The Corbett Report | White House Prepares Another Chemical Weapon False Flag Attack in Syria | June 29, 2017


The White House announced on Monday that they are preparing to frame Syrian President Assad for the next chemical weapon attack in Syria, essentially giving the green light to their Al-CIA-da forces to proceed with another false flag event.

So who is behind this, what is at stake, and where is the attack likely to take place? Join James for this Thought For The Day as he goes over the latest information on this false flag attack and solicits your participation in an open source investigation.

Show Notes:
White House press release announcing coming chemical weapon attack
White House Says It Will Fake “Chemical Weapon Attack” In Syria
Dispatch From the Middle East: U.S. Buildup All About Iran
Mattis: US arms for Syrian Kurds will continue after Raqqa
Air Strike in Syria: “We Got A Fuckin’ Problem”
Trump’s Red Line
Pentagon, State Dept ‘Clueless’ on Trump’s Assad Allegation
Mattis Claims White House Threat to Syria ‘Worked’
Russia says Putin and Trump should probably talk at G20
The US Gov’t Killed More Civilians This Month Than All Terrorist Attacks in Europe Over the Last 12 Years

William Engdahl | America’s Decline, the Dollar and Gold | June 28, 2017


William Engdahl speaks from his recent trip to China and gives his take on how the people see the U.S. in general and Trump in specific.

Max Igan | "The Coming 5G Roll-out & AI Will Transform Human Society By 2025!" | Richie Allen Show | June 28, 2017


Clif High |  Temporal Awareness, Cryptocurrencies, The Yogi vs. The Bluebirds | OffPlanet Radio | June 25, 2017


Clif High is the programmer and owner of the Webbot, a future viewing radical linguistics database and algorithm that predict future trends based on the emotional content of language on the internet. He joins us for a rousing two hours of cutting edge discussion.

Hour 1:
- Language and temoral displaement
- Buckminster Fuller and N. A. Kozyrev
- The correlation between now and the 1930s. an energy trough that we have lived through all of our lives, and the new energetics that will build up and run for the next 100 years.
- Social engineering from the 1830s, the utopians and various early technology pioneers: a wave precursor of the late 20th-early 21st century; the boundary mirror on both sides of the boundary; CERN and time manipulation; the wider human development of cognitive abilities that could preclude social engineering and controls.
- Temporal awareness in the 1930s era, later disappears in the 1960s; we now are going back into that era of heightened temporal awareness; and the ability to alter time and temporal awareness.
- Space energies heightened; top of the earth ripped off---reduced oxygen levels on the earth.
- Crypto currencies, block chain: how it works, security; the good and bad; speculation vs. value.
- Fed contractors on the dark web; champions of crypto due to need to conceal transactions
- A monetary store (hard assets/precious metals) vs. a true currency; the VALUE of Bitcoin is in the code and it's ability to tranmit value securely and with trusted accounting; the HASH encryption/decryption schema; the speculation aspects: an emotional response.
- The stability of crypto, the internet, and the power grid; vulnerabilities and strengths.
- The war of the gods and the "Changer"; arrival of the Sky People. the wars between Sky People and Star People. How these wars are programmed into our collective psyche, even our DNA; Fight, Flight, Freeze as instinctive responses to threat.
- Planetary influences on climate and human behavior.
- The early beginnings of the webbot: SUN DISEASE...and now the foreshadowing of the coming ice plasma energy, huge build-ups of energy in the ionosphere...huge lightening blasts carving the Grand Canyon... David DuByne of Adapt2030 on YouTube...Walter Thornhill, David Talbot "Thunderbolt of the Gods".
- DNA is NOT what we think: Epigenetics as a key to self-transformation on the mental and cellular levels; connections to Tao and Chi energy with epigenetics. "Most humans never change..." (Krishnamurti)
- Stillness, collapse, and Kozyrev's work; consciousness and the ability to find answers; tent revivals of the 1930s, the 1960s revivals; now the open-air mystical experiences; psychedelics/entheogens; New Age, and ....

