Patrick Wood | Total Surveillance Society | Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells | Jan. 7, 2017


It Begins: Scholar Calls For Technocracy To Replace American Government

Patrick Wood

An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core.

Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Transhumanism, Technocracy and scientism, and how these are co-opting economics, politics and religion around the world.

Neil Sanders | Maladaptive Programming of the New World Order | Jan. 7, 2017


Magic is defined as the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science. That is to say that our consciousness creates reality. What effect will mainstream programming and the data barrage of the Worldwide Web have on the manifest world? Our rage develops from not accepting where we are and the maladaptive programming of expecting the worst to happen.

Consciousness is the only thing that will transform our world and our imagination has been captured by Hollywood, politics, and magicians. Will we recognize the signs in the road and begin a Friendship Agenda with actual face to face communication and a true sense of sovereignty? If we can believe it, it can be manifest.

Neil Sanders holds an MA in Film Studies, he studied Psychology and Media Production for his BA Honours and is a qualified hypnotherapist. Neil is considered an expert on the subject of mind control and has been studying the history of this dark art and its application by military and government intelligence agencies across the globe for many years. Neil has appeared on several television shows and made numerous radio appearances in Europe and the USA and is the author of Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Volumes one and two.

Mind Control is a documented fact. The control of the actions and emotions of an unsuspecting victim has been a reality since at least the 1950's. Drawing on declassified documents, interviews with the doctors' involved, scientific papers and mainstream media reports, Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own shows the origins, objectives and architects of mind control.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | Cosmogenesis: Top Secret Archaelogy Wars! | Dark Journalist | Jan. 5, 2017


Ancient Wisdom and Cosmological Defense System
In this exciting conclusion to their wildly informative and groundbreaking three-part series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Dr. Joseph Farrell separate fact from fiction about the traditions of secret knowledge, ancient high-technology wonder weapons and the modern race to discover them.

Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defense system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure.

It’s an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical patterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.

Modern Archaeology Wars
From the Nazi obsession with ancestral elemental rituals and the ruins of early mystical cultures to the controversial disappearance of ancient artifacts and tablets in the looting of the Baghdad Museum during the Iraq War, Farrell sees an ongoing pattern on the parts of major world governments to discover secret prehistoric knowledge through covert modern archaeological warfare.

This lost wisdom may have outlined the construction details for a super-powered resonance weapon which the peoples of the forgotten past used to wage a Cosmic War that brought great devastation during a forgotten chapter in Earth's history and is remembered now only in faint echoes of a massive battle among the gods in ancient legends.

One of these legends, about a hidden Atlantean Hall of Records suggests a lost culture and their advanced technology are yet waiting to be discovered. This secret structure was said by the famous Sleeping Prophet psychic Edgar Cayce to be buried in a pyramid in Egypt and could be entered through a hidden passageway underneath the right paw of the Spinx.

Interestingly enough, two leading Egyptologists were actually sponsored in their early careers by Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Edgar Cayce Foundation, and one of them even wrote a book about Cayce's readings on the deep links between the development of Egypt by the survivors of Atlantis. Were they secretly looking for the Ancient Hall of Records using the Cayce readings while publicly disavowing their former sponsor and keeping in line with the official academic story?

This Dark Journalist episode will propel us on a fascinating, eye-opening, startling and unnerving journey of what the power structure on Earth is really engaged in behind the scenes and how far they are willing to go for global and galactic domination.

Freeman | The Economist 2017 Tarot Cover | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Jan. 4, 2017


Freeman has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades. He is an internationally-known, award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations by his peers and professionals within this industry.

Tonight we’ll get caught up on all things conspiracy from around the world and take a look at the leaked Economist 2017 magazine tarot card cover…

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 5, 2017


While I normally do not do a News and Views on an op-ed piece, I believe this one by former Reagan Administration Treasury department member Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is important enough to draw attention to:

What is Mr. Kissinger up to in Russia?

John McAfee breaks down inconsistencies in FBI’s Grizzly Steppe report | Jan 5, 2017


Despite recent allegations against Russia, the FBI never actually accessed the allegedly hacked DNC servers. Cyber security expert John McAfee joins ‘News With Ed’ to discuss evidence in the report which supposedly pointed to Russian involvement, which according to McAfee actually vindicates Moscow.

