S0 News | Comet ATLAS, Conflict Coming, SLAC Flying Blind | April 3, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Truthstream Media | And Don't Forget to Wash Your Hands! | April 2, 2020

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com

New World Next Week | Globalist Conferences Cancelled Over Corona Crisis | April 2, 2020

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Pakistan, China and Russia Decide to Conduct Trade in Local Currencies Skip Dollars 
Russia, China Plot Against US Dollar And Pound

Story #2: Trump Warns “Heavy Price’ If Iran Attacks U.S. In Iraq
Trump Threatens Heavy Price If Iran Conducts ‘Sneak Attack' on US Troops

Story #3: COP26 Postponed
Bilderberg 2020 CANCELLED Due To Coronavirus?
The YouTube Corona Virus Task Force Roundtable Discussion
#MorningMonarchy: April 1, 202
0 Doctors Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Meds (Chloroquine), Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families
Tabletop Drill of Virus Response Aided South Korea When The Real Thing Hit
'Immunity Passports' For ‘Key Workers’ Could Speed Up UK’s Return to Work
2001 “Dark Winter” Bioterror Simulation Videos
Media Monarchy’s Discord Chat/Stream

Best of UFOs Over Vegas 2015 to 2020

Source: UFOs Over Vegas youtube

Description: Some of my best clips that were captured using my Canon Vixia Camcorder and Luna Optics Night Vision Monocular between 2015 and 2020.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | April 2, 2020

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Some people in the "lamestream" are questioning this whole plandemic hysteria, and oddly enough, they're pointing out the same problems as us "regular" people:

Facts about Covid-19 | swprs.org
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

SGT Report | Claudio Grass | Our World is Changing in Irrevocable Ways: Who Will Win? | April 1, 2020

Source: SGTreport.com

Longtime friend Claudio Grass joins me to discuss the global lockdown, its economic impact and the various ways this could all end. Our World is changing in irrevocable ways RIGHT NOW. The question remains, who will win? -SGTreport.com

Stefan Verstappen – Masaki Miyagawa | Living in the Plan-demic | Freeman TV | March 28, 2020

Source: freemantv.com, ChinaStrategies.com, Akaida.com

We will not go back to normal, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic has completely transformed the entire world as we know it. Social Distancing, Shut-in Economy, and Distance Learning are becoming the norm in 2020. Could #inthistogether promote the idea of separation? We live in twisted times. But, add a food shortage, a market crash, incalculable unemployment, and war, and it seems we have more than 4 horsemen riding in for this apocalypse. Are we preparing for a couple months or should we be preparing for years of shortages?

Intrusive surveillance will be considered a small price to pay for the basic freedom to be with other people! What makes the Real ID, real? How will we combat the boredom of rolling lock-downs? Do you have a hobby? Maybe gardening would be the best choice. What items are running out? What preparations am I forgetting? Do you know of the herald of doom, Comet ATLAS. Warriors are the ones that always stir up trouble for tyrants. They are the ones that will speak out against oppression, that will stand up to cruelty, and that will fight and die for freedom.

Stefan H. Verstappen is a Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He has written dozens of articles for various magazines and newspapers and is the author of 8 books including; The Way of the Warrior, The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, and The Art of Urban Survival.

He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years’ experience in the martial arts including five years spent studying in China.
He is the creator of the viral YouTube documentary, Defense Against the Psychopath, and the Paradise Stolen series and 140 other videos.

Warriors are also the grassroots leaders around whom disgruntled citizens will gather and unite to provide a unified front against injustice.

Masaki Miyagawa is an author, speaker and consultant based in Los Angeles. He has over 10 years experience in the esoteric field and his family has been involved in Buddhist Studies for over 400 Years. Masaki is currently teaching Mediation Classes and available for personal numerology consultations.