Hour 2:
- The yogi and the Bluebirds: the quest for something bigger...enter the Orb Beings...Corey Goode, David Wilcock; Google search on Corey Goode, Blue Avians...etc. contains NO negative information; Clif reveals the gaming the Google search engine (SEO) using templates, key word searches, byte codes...a deep "official" operation of skewing web searches.
- Hard researchers vs. soft disclosure" legitimate researchers with evidence are marginalized, i.e. Sean Gautreaux, WHO/WHAT IS IN OUR SKIES...
- Corey Goode/Blue Avians as a social engineering project.
- Who is Constantine? The creation of a monolithic narrative/quasi-religious structure: Blue Avians.
- The contamination of the emotional language in the webbot by Goode/Wilcock/Weidner utilizing the reports' Antarctica material. Promulgating emotional reactions; cult-like usage of semiotics, imagery, and language.
- Issues with David Wilcock
- Incarnational issues with sociopathy/psychopathy.
- Jimmy Church and the "infltration" of UFOlogy; the language behind of Contact In The Desert as a tent meeting; the language co-opted; how a cult points fingers outside itself to own the narrative.
- Clif's detection of stolen narratives in the model space of the webbot; the contamination of the data was being redeployed by the Corey Goode camp. How Clif trapped the Gaia(m) effect in the data.
- The importance of Antarctica
- Spirituality in UFOlogy
- The myths and mind control of "ascension".
- Bill Ryan as Puppetmaster, Jimmy Church as the Enforcer of "order" in the Space Goat Farts sectors.
- Colonel Marrs: The War Through Time, hunters and collectors of past life artifacts; how we have an image/visage through incarnational cycles. Augmenting life cycles with time manipulation via CERN.
- Corey Goode could wind up the "sacrificial lamb"?; the death culture behind "super-soldier" media figures. The Baphomet image, Ramsaur (the Goat God). Strange fire inside the Corey goode camp.

Brien Foerster | DNA Testing Of Paracas Peru Elongated Skulls: May 2017 | June 26, 2017


Max Igan | 5G - The Elephant in Your Living Room | June 23, 2017


Randy Maugans | Blue Avian Cult Dividing UFO Community | The Vinny Eastwood Show | June 21, 2017


Randy Maugans is consumed by a media war with assholes in the UFO community. The alternative media is shredding itself over the “Full disclosure now” UFO cult, They’re attempting a “fakeover”, George Noory is stumbling off to stage left, David Wilcock needs a new act, Roger Ramsaur (reported by the Dark Journalist to be a satanist) is doing comic books and puppet shows, There’s a changing of the guard in the disclosure community! It was Randy’s viral post on Facebook that was leaked to the Corey Goode camp and discombobulated the entire universe. It also made Bill Ryan drag himself out of obscurity (after 4 years) to write an expose’ on the blue Avian alien cult & Corey Goode. “Corey’s kids” is a marketing gimmick designed to bring young people into the UFO disclosure movement, using pop culture media like comics, CGI & other tools such as “Disclosure backpacks” full of goodness knows what goodies. Even Jimmy Church is having a round table discussion on this topic, asking the question: “Is the UFO community infiltrated?!”

New World Next Week | Russia and US in Shootdown Showdown Over Syria | June 22, 2017


Story #1: Saudi King Names Son New Crown Prince, Upending Royal Succession Line
NWNW Flashback: Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund For Post-Oil Era (Apr. 7, 2016)
The long-term cost of Saudi succession shake-up
PROFILE: New Saudi Interior Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef
Full text of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030

Story #2: World On Precipice As Russia Threatens To Shoot Down U.S. Jets, U.S. Refuses To Back Down
Russia is going to target any 'flying objects' over Syria where its air force is active
Can the U.S. Establish a ‘Deconfliction’ With Russia in Syria?

Story #3: CRISPR Gene Editing Can Cause Hundreds Of Unintended Mutations
CRISPR-induced mutations – what do they mean for food safety?
DNA Replication Has Been Filmed For The First Time, And It's Not What We Expected
Scripps Scientists Publish How They Made Bird Flu More Transmissible
Jennifer Lopez Set To Produce NBC Bio-Terror Drama ‘C.R.I.S.P.R.’
#GoodNewsNextWeek: You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Repair (Homeless Beekeeping, Right To Repair, Seed Destructor)

Brien Foerster | Exploring Ancient Native Cliff Dwellings Near Sedona Arizona | June 21, 2017


John Lenard Walson & Jeff Rense |  Staggering Spaceship Photos - Ours? | June 20, 2017

Source:, John Lenard Walson youtube

Photos: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3

John Lenard Walson Youtube Channel

The Corbett Report | Censorship in the 21st Century | June 19, 2017


From search algorithm fine-tuning to social media shadow banning and filter bubble traps, this ain't your granddaddy censorship. Join James for this thought for the day as he explores censorship 21st century style and what we can do about it.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Breakaway Truth: A Tale of Two Civilizations | Dark Journalist | June 18, 2017


The Deep Interview
In this exciting special episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine is the President of The Solari Report, a quarterly journal and website that integrates economic trends with a larger geopolitical picture.

Ascent of the Black Budget Underworld
Catherine sees the forces vying for power in the 21st century as a combination of Black Budget underworld with its covert influence in drug running, money laundering and high finance, and the robotic, transhumanist corporate culture that is attempting to create a new kind of digital slavery.

In either case, the public civilization is only vaguely aware of the impact of these forces on their daily lives. In everyday living in modern society, an average person doesn't often get the opportunity to see the massive plan being brought to bear for the global dominance of a worldwide smartgrid capable of cataloging every person according to its harvesting algorithm.
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