Showing posts with label Dr. Mercola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Mercola. Show all posts

Dr. Mercola Speaks at Ron Paul Institute — 2024


I recently had the privilege of speaking at the Ron Paul Institute, addressing a room full of courageous individuals who are standing up for truth and freedom in these challenging times. It was an honor to share my insights and passion for health with such an engaged audience.

Molecular Hydrogen: The Powerful Antioxidant You've Never Heard Of — Interview With Tyler LeBaron | Aug. 26, 2024



In my ongoing quest to deliver the most effective strategies for optimizing your health, I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Tyler W. LeBaron, Ph.D., one of the world's foremost experts on molecular hydrogen. 
LeBaron, founder of the Molecular Hydrogen Institute, is an accomplished marathon runner and strength athlete who pushes his body to extremes that most of us can't imagine. He's deadlifted 450 pounds and has run marathons in the low 2:20 range — a pace that used to win the Boston Marathon not many years ago.

Our conversation covered everything from the intricacies of mitochondrial function to the potential of hydrogen as a selective yet safe antioxidant — as well as targeting the problem of plastic pollution that’s exposing the population to toxic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs).

LeBaron delves into the emerging science behind molecular hydrogen as a powerful therapeutic agent, providing invaluable insights into how this simple molecule could be the key to addressing one of the most overlooked issues in cellular health: reductive stress.

Dr. Peter Litchfield | Why Proper Breathing Is the Key to Optimal Health | Jan. 17, 2024


The interview above features Peter Litchfield, Ph.D., who is, in my view, one of the best breathing experts in the world. I’ve taken his breathing course, which gave me a deep appreciation for what he’s teaching. None of the breathing experts I’ve interviewed before compare to Litchfield when it comes to understanding respiratory physiology and its impact on your health.

Dysfunctional breathing habits are typically developed in response to some type of emotional trauma. The trauma gets embedded in your brain circuits, and when you encounter triggers, they activate specific breathing habits, some of which may significantly lower your carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration level.
The higher the CO2 concentration you can maintain while remaining within the biologically normal CO2 concentration range, the greater the likelihood that your breathing is supporting your health and performance. 

Breathing techniques such as belly breathing, deep breathing and Buteyko breathing may not address breathing triggers or why you developed an inappropriate breathing habit in the first place. When you overventilate you get numerous physiological changes. As a result, overbreathing can trigger a wide variety of physical and psychological changes, which can be reversed by implementing breathing behavior analysis learning techniques.

Breathing behavior analysts help you become conscious of your breathing habits, what’s triggering them and how to resolve them. This is important, as improper breathing habits can unconsciously sabotage your health.

Celia Farber | The Uncensored History of AIDS | Mercola | July 10, 2023



In this video, I interview journalist Celia Farber about her recently republished book, "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS." As a young reporter working for SPIN magazine, Farber started questioning the official narrative around AIDS, and this book is the outgrowth of her decades-long investigation into and writing about this "hot potato" topic.

Journalist Celia Farber is the author of “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS.” In it, she highlights the work of virologist and retrobiologist Peter Duesberg, who since 1987 has insisted that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS.

According to Duesberg, retroviruses such as HIV are harmless and do not cause disease. And, up until Dr. Robert Gallo claimed he’d discovered HIV in his laboratory in 1984, and determined that it caused AIDS, this was the scientific consensus.

Duesberg was vehemently attacked by AIDS researchers and activists, and internationally discredited by media for not going along with the AIDS narrative promoted by the medical establishment, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

As with COVID-19, one of the key tools used to promote the “HIV causes AIDS” narrative was the use of the PCR test. There are also other similarities to what happened with COVID, including the vilification and discrediting of scientists and therapies that could effectively address the disease.

Bactrim was an inexpensive generic drug that effectively treated AIDS-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which was frequently fatal. This drug, like ivermectin, was withheld. Instead, Fauci insisted AIDS patients be treated with AZT, a horrendously toxic and expensive cancer drug that was never proven to work, and which killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients, most of them gay men

Dr. Mercola Interviews | The Effect of Vaccines On The Brain - Interview with Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic | Jan. 23, 2023


For years, I've warned that aluminum is a serious neurotoxic hazard involved in rising rates of autism and Alzheimer's disease (AD). I've also warned that vaccines are a significant source of such exposure, and may be one of the worst, since by injecting it, the aluminum bypasses your body's natural filtering and detoxification systems.