Powered Pyramid with Rodin Coil - for dream boost, chakra toning and Radionics. IMPROVED COIL DESIGN - The circular, hand woven Rodin Coil creates a smooth pleasing experience for long meditation and dream sessions. MORE FREQUENCIES - Our new pyramid can run any frequency with a frequency generator. RADIONICS WORK - Our Radionics Pyramid is made to pair with the SPOOKY2 Rife Machine and Berkana Labs SPOOKY2 Radionics (homeopathy and manifestation). Pyramid Only Option (add your own generator) OR Pyramid Bundle with JYETECH Frequency Generator.

Clif High | Critical thinking - The Smoking Bat...#chaga_gangsta | April 1, 2020

Source: halfpasthuman.com

Link to a primary clue from Chinese Communist Party Study of Horseshoe bats & why C is THE key.

Recent Loss of Vitamin C Biosynthesis Ability in Bats

William Engdahl | The Dystopian Scenario Arising From COVID-19 | March 31, 2020

Source: guadalajarageopolitics.com, williamengdahl.com

Strategic risk consultant and best-selling author F. William Engdahl discusses the Coronavirus "pandemic" and how scenarios by the Rockefeller Foundation in their 2010 report and the 2019 "Event 201" Coronavirus pandemic simulation by Microsoft's Bill Gates (in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies such as Johnson & Johnson, US military, CIA, and the head of Chinese CDC) foretold in detail the events we are experiencing in real-time with the COVID-19 crisis.

He explains how he never could have imagined such a dystopian geopolitical scenario in his wildest dreams. He looks at the economic collapse that is underway and where the globalists are pushing us, including a digital cashless society, and why they need to destroy the United States of America as a functioning sovereign entity. -guadalajarageopolitics.com

Skinwalker Ranch Secrets: Richard Dolan Interviews Travis Taylor | March 31, 2020

Source: richarddolanpress.com

Considered by many to be the weirdest place on Earth, the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah has a long history of bizarre events. Anything from UFOs, to cattle mutilations, to strange creature sightings, to poltergeists and more.

The ranch was studied in detail during the 1990s and early 2000s by Robert Bigelow's National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS). Since 2016, the ranch has been owned by real estate developer Brandon Fugal, who has supported ongoing scientific research at the property.

Currently, the History Channel has a new show on all this, "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch," which features Travis Taylor, Ph.D. Richard interviews Travis to find out what the new scientific investigation has uncovered. -richarddolanpress.com

What's Up With The Italian Mortality Rate? - Questions For Corbett | March 31, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

Tom from Scotland asks about the mortality rate of Covid-19, and why it is reportedly so much higher in Italy. James answers with an in-depth look at the numbers, how they're being reported, and what's being left out from the equation. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?
Italy: Only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as cause
Characteristics of COVID-19 patients dying in Italy
Smog levels way above safe limits in northern Italy
Water supply alert after 150 pneumonia cases in Brescia, Italy
A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19
The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus
Confirmed Coronavirus Cases Is an ‘Almost Meaningless’ Metric
Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection
COVID-19: Updated data implies that UK modelling hugely overestimates the expected death rates from infection
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic

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The Corbett Report | The Totally Spontaneous Health Worker Balcony Applause Phenomenon – #PropagandaWatch |  March 30, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

Are you thanking the valiant soldiers in the war on the invisible enemy? Yes? Good. But are your thanking them in the right way? At the appropriate time? Using the state-sanctioned hashtag? No? Then you are a thoughtcriminal! Join James for this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch as we peel back the curtain on The Totally Spontaneous Health Worker Balcony Applause Phenomenon, and how the propagandists will use this programming in the long run. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
The Totally Spontaneous Health Worker Balcony Applause Phenomenon in . . .
Ol Shoe – Wag The Dog
Wag the Dog info (IMDB)
The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus
Neil Degrasse Tyson on the coronavirus experiment (from 1m16s to 1m38s)
How the Pentagon Paid for NFL Displays of Patriotism
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