Jordan Maxwell | The Return of Jordan Maxwell | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 30, 2017


Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three-and-a-half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Free Thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world.

His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations include documents and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.

Jordan has been away from major media for over six years...and tonight he's ready to speak out, once again, to everyone.

Michael Cremo | “Fake Archaeology 101" | May 30, 2017


Michael Cremo joins to discuss how archeaology has been faked. We'll discuss radio carbon dating and much, much more. Don't miss this episode. education, Common Core, Social Engineering, Fabians, Marx, London School of Economics, Tavistock, and much more.

The Corbett Report | The Truth About Glass-Steagall | May 27, 2017


We all know the story by now: the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 led to the housing bubble, the subprime meltdown and the global financial crisis...right? What do we really know about Glass-Steagall and how do we know it? Today James peels the layers off another long-standing alt media myth and discovers a surprising and cautionary tale about how the banksters can manipulate us into doing our dirty work for them.

Time Reference & Show Notes:

- 01:02 Glass-Steagall, The Complete Story…
- 01:50 Signing of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
- 02:44 2007: The subprime meltdown
- 03:01 Cramer: Bernanke, Wake Up
- 03:24 closing bell – bear sterns debacle 14 march 2008
- 04:24 The Fall of Lehman Brothers
- 05:22 Explaining Glass-Steagall
- 06:22 Fall of the Republic
- 07:18 Dodd-Frank, Glass Steagall & Wall Street
- 07:40 Hartmann: Bring Back Glass-Steagall Act
- 08:03 Episode 288 – Open Source Journalism
- 10:14 Glass-Steagall Reintroduced (HR 790)
- 12:01 H.R. 790: Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2017
- 12:41 Interview 1276 – G. Edward Griffin Debunks the JFK/Fed Myth
- 19:16 Carter Glass biography from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
- 20:24 Glass–Steagall Act of 1932
- 21:48 Banking Act of 1933
- 22:41 The Glass–Steagall provisions separating commercial and investment banking
- 28:54 Tom Woods Show Ep. 638 Did Deregulation Cause the Financial Crisis?
- 35:56 Is Barney Frank?
- 39:46 Hidden in Plain Sight: What Really Caused the World’s Worst Financial Crisis and Why It Could Happen Again
- 49:52 The Separation of Commercial and Investment Banking: The Glass-Steagall Act Revisited and Reconsidered
- 50:51 Exploding the Glass-Steagall Myth
- 59:47 Separation of Commercial and Investment Banking: The Morgans vs. The Rockefellers
- 01:10:34 What Would Be Wrong with Trump Restoring Glass-Steagall?
- 01:17:52 The Glass Steagall Act – The Useless Eaters USA

Dark Journalist | Disclosure As Occult Ritual! New Age Deep State | Part 2 | May 29, 2017


Note: Due to the important nature of this video and it’s many revelations, you may at your discretion download it and upload it to your channel with proper citation and share it with your viewers to make sure it is not censored.

New Age Deep State Part 2: The ‘Team' & Luciferic Influences
In this exciting part 2 episode of this investigative series that looks at the covert influences attempting to infiltrate and coerce the New Age and UFO communities, Dark Journalist reveals some shocking details that have emerged relating to Corey Goode, and his marketing team's documented association with Satanism and Luciferic imagery. Goode, who claims to be a Time Traveling Astronaut in his show with David Wilcock on Gaia TV, is creating ever more elaborate stories to complement his marketing scenarios, but a major backlash is growing against the promotion of a story that appears from all angles to be a work of fiction.

This episode also delves into the major initiative called ‘Corey’s Kids’ that attempts to enlist young adults do outreach to attract the teen market into cult-like activities by promoting Goode's comic books and video games about disclosure.

UFO Disclosure vs FDN “Disclosure"
He also looks at the larger role of the the 3 Year Disclosure Plan that Corey Goode recently announced at a conference. Goode’s business partner Roger Ramsaur has kept largely in the shadows as he built up something called Full Disclosure Network (FDN) over the last year. Now we can see the oddity that this FDN movement doesn’t even mention UFOs in their title or reference the topic much as you would expect from a disclosure oriented organization. The evidence suggests that the ‘Disclosure' they are referring to is the Disclosure that Lucifer the Light Bringer will bring the world into his domain and that they are using the narrative of the Blue Avians to introduce a new Satanic Movement under the guise of Advanced Alien Races coming to help humanity.

There are more stunning details that will be revealed as we get closer to the truth of what is masquerading in the independent media as a 3 year movement for disclosure and co-opting legitimate UFO and Secret Space Program research areas and turning them into Occult recruiting initiatives and unscrupulous marketing techniques aimed at a millennial crowd.

