Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March. 8, 2018


Italy's election results are in and its not good news for Mr. Globaloney:
Article: Italy’s Results are Truly Forza Italia!

Who's to blame? Why those always-Byzantine-never-to-be-trusted-scheming-Rooskies and their evil-criminal-supergenius-mastermind Vladimir Putin:
Article: Russia Blamed For Italian Election Outcome

And apropos of our reference to Mr. F. William Engdalh's new book, here's the amazon link: F. William Engdahl - Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive Dissonance

Daniel McAdams on The Corbett Report | Inside the State Department's Troll Farm | March 8, 2018


Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and joins us today to discuss the State Department's "Global Engagement Center," an online troll farm dedicated to countering "foreign disinformation" on the web...with their own disinformation. We talk about the origins of the center and how it connects to the grander neocon-created #Russiagate disinfo campaign.

Show Notes: 
Ron Paul Liberty Report
Behind The State Department’s $40 Million Troll Farm
State Department Committs $40 Million For “Information Wars”
Episode 332 – The Weaponization of Social Media

Catherine Austin Fitts | Fortress America? Are we bringing America home? | Rense | Feb. 28, 2018


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 02-28-18 with Guest Catherine Austin Fitts.

Max Igan | Social Crediting, Cryptocurrencies and the Smart Grid | March 2, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix, March 2nd, 2018

Catherine Austin Fitts | Government Missing Over 21 Trillion, Massive Pension Scam | Part 1 & 2 | March 3, 2018

Source: Sarah Westall youtube,

 Part 1

Part 2

Catherine Austin Fitts joins the program to discuss her latest research in the the Pension Fund scam and the missing trillions for the U.S. Government. She explains how Michigan State University professor, Dr. Mark Skidmore, helped identify the missing trillions and how that sent a shock wave through Washington as the truth becomes more apparent by the day. In Fitts normal style, she educates listeners in an articulate yet easy to understand way shining much needed light onto corrupt areas of our government.

The Corbett Report | The Weaponization of Social Media | March 1, 2018


Now openly admitted, governments and militaries around the world employ armies of keyboard warriors to spread propaganda and disrupt their online opposition. Their goal? To shape public discourse around global events in a way favourable to their standing military and geopolitical objectives. Their method? The Weaponization of Social Media. This is The Corbett Report.

Transcript & MP3

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March. 1, 2018


Article: Anti-GMO articles tied to Russian sites, ISU research shows

Dark Journalist | Nixon ET Time Capsule Now! Truth Raising Mega Broadcast! | March 1, 2018


Dark Journalist presents the compelling revelations of Nixon's ET Time Capsule from Former Huston Plan Insider Robert Merritt. The breakthrough Exclusive Interview with DJ and Merritt is Changing History the way we understand that President Nixon had planned on being the President who addressed the controversial issue of UFO Disclosure.

This Dark Journalist Mega Broadcast is a prelude to his appearance on Coast to Coast AM with Linda Moulton Howe where he will reveal the deep story as soon as the Livestream ends!

Will Hart | Ancient Alien Ancestors: Advanced Technologies that Terraformed Our World | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Our discussion explores evidence for the theory of directed panspermia--that life on Earth and the landscape of Earth itself was engineered by extraterrestrials.

- Details how the Earth was terraformed through a sophisticated geo-engineering program, providing clear examples such as the precise mathematical longitude configurations of the Great Pyramid of Giza with the major rivers on Earth

- Shows how our spectrum of blood types supports the theory of panspermia while directly contradicting the conventional "out of Africa" theory of evolution

- Examines the strongest modern UFO accounts, including the Russian Roswell case, as well as the suppressed UFO sightings of NASA astronauts

In the early 1970s, Nobel Prize-winning DNA co-discoverer Sir Francis Crick and his colleague Leslie Orgel proposed that in the distant past, an extraterrestrial race sent a spacecraft loaded with microorganisms to seed the Earth with life. Now, more than 40 years later, the fields of space research and biotechnology have advanced to the point where they can back up Crick and Orgel's claims about our ancient alien ancestors.

Sharing scientific evidence of alien involvement with life on our planet and with the very landscape of Earth itself, Will Hart refines the theory of directed panspermia--that life was intentionally seeded on Earth by extraterrestrials--to reveal that the same ET agency also created humans and generated civilization. He shows how the Earth was terraformed through an engineering program so sophisticated and vast that it has escaped our attention so far--for example, the major rivers on Earth are precisely aligned through geo-engineering with the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Revealing the Great Pyramid as an alien message in stone, the author explains how the Giza pyramids could not have been built by the ancient Egyptians and examines the extraterrestrial energy technologies used to move the pyramids' massive stone blocks, methods later rediscovered by Nikola Tesla and the builder of Coral Castle, Edward Leedskalnin. He details how an advanced race implanted the basic genome on Earth as well as genetically engineered the human race and shows how our spectrum of blood types supports the theory of panspermia while directly contradicting the conventional "out of Africa" theory of evolution.

Investigating how the extraterrestrial agency behind the origin of civilization is still working behind the scenes today, the author examines the strongest modern UFO accounts, including the Russian Roswell case and the suppressed UFO sightings of NASA astronauts. He shows that this advanced ET civilization is not an alien race in the way we normally think of "aliens"--they are our ancestors and as human as we are.

Max Igan on the Awakened Brave Podcast | Feb. 27, 2018


The Corbett Report | Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes | Feb. 27, 2018


We all know that the "Deep Fakes" application that's going viral on the internet is only a crude toy compared to the technologies the government-sponsored, defence department-linked researchers have been playing with. Here's an example from the year 2000 that shows that real-time video fakery technology has been available to the deep state for decades.

Show Notes:
Deep Fakes on New World Next Week
Lying With Pixels

Jeff Rense & Jon Rappoport | The Psychiatric Destruction Of America | Feb. 27, 2018


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