Showing posts with label Disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disclosure. Show all posts

John Greenewald, Jr. | Navy UFO Reporting Guidelines | The Black Vault Radio | Apr. 29, 2019


Recent statements by the U.S. Navy elude to new UFO reporting guidelines being implemented. Based on reports by military pilots in recent years, “unidentified aircraft” are causing security concern and aviation hazards that need to be addressed. Join me, as I connect the phrasing used by the Navy going back 66 years… And I’ll explore Air Force regulations already on the books that outline the very same thing. What does this all mean?

Stephen Bassett | Is Disclosure Close or Is Deep State Stopping it? | Apr. 29, 2019


Dark Journalist & John Greenewald | To The Stars AATIP CIA UFO Disclosure: Elizondo & Delonge! | Apr. 27, 2019



Join Dark Journalist and his Special Guest Author and Researcher John Greenewald from The Black Vault as they unravel the tangled web of the To The Stars Academy (TTSA) Narrative. They clearly demonstrate the contradictions, inconsistencies and outright falsehoods in the story told by TTSA’s Founder Luis Elizondo about the Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program referred to as AATIP. Greenewald has even constructed a detailed Timeline of statements and quotes by TTSA Founders and demonstrates that their official story about AATIP and its relation to UFOs is a convoluted mess.

They also look closely at the heavy presence of CIA Officials involved in TTSA and how it appears to be an operation aimed at managing the UFO Narrative to maintain the Government’s Wall of Secrecy on the Controversial UFO File.

The Black Vault is the largest privately run online repository of declassified government documents anywhere in the world. With more than 2 MILLION pages of documents to read, on nearly every government secret imaginable.

Link to John Greenewald's AATIP Timeline

Richard Dolan | Unexplained ET Encounter Cases of the 1960s | Apr. 23, 2019


Richard and Tracey focus on four startling cases of apparent alien encounters from the 1960s: Socorro New Mexico (1964), Valensole France (1965), Westall School Australia (1966), Falcon Lake Manitoba (1967).

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?

Richard Dolan | INCREDIBLE Russian Soviet UFOs | March 26, 2019


The history of UFOs and encounters with other-worldly beings includes events from all over the world. Russia -- formerly the Soviet Union -- has a major part of that history. Its story is dramatic, at times chilling, and always provocative.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

Gary Mckinnon | "Perfectly Smooth Shell Of A Craft" | Gary Mckinnon 1st Interview in Years | Richard Dolan Show | March 13, 2019



UK citizen Gary McKinnon is the most famous UFO "hacker" of all time. Arrested in 2002, he was in danger of extradition to the US for ten years. What he found was apparent evidence of a secret space program, including references to "non-terrestrial officers" and ship to ship transfers of vessels not in the U.S. military inventory. Moreover, a high-resolution photograph, taken from space, of a smooth, cigar-shaped craft. Gary also talks about the repercussions of being sought by the U.S. government, his depression, suicidal thoughts, and more.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

Dark Journalist | X-Series Episode 46 | NYMZA X-Tech Secret UFO Dellschau Connection! Walter Bosley | Feb. 8, 2019


X-Series episode 46 features Author of the Empire of the Wheel Book Series Walter Bosley. His work uncovering the Covert Industrial Group called NYMZA reveals the enigmatic figure known as Charles Dellschau, a German immigrant whose esoteric artwork and diaries were uncovered years after his death. In the paintings and recollections he recounts the activities of the 19th century Sonora Aero Club and their connection to NYMZA. The remarkable clues Dellschau left behind reveal a deep connection to X-Steganography and the UFO File!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

Richard Dolan | UFO Secrecy and Democracy (UFOs the Big Picture) | Dec. 15, 2018


UFOs are more than a scientific problem. They are a political problem. Secrecy on this matter has contributed to the erosion of the core principle of popular sovereignty. When the people cannot obtain responsible answers from those officials in government -- who work for them -- then there is a problem. UFOs aren't the only knife in the back of representative government. But it is one of them, and an important one at that.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?

