The Corbett Report | Han Solo Pimps World Government - #PropagandaWatch | Feb. 13, 2019


Fresh off the heels of pimping for Amazon, Harrison Ford is back at it, this time lending his face and voice to climate change buffoonery for the World Government Summit taking place in the United Arab Emirates. I wish I was making this up. Today, I break down the World Government Summit and the real nature of these globalist institutions that seemingly sprout out of nowhere.

Show Notes:
I Watch The Super Bowl Commercials (So You Don’t Have To!) – #PropagandaWatch
Harrison Ford – World Government Summit 2019
Harrison Ford delivers apocalyptic climate change warning
World Government Summit website
Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Data is the New Oil
Cheney Fleeing To Dubai
The Anglo-American Establishment

Richard Dolan | The New Totalitarianism | Feb. 12, 2019


Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next.

Cities Cannot Stop 5G Implementation

The following is a voicemail recording sent to Richard Dolan from early February 2019 from a City Manager’s office in response to a citizen query about 5G installations being constructed in various locations of the city.

The name of the city employee individual has been removed, as has the name of the resident and the city itself in order to preserve anonymity. The voice of the individual has been altered as well.

This statement reflects a nationwide development within the U.S., and indeed throughout most of the world. This is posted this with the express permission of the person who sent it.

Begin voicemail.

“Good morning [blank]. My name is [blank]. I am the administrative assistant for the city manager’s office in [city name]. And I’m returning your call with your question about 5G.

Unfortunately, state regulations have been passed in such a manner that the city of [blank] has no leverage or no control over what happens with 5G.

Cellular companies are allowed to post the small 5G units on existing towers around the city, and all they need to do is apply for a permit. there’s no type of hearing.

And the cell companies are not responsible for telling the city anything about when those sites are activated. So the city really has no involvement and no information about what’s happening with 5G, other than the fact that from time to time the cell company will apply for a permit.

So there’s really no other information that we can give you. I’ve talked to city planning and several other people, but the legislation that was passed in the state and on the federal level have kind of taken all of that out of the city’s hands.

So, if you have any further questions, you can call back but at this point there’s really no other information to share with you. Thank you. Bye bye.”

The Corbett Report | I Watch The Superbowl Commercials (So You Don't Have To!) | Feb. 7, 2019


Another Stupor Bowl has come and gone to dazzle the masses and, as many already know, the commercials are where many of the big propaganda themes for the year are introduced. So this year, video editor Broc West introduces some of the worst ones to me for my take on the cavalcade of conditioning. That's right, in this edition of #PropagandaWatch you can literally watch me watching propaganda in real time! Ain't the internet grand?

Show Notes:
COMMERCIAL #1 – TurboTax Live 2019 Super Bowl Commercial “RoboChild”
COMMERCIAL #2 – Mapping the future of our forests with Microsoft AI
COMMERCIAL #3 – SimpliSafe: “Fear Is Everywhere”
COMMERCIAL #4 – Not Everything Makes the Cut – Amazon
COMMERCIAL #5 – Washington Post Super Bowl message: Democracy Dies in Darkness
The Question Concerning Technology

Brian Keating | Cosmos and Controversy: Science and the Big Questions | Legalise Freedom Radio | Feb. 11, 2019


Brian Keating, author of 'Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science's Highest Honor', discusses the origin of the Universe and how science is performed, presented, and perceived.

Modern science portrays itself as dispassionate and detached, with objective observers simply registering facts. But scientists are people too, with prejudices and emotions, rivalries and ambitions, hopes and fears. Pop science today is all over the media, making stars out of scientists unaccustomed to such acclaim. In an age of chaos and confusion where anti-scientific attitudes are also on the rise, can more be done to make science relevant and meaningful to the masses?

We also take a tour of cosmological theories from the Big Bang to the Steady State and ask, could our Universe really have arisen from nothing? And, in attempting to trace its origin back in time, is there a point beyond which we simply cannot see?

