Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 12, 2016


Germany is going to dramatically expand the Bundeswehr, the German Federal Armed Defence Forces. The question is, why?

Article: ‘Time for Bundeswehr to grow’: Germany announces 1st army expansion since Cold War

Lyn Buchanan, Sergeant First Class, US Army (ret.) | Confirmed, Multiple ET Bases on Earth, Stargate Program Declassified | May 12, 2016


Excellent Interview with Lyn Buchanan former Above Top Secret Military & apart of the Stargate Program. Mr Buchanan discusses a blockbuster amount of information. The information Lyn discusses the second half of the show will leave you speechless.

Short Bio:
Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan, Sergeant First Class, US Army (ret.), Remote Viewer, Database Manager, Property Book Officer and Trainer in the US Army Remote Viewing Unit from 1984 to 1992; author of The Seventh Sense; currently Executive Director of Problems>Solutions>Innovations, a Controlled Remote Viewing Training Enterprise based in New Mexico. Lyn Buchanan is a founding member and currently serves on the board of directors of the International Remote Viewing Association.

Dr. Carmen Boulter | Atlantis Akhenaten Egyp Revelations | Dark Journalist | May 11, 2016


Part 2 Interview with Dr. Carmen Boulter: Atlantis Akhenaten Egypt Revelations!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Dr. Carmen Boulter In this special part 2 interview on emerging breakthroughs in her research on an antediluvian civilization in Ancient Egypt. This lost culture was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato and the Famous Psychic Edgar Cayce to have possessed advanced technology, air and space travel and powerful mental and spiritual abilities. After their continent was destroyed in a massive cataclysm, they transferred their wisdom and building knowledge to Ancient Egypt and hid their history in the construction of the Great Pyramid, Sphinx and a yet to be discovered Hall of Records.

New Discoveries Show Akhenaten Nefertiti Period Dates Further Back to 12,000 B.C.
In this stunning episode with Dr. Boulter she explains that her new discoveries reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to another country and escaped their vicious treachery. She also explores the possibility that Akhenaten and Nefertiti were supernatural beings that were giving humanity a new mystical philosophy of peace and spiritual attunement. In an even more bizarre twist the latest carbon dating on this new Nefertiti site reveals that it dates back to 12,000 B.C. opening up all kinds of questions for our chronology of Ancient Egyptian and Atlantean history!

Dr. Boulter explores why there is such a complete media and archaeological blackout around the true nature of Ancient Egyptian culture and shows that occult forces that were working in ancient times still have an eerie legacy in our own time. She states that the secrets these powerful groups are protecting may keep modern humanity in a state of disconnected physical consciousness and submerge our spiritual understanding to leave our mind, body and spirit vulnerable to hidden, nefarious control and keep it disassociated from its star origins.

Dr. Boulter also discusses her five-part documentary series, 'The Pyramid Code' that explores the esoteric wisdom the Egyptians used to build the incredible monuments at Giza. Her new documentary series called 'The New Atlantis' will unveil her exciting research of an Atlantean culture that existed before recorded history, which formed the basis of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan, and Inca Civilizations. She also comments on a new study that shows the dating on the Sphinx shows it may have been built as fas back as 800,000 B.C.!

Brien Foerster | Mayan Indians In Ancient Egypt? And Lost Ancient High Technology? | May 11, 2016


Never heard of Elephantine Island? It is in southern Egypt and contains many mysteries which are decoded in this video. From the presence of Mayan Indians in Egypt to obvious examples of Lost Ancient High Technology. -Brien Foerster

Freeman Fly | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 3, 2016


Freeman Fly is back with us to discuss conspiracy...we cover everything from politics, Hillary, Trump, Hollywood, 911, ISIS, Prince and the Freemasons. We also talk about his sighting and loss of time in 1993...and also premiere his new band...Molecular.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 5, 2016


France is at it again, upsetting Washington's applecart... but Joseph suspects there is much more lurking in the background.



March 29, 2011 – Cmd. Sgt. Maj. James Norton steps forward as a witness to corroborate John Vasquez's claims of a 1977 UFO incident at Ft. Benning in which the U.S. Army engaged UFOs in a firefight. He says he was there, was injured in the firefight, and says he has a piece of a downed UFO.

May 18, 2011 – CSM James Norton returns to provide additional information and clarifications about his story of a UFO v. U.S. Army battle in 1977 at Ft. Banning.

About Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith who hosted the Kevin Smith show had provided a large audience with extraordinary informations, thoughts and discussions in the realm of the unexplained until his untimely death at his sixtieth birthday on August 14, 2013. He was the inventor of the first paranormal radio talk show that he started in Bosnia where he served as an international police officer.

Friends of Kevin Smith have now made his legacy available for posterity and we will take care that Kevin’s work will benefit his wife Tang and their son Derick who lack support and live under duress since their husband and dad died.

