Dark Journalist X-Series 83 | Deep State X-Flights to Nowhere! JFK Hale Boggs Nixon Hoffa And Hunt! | March 14, 2020

Source: darkjournalist.com

Dark Journalist Investigates Deep State Plane Crashes That Remain Unexplained! Join Dark Journalist tonight for a deep dive into the preferred Deep State tool of eliminating their enemies: Political Plane Crashes!

From UN Secretary to Dag Hammerskjold to JFK Jr. suspicious plane crashes and deaths have populated the landscape of political maneuvering as if an invisible hand guides our public fate. Tonight we'll explore the case of Democratic Majority Leader and Warren Commission member Hale Boggs who disappeared in 1972 in Alaska under suspicious circumstances with Congressman Nick Begich Sr. on a Cessna plane.

Boggs was making public statements about blowing open the facts on a secret police state operating inside the government before the crash. In a truly bizarre historical footnote the person who drove him to the airport was a 26 year old political activist named Bill Clinton who became President in 1992. -arkjournalist.com
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