Erich von Däniken | Remnants of the Gods | Richie Allen Show | Jan. 5, 2017


Peter Levenda | Lovecraft, The Yaziti, & Middle Eastern Magic | Jan. 5, 2017


Host Greg Carlwood talks Lovecraft, Crowley, and Yazidi with returning guest, Peter Levenda.
We know the world is a stranger place than it might seem on the surface, with unknown depths few people dare to explore- and when the stakes for spending too much time looking behind the veil are madness and paranoia, who can blame them?

But there is a rich history of artists, musicians, writers and creative types feeling as though they are being compelled to do what they do, that they find themselves being more conduit than the creator. More vessel than the virtuoso. And fans of H.P. Lovecraft’s work have even battled over this very point for years. Are there hidden truths or unconscious insights woven throughout the work of the father of “supernatural horror fiction?”

Today’s returning guest Peter Levenda thinks so, and by the end of today’s show, you might be inclined to agree. Peter, of course, is the author of many books including the great Sinister Forces series discussed in his last appearance, which explores the possibility of supernatural influence in some of America’s most trying times; from a deeper exploration of the Salem Witch Trials and the potential influence of ancient Indian burial ground on a young Charles Manson, to the alchemical interests of Americas founders, and that infamous seance to channel the Council of Nine in that old farmhouse in Maine.

Yes, Peter Levenda has helped us understand the significance and synchronicities between places, names, dates that really make you wonder about this idea of ethereal puppet masters and how much influence they might really have. Luckily, the surgeon of synchronicity is here to discuss his latest book, his first published novel entitled “The Lovecraft Code”, it branches off of the infamous “Call of Cthulhu” and uses a fictional narrative as the means of exploring what may be some profound truths.

2:42 While many of us understand that profound truths can sometimes be told easier in works of fiction, with beloved collections, such as “The Matrix” and “Westworld” acting as a blueprint. Peter explains his decision to write a novel and how it can be a more earnest and straightforward approach to tackling certain concepts. Levenda also details what it is was that intrigued him about the writing of H.P. Lovecraft, as well as his journey of exploration, starting with the work of Dennis Wheatley.

11:45 Peter continues to expand on the theory that the work of H.P. Lovecraft, while setting in a fictional mythos involving creatures born from the figment of his imagination, when examined under a different paradigm, can be seen as a warning for what was to come. Perhaps he was simply a vessel of divine intervention? Levenda also elaborates on how Lovecraft’s work is the foundation for things such as, “The Morning of The Magicians” and the ancient alien theory.

18:30 Greg and Peter discuss the many nails in the coffin confirming Lovecraft’s work holds deeper knowledge, from his admission that some of his writing was based on his dreams- an example of unconscious reporting- to his family life, parents’ psychosis, and his grandfather’s ties to masonry.
22:20 Peter discusses his book, “The Lovecraft Code”, his experience researching it, and how it relates back to the original “Call of Cthulhu”. He also details a series of synchronicities involving Cheers writer David Angell, the events of 9/11 and Lovecraft’s work.

28:00 With so many speculations circulating in the conspiracy world about the real reason the US and its allies went to war in the Middle East, Peter helps to put a finer point on these ideas by detailing the rich tapestry of the area, the diverse sects scattered throughout Central Asia and the Middle East such as the Yadzidi, and how their ancient hidden knowledge holds the keys to understanding our past.

37:20 In the occult world, a major theme seems to be the quest for old grimoires, the idea that we’ve lost our magical way and reverting back to old texts or traditions might unlock greater insights. Unfortunately, as it seems to always be the case, the Yadzidi, a group considered to be a living example of people practicing these ancient traditions, find themselves on the endangered species list.  Peter describes their ancient text, The Black Book, the controversy surrounding it today, and what the consequences of the human race will be if they become extinct.

49:15 Returning to “The Lovecraft Code”, the nexus of names, places and days is a critical part of understanding the book. Peter details the bizarre saga of Karl Tanzler and how his story influenced Levenda’s novel.

57:42 With a limited understanding of some of these ancient sects in the Middle East hampering our ability to extract all pertinent information, Peter helps break down other important groups throughout this area and offers insight into what precious resources they may be protecting. One example, the Alawites, are a mystical sect of fringe Muslim under attack from Sunnis. Another are the Nuristanis, the last Pagan group in Afghanistan and the Zoroastrians who have kept their fire temple burning in Iran for thousands of years.