Richard Dolan interviews Jeremy Corbell on Bob Lazar Documentary | Nov. 24, 2018


Richard Dolan interviews filmmaker Jeremy Corbell regarding his new documentary on Bob Lazar, who in 1989 went public with a statement that he had been hired to conduct research on an alien flying craft. A live Google Hangout event.

R.I.P. Comm. Sgt. Maj. Robert (Bob) O. Dean

Comm. Sgt. Maj. Robert (Bob) O. Dean, passed away on October 11, 2018. He worked for NATO, at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe). May he rest in peace.

Bob Dean Archive

Robert (Bob) O. Dean with a message for humanity - RIP Bob

Grant Cameron | Disclosure 2018 | 31st Annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference

Source: Ozark Mountain Publishing youtube,

Keynote Speaker Grant Cameron presented "Disclosure 2018" at the 31st Annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

In the last year or two people have watched as Tom DeLonge, the CIA, and the Pentagon has openly been hinting to the public that UFOs exist, and we may not be alone in the Universe.

At the same time a key CIA official has been hinting that portal technology exists, a group called the Cosmic Club has arisen, and it appears that the world may not be as physical as we once thought.

Grant Cameron, who has followed all these operations carefully, will bring people the latest information and disinformation on these evolving disclosure actions. -Ozark Mountain Publishing

UFOs and Nukes - The Movie - Presidential Briefing | Oct. 9, 2018

Source: UFOTV® The Disclosure Network youtube

This film is considered one of the most vitaly important documentaries in the World today. The reality of UFO incursions at American nuclear weapons facilities has been well established.

Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents affirm their assertions. Are beings from another world monitoring our deadliest weapons and, if so, why? -UFOTV

Linda Moulton Howe & Richard Dolan | Ufos and the Government


Richard writes about the disclosure in the Trump administration in his book: UFOs and Disclosure in the Trump Era. You can check it out by clicking on the link below:
UFOs and Disclosure in the Trump Era (Richard Dolan Lecture Series) (Volume 2)

For as long as people have talked about UFOs, they have wondered about when and how the governments of the world will acknowledge them. Among people following the subject, that’s called Disclosure. In this second volume of the Richard Dolan Lecture Series, Historian Richard Dolan tackles an enormous subject.

After explaining why UFOs are taken seriously in national security circles around the world, he provides his best analysis to date as to how the secrecy on UFOs has taken form, how it has corroded our society, and how it works internationally.

He gives a fresh analysis on the black budget breakaway civilization, on the weaponization of secret technologies, the intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon, and how Russia and China fit into the global UFO cover-up. He drives his analysis home with four distinct disclosure scenarios: Fascist Disclosure, Premature Disclosure, Insider Disclosure, and People-Driven Disclosure. Finally, Dolan offers a unique view on how the UFO cover-up and possible disclosure could transpire during the presidency of Donald Trump. One thing is clear: we live in a world that hangs in the balance.

Clifford Stone | UFO Disclosure | Fade to Black with Jimmy Church | Sept. 19, 2018

Source:, Clifford Stone Facebook

Interview start: 33:30 min.

Clifford Stone joins us and we discuss his entire life of research and involvement with UFO recovery, interaction and disclosre of FOIA documents.

Today our community is talking about Disclosure more than ever before- but how close were we to actual government revealing the truth about UFOs and ET contact in the past?

Tonight, Clifford will bring forward his information and documents that reveal how the US Govt and our military was ready and willing to announce to the public that ET was here and contact has been made.

Clifford is a decorated Vietnam combat veteran who served 22 years, Stone claims that he led a double life from the late 60’s through his retirement in 1990. While officially assigned to an “NBC” Team (nuclear, biological and chemical retrieval and abatement detail), he asserts that he also served on Top Secret UFO crash retrieval missions where he had physical contact with downed ET craft and interactions with captured non-human life forms.