Anthony Peake | Consciousness and Grey Aliens | Freeman TV | Feb. 9, 2019


This is where the Psychonaut meets the Scientist. Like when Ken Kesey of the Merry Pranksters met with Dr. Timothy Leary, let's explore altered states of consciousness. Does consciousness exist outside of the living body? Can your soul be transferred to a computer?

What beings exist inside the realm of DMT? Is this the place where the Grey Aliens dwell? Why is it that when people traverse the psychedelic worlds, they meet with mantis beings? Insects are the only thing on planet Earth that do not contain DMT.

Anthony Peake is a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. Anthony attended the London School of Economics and is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychical Research. In several of his books, he has presented a potentially paradigm-changing hypothesis that suggests that human consciousness survives the physical death of the body by falling out of time. He calls this process Cheating The Ferryman.

Anthony has now written eight books, co-authored an ninth and co-edited a tenth. All of them develop his Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis into ever-wider areas of application. His approach has always been to apply science to the mysterious and the enigmatic.

His tenth book, a work on the the time plays and time-theories of British author-playwright J.B. Priestley, was published in 2018. In 2019 a sequel to his book, Opening the Doors of Perception will be published. Also in 2018, an audio book of Anthony’s first work, Is There Life After Death – The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die was released with Anthony reading his own writings.

Max Igan | If You Ever Realized How Powerful You Really Are... | Feb. 8, 2019


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - February 8th, 2019.

Daniel Estulin | New Global Order as U.S. Takes Venezuela, China Gets North Korea | Feb. 9, 2019


Daniel Estulin explains the US regime change in Venezuela and how it is part of a bigger global shifting alliance of interests, where China has agreed to let the U.S. take Venezuela in exchange for North Korea. He discusses his latest book "In the Shadows of a Presidency", and what scenarios he sees playing out beyond the coming global economic reset.

About Daniel Estulin
Dr. Daniel Estulin is a dangerous man to the status quo. Possessed, obsessed, tenacious and courageous, a 2015 Nobel Prize nominee and a multi award-winning investigative journalist, he is a man who has been in the cross-hairs of the global power brokers for almost two decades. He is our preeminent historian of the global elite, a scholar of remarkable breadth and erudition and one of the world’s most outspoken public intellectuals.

Dr. Estulin doesn’t just inspire us, he informs us with his intelligence, authenticity, generosity and compassion. He provides the information, tools, and motivation necessary to inspire and catalyze strategic citizen action. In doing so, his work strengthens movements, ensures a more just system, and brings us closer to the promise of democracy.

His 2015 Nobel Peace Prize nomination is a tribute and recognition for all the work in fighting, exposing and risking his life for the common good of the human race. He gave two speeches at the European Parliament in 2010 and 2012 on European Integration and financial crisis. In November 2014, Mr. Estulin was a keynote speaker at the United Nations conference in Vienna, “Strategic Tendencies of World Politics 2015-2020”.

In 2015 and again in 2016, Estulin won Mexico's highest award for journalism. Between 2012 and 2014, Estulin presented and directed the highest rates Spanish language TV show in the world, Desde la Sombra (Out of the Shadows), on RT's international channel with a weekly audience of over 6 million/ episode. Since 2005, Dr. Estulin has given over 700 conferences to 500,000+ people.

In his international best seller, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which has sold 7.2 million copies in 68 countries and been translated into 48 languages, Dr. Estulin was the first man to publicly expose this shadowy cabal of some of the world’s most powerful behind the scenes manipulators. Again and again, Dr. Estulin bravely journeys to the epicenter of hell to uncover some of the most mind-boggling crimes by the men who run the world from behind the scenes.