1:04:47 The Middle East is a cornucopia of untapped esoteric knowledge slowly being snuffed out. Peter discusses another controversial group in this mix, the Khazarians, a non-ethnic Jewish sect. Levenda also examines the roots of Judaism, it’s descendants and criteria for being Jewish.

1:09:45 As someone who has lived in Muslim countries and has first-hand experience with what is going on in those parts of the world, Peter helps us better understand the full spectrum of radical terrorism, funding from black ops projects, and the parallels between the current process of conversion and programs like MK-ULTRA. Levenda also details the work of William Sargent and Frank Olsen, men who at the center of the MK-ULTRA experiments and how this relates to modern day conversion.

1:19:10 Switching gears a bit, Greg and Peter return to discussing the more provocative speculation and elements of “The Lovecraft Code”. They also examine if there are any traces of a Cthulhu cult in segments of Western government and the obscure symbols used to venerate ancient deities suspiciously connected with many conspiratorial events.

1:32:40 Moving onto the mecca of all weirdness, Greg and Peter discuss the possibility of portals opening and what the beings that arise from them would look like.

1:39:00 Peter explores the possibility of the alien story being a manufactured distraction from what lays at the heart of this saga: ancient ritual practices.

1:49:00 Peter attempts to describe the sinister forces he’s noticed influencing our current landscape and election.

James Corbett | The Neo-neocons and Cold war 2.0 | The Vin Armani Show | Jan. 5, 2017

Source: Vin Armani Show youtube,

James Corbett appears on The Vin Armani Show to discuss open source intelligence, the neo-neocon push for Cold War 2.0, and how a false dialectic is pushing us toward regional government.

Show Notes: 
Foreign Policy Initiative – Mission Statement
Meet James Kirchick: Neocon propagandist
Robert Kagan and Other Neocons Are Backing Hillary Clinton
China’s Pivot to China
The Great Decoupling: How the West is Engineering its Own Downfall
China and the US: Frenemies with Benefits
Phoney Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS
Kissinger, a longtime Putin confidant, sidles up to Trump
Putin meets ‘old friend’ Kissinger visiting Russia
Michael Krieger on Trump’s Treasury Secretary
Trump Appoints “Death By China” Author Peter Navarro To Head Trade Office, Hints At Trade War With Beijing

Newsbud | The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo | NSA Hacked the Election, Not the Russians! | Jan. 3, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the unsubstantiated claim by President Obama, Democrats, and Republicans that the 2016 presidential election was fixed by Vladimir Putin and the Russians.

The Washington Post and The New York Times are leading the charge to delegitimize the election and unseat Donald Trump. Absent from the debate is the fact the CIA has specialized in meddling in foreign elections and has orchestrated coups and assassinations of political leaders for decades.

The NSA, the national security state, and its partners have at their disposal the technology to influence elections, not by changing votes but by using psychological operations and propaganda. The NSA and the CIA are at the forefront of that effort.

Show Notes:
The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S.
Here’s The Evidence Russia Hacked The Democratic National Committee
Lindsey Graham, Democrats plan probes of Russia hacking
U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack
Democrats Want Panel to Probe Election-Related Hacks
White House says Vladimir Putin had direct role in hacking US election
Democrats See Russia as Election Culprit, Others Don’t

Richard Dolan | 2017: The Year Ahead| FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Jan. 3, 2017


This is our first broadcast of 2017 and our guest is Richard Dolan...he is here to discuss UFOs, world governments and what we can expect in the new year.

Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time.

Richard completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Before that, he had studied at Alfred University and Oxford University and had been a finalist for a Rhodes scholarship.

He is the author of UFOs and the National Security State, he co-authored with Bryce Zabel, A.D. After Disclosure and his latest book is: UFOs and the 21st Century Mind.

Richard hosts a weekly radio show, The Richard Dolan Show, on KGRA radio, is a frequent guest on Coast-to-Coast AM. He is currently featured on several television series and documentaries, including Ancient Aliens, Hangar One: The UFO Files and Close Encounters.

In addition to his research, his company, Richard Dolan Press, actively publishes innovative books by authors from around the world and he will be speaking next month right here in Los Angeles, CA at the Conscious Life Expo…

Tonight we will be taking a look to the future…2017, UFO’s and world government.

Jeff Rense & George Webb | Operation Gladio in the US?


Clip from January 03, 2017 - guest George Webb on the Jeff Rense Program.
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