Show Notes:
Research Links on FDN:
Full Disclosure Now Channel

Dark Journalist | New Age Deep State: Secret Space Harvest | Part 1 | May 25, 2017


Dark Journalist Introduces Six Part Video Series: The New Age Deep State - Documenting Decades of Disinformation & Subterfuge Efforts Against Independent Thought.

In this exciting part 1 of 6 episodes of an in-depth series on the New Age Deep State, Dark Journalist focuses on covert forces working to dilute and control the narrative around The Black Budget project known as The Secret Space Program. The research done on this important topic by reliable investigators trying to find a key to the missing trillions involved has been effectively co-opted and mixed with disinformation stories by a multi-pronged marketing plan that is just ramping up.

The SSP Whistleblower Spectacle
In the last few episodes of Dark Journalist, we have brought forward the revelations of Project Avalon's Bill Ryan who questioned the veracity of Gaia TV Whistleblower Corey Goode who claims to be a time traveling astronaut. Ryan showed many holes in Goode's story and suggested his narrative was created mostly for entertainment purposes.

The unfortunate impact of Goode's case is that genuine inquiries into the real Secret Space Program are being associated with his bizarre tale of being part of a phantom space alliance. Dark Journalist asks the question, is it by design and also presents shocking information of an extensive 3 year shadow marketing effort meant to cash in on this exploitative spin of UFO and SSP research for media interests in comic books, video games and TV shows.

History of Disinformation Efforts Against The New Age Movement
From it's inception in the early 20th century to the present, Dark Journalist tracks the growth of a vital movement that became a threat to intelligence agencies and corporate interests because of its decidedly spiritual focus. The foundation laid by pioneers like Rudolf Steiner and Helena Blavatsky provided large scale movements towards intentional communities, bio dynamic farming, yoga, psychic experience and the quest for spiritual consciousness.

Mind Control: Savior Programming
The New Age Movement has become targeted by exploitative marketing forces and Mind Control Intel Projects so that it's direction could be controlled and manipulated at will. Now it is being used as a tool to confuse the issue of the Secret Space Program as the covert operators in both shadow marketing and intel psyops plan to use Savior Programming to create a masquerade of Alien Messiahs coming to save the environment.

Clif High | Crocodile cryptos and pissin' in the woo-woo pond | May 28, 2017


Crocodile cryptos and Pissin in the Woo-Woo Pond.
In this episode of “let's see how many people we can irritate from afar”....
Discussion about where we are in history, hyperinflation, cryptospace, crocodile teeth formation in charts, trading, and people who are pissing in the woo-woo pond causing extra work for us.
And now, certainly NOT being brought to you by GTV.....

Gaiam TV, in bowing to Politically Correct (PC) culture, thus not wishing to offend David and James, and thus not demanding evidence from James Corey (aka Corey Goode) and David Wilcock, have ended up offending everyone, especially their viewers, thus placing all their years of work at risk of turning into Instant Shit Storm, just add a few Corey Good Giant Blue Space Alien Chicken nuggets, and heat a minute in the microwave of Gaiam TV fantasy cookery. Then watch out for the lightning, and especially, the return on those Blue Space Chicken nuggets... -Clif High

Max Igan | The Manchester Bombing and Our Transhuman Future | May 26, 2017


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - May 26th, 2017.

James Corbett | Resistance Without Anger | Freeman TV | May 27, 2017


Can we have resistance without anger and anarchy without chaos? With A.I. technology like Watson, even lawyers are about to be obsolete. How can we possibly know what we want to be when we grow up, if we don't know what is possible in our future?

Brien Foerster | Two American Doctors Inspect Strange Ancient Skeletons In Bolivia | May 27, 2017


Artificial cranial deformation has been done in many countries around the world as a status symbol of the elites of cultures. In this video two American doctors, one radiologist and a neurologist examine the full skeleton of a young woman and a near term fetus and come up with amazing results that could change history. -Brien Foerster

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | May 27, 2017


Convenient catastrophes continue to provide the power structure the premise they need to fan the flames of the public's fears. The Manchester suicide bombing is the latest tragedy that paved the way for troops to be put in the streets. The brutal Saudi dictatorship yet again receives the full support of US government and the weapons industry. The US military "lost track of" over a billion dollars worth of weapons in Iraq last year alone.

How many terrorist groups benefited from this "lost" military hardware? The "Doomsday Seed Vault" that they said would never thaw out, did, now what? China is struggling to feed its massive population while parts of South America are spiraling into anarchy and chaos. The same is underway in Africa where new reports state that the US military has no less than 100 missions going on at any given point in time.

The epidemic "normalcy bias" of the US population is still the driving force for the majority, such willful blindness and denial will soon become impossible to sustain. Those that have already awakened have a duty to sound the alarm, this is the great imperative of our time.

