Showing posts with label Freeman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freeman. Show all posts

James Bartley | Alien Human Hybrids and PTSD | Freeman TV | Mar. 11, 2017


Are we the Matrix Sentinels? Are we destined to build our own cage? Is there an Illuminati plan to make you a PTSD Alien Hybrid? James Bartley presents The Reptilian & MILAB Chronicles Lecture and Workshop Series starting March 25th in New South Wales.

"This story is so unrelentingly strange some part of it must be true. Every bit of this story that I investigate, every fact I check only makes the mystery grow deeper and weirder.

When you consider all the questions this man’s story raises, you wind up with an investigation into what we believe, what we want to believe, and how others will try to control what we believe for their benefit. This story says more about us than it will ever reveal about the dead man at the center of it. But there are answers. There is truth to be found inside the swirl of this bizarre mystery.

Was this man what he claimed to be: an alien-human-hybrid superspy who needed a 1,200-gun arsenal and multiple assault vehicles to protect the world from extraterrestrial invasion?"

James Bartley is an abductee who has been exposed to high levels of Spiritual Warfare. He has studied in England and Germany. He is a student of Military History with an emphasis on Intelligence- Counterintelligence and Special Operations. James has worked in the Semiconductor Industry, the Telecommunications Industry and in County Government as an Ombudsmen. James also worked for the Civil Service at a major military command in an Intelligence related capacity.

Bernhard Guenther | Embrace Your Dark Side | FreemanTV | Mar. 4, 2017


Are you too intelligent and emotionally sensitive for this world? What emotions are hiding in your dark side? Can you face them? Our emotional bodies are real and in our cosmos no energy is wasted. What feeds off of our negative frequencies? This is the perilous path towards awakening!

As the the cosmic energies of our planet become increasingly-infused with the contrasting expression of light and dark frequencies during this Time of Transition, many of us (whether we are conscious or not of this elevation in contrasting vibrations) are experiencing breakdowns and breakthroughs at an accelerated pace. We are being pushed to awaken – to align with the divine force. This process is bringing up anything that is not of the same frequency that our spirit is currently “downloading” in order to be transmuted….

Growing up in Munich, Germany, Bernhard moved to California in 1994 to study drums and percussion at the ‘Percussion Institute of Technology’ (PIT), Los Angeles. His exploration into rhythm and music became a journey of self-discovery and healing which lead him to bodywork and the Healing Arts.

Being very emotionally sensitive and battling depression throughout his early life, Bernhard faced his shadow and fears. His personal healing process also inspired him to explore the mysteries and hidden knowledge surrounding our planet and humanity’s origins, questioning the roots of what constitutes “reality”, and how social (and spiritual) conditioning impacts upon our collective and individual search for truth, fulfillment and happiness in all aspects of life.

His blog “PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY” is a wide-ranging collection of essays, films and interviews, ranging from spirituality, shamanism, psychology, self-work, esotericism, history, to the paranormal and hyperdimensional realities.

Joachim Hagopian | How to Overcome Divide and Rule | FreemanTV | Feb.11, 2017


The American Empire trudges on as we see the same war game plan unfold under President Trump as we did under the Obama Administration only now, it feels as if we have partnered with Russia. Obama passed more Executive Orders in his first 10 days of office than The Donald but, that does not dissuade the violent left. Will Trump be pushed into declaring martial law? Will America go to war with Iran as so many of the Neo-Cons have strived for?

How do we overcome this Elite Divide and Rule plan? What does it mean to be human? Is it our culture, our beliefs? The Super Bowl programming leaned heavily on military programming, even the Super Bowl commercials divided us and offered unity through service. Pope Francis declared “Great sporting events like today’s Super Bowl are highly symbolic, showing that it is possible to build a culture of encounter and a world of peace. By participating in sport, we are able to go beyond our own self interest – and in a healthy way – we learn to sacrifice, to grow in fidelity and respect the rules. May this year’s Super Bowl be a sign of peace, friendship and solidarity to the world."