Show Notes:
Colombia: A Return to War?
South America creating regional bloc to counter Venezuela: Colombia
Colombia probes Venezuela connection to assassination plot on President Ivan Duque
Colombia: “El ELN está en Venezuela con el apoyo de Maduro”
Revealed: US And Colombia Conspiring To Intervene In Venezuela
Venezuela: Pope wants to verify will of both parties
Leaked Wikileaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons
As a former UN special rapporteur, the coup in Venezuela reminds me of the rush to war in Iraq
Mujica sobre la crisis en Venezuela: “Si EE.UU. no tiene más remedio que intervenir, va a intervenir;el tema central es evitar la guerra”

Dark Journalist | X-Series Episode 46 | NYMZA X-Tech Secret UFO Dellschau Connection! Walter Bosley | Feb. 8, 2019


X-Series episode 46 features Author of the Empire of the Wheel Book Series Walter Bosley. His work uncovering the Covert Industrial Group called NYMZA reveals the enigmatic figure known as Charles Dellschau, a German immigrant whose esoteric artwork and diaries were uncovered years after his death. In the paintings and recollections he recounts the activities of the 19th century Sonora Aero Club and their connection to NYMZA. The remarkable clues Dellschau left behind reveal a deep connection to X-Steganography and the UFO File!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

Jim Elvidge | Digital Consciousness: The True Nature of Reality? | Part Two | Legalist Freedom Radio | Feb. 7, 2019


Jim Elvidge discusses his book 'Digital Consciousness: A Transformative Vision'.

Our reality is not what it appears to be. The latest physics experiments demonstrate that an objective reality simply does not exist. Despite its immense value to humanity, modern science's claim that it can account for the depth and diversity of experience, and in the foreseeable future explain the fundamental nature of reality, goes too far.

Modern mainstream science maintains that matter is all that matters, and that the seemingly-solid three-dimensional world of our five senses is all there really is. But the list of phenomena adequately accounted for by the physical sciences is outstripped by those it cannot explain and instead simply chooses to ignore.

The most profound of these is the riddle of consciousness itself. The best hypothesis proffered by mainstream science is that consciousness is a mere epiphenomenon of the brain, a by-product which arises when organisms reach a certain degree of complexity. But what if the opposite were true? What if that which we call matter actually arises within mind, a universal sea of consciousness forming the fundamental ground of reality?

Not only does this model reflect ancient spiritual and wisdom traditions spanning the globe and reaching back into pre-history, when unified with cutting edge quantum physics, it forms the basis for an all-encompassing cosmology offering answers to the eternal questions of existence and the deepest mysteries of life.

download mp3

Jim Elvidge | Digital Consciousness: The True Nature of Reality? Part One | Jan. 23, 2019

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 7, 2019


It's getting interesting in the dystopia that is the European Union, because France has just recalled its ambassador, citing "meddling":

Article: France Recalls Ambassador From Italy After "Unprecedented" Verbal Attacks

The Intercept | The Yankee Plot to Overthrow Nicolás Maduro and Steal Venezuela’s Oil | Feb. 2, 2019


The Trump administration is openly engaging in a blatant effort to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. It’s a campaign aimed at regime change, and it’s being publicly promoted as an opportunity to steal Venezuelan oil for the benefit of U.S. corporations. They’re not even pretending.

But this is not some insane Twitter thought spewed by Trump after guzzling down gallons of Fox and Friends. It’s open imperialism, and it’s not just being embraced by powerful Republicans, but Democrats as well.

This push for regime change in Venezuela did not appear in a vacuum. The CIA has been plotting with so-called rebels in Venezuela from the early days of the Trump administration.

As Donald Trump has cozied up to strongmen and dictators across the world — from Vladimir Putin to Mohammed bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte, Kim Jong-un, el-Sisi of Egypt — it seems that he’s found one so-called strongman that he can’t tolerate. And that leader happens to have the largest reserves of oil of any country in the world.

Former CIA Asset Cody Snodgres | Should you Trust the Government? | Jan. 21, 2019


Daniel Brigman interviews Cody Snodgres on The Power Hour January 21, 2019.
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