Research has found a strong link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease. Patients with a genetic mutation that predisposes them to early onset of Alzheimer’s and more aggressive disease have universally high aluminum content in their brains.

According to a British researcher, without aluminum in the brain, Alzheimer’s does not develop.
When aluminum was first approved for use in vaccines, it was approved based on its efficacy. It was never actually tested for safety. It was simply assumed to be safe.

Aluminum has been shown to cause mitochondrial dysfunction and depletion of adenine-triphosphate (ATP), which sets the stage for virtually any chronic disease. Aluminum salts can increase levels of glial activation, inflammatory cytokines and amyloid precursor protein within the brain.

Recent research found the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine schedule — when adjusted for bodyweight — exposes children to a level of aluminum that is 15.9 times higher than the recommended “safe” level.

Whitney Webb | The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime | Dr. Mercola | Sept. 14, 2022


In this interview, investigative journalist Whitney Webb discusses her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” The book is so long, it was cut into two volumes. Volume 1 alone is 544 pages, but it’s a fascinating read and incredibly well-referenced.

Whitney Webb’s book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” provides the framework to understand not just the role and function of Epstein, but also, more broadly, the mess we’re now finding ourselves in.

Around the time of World War II, the intelligence community in the United States formalized its cooperation with organized crime syndicates in what was known as Operation Underworld, and the web of corruption grew from there. 

Sexual blackmail was used by organized crime before U.S. intelligence even existed. As criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship, blackmail became a tool to achieve their individual ends.

While it may appear as though organized crime is being combated, this is rarely ever the case. Stories of cracking down on organized crime are cover stories to hide what’s really happening, which is the consolidation of organized crime territory.

The incentive behind all this criminal activity is not merely the hoarding of money to live in the lap of luxury. It's about power and control over others. The good news is we can pull the plug on their plans.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko | The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System | | Jan. 12, 2022

Source: Mercola on Bitchute

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, whom I’ve interviewed twice previously, was among the first U.S. physicians to develop an early treatment program for the novel SARS-CoV-2 infection. He popularized the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and when hydroxychloroquine became increasingly difficult to obtain, he was also among the first to identify quercetin as a viable alternative.

• Dozens of peer-reviewed studies show that when COVID-19 is treated within the first few days of symptom onset, there’s an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death

• With Omicron, we have been gifted a best-case scenario. The highly contagious virus can rip through the population, causing only mild cold symptoms, thus producing herd immunity without the risk of mass casualties

• Two months before the rollout of the COVID shots, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that they could cause serious problems, including heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, blood clots, neurological problems and more, yet they pushed them anyway

• Dr. Vladimir Zelenko believes SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon. Patents spanning two decades support this view. Those who created the weapon also investigated and identified antidotes, which includes the zinc ionophore hydroxychloroquine

• The antidote to COVID was intentionally suppressed to encourage people to get the COVID jab, which Zelenko believes is a tool to tag people for the New World Order slave system

Red Ice TV | Doctors Harassed By ‘Covid Taskforce’ & Media, Insanity Epidemic, More Migrants | Aug. 6, 2021


Dr. Mercola has been singled out as the number one "misinformation spreader" by the FDA and Biden's "Coronavirus Taskforce." He is now being harassed and followed by CNN and other media. 

His website and products are now being singled out by the FDA in an effort to stop people from using natural remedies and natural methods to help mitigate diseases, including covid-19. 

We also cover the incredible corruption at the FDA and all the toxic and life threatening drugs and compounds that they have approved for human consumption.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Lustig on The Hacking of the American Mind | Sept. 7, 2017


Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Robert Lustig on how processed foods contribute to dopamine production and why it is a crucial issue in today’s epidemic of depression and other chronic diseases.

Dr. Mercola and Claire Robinson on GMO Truths and Myths | April 19, 2016


Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews the Editor of GM Watch, Claire Robinson, about GMO myths and truths.

Links: Health News Articles

Dr. Jonathan Latham | Growing Doubt: A Scientist's Experience of GMOS | | Jan. 12, 2016


Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Jonathan Latham about GMOs. Dr. Latham also explains why the process of genetic engineering is imprecise.

