Richard Dolan | The New York Times & UFO Disclosure | What's Really Going on? | Aug. 4, 2020


The UFO community has been rocked by more information coming out of the New York Times in the form of claims that briefings have been made at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill about "retrievals from off world vehicles not made on this earth.” What is really going on? Richard comes on for an extended solo analysis.

S0 News | Electric Event, Rings and Spirals, Sunspots | Aug. 4, 2020


Diana Johnstone | Memoir of a World Watcher | Guns & Butter

Source:, Information Machine

We discuss Diana Johnstone’s memoir, "Circle in the Darkness"; Yugoslavia under Tito; bombing of Serbia; Camp Bondsteel; spook revelation journalism; Paris in 1968; anti-war movement of the ‘60s;

legacy of Charles de Gaulle; Europe occupied since WWII; the Greens; Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties; neoliberal counterrevolution in the 1980s; finance capital; internationalism v nationalism; privatization; financial institutions living off of sovereign debt; austerity;

Yellow Vests a revival of an economic left; Antifa enforcing the establishment position; Responsibility to Protect (R2P) a rule to break national sovereignty; destruction of Libya by NATO; new phase of capitalism called ‘green’; censorship of intellectual discussion.

Max Igan | Humanity Is Under Attack | Aug. 3, 2020


S0 News | Solar Wind, Freshwater Changes, Extinction Review | Aug. 3, 2020


David Icke, Brian Rose | London Real Interview | V: The Answer | Aug. 2, 2020


London Real Interview with David Icke (02/08/2020)

Dark Journalist X-93 | Dr. Joseph Farrell Deep State X Space Wars! | Aug. 1, 2020


Dark Journalist welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell for a deep dive on Covert Space Wars and Deep State players as the UFO XTech battle rolls out behind the scenes with CIA soft disclosure being pushed in public. They'll also cover strange reports of weather modification and the destination of the mysterious Nazi Bell weapons project!

Maxwell Court Documents: Who is Going Down? Clinton, Dershowitz, More Names.. with Ryan Dawson | Part 1/2 | Aug. 3, 2020

Source: Sarah Westall youtube

Independent film maker and investigative journalist, Ryan Dawson, joins the program to discuss the recently released court documents from the Ghislaine Maxwell case.

We discuss the details outlined in those documents as well as many more facts from the other cases that have been filed against Epstein.

Lastly, we discuss what the new wave of over 100 witnesses will bring forward and how this blackmail pedophile ring was used for intelligence agencies. -Sarah Westall

Dr. Andrew Kaufman | The Truth About Viruses & Infectious Diseases! | July 31, 2020


Today we had Dr. Andrew Kaufmann MD on the show to talk about what this cupcake virus actually is, how it spreads, if it’s real and so much more.

We also talked about the PCR test, antibody testing, what exosomes are and even the efficacy of wearing masks.

Liberals and conservatives will all agree that there is not a consensus of agreement with regards to whatever it is that’s happening in our world right now.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman talks about Koch’s postulates and how the first item on the list of postulates can’t even be proven….that is the isolation of this virus itself.

Not only can that not be 100% proven, it can’t also be proven that this virus is 100% responsible for causing any kind of illness or sickness, let alone death.

Only watch or listen to this podcast interview with Dr. Kaufman if you have an open mind.

If you are easily offended and have a hard time accepting ideas that are not from the mainstream media, then this show and podcast is definitely not for you!

For those looking for the truth and are willing to take full responsibility for their health, you’ll love this interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman!

download mp3

S0 News | Nova Survivors, Ocean Shift, Space Butterfly | July 31, 2020


Mike King | The Purge 2020 | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


M. S. King is a private investigative journalist and researcher based in the New York City area. A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King's subsequent 30 year career in Marketing & Advertising has equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding how "public opinion" is indeed scientifically manufactured.

Madison Ave marketing acumen combines with 'City Boy' instincts to make M.S. King one of the most tenacious detectors of "things that don't add up" in the world today. Says King of his admitted quirks, irreverent disdain for "conventional wisdom", and uncanny ability to ferret out and weave together important data points that others miss: "Had Sherlock Holmes been an actual historical personage, I would have been his reincarnation."

King is also the author of The War Against Putin: What the Government- Media Complex Isn't Telling You About Russia. King's other interests include: the animal kingdom, philosophy, chess, cooking, literature and history (with emphasis on events of the late 19th through the 20th centuries).

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 30, 2020


Well, while we've been focusing on China, Indian media has been focusing on Russia, and this one, while short, may turn out to be a sign of significant developments to come:

Article: In another setback to China, Russia suspends deliveries of S-400 surface-to-air missiles
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