Sister Keri Burnor | Clergy Victim: From Targeted to Free from the Vatican and the C.I.A. | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Tonight's story reveals the globalist agendas of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by way of being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind's environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed to.

Sister Keri Burnor spent many years as a nun serving peacefully within the Catholic Church; that is, until she was sexually assaulted by Church Clergy. After that experience, her search for justice and truth put her face to face with some of the highest powers in the world today, but not necessarily in a good way. Her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Roman Church, and the evils that are hidden and covered up therein on a regular basis, have become the very thing that has caused Burnor's life to be in jeopardy.

Between 2011 and December 2016, she survived more than 10 attempts on her life because of the knowledge she carries with her: knowledge of the Catholic Church's rampant sexual abuse that continues unabated today, knowledge of the U.S. Government's desire to control the population by introducing destructive nanotechnology into the food distribution system and other products, and knowledge about certain activities within the US Government that are so highly secretive and classified that even Congress isn't aware or in control of them.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 13, 2018


Remember the Swedish elections last Sunday that I didn't comment on? Well, there was a reason for that...

Articles: Sweden election 2018: 'DEATH THREATS and ATTACKS' reported at Swedish polling stations
Head of Sweden’s Electoral Authority: “No Control Mechanism to Prevent Voter Fraud”

AlienScientist | The Ongoing Quest for Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Technology... | Sept. 13, 2018


Join us as we talk about the best ideas to date on anti-gravity and free energy, followed by the worst ideas. The ideas that have been debunked time and time again, yet continue to be an ongoing business for hoaxers to defraud people out of money in exchange for blue prints on how to build these free energy machines that defy physics and don't actually work under experiments.

New World Next Week | Trump Cabal Threatens Syria With A Chemical False Flag | Sept. 13, 2018


Story #1: Russia Claims Filming of Staged Chemical Attack In Syria Has Begun
Haley Warns Russia, Iran Of “Dire Consequences” Over Syria Military Assault
Mattis Says Assad Has Been Warned Against Chemical Weapons Use In Idlib
UN Report Claims Syrian Gov Have Used Chemical Weapons Three Times In 2018
17 Years After 9/11, US Counts Al Qaeda Among Allies in Syria, Yemen
Trump Renews National Emergency Declared in Response to 9/11 Attacks

Story #2: Motorola Patents Robocop Autonomous Car That Breathalyzes, Mirandizes You, Calls Your Lawyer And Collects Your Bail
Amazon Patented System That Would Put Workers In Cages, On Top Of Robots
“Anatomy Of An AI System: The Amazon Echo As Anatomical Map Of Human Labor, Data And Planetary Resources”
OxyContin Maker Gets Patent for Drug to Treat Opioid Addiction

Story #3: Top Cancer Researcher Fails to Disclose Corporate Financial Ties in Major Research Journals
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Stand Up To Cancer Causes
9/11: War Games
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

Richard Dolan | 9/11: What 17 Years of Lies Have Done to Us | Sept. 11, 2018


The Corbett Report | 9/11 War Games | Sept. 11, 2018


Little did we know at the time, 9/11 was not a normal day of blue sky aviation. On the contrary, it was one of the busiest days in the history of American aviation, a dense forest of live fly exercises, drills, simulations, fake radar injects and utter confusion. And that was before the attacks even began. This is the story of 9/11 that you didn't watch unfold on your TV that fateful day in 2001. This is the story of the 9/11 War Games.

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Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp on The Black Vault Radio with John Greenewald, Jr. | Sept. 10, 2018


On Episode #11 of The Black Vault Radio, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and award winning investigative journalist George Knapp step into the Vault. They break down the new film HUNT FOR THE SKINWALKER and explore the inside on the elusive Skinwalker Ranch.

The Corbett Report | Never Forget: Firefighters Are Disposable Props - #PropagandaWatch | Sept. 10, 2018


September is the season for 9/11 propaganda and this year is no exception. But of all the 9/11 propaganda that we face, perhaps the most galling is the way that the real heroes of that day, the first reponders, are treated as nothing more than disposable props to prop up a narrative of lies that has been used to justify 17 years of unending warfare, blood-letting and destruction. Join James for this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch as he examines one such piece from CNN.

Max Igan | Fascist Dickheadism | Sept. 7, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - September 7th, 2018.