All of the documents discussed in this broadcast can be read and downloaded here: Clifford Stone On Fade To Black September 19th

Richard Dolan | Intelligent Disclosure (The Double-Edged Sword of Disclosure) | July 31, 2018


Richard Dolan Live with The Double-Edged Sword of Disclosure.

Richard Dolan | Intelligent Disclosure Ep.4 | July 26, 2018


Richard Dolan on False Flags (Full Presentation)

This presentation was given in Australia in May on 2018. Richard is a world-renowned UFO researcher, historian, and author. He has been featured on Ancient Aliens, Hangar One, and as a guest, on Coast to Coast (USA). Richard believes that UFOs are a global reality affecting nations and people everywhere.

The two topics that Richard will speak about are:

The Cost of Secrecy — from Money to Mind Control

It’s easy to forget that UFOs aren’t just some theoretical “what if we’re not alone?” type of question. The issue is extremely down-to-earth and affects everyone on the planet. Not simply in terms of the obvious philosophical implications, but in terms of the heavy-handed secrecy and control system that has actively been in place for over seventy years. It’s expensive to fund research, development, and technology for an evident breakaway civilization. Moreover, the psychic costs of secrecy and denial are incalculable. Richard Dolan will examine the growth and costs of the secrecy system, particularly with a view toward ways for each of us to maintain our clarity, integrity, and courage while inspiring others to learn the truth.

False Flags

It is ironic that governments around the world are cracking down against so-called “fake news” when some of them have explicitly created fake narratives for decades in the form of false flags. Simply put, a false flag is a dramatic and usually traumatic action, usually taken by a government or intelligence agency that is then blamed on some other person or group. In the world of false flags, there is a King, and that King is named the United States of America. But false flags are perpetrated by other nations, too, it turns out mostly by U.S. allies. Richard Dolan brings sense to the subject of false flags, explaining why they are such an important component to our world today, discusses some of the most important ones of recent years, and provides guidelines on how to spot them when they occur.

Richard Dolan Show | Interview with Nick Redfern | July 23, 2018


Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

Richard Dolan on False Flags and the Alien Reality | July 23, 2018

Source: Truth Warrior youtube,

Great Interview *HOWEVER* Richard's audio is very low compared to David's.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time.

He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?

Richard’s latest work, UFOs for the 21st Century Mind, provides a fresh treatment of the entire subject. In it, he discusses the important sightings, the encounters, the politics, the cover-up, ancient aliens, the bizarre science, disclosure, and offers advice on being both critical and open-minded in today’s world. Like his previous three books, it asks fresh questions and offers new insights to further our understanding of the UFO mystery.

Richard hosts a weekly radio show, The Richard Dolan Show, on KGRA radio, is a frequent guest on Coast-to-Coast AM. He is currently featured on several television series and documentaries, including Ancient Aliens, Hangar One: The UFO Files and Close Encounters. For a longer list of his television appearances, see below.

Prior to his interest in UFOs, Richard completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Before that, he had studied at Alfred University and Oxford University and had been a finalist for a Rhodes scholarship.

But for the past two decades, Richard has been a dedicated student of all things related to UFOs, steadily expanding his interests within that topic from his initial focus on government documents and the cover-up. Now his interests include it all, from the deepest aspects of the coverup, to contact and abduction, the science behind the phenomenon, how the phenomenon has affected world culture, his theory of a breakaway civilization, the possible relationship between artificial intelligence and biotechnology to the UFO phenomenon, and the implications of the end of secrecy, that is, the world After Disclosure.

Today, there is no aspect of the phenomenon Richard won’t study. He continues to look forward to exploring this topic in all its depth, a topic he believes opens our doors of perception, challenging us to see the world differently and more clearly.

Richard Dolan | Intelligent Disclosure Ep.3 | July 19, 2018


Incredible live show tonight. We covered a lot of topics, got great questions from the audience and much more.

Richard Dolan | Intelligent Disclosure | Live Show | July 12, 2018


Intelligent Disclosure with Richard Dolan Live.
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