Showing posts with label Clif High. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clif High. Show all posts

Clif High | Ancient Chinese History and why should I give a Shit? | Oct. 27, 2018


Clif High | Antarctica Unveiled | Part 3 | July 30, 2018


In this crescendo closer Clif deals the final cards of the SP enigmas, incl. the 4 basic scenarios: Ancient Civ, Nazis, Aliens, & Hollow Earth. Some issues raised: What's his original info before blue chicken pollution?

Why did polar scientists suddenly get ill? What's the weird energy radiation from SP to Hawaii? Is an ancient village uncovered? What power players visits & why? What say the Salish about sky people? Why was SP nuked in late 50ies?

What's the origin to polar lights? Why did U.K. battle over Falklands? Is UFO's from Inner Earth via polar holes? Why are globalist corporations there? And hear what horrors the night vision goggles revealed...

Part 1
Clif High | Antarctica Unveiled | Part 1 | Jan. 26, 2018

Part 2
Clif High | Antarctica Unveiled | Part 2 | Feb. 3, 2018

Clif High | Clif's wujo | May 28, 2018


Here we discuss my new work, health issues around NAFLD IBS Lectin intolerance, 'science based/evidence based' language, and shit talking Jordan Sather. -Clif High

Clif High | C60 & Preparing for Long Life, What's Next? | Part 1 & 2

Source: Sarah Westall youtube,

Part 1: Clif High rejoins the show to discuss the future where humans live 125 to 200 years old. How will your life change and what should you do to prepare for a long life? We discuss the consequences of a long life without taking care of your long term health in the process (other factors such as dementia).

This is a needed conversation that humans around the planet should be having if they are planning on pursuing life extension methods. Clif also talks about his recent sabbatical and his shifting passions and interests. Something most of us can relate to!

Part 2

Clif High | Time 3.1 | Our Bodies, Time, & Quantum Entanglement | Offplanet Radio with Randy Maugans | Feb. 18, 2018


"It is not whether you agree with what you hear, but how what you hear causes you to examine your own beliefs."~Randy Maugans

This is the first hour of the public video with Clif High. Part 2 will follow shortly. We ask the viewers to listen carefully as many concepts are woven into the subject matter which have rarely, if ever, been integrated.

Subjects discussed in thefirst hour include:
Implications of remote viewing the Cosmic Wars by Farsight Institute; concurrent "nows", the construct of twin toroidal fields pulsing @ 22trillion times/second; how the Industrial Revolution interrupted man's "dreamtime" with the 8 hour work day; importance of the vagus nerve system and the parasympathetic system; humans controlled through our experiences in time; temporal displacement, backward time experiences, and stimulus/responses...and more

Clif High | Time 3.2 | How I Learned to Control Time On My Summer Vacation

We ask the viewers to listen carefully as many concepts are woven into the subject matter which have rarely, if ever, been integrated.

Hour 2 subject include:
Technology and methods behind the quantum computer; The Mandela Effect and quantum computers; psychic abilities, waves of Mandela-type effects connected to quantum computer deployment; personal Mandela Effects: our brains reacting to all the waves being shoved out of these (quantum) devices.

Explanation of "missing time", e.g.-UFO experiences or trigger event; specific responses in the body to your own past---a gap; same part of brain as affected by the Mandela Effect...and we return back to the Farsight Institute's remote viewing project where quantum entanglement gets another go-round...

Clif High | Antarctica Unveiled | Part 2 | Feb. 3, 2018


In part 2 we move through history with topics like: What's the Expanding Earth theory implications for Antarctica? Why is most ancient habitation zones submerged? Is Mars a dead planet? What say Salish & Jain about former civilizations? What's the Royal belief? Were humans incarcerated by ancient invaders at Antarctica?

Was it frozen due to war? Is humanity a hybrid species? Were we once 600 billion people? Is the Sun cause to climate change & ice ages? Is Smithsonian destroying history? What did Nazis discover in New Swabia? What happens to polar expeditions? Who stole Cliff's Antarctica data? And hear about his Giant pyramid images.

Part 1: Clif High | Antarctica Unveiled | Part 1 | Jan. 26, 2018

Clif High | Antarctica Unveiled | Part 1 | Jan. 26, 2018


We welcome the web bot guru to explore the obscurity that is Antarctica. In this 3-part show we deal with everything - some issues touched in Part 1: Why did Clif take interest in this mystery? What say web-bot about it? What happened there in the late 90ies? Why was it promoted for tourism after that?