The Corbett Report | The Weaponization of “Science” | May 22, 2017


"Science" is being turned into a political weapon. Not the scientific method, but the reified "science" of scientism, exemplified by the politically-motivated March For Science, the politically-biased peer review process, the politically-charged infotainment from political hacks like Bill Nye, and the politically-appointed scientific regulators who always put their corporate interests and political worldview ahead of scientific accuracy.

Show Notes:
The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct: A Sokal-Style Hoax on Gender Studies
Daily Consumption of Sodas, Fruit Juices and Artificially Sweetened Sodas Affect Brain
Meet Donald Rumsfeld
The Evidence Supports Artificial Sweeteners Over Sugar: New York Times (2015)
Burdock Group’s 2007 industry-sponsored study on Aspartame
Sponsorship of National Health Organizations by Two Major Soda Companies
Obama’s New Pick to Head the FDA is an “Ultimate Insider” for Big Pharma
The Crisis of Science (is worse than you think)
Exxon, Shell Join Ivanka Trump to Defend Paris Climate Pact
And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle…
Judith Curry Explains “The Republic of Science”

SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN | James Horak & Crystal Clark | May 2017

Source:,, Information Machine

Topics discussed:

Hand of God & PJ’s Manifesto: Outmaneuvering the surveillance state with “bathwater”
Hypnogogia: Acquiring extra knowledge during the in-between state, borderland, dreamlets/dreams
• Lucky Guesser Phenomenon (LGP)
• Strange synchronicities: How my own personal story and experiences led me to help James share his story and experiences
• Why the six previous lineages of earth-bound man have miscarried and why it’s happening again
• What a successful birth might look like and mean for us—becoming members of an “extended community”
• Why the elites have no escape—Intelligent Design employs a wisdom that prevents the spread of aberrancy
The moon: what it is and where it came from
• How we really got (back) to the moon–it wasn’t done with rockets
• The space fungus and why man was kicked off the moon
2000 Space Fungus article from Boston Globe writer
• Maurice Chatelain, former Communications Dir. For Apollo missions wrote books discussing man being kicked off the moon and how our ancestors came from outer space/the moon
• The muddied waters of history: We’re not native to earth—earth has its own history from before our arrival
• Cro-magnon and Neanderthal were here before we arrived
• Cro-magnon not being native to earth either resolves the anomaly of their sudden appearance (as if out of nowhere) on earth.
• That man evolved from apes is mythology
• In his book, HUMANS ARE NOT FROM EARTH: A SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION OF THE EVIDENCE, an ecologist writes the human race has defects that mark it of being ‘not of this world’.
• Of People and Pandas: no “missing links” (transitory) species, of people or animals, have never been found because they don’t exist—appearance of new species is sudden
• Pro-Selenes wrote about a time before the moon arrived in the sky
• Why planets hosting sentient life require a moon
• Elites have been in possession of a “second technology” since the Civil War (1861-1865)
• Elites began forming cartels to protect their monopolies, implemented “planned obsolescence” (the REAL strain on our environment–not ‘over-population’), and rigged the patent process to prevent new inventions from threatening their power
• Jules Verne and Captain Nemo
• Crowley, Parsons, and the occult, Luciferian influence on NASA
• NASA’s predecessor, NACA, established in early 1900’s
The Technocracy movement begins in the 1930’s—first use of the term “social engineering” (according to author Patrick Wood)
The Catholic Church’s LUCIFER telescope in Arizona—what were they really looking for and why?
Horak’s moon shaft: high technology used by our ancestors, found in Romania by Antonin Horak
Mooseheart Faith Stellar Groove Band’s 1997 Album, Coronal Mass Ejection, includes a song called Horak’s Moon Shaft
• The connection between Horak’s moon shaft, the recent find in Romania, and strange happenings in Antarctica
• High technology from the deep past includes machines in the moon working with engines in the earth to keep the moon in parody
• The recently observed “lunar wave” phenomenon is actually showing this technology working in real-time
Ted Gunderson (FBI) tried to get information from James about Antonin’s discovery—lied to James Horak about meeting his uncle
• Deep state experiment with two of the engines in Lake Vostok responsible for uptick in earthquake activity
• Fukushima cores hitting the mantle of earth caused another increase in earthquake and volcanic activity
• Opinion-forming is the first step towards mind control
• Snowflakes under mass mind control: Scientism a factless religion (the Technocracy model)—prophecies of the 4th world “lostness of mind”
• The word “triggering” comes from the mind control vernacular
• Snowflakes and “adulting” school: Not shown how to run their own lives because the globalist agenda plans to run it for them
• Why the elite don’t want (and can’t afford) the rest of the population to know the truth
To learn more about James Horak’s  new book, Siege in the Davis Mountains, including point-of-sale outlets, click here: Siege in the Davis Mountains by James Horak

• Information Machine:
• James Horak:
• Crystal Clark:

For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog:
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