Dr. Joseph Mercola | How Prolonged Sitting Kills You, Effortless Healing & GMO Labeling Initiative | Hour 1 | April 6, 2015


April 6, 2015–Dr. Joseph Mercola is a licensed osteopathic and board-certified family medicine doctor who believes that natural “whole person” treatment is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He aims to transform the medical paradigm to improve people’s quality of life. His official website,, contains thousands of natural health articles and proven, holistic recommendations.

Dr. Mercola is also the author of two best selling books, and he is with us to discuss his latest publication, Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself. Our conversation begins with a look at the conventional, pharmaceutical based medical philosophy driven by sophisticated claims and big profits.

Dr. Mercola explains how he got started in the Health Liberty Initiative, an organization dedicated to promoting the removal of fluoride from water and mercury from dental work, as well as spreading awareness about the dangers of vaccines and more. Mercola talks about the hazards of excess sitting, the benefits of intermittent, high-intensity cardiovascular and strength training, and approaches to wellness that replicate our ancestral patterns.

He details the causes of insulin resistance, the primary factor in many illnesses, and provides dietary guidelines for resolving this widespread epidemic. Then, we consider veganism, the benefits of animal and vegetable fats, and the right amount of protein in a healthy diet. Further, we deconstruct how key opinion leaders in healthcare are influenced by big pharma investments, along with the money trail of the vaccine industry.

download hour 1 mp3

The Toxic Truth About Fluoride and Its Health Dangers


Fluoride is a toxic substance that can harm your health in many ways -- be it from the water you drink or from the toothpaste you use. Discover more about fluoride by watching this video from

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Wright | Thyroid Health and Threatment


Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Jonathan Wright about thyroid, including some recommendations to protect one's thyroid. (Full Version)

Information Machine recommended: J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine 2% 2oz
4 drops/day for the first 2 weeks then switch to 2 drops/day.
Please do your own research.

About the Usefulness of Iodine

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Carman Discuss GMO Dangers (Full Version), May 18, 2014


Internationally renowned natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Judy Carman about the dangers of eating genetically modified foods.
Read the full article at:

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Holick about Vitamin D, December 23, 2013


Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Michael Holick, one of the leading vitamin D researchers, and the author of the book, The Vitamin D Solution.
Read more at:

Dr. Mercola Interviews Patrick McKeown | How the Buteyko Breathing Method Can Improve Your Health and Fitness

Source:,, Patrick McKeown youtube

Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Patrick McKeown about Buteyko breathing and its benefits on people's health. Read full article at:

Measure your breathless during physical exercise

The length of time which you can comfortably hold your breath provides feedback of how breathless you are during physical exercise. A low breath hold time is indicative of greater breathlessness. A high comfortable breath hold time is indicative of lighter breathing during physical exercise. To reduce your breathlessness during sports, apply the OxyAthlete program to improve your comfortable breath hold time. -Patrick McKeown

Dr. Joseph Mercola | Coca Cola's Aspartame Propaganda Exposed, August, 14, 2013


Dr. Joseph Mercola M.D. of discusses the bombshell new studies that have come out on refined Sugar and Coca-Cola's new ad campaign defending Asapartame.
See article "Coke to Defend Safety of Aspartame in New Ad"

Dr. Joseph Mercola M.D. continues about the rampant corruption and falsities perpetrated by many medical studies and how we can sift through the information to get at the truth of matters involving sugar, aspartame, GMOs and the FDA.

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Cyweski | Astaxanthin—Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant, February 7, 2013


A little-known carotenoid called astaxanthin is now believed to be the most beneficial antioxidant nature has to offer. Astaxanthin's benefits are so numerous, I've written several articles to cover its many activities, from UV-radiation protection, to eye- and heart health, to improved athletic performance.

It is one of the very few supplements I recommend to virtually everyone, for its overall health benefits. It’s really one of the most profoundly beneficial supplements I’ve ever encountered.

In terms of antioxidant power or potency, astaxanthin is 550 times stronger than vitamin E, and 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C!

Dr. Gerald Cysewski, who has a doctorate in chemical engineering and served as an assistant professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at UC Santa Barbara, is recognized as a leading authority on large-scale production of microalgae, including the microalgae Haematoccous pluvialis, from which astaxanthin is produced.

Dr. Cysewski is also the founder of Cyanotech, the first company to produce natural astaxanthin—first for aquaculture use, and later, for human consumption. ~Dr. Mercola
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