Max Igan | While You Were Preoccupied... | June 16, 2020


S0 News | Electroquakes, Aliens, Ancient Fossil Mystery | June, 16, 2020


The Corbett Report | Rosemary Frei M.Sc. | How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created on Purpose? | June 16, 2020



Rosemary Frei has an M.Sc in molecular biology from a faculty of medicine and was a freelance medical journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent journalist in Canada. In her recent article, "Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?" she examines how all of the rules and guidelines pertaining to elderly care, death certification and treatment of bodies in Ontario have been changed during the course of this "crisis" in order to increase the numbers reported "dying of COVID." We discuss the reasons behind these changes and what they tell us about the real nature of this pandemic panic.

Show Notes:
Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?
Affidavit of Dr. Huyer
The Wettlaufer Inquiry report with its recommendations
New rules for handling death certification and treatment of bodies (Ontario)
Rosie DiManno: Canada has been spared the horror of temporary morgues, but pandemic expediency comes with a cost
Bioethics and Eugenics: The Ugly Truth
Citizens Address the Toronto Board of Health on Vaccines
Scientists Have Utterly Failed to Prove that the Coronavirus Fulfills Koch’s Postulates
Rosemary Frei’s other articles
Rosemary Frei’s Twitter

S0 News | Galactic Sheet, Earth Electric, Volcano, Hail, Earthquake | June 15, 2020


What Is The Real Agenda Behind The Effort To Defund & Dismantle The Police? June 12, 2020

Source: Spiro Skouras youtube

What drives the civil unrest we see unfolding in the streets today? Is this an organic form of resistance against an oppressive system of control? Or is there an ulterior motive striving to restructure the current system of control under the guise of social and racial injustice?

Many are afraid to ask these questions because they may be labeled a racist, for daring to question the legitimacy of the groups who seem to defy the rule of law with complete immunity from the judicial system. At the same time they receive the endorsement of political leaders, celebrities and mega corporations.

In this report Spiro is joined by Rosa Koire, a top expert on the United Nations Agenda 21 who authored the book titled 'Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21'

Spiro and Rosa Koire discuss and break down how the United Nations' long standing global governance agendas are materializing before our eyes hidden just beneath the veil of global crisis and social injustice.

David Icke & Brian Rose | IV | LondonReal | June 14, 2020


David Icke's interview today with Brian Rose from London Real is now here. The very beginning is cut off, but according to one of the comments, all that's really missing is Brian Rose's introduction.

James Corbett Documents the Collapse of the COVID-1984 Narrative | June 15, 2020


Gary Null interviews James Corbett for his radio program on the dramatic collapse of the coronavirus narrative. Now that the major institutions pushing the COVID panic are now admitting that the virus is not an existential threat and the lockdowns were not necessary, what does this mean for the future of the COVID-1984 police state and the ushering in of the new "biosecurity" paradigm?

Show Notes

Special Solari Report: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Catherine Austin Fitts on the PREP Act & Injection Fraud | June 13, 2020


The Black Vault | The U.S. Air Force & UFOs | June 14, 2020


The subject of UFOs have dominated the headlines these past few years. As a result, The Navy has officially released three videos that depict what they say, are UFOs, and now the mainstream media seems to take the topic seriously.

Yet, the United States Air Force, the military branch with the highest level of air dominance and presence, is mysteriously quiet about the issue of UFOs, or what the Navy now refers to them as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAPs.

Why? The Navy has drafted new guidelines, captured video, and has openly admitted that the entire situation is a concern.

Despite all of that, the Air Force continues to deny any interest, and new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) responses just came in to The Black Vault that only add more confusion to the mix.

What did the Air Force say?

Show Notes:
-- Air Force Instruction 10-206 – The Vanishing UFO Regulation -

-- Navy Officially Releases UFO/UAP Videos; Calls Them “Historical” -

Max Igan | The Covid Scamdemic World Reset Phase 2 | June 13, 2020


S0 News | Large-Scale Structure Underground, Fundamental Change in Science | June 12, 2020


Jon Rappoport | "Are Poor People Being Murdered In Covid-19 Wards In NYC Hospitals? | Richie Allen Show | June 11, 2020


Erin Marie Olszewski is a nurse turned investigative journalist. She's been working at Elmhurst Hospital in New York City. Erin claims that patients who tested NEGATIVE for covid-19 were labelled as having the virus and were then sent to a covid ward, where they were sedated and ventilated. Erin claims many of these patients died. In fact she says they were murdered.

Jon Rappoport is a brilliant writer and broadcaster. Bookmark Jon discusses the implications of Erin's revelations with Richie.
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