Carl Abrahamsson | Occulture, The Primordial Awe, & The Economy Of Magic | Sept. 8, 2018


Folks, it's probably no surprise to hear that magical activities are going on within our world pretty much constantly, and this is a tale as old as time...from mans first cave painting to the Super Bowl Halftime show, pulling ideas down from the imaginative realm and firmly planting them in the physical, through conscious attention and art creation just seems to be one of those quirky things man does.

We've heard about the concept of the Muse, and countless artists have been quite clear about not exactly knowing where their art comes from- sometimes saying it finds them moreso than the other way around. So there's definitely some interesting interplay between consciousness and ideas that I don't think we've fully unpacked. Yet it's something that the Occult world has been exploring and experimenting with behind the scenes for years- and while these activities are usually relegated to the shadows- few people really understand the scope of magical thinking, art, and it's influence on the wider culture. Which brings us to today's guest. His name is Carl Abrahamsson, a writer, publisher, magico-anthropologist, film maker and more.

His latest book is titled Occulture: The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward – and in it, he explores that curious crossroads between art and magic, discusses his insights from over 30 years in occult movements, and takes a deep look into the phenomena and people who have been the most crucial in modern esoteric developments including Carl Jung, Anton LaVey, Crowley, Rudolf Steiner and more.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom | Sonic and Neuro Weapons | Freeman TV | Sept 1, 2018


“The Program” involves a vast neuro-warfare weapons system being secretly deployed worldwide as part of the military-academic-corporate complex’s brain mapping, behavioral control and cloning projects.


“-This (global organized stalking/GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTAPO) is the most important policy of the United States…. with this invisible and silent weapon, they can control people and populations, biological and electronic systems, via space satellites…. The elite have plans to get rid of 2/3 of the world’s population with electromagnetic warfare, chemical warfare, and psychological warfare…. Mind control, MK, is listed as a “non-lethal weapon” by the military… and is a weapon of mass destruction along with nuclear bombs… This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers…. According to the CIA Director in 1972, mind control means a world where every thought, emotion, observation, and need is controlled.”

Eric Karlstrom began teaching at California State University, Stanislaus in 1990, after five years as an Assistant Professor at Northern Arizona University, one year as a Visiting Professor at The University of Kansas, and one year as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Wyoming. At CSUS, in addition, to teaching physical and environmental geography courses (Geomorphology, Climatology, Introduction to Physical Geography, Human Ecology), he has also taught courses cross-listed with the Geology department (Geology/Geography of Soils, Physical and Environmental Geology), and an honors course (State of the World: The Environmental Perspective).

A silent war is taking place in cities all over the planet. It is covered up by the media, mental health system, NGOs, and our elected officials. Now that the financial elite are finished using the US military and allied forces to conquer nations in their quest for global domination, they’re neutralizing individuals and groups of resisters who live among the people. To do this, they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population, which is used as a surrogate force to persecute those who have been identified as enemies. As part of the same agenda, the security forces are conducting psychological operations on civilians and torturing them with directed energy weapons. The entire operation is in service to some very wealthy psychopaths who rule our society, as part of a global revolution intended to result in a planetary dictatorship, known as the New World Order.

Extremely low frequency (ELF) technology slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound, similar to the CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron’s, “psychic driving” technique, used to break down the target’s personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are “synthetic telepathy” and “psychotronics.” Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnoff patent, that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company, Psi Tech Corporation.

Mark Corske | Engines of Domination: Political Power and the Human Emergency | Sept. 9, 2018


Mark Corske discusses his film Engines of Domination – Political Power and the Human Emergency.

Is political power – armed central authority with states and war – really necessary for human society? Or is it a tool that ruling elites use to live at the expense of everyone else? Engines of Domination offers a theory of political power as a tool; an engine that converts human energy into power and privilege for the rulers. Invented in the Bronze Age and ruthlessly refined for six thousand years, today this engine threatens to destroy our world in a human emergency of converging political and economic crises, resource depletion, and environmental destruction.

Applying his theory of political power to Western history, Corske makes a passionate argument that there is only one way to respond to this emergency: Armed central authority must be abolished, giving way to a world of peaceful voluntary communities. Six thousand years of violence and chaos, of abusive power and plundered privilege, is more than long enough. It’s time for something better.

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