James Corbett | Resistance Without Anger | Freeman TV | May 27, 2017

Source: freemantv.com, corbettreport.com

Can we have resistance without anger and anarchy without chaos? With A.I. technology like Watson, even lawyers are about to be obsolete. How can we possibly know what we want to be when we grow up, if we don't know what is possible in our future? -freemantv.com

Brien Foerster | Two American Doctors Inspect Strange Ancient Skeletons In Bolivia | May 27, 2017

Source: hiddenincatours.com

Artificial cranial deformation has been done in many countries around the world as a status symbol of the elites of cultures. In this video two American doctors, one radiologist and a neurologist examine the full skeleton of a young woman and a near term fetus and come up with amazing results that could change history. -Brien Foerster

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | May 27, 2017

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

Convenient catastrophes continue to provide the power structure the premise they need to fan the flames of the public's fears. The Manchester suicide bombing is the latest tragedy that paved the way for troops to be put in the streets. The brutal Saudi dictatorship yet again receives the full support of US government and the weapons industry. The US military "lost track of" over a billion dollars worth of weapons in Iraq last year alone.

How many terrorist groups benefited from this "lost" military hardware? The "Doomsday Seed Vault" that they said would never thaw out, did, now what? China is struggling to feed its massive population while parts of South America are spiraling into anarchy and chaos. The same is underway in Africa where new reports state that the US military has no less than 100 missions going on at any given point in time.

The epidemic "normalcy bias" of the US population is still the driving force for the majority, such willful blindness and denial will soon become impossible to sustain. Those that have already awakened have a duty to sound the alarm, this is the great imperative of our time. -geoengineeringwatch.org

The Corbett Report | The Weaponization of “Science” | May 22, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

"Science" is being turned into a political weapon. Not the scientific method, but the reified "science" of scientism, exemplified by the politically-motivated March For Science, the politically-biased peer review process, the politically-charged infotainment from political hacks like Bill Nye, and the politically-appointed scientific regulators who always put their corporate interests and political worldview ahead of scientific accuracy. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct: A Sokal-Style Hoax on Gender Studies
Daily Consumption of Sodas, Fruit Juices and Artificially Sweetened Sodas Affect Brain
Meet Donald Rumsfeld
The Evidence Supports Artificial Sweeteners Over Sugar: New York Times (2015)
Burdock Group’s 2007 industry-sponsored study on Aspartame
Sponsorship of National Health Organizations by Two Major Soda Companies
Obama’s New Pick to Head the FDA is an “Ultimate Insider” for Big Pharma
The Crisis of Science (is worse than you think)
Exxon, Shell Join Ivanka Trump to Defend Paris Climate Pact
And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle…
Judith Curry Explains “The Republic of Science”

SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN | James Horak & Crystal Clark | May 2017

Source: emvsinfo.blogspot.com, drowninginabsurdity.org, Information Machine

Topics discussed:

