State Hackers | USENIX Enigma Conference 2016

Source: USENIX Enigma Conference youtube

Rob Joyce, Chief, Tailored Access Operations, National Security Agency

From his role as the Chief of NSA's Tailored Access Operation, home of the hackers at NSA, Mr. Joyce will talk about the security practices and capabilities that most effectively frustrate people seeking to exploit networks.

IT WAS THE talk most anticipated at this year’s inaugural Usenix Enigma security conference in San Francisco and one that even the other speakers were eager to hear.

Rob Joyce, the nation’s hacker-in-chief, took up the ironic task of telling a roomful of computer security professionals and academics how to keep people like him and his elite corps out of their systems.

Joyce is head of the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations—the government’s top hacking team who are responsible for breaking into the systems of its foreign adversaries, and occasionally its allies. He’s been with the NSA for more than 25 years but only became head of the TAO division in April 2013, just weeks before the first leaks from Edward Snowden were published by the Guardian and Washington Post.

Joyce acknowledged that it was “very strange” for someone in his position to stand onstage before an audience. The TAO has largely existed in the shadowy recesses of the NSA—known and unknown at the same time—until only recently when documents leaked by Snowden and others exposed the workings of this cabal as well as many of its sophisticated hacking tools.

Joyce himself did little to shine a light on the TAO’s classified operations. His talk was mostly a compendium of best security practices. But he did drop a few of the not-so-secret secrets of the NSA’s success, with many people responding to his comments on Twitter.

Brien Foerster | Search For The Ancient Megalithic Quarry Of Sachsayhuaman In Peru | Jan. 29, 2016


Asia-Pacific Perspective | Xi Jinping's Middle East Tour | Jan. 29, 2016


Show Notes

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 28, 2016


Who is hunting Merkel, is the title of a succinct and very penetrating analysis from the conclusion is, it's George Soros, acting as point man again for US commercial interests...

Article: Who is hunting Angela Merkel?

Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 1


Is everything an illusion? Natalie hits mecca in her quest to unearth the mystery of her 2012 experience with author and expert on Near Death Experiences, Anthony Peake, who has startling revelations to support the burgeoning theory that we are living in a Holographic Universe. He covers topics including DMT, the nature of time, reality, Alzheimers and more as he shatters everything we thought we knew about life and the Universe.

Anthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. His first book, Is There Life After Death? was published in 2006 and since then he has gone on to develop his own ideas together with exploring the latest areas of research in his field.

His fourth book, Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences, is a collaborative effort with some of the world’s leading authorities on the near death phenomenon. He was very honoured to be asked to be one of the editors as well as contributing a chapter.

His seventh book, A Life of Philip K Dick The Man Who Remembered the Future, is a departure from his previous works in that it is a mixture of biography, literary criticism and psychological/neurological analysis.

His eighth book, The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain, is a joint project with Professor Ervin Laszlo. This was published in Autumn 2014.

Listen to Part Two: Anthony Peake | The Holographic Episode | Part 2

Tom Campbell | A New View of Culture | Jan. 27, 2016


"The truth is the truth, we see it through different eyes."

Tom Campbell will discuss the questions submitted by our team of volunteers around the globe on the topics they chose that are most important to their culture as they relate to Tom's My Big TOE theory.

The purpose of The Cultural Connection 2017 workshops is to bring awareness to Tom's theory which, addition to unifying physics, metaphysics and philosophy, also integrates cultures, traditions, and beliefs and places them in the bigger context of science.

Tom's encouraging advice to the young people around the world is to "Keep your culture; just see it in a bigger picture."

Jay Weidner | Fulcanelli Special | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church


Jay Weidner speaks with radio host Jimmy Church of Fade to Black about his 25 years of research into Alchemy, Fulcanelli, the cross of Hendaye, Stanley Kubrick and the Apollo moon landing hoax...and also his new movie.

OFF Topic | 360° Cockpit View | Patrouille Suisse and Airbus | Lauberhorn 2016


✈ 360° movie from the cockpit of a Swiss Air Force F-5 jet airplane with the team «Patrouille Suisse». An Airbus A321 commercial plane of Swiss International Air Lines flies with fighter jets of the "Patrouille Suisse" (Swiss patrol) during the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup events at the Lauberhorn, in Wengen, Switzerland.

The Corbett Report | The War on Cash: An Open Source Investigation | Jan. 27, 2016


We've all seen bits and pieces of the cashless society agenda unfolding around us, from cash restrictions to cashless banks to calls for the outright elimination of cash. But are you aware of just how widespread this agenda is? Join me as I try to compile a comprehensive list of moves toward the cashless society in countries around the world. -James Corbett

The War on Cash: A Country by Country Guide

Nassim Haramein | The Connected Universe


Nassim Haramein presents a new picture of the physics that our world is developing; a picture in which information and processes are no longer isolated events, but are interwoven in a complex network of a Connected Universe.

This new understanding has a profound impact on the way we think of ourselves, each other, the universe, and our relationship to it, and will undoubtedly usher technological developments that can only be dreamed of today.

Understanding the mechanics of this fundamental structure and the dynamics that makes up its network is critical to our interpretation of the biological scale, the inter-relationship of the body systems, and the event of consciousness.

Nassim Haramein will be presenting some of his latest results published in his paper Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass, where his precise prediction of the charge radius of the proton was made (confirmed experimentally since then). He will expand on this result and discuss the implications of such a discovery to cosmogenesis and its consequences to our daily life, from social structures to energy production and health.