What's the large magnetic anomaly under the ice? Why's all satellite images censored & manipulated? What did Russians find in Lake Vostok? Are there really hot zones? Was there a nuclear meltdown in the 70ies? Where was Atlantis? Was Admiral Byrd right? What say the Ancients? What happens if the ice melts? And learn how Earth grows...

Clif High | Gaia Disinformation Agents, Q-anon, C60 & Hydrogen Water | Jan. 16, 2018

Source: Sarah Westall youtube,

Part 1: Clif High rejoins the program to dive into the latest issues, cutting edge technology, and geopolitics. As always, Clif is engaging and fun to talk with.

He gives us much to think about regarding his latest reports and predictions. We also discuss the mass amount of disinformation circulating throughout the internet including some of the biggest culprits: Gaia, mass media, CIA and other political groups.

He gives us his opinion on Q-anon and shares his experience with C60 and Hydrogen infused water. Lastly he dives into the latest research about human origins. -Sarah Westall

Clif High | The Ever Present NOW - TIME | Part 1 & 2 | Offplanet Radio with Randy Maugans | Nov. 29, 2017


Part 1

Clif High joins us for a revealing discussion of the thing we call "time".

Drawing from an article by Dr. David Anderson of the Anderson Institute, we begin to unravel the concepts and constructs of temporality, time travel, time domains, and the effects of human consciousness. We open the discussion with Clif's analysis of the hacking of Equifax and possible effects on cryptocurrencies, software security, and the money-credit markets.

Part 2

Clif High returns for the second installment examining the mechanisms, methodologies, and meaning of TIME.

- The Kali Yuga, language shifts since the 2012 event; noted inaccuracies of models used by black ops projects "broken; and the mysteries of the hydrogen ion.
- The Little Bloop Theory (NOT the "Big Bang") of continuous creation;expansion/contraction interactions with human consciousness and physiciality.
- NASA discovers a mysterious "hiss" sound in the earth's plasma field. (The sound of the bloop).
- Universe pulses 22 trillion times/second; each "bloop" creates its own space, therefore space continually expands.
- John Chang pushes chopstick throug a solid wood table.
- Time is universally malleable; Time is locally discrete.
- Time is self-correcting in each bloop/cycle.
- Harold W. Percival (1868 - 1953)Thinking and Destiny.
- Time synchronization; anomalies, and "internal time"; uses of meditiative states and hallucinogenics to stop or change time; the perceptual "now".
- The matter/anti-matter components of the UFOs and the mind-body interface of the Roswell craft. Consciousness exists in a template that can be theorretically copied and pasted; cannot go "back" in time, due to the "ever increasing complexity" aspect of the bloop.One cannot, likewise, go "forward" because future does not yet exist....we can go 1-10 seconds "out" due to the bubbles of the bloop interacting with the now. All states of time are within the expansive NOW of perception...and more...grab a notebook and pencil.

Clif High | Webbot Forum interview | Nov. 4, 2017


Special Webbot Forum Interview with Clif High.

Clif High |  Temporal Awareness, Cryptocurrencies, The Yogi vs. The Bluebirds | OffPlanet Radio | June 25, 2017


Clif High is the programmer and owner of the Webbot, a future viewing radical linguistics database and algorithm that predict future trends based on the emotional content of language on the internet. He joins us for a rousing two hours of cutting edge discussion.