Hand of God & PJ’s Manifesto: Outmaneuvering the surveillance state with “bathwater”
Hypnogogia: Acquiring extra knowledge during the in-between state, borderland, dreamlets/dreams
• Lucky Guesser Phenomenon (LGP)
• Strange synchronicities: How my own personal story and experiences led me to help James share his story and experiences
• Why the six previous lineages of earth-bound man have miscarried and why it’s happening again
• What a successful birth might look like and mean for us—becoming members of an “extended community”
• Why the elites have no escape—Intelligent Design employs a wisdom that prevents the spread of aberrancy
The moon: what it is and where it came from
• How we really got (back) to the moon–it wasn’t done with rockets
• The space fungus and why man was kicked off the moon
2000 Space Fungus article from Boston Globe writer
• Maurice Chatelain, former Communications Dir. For Apollo missions wrote books discussing man being kicked off the moon and how our ancestors came from outer space/the moon
• The muddied waters of history: We’re not native to earth—earth has its own history from before our arrival
• Cro-magnon and Neanderthal were here before we arrived
• Cro-magnon not being native to earth either resolves the anomaly of their sudden appearance (as if out of nowhere) on earth.
• That man evolved from apes is mythology
• In his book, HUMANS ARE NOT FROM EARTH: A SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION OF THE EVIDENCE, an ecologist writes the human race has defects that mark it of being ‘not of this world’.
• Of People and Pandas: no “missing links” (transitory) species, of people or animals, have never been found because they don’t exist—appearance of new species is sudden
• Pro-Selenes wrote about a time before the moon arrived in the sky
• Why planets hosting sentient life require a moon
• Elites have been in possession of a “second technology” since the Civil War (1861-1865)
• Elites began forming cartels to protect their monopolies, implemented “planned obsolescence” (the REAL strain on our environment–not ‘over-population’), and rigged the patent process to prevent new inventions from threatening their power
• Jules Verne and Captain Nemo
• Crowley, Parsons, and the occult, Luciferian influence on NASA
• NASA’s predecessor, NACA, established in early 1900’s
The Technocracy movement begins in the 1930’s—first use of the term “social engineering” (according to author Patrick Wood)
The Catholic Church’s LUCIFER telescope in Arizona—what were they really looking for and why?
Horak’s moon shaft: high technology used by our ancestors, found in Romania by Antonin Horak
Mooseheart Faith Stellar Groove Band’s 1997 Album, Coronal Mass Ejection, includes a song called Horak’s Moon Shaft
• The connection between Horak’s moon shaft, the recent find in Romania, and strange happenings in Antarctica
• High technology from the deep past includes machines in the moon working with engines in the earth to keep the moon in parody
• The recently observed “lunar wave” phenomenon is actually showing this technology working in real-time
Ted Gunderson (FBI) tried to get information from James about Antonin’s discovery—lied to James Horak about meeting his uncle
• Deep state experiment with two of the engines in Lake Vostok responsible for uptick in earthquake activity
• Fukushima cores hitting the mantle of earth caused another increase in earthquake and volcanic activity
• Opinion-forming is the first step towards mind control
• Snowflakes under mass mind control: Scientism a factless religion (the Technocracy model)—prophecies of the 4th world “lostness of mind”
• The word “triggering” comes from the mind control vernacular
• Snowflakes and “adulting” school: Not shown how to run their own lives because the globalist agenda plans to run it for them
• Why the elite don’t want (and can’t afford) the rest of the population to know the truth
To learn more about James Horak’s  new book, Siege in the Davis Mountains, including point-of-sale outlets, click here: Siege in the Davis Mountains by James Horak

• Information Machine: http://www.information-machine.blogspot.com
• James Horak: http://www.emvsinfo.blogspot.com
• Crystal Clark: http://www.drowninginabsurdity.org

For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog: http://emvsinfo.blogspot.com

Ray McGovern | How deep is the "DEEP STATE" | Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells | May 21, 2017

Source: caravantomidnight.com, raymcgovern.com


 Topic: Deep State - The battle between good & evil

 Bio Ray McGovern

Bill Ryan & Dark Journalist | Secret Space Psyops: Celebrity Whistleblowers! | May 20, 2017

Source: DarkJournalist.com, Project Avalon Forum

The Most Important Interview of The Series!
In this fascinating and wide ranging conclusion to the 3 part interview series by Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt of Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan, they continue to peer through and untangle the tangled web of mind control entertainment memes that are being developed by Corey Goode and David Wilcock around the topic of the Secret Space Program.

The cartoonish narratives and unvetted claims of blue avian aliens selecting Goode to be a time traveling astronaut have strained even the open minded UFO research community and the latest developments of Goode’s tale being launched as a comic book appears to sacrifice the final shred of investigative value to a case that has called into question the rationale and integrity of the New Age media production company Gaia TV.

The Celebrity Whistleblower Problem
In the course of 70 years of research into UFOs and over a decade of research into the Secret Space Program many retired Military personnel, Astronauts, and covert operators have come forward and shaped a legacy of whistleblowers that have risked tremendous repercussions to bring us the truth that the Government and the Media have kept behind a wall of total secrecy. In the case of UK hacker Gary McKinnon, he risked decades in prison to leak information concerning the fact that the United States had developed an Off-World Officer fleet with no public awareness of the program.

Recently, we’ve seen a disturbing number of individuals with no credentials, no evidence and no verifiable paper trail come forward for their 15 minutes of fame and claim to be involved as key members of this covert program. The problem is with nothing to back up their story and the additional claims they make of being messengers of elaborate galactic beings, the entire trend seems almost engineered to discredit legitimate research into the missing trillions gone from the federal budget.

It is theorized by research experts like Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts and Oxford Scholar Joseph Farrell that the missing money is being pumped into a secret space infrastructure that has no public accountability. That verifiable line of inquiry is often drowned out by the celebrity whistleblowers and their predictions of imminent ET Disclosure and the ascension of humanity through the intervention of a Space Alliance.

