"THEY'VE ABSOLUTELY DONE IT." | Michael Schratt on Gravity Research | Richard Dolan Show | July 9, 2019

Source: richarddolanpress.com

Richard brings military historian Michael Schratt back for a second interview. This one starts with a series of very strange "Michelin Man" sightings; that is, of beings wearing the classic Michelin Man suits in concentric tubes. The main part of the interview concerns Michael Schratt's research into the history of gravity, or more accurately anti-gravity. He argues that a significant breakthrough was made, most likely in the 1950s.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

S0 News | Hail, Tornados, Earthquakes, Big Announcement | July 8, 2019

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Noam Chomsky on Fascism, Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, Julian Assange & More

Source: democracynow.org

On April 12, 2019, hundreds of people packed into the Old South Church in Boston to hear the world-renowned dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky speak. In this hour-long special, we air an excerpt of Chomsky’s speech and his on-stage interview with Amy Goodman.

Max Igan | Dystopia Rising | July 5, 2019

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - July 05, 2019.

April Cherpaw with James Horak on CKUW | Where Angels Fear to Tread | July 2019

Source: emvsinfo.blogspot.com

For comments, info and more radio shows with James Horak visit the blog: emvsinfo.blogspot.com

Where Angels Fear to Tread

The “Powers That Would-Be” have made their intentions quite clear: they need us divided, confused and in a state of fear. Do we really want to live like this?

Where Angels Fear to Tread seeks a way through and past these dark Intentions. There are only two states: LOVE/FEAR. We have the option to choose what is best for our well-being and what is best for the future. The way through is simply to choose Love over Fear. Most humans are inherently good and we need only remember this while looking into the darkness and seeking a better way to live.

Join us each Saturday as we expose the nature of some of these problems in our world while exploring possible solutions to some of the more troubling and disturbing agendas which are coming more and more into the light as humanity is waking up.

We can take back our power and realize that the minority of humanity – the “Powers That Would-Be” – are far outnumbered by those of us who are loving, caring, and remaining hopeful in spite of the wide spread corruption and greed we see going on in our world.

The Corbett Report | The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know | July 5, 2019

Source: corbettreport.com

Once a sleepy farming region, Silicon Valley is now the hub of a global industry that is transforming the economy, shaping our political discourse, and changing the very nature of our society. So what happened? How did this remarkable change take place? Why is this area the epicenter of this transformation? Discover the dark secrets behind the real history of Silicon Valley and the Big Tech giants in this important edition of The Corbett Report. -corbettreport.com

Transcript & Sources

Dark Journalist | X-Series 58: Secret Rosicrucian America Rudolf Steiner & Francis Bacon! | July 4, 2019

Source: darkjournalist.com

S0 News | Magnetic Reversal Cold Effect, Volcano, Tornado, Quake | July 4, 2019

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

The Corbett Report | Koch and Soros Team Up For World Peace! WTF? | July 4, 2019

Source: corbettreport.com

In case you haven't heard, George Soros' Open Society Foundation and the Charles Koch Foundation have teamed up to help launch a new Washington think tank. The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft will be "an action-oriented think tank that will lay the foundation for a new foreign policy centered on diplomatic engagement and military restraint." So what gives? What's the real agenda here? And what does this mean for those who hold a principled anti-war stance. Join James as he explores these issues on The Corbett Report today.

Show Notes:
In an astonishing turn, George Soros and Charles Koch team up to end US ‘forever war’ policy
Kinzer on The White Helmets
Previous Corbett Report coverage on Soros
The Quincy Institute homepage

Nader discusses Iran shooting down of the U.S. drone with military experts & analysts | June 30, 2019

Source: NaderTalebzadeh.com

Following the shootdown of a U.S. drone over Iran's territorial waters and the controversies after that, Nader Talebzadeh is going to have a comprehensive discussion with three prominent experts in Nader's Show;

Dr. Scott Bennett, ex-U.S. army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion and a researcher at the Heritage Foundation

Pepe Escobar, a prominent correspondent for Asia Times and an analyst for RT

Michael Maloof, ex-senior security policy analyst for the U.S. Secretary of Defense and a specialized trainer for border guards and Special Forces, also Director of the Technology Security Operations for the U.S. Department of Defense

William Buhlman | The Spiritual Path - Belief is NOT the Way! | July 3, 2019

Source: higherjourneys.com, astralinfo.org

The out of body experience, though one of the most commonly reported anomalies, is still one such experience that many refuse to believe are real.

OBE expert and experiencer William Buhlman dealt firsthand with that resistance about his own repeated childhood out of body experiences, as he tried to explain them to his mother.

Though he insisted that his experiences were real and he needed an explanation as to what they were, his mother refused to acknowledge them.

This Buhlman says, is a symptom of rigid belief or in this case non-belief and why so many are limited in exploring their own spiritual path.

Too often spirituality is predicated on a particular belief system adopted by the individual, thereby leaving them with a narrow frequency band of possibility.

For others, however, the spiritual journey may begin through a challenging scenario or an experience like an OBE or NDE - near-death experience.

Buhlman has always insisted that if belief alone is the sole arbiter of the spiritual path, then we are missing the biggest part of the adventure.

I spoke once again with William Buhlman to discuss his thoughts on these ideas and what he feels it takes to peel back the layers of belief in order to experience an authentic spiritual journey.

The Corbett Report | The Dumbest Propaganda Video Ever - #PropagandaWatch | July 3, 2019

Source: corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
EU Intellectual Property Office Produces Dumbest Propaganda Film Ever, Pretending Without IP There Is No Creativity
IPDENTICAL: Imagine a world without creativity
How Intellectual Property Hampers Capitalism | Stephan Kinsella
Yet Another Study Finds Patents Do Not Encourage Innovation
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
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