Kevin himself lived a life in relative poverty, sometimes even lacking food but shortly before he died, he signed a deal for his rock band that he was a guitar player in. Kevin was full of vigour and in good hopes for his band to be successful, also financially. Kevin put his full energy both into the show and his band, sometimes one has to wonder how he could accomplish this. The day he came out of hospital after he received a stent in his heart, he was already preparing for the next show.

Kevin gave whistleblowers a platform to come forward and he therefore was one himself. The lines to the show were often interrupted when critical guests made their appearance and also particular guests often suddenly had problems communicating with the KSS. He had his computers and other equipment interfered with from the outside and some of his guests even received threats during and after the shows.

Kevin was not shy to point his finger to where he thought those threats came from. He took all the risks to stay true to himself because his concern and motto for every show was, “You have the right to know because You matter!”

Paul La Violette, PhD | Antigravity Propulsion, Tesla & UFOs | MUFON Symposium

, Superconducting Levitation Thruster

In Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, physicist Dr. Paul LaViolette reveals the secret history of antigravity experimentation - from Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown to the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber.

He discloses the existence of advanced gravity-control technologies, under secret military development for decades, that could revolutionize air travel and energy production. Included among the secret projects he reveals is the research of Project Skyvault to develop an aerospace propulsion system using intense beams of microwave energy similar to that used by the strange crafts seen flying over Area 51.

Using sub-quantum kinetics, the science behind antigravity technology, Dr. LaViolette reviews numerous field-propulsion devices and technologies that have thrust-to-power ratios thousands of times greater than that of a jet engine and whose effects are not explained by conventional physics and relativity theory.

He then presents controversial evidence about the NASA cover-up in adopting these advanced technologies. He also details ongoing Russian research to duplicate John Searl’s self-propelled levitating disc and shows how the results of the Podkletnov gravity beam experiment could be harnessed to produce an interstellar spacecraft.

Funding: Superconducting Levitation Thruster

In this edition we welcome Dr. Paul LaViolette back to the Ark for a discussion about anti-gravity propulsion systems, ionic propulsion systems and much more as we get closer to the Secret Space Program Conference at which Dr. LaViolette will be a featured speaker. Then, chemtrail expert Dane Wigington comes aboard for a Geo-engineering update, followed by video of his presentation from the 2015 Geo-Engineering Summit in Redding, California.

"The Assassination Complex": Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book |  May 3, 2016


As the Obama administration prepares to release for the first time the number of people it believes it has killed in drone strikes in countries that lie outside of conventional war zones, we look at a new book out today that paints a very different picture of the U.S. drone program.

"The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Program" is written by Jeremy Scahill and the staff of The Intercept, and based on leaked government documents provided by a whistleblower.

The documents undermine government claims that drone strikes have been precise. Part of the book looks at a program called Operation Haymaker in northeastern Afghanistan. During one five-month period, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.

The book is based on articles published by The Intercept last year. It also includes new contributions from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and The Intercept’s Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. We speak with Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald.

The Corbett Report | Patrick Henningsen | NGOs, the Pentagon, and the Human Rights - Industrial Complex | May 2, 2016


Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire joins us today to discuss his recent article on “Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex.” Topics discussed include the NGO/State Dept/Pentagon/NATO nexus, the use of human rights as a perception management tool to demonise NATO enemies, and the complicity of the media in reporting these stories uncritically.

Show Notes:
21st Century Wire
Sunday Wire radio program
Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex
“Smart Power” by Suzanne Nossel
R2P or: How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Wars of Imperial Aggression
Raed Saleh of the White Helmets denied entry into the US
The Syria White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS

Brien Foerster | Puma Punku And Tiwanaku In Bolivia: The Definitive Analysis | May 3, 2016


The ancient sites of Puma Punku and Tiwanaku in Bolivia are thought by academics to be a maximum of 2000 years old, and created by a bronze age culture. This video will clearly show you that the original constructions are in fact much older, and made with Lost Ancient High Technology.
-Brien Foerster

New World Next Week | Peace Breaks Out When Police Force Quits | April 28, 2016


Story #1: Nebraska Abolishes Civil Forfeiture
NWNW Flashback: When the Cops Steal Your Stuff They Call It “Equitable Sharing” (Mar 2016)

Story #2: Federal Judge Allows Former CIA Detainees To Sue Over Torture
Donald Trump: I'd bring back 'a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding
Even CIA Admits Torture Doesn’t Work

Story #3: Entire Police Force in Colorado Quits, Town Doesn’t Descend into Chaos
Video Flashback: Entire North, South Carolina Police Force Quits After New Mayor Is Elected (Dec 2015)
NYPD's Work Stoppage Backfire: Arrest Rates Plummet At No Cost to Public Safety (Jan 2015)
Documentary ‘Deep Web’ Explores Silk Road, Bitcoin And Politics Of Dark Web

Court Says Cops Can't Look At Your Phone + LA Times Punked & Football Farms
8 Revelations From 2016 That Completely Vindicate "Conspiracy Theorists"
CO2 Is Greening The Earth
NASA Study Finds Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth

Ex-Speaker Hastert Arrived For Sentencing In Wheelchair, Got Two Year Slap On The Wrist
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