Psyop or Sellout?
Ryan’s article ‘The Truth About Corey Goode’ that set the stage for this informative series of interviews basically asks the question: are we looking at a psyop being perpetrated by intelligence groups to take the attention away from legitimate UFO research and replace it with story lines that won’t hold up to scrutiny and celebrity whistleblowers that will eventually be discredited and discarded by the unscrupulous entertainment companies that seek to profit from the confusion around the entire Secret Space Program topic. -DarkJournalist.com

Newsbud | Mind Hack with Jeff DeRiso | Winning the Battle to Control Your Mind | May 19, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

In this week’s edition of Mind Hack, Jeff DeRiso looks at an achievement by Japanese researchers using brain waves to decode human speech. He also examines a US Defense Industry insider’s view of advances in neuroscience and bioweaponry. Also, we’ll examine how the dynamics of power can act as a control mechanism of human behavior, and the ways to connect with other humans despite our cognitive biases toward self-preservation. -Newsbud.com

Show Notes:
Japanese scientists know what you are about to say
Weaponizing the Brain: Neuroscience Advancements Spark Debate
Flashback: Stanford Prison Experiment
The Problem of Psychological Asymmetry

Brien Foerster | Lost Ancient Technology Of Egypt: Tanis: Evidence Of Cataclysm | May 18, 2017

Source: hiddenincatours.com

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 18, 2017

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Big news from Milan, where Deutsche Bank managers are on trial... it's the language of the Italian judge that makes one wonder...

Article: Deutsche Bank Sued For Running An "International Criminal Organization" In Italian Court

Christine Anderson | Cult Of Personality-The Evolution Of Corey Goode | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | May 18, 2017

Source: OffPlanet Radio, earthempaths.net

OffPlanet Radio goes to the primary source for a deep look into the emergence of an alternative media cult figure. Corey Goode went from unemployed IT worker, medicated, repressed, and in poverty, to a media cottage industry with a TV series on Gaia(M) TV and a lucrative slot on the conference circuit.

Claiming he was a childhood recruit of the "Secret Space Program"", Goode. long with David Wilcock and Dr. Michael Salla, began talking about an offworld race, The Blue Avians, one of five groups of beings collectively called The Sphere Alliance. Goode currently travels, speaking about "the message of the Blue Avians for humanity"...Is he legit---or a product of intelligence agencies and opportunistic media handlers?

A conversation with Christine Anderson, who was an admin on the Project Avalon Forums during the time the person now known as Corey Goode was emerging. In September of 2014, she conducted an informal talk with Goode at his home, recording the conversation that was later released as the first interview.

As Christine describes, there were dramatic changes in Goode's story, as well as his demeanor. Then there were ensuing dramas that spilled over into other online groups, personal lives, and the online disclosure community, as the once reticent Goode became an online tyrant. In the background, a war of egos and the deals that launched a media career.

Christine Anderson is a successful entrepreneur, healer, remote viewer, and coach, who writes and produces her videos, interviews, and words of encouragement. -OffPlanet Radio

Climate Engineering Spray Dispersion Caught On Film | Dane Wigington | geoengineeringwatch.org | May 18, 2017

Source: geoengineeringwatch.org

How can we wake people up to the ongoing global climate engineering assault when so many have been so completely conditioned to deny this most dire issue? Shocking and compelling visual images are the most effective approach. The one and a half minute video below contains undeniable film footage of a jet aircraft spray dispersion of aerosols into the atmosphere. Visual proof is the most powerful key to raising awareness. Sharing this kind of visual proof on social media networks is an effective method of sounding the alarm.

Waking someone up to something they don't want to hear about and don't want to know is an extremely difficult task, programmed denial is epidemic in our society. Simple straightforward visual tools are (in most cases) the best introduction method. In addition to the many compelling aircraft spraying videos that can be shared online, an effective informational flyer is almost always far more impactful than a verbal dissertation for face to face introductions to the climate engineering / weather warfare issue.

"A picture is worth a thousand words" as the saying goes. In the last 4 years GeoengineeringWatch.org has printed and distributed well over 500,000 color glossy 2 sided flyers. A total of nearly 40,000 flyers have been circulated in Northern California's "Record Searchlight" newspaper (even though the "Record Searchlight" editorial staff itself has done all they can to deny the climate engineering reality). In late 2016 almost 42,000 GeoengineeringWatch.org flyers were distributed by the Sonoma County Press Democrat. Most recently, on April 28th, 2017, approximately 50,000 Geoengineering Watch flyers were circulated within the pages of the Sacramento Bee. -geoengineeringwatch.org
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