Hour 1:
- Language and temoral displaement
- Buckminster Fuller and N. A. Kozyrev
- The correlation between now and the 1930s. an energy trough that we have lived through all of our lives, and the new energetics that will build up and run for the next 100 years.
- Social engineering from the 1830s, the utopians and various early technology pioneers: a wave precursor of the late 20th-early 21st century; the boundary mirror on both sides of the boundary; CERN and time manipulation; the wider human development of cognitive abilities that could preclude social engineering and controls.
- Temporal awareness in the 1930s era, later disappears in the 1960s; we now are going back into that era of heightened temporal awareness; and the ability to alter time and temporal awareness.
- Space energies heightened; top of the earth ripped off---reduced oxygen levels on the earth.
- Crypto currencies, block chain: how it works, security; the good and bad; speculation vs. value.
- Fed contractors on the dark web; champions of crypto due to need to conceal transactions
- A monetary store (hard assets/precious metals) vs. a true currency; the VALUE of Bitcoin is in the code and it's ability to tranmit value securely and with trusted accounting; the HASH encryption/decryption schema; the speculation aspects: an emotional response.
- The stability of crypto, the internet, and the power grid; vulnerabilities and strengths.
- The war of the gods and the "Changer"; arrival of the Sky People. the wars between Sky People and Star People. How these wars are programmed into our collective psyche, even our DNA; Fight, Flight, Freeze as instinctive responses to threat.
- Planetary influences on climate and human behavior.
- The early beginnings of the webbot: SUN DISEASE...and now the foreshadowing of the coming ice plasma energy, huge build-ups of energy in the ionosphere...huge lightening blasts carving the Grand Canyon... David DuByne of Adapt2030 on YouTube...Walter Thornhill, David Talbot "Thunderbolt of the Gods".
- DNA is NOT what we think: Epigenetics as a key to self-transformation on the mental and cellular levels; connections to Tao and Chi energy with epigenetics. "Most humans never change..." (Krishnamurti)
- Stillness, collapse, and Kozyrev's work; consciousness and the ability to find answers; tent revivals of the 1930s, the 1960s revivals; now the open-air mystical experiences; psychedelics/entheogens; New Age, and ....

Hour 2:
- The yogi and the Bluebirds: the quest for something bigger...enter the Orb Beings...Corey Goode, David Wilcock; Google search on Corey Goode, Blue Avians...etc. contains NO negative information; Clif reveals the gaming the Google search engine (SEO) using templates, key word searches, byte codes...a deep "official" operation of skewing web searches.
- Hard researchers vs. soft disclosure" legitimate researchers with evidence are marginalized, i.e. Sean Gautreaux, WHO/WHAT IS IN OUR SKIES...
- Corey Goode/Blue Avians as a social engineering project.
- Who is Constantine? The creation of a monolithic narrative/quasi-religious structure: Blue Avians.
- The contamination of the emotional language in the webbot by Goode/Wilcock/Weidner utilizing the reports' Antarctica material. Promulgating emotional reactions; cult-like usage of semiotics, imagery, and language.
- Issues with David Wilcock
- Incarnational issues with sociopathy/psychopathy.
- Jimmy Church and the "infltration" of UFOlogy; the language behind of Contact In The Desert as a tent meeting; the language co-opted; how a cult points fingers outside itself to own the narrative.
- Clif's detection of stolen narratives in the model space of the webbot; the contamination of the data was being redeployed by the Corey Goode camp. How Clif trapped the Gaia(m) effect in the data.
- The importance of Antarctica
- Spirituality in UFOlogy
- The myths and mind control of "ascension".
- Bill Ryan as Puppetmaster, Jimmy Church as the Enforcer of "order" in the Space Goat Farts sectors.
- Colonel Marrs: The War Through Time, hunters and collectors of past life artifacts; how we have an image/visage through incarnational cycles. Augmenting life cycles with time manipulation via CERN.
- Corey Goode could wind up the "sacrificial lamb"?; the death culture behind "super-soldier" media figures. The Baphomet image, Ramsaur (the Goat God). Strange fire inside the Corey goode camp.

Clif High | Web Bot Predictions: Antarctica, Bitcoin, & Woo | Hour 1 | June 15, 2017


Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Web Bot predictions, Antarctica, Bitcoin, and the World of Woo with guest, Clif High.

With the powerful elite controlling almost every aspect of the entertainment & news media we consume, manipulating the mainstream, and carefully crafting the minds of our youth, it can take some serious off-roading in order to explore the more mysterious places on the proverbial conspiracy map.

Fortunately, today’s guest, Clif High, is an expert in navigating the unknown and he joins The Higherside to discuss his cutting edge technology known as the Web Bot Project. It’s a set of algorithms used to process variations in the language that can offer insight into the mood of the collective unconscious through “predictive linguistics.”