If we can take this game as "symbolic" then, this is the year of the impossible! Let's take advantage of this break in "reality" and turn towards a life well beyond the psychopaths in charge. Are we human enough to avoid a Transgender, Transhumanist Phoenix uprising or are we doomed to a Technocratic Slave System?

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down. It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at Empire Exposed.

Dr. Joseph Farrell | Politics of the Culture War | Freeman TV | Feb. 4, 2017


What social engineering will Lady Gaga perform at the Super Bowl? This is Freeman's prediction...Transgender, Transhumanist Phoenix Rising Ceremony.

Is the Transhumanist Agenda inevitable? Is there a reason art has become mediocre? Can we create enough beauty to sway the public from a Technocratic Culture?

What is going on in Antarctica!? On October 1, 1946, the verdicts of two top Nazi war criminals tried at Nuremberg, Hermann Wilhelm Goering and Rudolf Hess, was announced. They visited Antarctica. Admiral Byrd flew into the Inner Earth in Antarctica. The Patriarch Kirill of Moscow was there a year ago. Skull and Bones member and Secretary of State, John Kerry, made a surprise trip to Antarctica during Trump's election. And, the Freemason that established Freemason Tranquility Lodge 2000 on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, fell ill after his trip to Antarctica.

"Brother Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of then Grand Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and appointing Brother Aldrin as Special Deputy of the Grand Master, granting unto him full power in the premises to represent the Grand Master as such and authorize him to claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on The Moon, and directed that he make due return of his acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the SPECIAL DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on July 20, 1969."

Tranquility Lodge 2000 is based in Texas under auspices of The Grand Lodge of Texas until such time as the Lodge may hold its meetings on the Moon. Their meetings are held quarterly at various cities in Texas, with the annual meeting being held in Waco each July.

Here are some other things that probably shouldn't have been sent distant planets...Like The Day the Earth Stood Still!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is a meticulous and brilliantly gifted researcher and prolific author. He holds a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford; dealing with the doctrines of early Christian theologians, and has also published four previous works concerning theology. Joseph pursues his other loves and hobbies: classical music (he is an organist, plays the harpsichord, and composes classical music), physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff".

Randy Maugans | The Peaceful Transfer of Power | Freeman TV | Jan. 22, 2017


Are we colliding with the Reality Matrix? A peaceful transfer of power starts in your soul and your consciousness will change our reality. A man lights himself on fire without conviction. What is your perception of America? How many times did the media use the words, “Peaceful Transfer of Power”? What is meant by this?

Neil Sanders | Maladaptive Programming of the New World Order | Jan. 7, 2017


Magic is defined as the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science. That is to say that our consciousness creates reality. What effect will mainstream programming and the data barrage of the Worldwide Web have on the manifest world? Our rage develops from not accepting where we are and the maladaptive programming of expecting the worst to happen.

Consciousness is the only thing that will transform our world and our imagination has been captured by Hollywood, politics, and magicians. Will we recognize the signs in the road and begin a Friendship Agenda with actual face to face communication and a true sense of sovereignty? If we can believe it, it can be manifest.

Neil Sanders holds an MA in Film Studies, he studied Psychology and Media Production for his BA Honours and is a qualified hypnotherapist. Neil is considered an expert on the subject of mind control and has been studying the history of this dark art and its application by military and government intelligence agencies across the globe for many years. Neil has appeared on several television shows and made numerous radio appearances in Europe and the USA and is the author of Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Volumes one and two.

Mind Control is a documented fact. The control of the actions and emotions of an unsuspecting victim has been a reality since at least the 1950's. Drawing on declassified documents, interviews with the doctors' involved, scientific papers and mainstream media reports, Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own shows the origins, objectives and architects of mind control.

Freeman | The Economist 2017 Tarot Cover | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Jan. 4, 2017


Freeman has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades. He is an internationally-known, award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations by his peers and professionals within this industry.

Tonight we’ll get caught up on all things conspiracy from around the world and take a look at the leaked Economist 2017 magazine tarot card cover…

Tom Montauk | Ark of the Covenant and Civilisation | FreemanTV | Oct. 2, 2016


Imagine if you will, a world without the Ark of the Covenant. The effects of this single “demiurgic” device is astounding! Human history and origins have been impacted by alien intervention and alien technology. Alien factions have given knowledge and weaponry to their human proxies. Ancient global mariners and their megalithic technology sailed around the globe.