John Lenard Walson | Moon Footage January 2016

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Welcome to V-A-S-T video advanced space telescope By John lenard walson I DO want to share the way I film with the world I have been told by Robert Kiviat this is in production but its taking so long to do the film I feel people should know it only cost $300 to get a telescope off ebay and with my invention you can double a 8 inch to safely be the same power as a 14 to 16 inch I have done this and film the moon with no loss of quality. My wish is to bring these Elements to the front of our vision and space and time I have called my invention V.A.S.T (video advanced space telescope) -John Lenard Walson

Christopher Knight | Megalithic Measurements, Freemasons, and The Moon Makers | Jan. 26, 2016


Christopher Knight, 33 degree mason and author, joins THC to talk about many of the interesting threads that have come out of his decades long line of research into an ancient measurement system that rarely crops it’s head up in the mainstream, but can be found used at Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt, Washington DC, and several other seemingly unconnected places. Interestingly enough, Freemasonry seems to be the common denominator, and it might not just be on Earth…Strap in.

Dr. Paul LaViolette | Future Physics Breakthroughs 2015


Dr. LaViolette is credited with the discovery of the planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation which demonstrates that the Sun, planets, stars, and supernova explosions are powered by spontaneous energy creation through photon blueshifting. With this relation, he successfully predicted the mass-luminosity ratio of the first brown dwarf to be discovered. More recently, his maser signal blueshifting prediction has found confirmation following publication of the discovery of a blueshift in the Pioneer 10 spacecraft tracking data.

In addition, Paul LaViolette has developed a new theory of gravity that replaces the deeply flawed theory of general relativity. Predicted from subquantum kinetics, it accounts for the electrogravitic coupling phenomenon discovered by Townsend Brown and may explain the advanced aerospace propulsion technology utilized in the B-2 bomber.

Max Igan | Raconteurs News | Jan. 23, 2016


Max Igan - Raconteurs News - Peoples Internet Radio - Jan 23rd, 2016

Jay Dyer | 2015 Secret Space program Debriefing, The Media & What's next | FarOut Radio


Jay Dyer was back for his second visit to give us a debriefing of the 2015 Secret Space program Conference in Austin, Texas. This was a gathering of independent researchers sharing their findings that all point into the direction of a secret space program that's been going on, maybe since the 1850s! Many perspectives from finance to history, technology, social engineering, and more were presented.

One of Jay's many areas of research is movies with secret space programs and breakaway civilization plot lines, and the James Bond book and movie franchise. Many Bond stories have had plot lines involving ultra-mega rich, dark, nefarious characters with their own PRIVATE space programs.

While this might seem like a big stretch, remember the old saying, “Follow the money trail.” Katherine Austin Fitts, another of the presenters, explained the gigantic, invisible, off the books, money system that may well be paying for this Secret Space Program and THAT'S where the really cool hardware and software is being employed, and NOT the fireworks show NASA has been showing us for the past 50 years.

We also touched on how "out in the open" private space programs, including Elon Musk's SpaceX and Sir Richard Branson's, Virgin Galactic are likely to be fronts, or distractions for our consumption, so that "we the sheeple" don't think or ask about the "real" advanced hardware and software. Both SpaceX and Virgin Galactic programs are using concepts that are over 60 years old, but dressed up with new materials and computers.

They are definitely real programs that are potentially very dangerous (as we say a years ago), but are using very old concepts. This could be THE biggest story of our time and since it is probably out of the hands of the government, (ANY government for that matter) from “the government's perspective,” there's nothing to “disclose.”-FarOut

Crystal Clark | Homegrown Terrorists | Freeman TV | Jan. 23, 2016


We are the last generation that could escape a digital footprint. Most of us haven't. What is the database for? Will you become a non-violent anarchistic homegrown terrorist? "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" is the meme of this generation. Why would anyone want to make the planet so miserable that children don't want to live? Are we heading for a catastrophe on par with Atlantis? 

After working over a decade in both high-end technology solutions and Operations Management in the logistics field, Crystal Clark finally left the corporate, profit-driven paradigm due to rank and out-of-control corruption across the board.

Leaving the corporate world behind for good and adjusting to exchanging “expensive things” for personal “free time” changed her life forever. No longer having the time of her life bought and paid for by a corporation, among other things, she returned to environmental research twenty years later and became even more horrified by what she learned.

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Tom Campbell at The Monroe Institute 11/2015 | Sunday Session


Tom is the physicist T.C. in Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys. Tom shares his unique abilities with the participants by providing advice on preparing for consciousness exploration. Participants reported significant breakthroughs, advances, and life-changing experiences in this six day workshop.

The binaural beats used in this program created by Tom are available at

New World Next Week | Davos Degenerates Reveal Robot Replacements | Jan. 21, 2016


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Jinping Bows to ‘Death Star’-Like Sphere at AIIB Ceremony

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DiCaprio Gives Indigenous Peoples Lip Service On TV, But Really Hangs With Banksters at Davos
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PDF: “Extreme Automation and Connectivity: The Global, Regional, and Investment Implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”
Markets In TurmOIL: Futures Plunge, Japan Enters Bear Market, Crude And Commodity Currencies Crash
For the Sake of Capitalism, Pepper Spray Davos

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Flashback: Google’s Search Algorithm Could Steal the Presidency (Aug 2015)

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