– UFO activity, the Secret Space Program, and the extent of our military’s knowledge and involvement
– the recent increase in UFO sightings and cryptids and how to interprets this activity
– the “woo woo” things that have Clif most intrigued
– the collapse of the system, the skills needed to stay ahead of the game, and what to expect
– Clif’s views on psychic ability and time
– cryptocurrency’s role in the future economy
– the Mandela Effect
– Clif’s take on a Trump impeachment, Washington pedophilia networks, cannibalism and life-extending blood transfusions
– types and classes of alien races
– free energy technologies of the deep state reaching the masses
– the recent censorship of conspiracy on the internet

Clif High | Crocodile cryptos and pissin' in the woo-woo pond | May 28, 2017


Crocodile cryptos and Pissin in the Woo-Woo Pond.
In this episode of “let's see how many people we can irritate from afar”....
Discussion about where we are in history, hyperinflation, cryptospace, crocodile teeth formation in charts, trading, and people who are pissing in the woo-woo pond causing extra work for us.
And now, certainly NOT being brought to you by GTV.....

Gaiam TV, in bowing to Politically Correct (PC) culture, thus not wishing to offend David and James, and thus not demanding evidence from James Corey (aka Corey Goode) and David Wilcock, have ended up offending everyone, especially their viewers, thus placing all their years of work at risk of turning into Instant Shit Storm, just add a few Corey Good Giant Blue Space Alien Chicken nuggets, and heat a minute in the microwave of Gaiam TV fantasy cookery. Then watch out for the lightning, and especially, the return on those Blue Space Chicken nuggets... -Clif High

Clif High | Welcome to Alt Reality (#3): Silver, resistance is futile! | Apr. 9, 2017


Discussion of the clean up immediacy data from the April ALTA report. Silver, gold, and bitcoin discussed. Projections on their progress is offered. Also some words on the 'bitcoin shift forward' effect of 2016.

Clif High | Clif's Wujo | Mar. 30, 2017


Brief markets flow, then more discussion on advertising problems on social media. This is a huge, giant change going on within the social media moneyspace that is going to forever change the nature of our interactions with these platforms. Fortunes are being lost each day! Business plans for years are being flushed down the drain every minute! Giant changes right in front of our faces!

Clif High | Clif's wujo - Mandela Effect, AI, Quantum computers | Jan. 28, 2017


This is a discussion about the Mandela effect, AI, and Quantum computers. The Artificial Intelligence discussion is pertinent to the Mandela effect.

Geordie Rose - Quantum Computing: Artificial Intelligence Is Here
D-Wave Founder Eric Ladizinsky - The Coming Quantum Computing Revolution

I also want to know how they are shielding these machines from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN which is producing magnetic fields several times stronger than the planetary field. -Clif High

Clif High | Web Bot Forum Roundtable | Nov. 21, 2016


Clif High sits down with members of the Web Bot Forum to discuss his Nov ALTA Report. Recorded 11-20-2016.

Clif High | Web Bot Forum Roundtable | Oct. ALTA Report | Oct. 9, 2016


Clif High sits down with members of the Web Bot Forum to discuss his Oct ALTA Report.

Clif High | Latest, 2016, Alta Reports, Will Hillary Step Down, Presidential Elections, Next Depression | Aug. 22, 2016


1.The Next Level of SEO
2.Could Hillary Clinton drop out of the Presidential Elections?
3.Will a Global Financial Depression follow soon after?
4.Gold, Silver & Bitcoin in detail.
5.Will Bitcoin be the financial means of the future?
6.Giant Sinkholes
7.Rain Bombs
8.Turkish Explosion

And more are discussed in this hour packed podcast with Mr. Clif High.

Clif High | Latest 2016 Alta Report Predictions | Planet X Hysteria - Bank Holiday - Megaquakes | April 28, 2016


Topics of Discussion
2016 Webbot Alta Report Predictions
The Electronic Universe & Archetype of our Solar System
Nibiru aka Planet X being used as a "Wag the Dog" Diversion tactic by the media
Weather - Most Extreme Heat Spells in Human History
Ocean Changes and Giant Tidal Waves
Entering Ice Age
Change in Wind Directions
Mass Casualties and Damage to Boats
Could effect people up to 1000 miles inland
Pop Corn Storms SE North America
Flooding as far as the Mississippi River Valley
Enormous Lightning Storms
Global Forset Fires
New types of UV Light
Many people could be dealing with the daily drama and death of the global economies
Others will have to deal with problems directly attributed with planetary expansions
Extreme Heat / Hospitalizations
Yemen Arabia War “emergence upheaval”
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