Could the Ark of the Covenant be an example of alien technology that fell into human hands? The Philosopher’s Stone, Holy Grail, and Ark of the Covenant are examples of “demiurgic” technology. How did the Israelites came to acquire the Ark of the Covenant and who are they? The origins and function of the Great Pyramid, built by the ancient mariners to house the power source that was later put into the Ark is beyond belief. Let's look at the short and long term view of the future based on the visible and occult trends pushing us toward various singularities.

Tom Montalk is an author, researcher, and musician dedicated to empowering others with practical esoteric wisdom and technical knowledge. His published works include an extensive website and the books "Fringe Knowledge for Beginners" and "Discerning Alien Disinformation."

Tom was born in 1980 in central Germany. In early childhood, an onslaught of paranormal phenomena and harrowing alien encounters taught him that reality was full of strange and challenging mysteries. At age twelve he obtained a library card and began reading all everything he could find on ufology and spirituality. He also became interested in fringe physics and suppressed inventions after stumbling upon recurring references to alien propulsion systems in ufology literature.

After majoring in physics and electrical engineering for several years, Tom left university to pursue a more independent path of knowledge. Combining his research and personal experiences with those of others, he now dedicates his life to solving the deepest riddles of metaphysics, gnosticism, ufology, hyperdimensional physics, and spiritual warfare. He strives to communicate his findings in a clear and concise manner so that as many people as possible can put such knowledge into practice.

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Freeman | Ritual Human Sacrifice @ CERN - Wizards and Our Society | FreemanTV | Aug. 21, 2016


What does it say about our current society when scientists at CERN perform mock human sacrifices? Sure, the video was a prank, and "without official permission or knowledge” from CERN. People do wonder when the Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN says, "Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it."

Freeman Fly | The Mark of the Beast and Technology


Do you know what the Mark of the Beast looks like? Find out what the Satanists say about its origins. Is your TV demon possessed? Katy Perry tells your children to bring ET spirits into their souls. What messages and movies have we sent to extraterrestrials? What occult practices have the Nazis, and now NASA, employed to communicate and channel these entities into our dimension.

What is the real purpose of the billions going into particle colliders like CERN. What is Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, or something much more sinister? How does this play into the New World Order? Why did the Pope quit and what is the Vatican saying about aliens?

Steven and Evan Strong | Greatest Mystery on Earth is a Rock – Forgotten Origin | Freeman TV


Learn how our Forgotten Origin starts with a rock and leads to the ultimate of human potential. New species of life are discovered on Earth every year. Which genetics are related? Is the "Out of Africa" theory completely wrong? What lengths will the Authorities go to keep this secret? -

Freeman Fly | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 3, 2016


Freeman Fly is back with us to discuss conspiracy...we cover everything from politics, Hillary, Trump, Hollywood, 911, ISIS, Prince and the Freemasons. We also talk about his sighting and loss of time in 1993...and also premiere his new band...Molecular.

Sophia Smallstorm | Immortal Corporation Domination | Freeman TV


Corporations created by snake oil salesmen of the past are now immortal beings with more rights than humans and are quickly gaining control of our planets natural resources. Will "Google Geeks" replace lawyers as we move into decentralized contracting giving power over to algorithms to guide humanity supposedly without bias or is A.I. fundamentally evil?

Sofia Smallstorm is known for the documentaries “9/11 Mysteries” and “Unraveling Sandy Hook.” Sofia is also recognized for her research on the connections between geoengineering and synthetic biology.

"In the Western world, the control of population was first launched as a "mind war," a domestic war upon culture and society. So began the "dumbing down" of the hard-working American -- entertainment, sports and media being some of the tools. Vaccines, artificial sweeteners and fluoride in the water helped, and the spraying program is finishing it off.

"Control" does not necessarily mean numbers. It can mean the way you think and feel. It can mean where you live. It can be about health. It can be the creation of disease. It can mean how and if you reproduce. "Control" is about creating a matrix in which variables are not left to chance or nature. Matrix: (dictionary definition) Something in which something else originates or develops." --Sofia Smallstorm

Mike Clelland | Owls ET and Magic | Freeman TV | March 19, 2016


Mike Clelland has collected a wealth of first-hand accounts in which owls manifest in the highly charged moments that surround alien contact. Urban Shaman contactees are finding a path on planet earth that can seem, well, alien. Why are things on our planet so inhumane? Genetic Memory tells a bird to avoid an owl, even if it is plastic.

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Jay Weidner & Freeman | Ritual Magic - Alchemy


In this powerful in-depth interview Jay Weidner discusses awakening to the false reality created by the corporate cabal and the sorcery used to keep humanity asleep. He also discusses, Terence McKenna, soul lessons, abductions, ancient mythology, the Kali Yuga and time as a vortex. Don't miss this eye-opening interview.

James Perloff | Lucifer's Council on Foreign Relations | Freeman TV


When the activities at Bohemian Grove become blase to those in the know and remains unbelievable to the masses, our world will be thrown into chaos.

The Greek | Genetically Modified Babies! What is next? | Freeman TV | Feb. 15, 2016


Francis Crick Institute just announced that it will make the UK the first country to modify embryo with DNA altering. They stated that it is illegal to implant these embryos into women. If you know and don't speak, how guilty should you feel?

Will these new technologies change the very concept of what it is to be human? What is the soul and could our knowledge of the body be completely wrong? Is our understanding of the obvious so misguided? Is the alternative media the flip side of a media coin that is bound for destruction of nations? If you say that it was an inside job, are you not indicting your own nation?

Let's talk predictions. Will Apophis destroy planet Earth in 2029? Is our destruction due to our stark materialism and a cosmic karma scheme or is God ready to press reset. How many times has earth had a face lift? Sonic booms were reported in South Carolina and New Jersey. Houses shook and a boom left them thinking it was the end of the world. No meteors were spotted in either event and the military says they have not broken the sound barrier with any weapons.

Crystal Clark | Homegrown Terrorists | Freeman TV | Jan. 23, 2016


We are the last generation that could escape a digital footprint. Most of us haven't. What is the database for? Will you become a non-violent anarchistic homegrown terrorist? "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" is the meme of this generation. Why would anyone want to make the planet so miserable that children don't want to live? Are we heading for a catastrophe on par with Atlantis? 

After working over a decade in both high-end technology solutions and Operations Management in the logistics field, Crystal Clark finally left the corporate, profit-driven paradigm due to rank and out-of-control corruption across the board.

Leaving the corporate world behind for good and adjusting to exchanging “expensive things” for personal “free time” changed her life forever. No longer having the time of her life bought and paid for by a corporation, among other things, she returned to environmental research twenty years later and became even more horrified by what she learned.

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Freeman | Political Clones, Time Travel, Mind Control in Media, Corporate Sigils | Jan. 18, 2016


Freeman discussing Time Travel, Pharaohs reborn via cloning, now in positions of power, Corporate Symbolism, Magick in Media, Aleister Crowley, Thule Society, Luciferianism, Satanism, The Mark of the Beast, 666, ET's, LAM and more...

Robert Otey | Free Energy For Liberty | Freeman TV | Jan. 17, 2016


Seeking liberty is an active current in our cosmos. Is it a Universal Law? Free energy exists and needs to be shown to the world!

Robert Otey has spent the past 25 years doing deep level research into alternative Cosmology. He has discovered a wealth of suppressed information which contradicts and debunks the seriously flawed theoretical gravitation based Cosmogony taught in academia.

Robert's work proves this is in fact an Electric Universe based upon the foundations of Sacred Geometry. Meaning the gravity based, Big Bang, entropy, heat death Universe invented by academic atheists, which came from nothing only to return to nothing, is provably false.

Background: Cosmologist, Guitarist/Singer, Song Writer, Music Producer, Studio Engineer, Video Producer, Sacred Geometry Artist, Russellian Science Teacher, Apiarist, Horticulturist, Outdoorsmen, Schauberger Environmentalist and Water Researcher, Master Gardener.
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