The strange objects at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, Part 1&2, May 1, 2012

Source: tercermilenio youtube

A group of treasure hunters based in Stockholm, using sonar, has found a strange disc-shaped object on the floor of the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland. It's large -- 197 feet in diameter -- and it's in about 275 feet of water. Leading to (or from) it is a churned-up track on the sea floor of about 1,600 feet.

"We need to know what we've found," said Peter Lindberg of Ocean Explorer, the group that made the sonar sweep while looking for more conventional shipwrecks.

James Corbett | Fahrenheit 2012: Suppressing Dissent in the 21st Century, May 1, 2012


The ease with which political and governmental bodies have been able to block the publication of books that are uncomfortable to the Washington elite, and even to destroy entire print runs of tell-all whistleblower stories, has greatly increased. Simultaneously, books that fulfill a social function of rallying the populace around the flag and supporting the dominant narratives of our time, from the war on terror to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, are given copious attention by a fawning lapdog press. ~James Corbett

Helga Zepp-LaRouche | Dialogue on Future of Europe, April 27, 2012


On Friday, April 27, 2012, Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered a webcast titled, "Dialogue with Spain and Portugal On the Global Crisis and the Future of Europe." In the context of the impending collapse of the european system, which threatens the continued existence of the United States as well, we present to you the proceedings.

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William Davis | The Dangers of Wheat, April 29, 2012


April 29, 2012–Dr. William Davis, cardiologist and seeker-of-truth in health exposes "healthy whole grains" for the incredibly destructive genetic monsters they've become. Over 80% of the people he meets today are pre-diabetic or diabetic. In an effort to reduce blood sugar, he asked patients to remove all wheat products from their diet based on the simple fact that foods made of wheat flour raise blood sugar higher than nearly all other foods, regardless if the wheat is organic, multi-grain, whole grain or sprouted.

The results were positively drastic. Dr. Davis will discuss the benefits of going wheat free. We'll cover genetic changes of wheat verses ancient grains. He explains how modern wheat is an opiate and appetite stimulant. William also breaks down the internal components of wheat and how they interact with the body in negative ways linked to a slew of health problems. He also explains the great lie of gluten free bread. Why aren't doctors giving this important research any attention? ~Red Ice Creations
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A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil Part 4, Benjamin Donnelly interviews James Horak, April 29, 2012


In this interview, which is a continuation of the Crystal Clark series, Benjamin Donnelly probes deeper into the nature of reality and our purpose of existence by questioning James Horak further.

Some of the Topics covered in this interview are:

  1. Other races which co-existed with us on Earth.
  2. The difference between partial and full manifestation and their relationship with holographic reality and split consciousness/unified consciousness.
  3. The possible protocols of E.T. contact enabling one to discern between real contact and social engineering.
  4. Can population control be something natural without social engineering?
  5. Are there other planets in our solar system unaccounted for by NASA and JPL and filtered out by the Office of Astronomical Telegrams?
  6. Why did our ancestors encounter so many problems despite having unified consciousness?
  7. The nature of serial and linear time in reference to evolution and what we define as the present and if this is dynamic and changeable by ourselves even now.
  8. The nature of Genetic Memory.
  9. What was the purpose of the Sphinx and the pyramids?
  10. How is life created? The possible distinctions between creation and evolution and their roles in the creation process.

Part 1-3

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly: Lifting the Veil, Crystal Clark interviews James Horak

‪Clif's wujo | E6 - Alex Jones Rant, Prometheus, Nummo‬, ‪March 31, 2012‬


Alex Jones Rant, Prometheus, Nummo

Emery Smith and Dr. Steven Greer | Report on the Marco Island CE-5 Contact Expedition, April 27, 2012


Guest: Emery Smith

Dr. Greer and Emery Smith discuss the field work experiences from the Marco Island CE-5 Expedition. Last year people at the Marco Island training were blown away by their experiences made even more amazing because they were so close to a populated area. On these expeditions Emery and Dr. Greer often have very unusual interaction with ETs through the magnetometers or other devices. Listen in to find out what has happened.

Robert Felix on Veritas Radio | Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps


Veritas is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas

Robert Felix makes a legitimate case for extinctions due to magnetic reversals. Why hasn't the scientific community performed a more comprehensive and complete investigation? Given the biases of that system towards orthodox ideas, one wonders if such will ever occur. Perhaps only the inevitable geomagnetic reversal will ultimately resolve the mystery.

Schools have replaced science with non-science and this book brings back a lot of science. Felix answers a lot of questions. He answers Darwin's missing link problem. He has good evidence to back up his theories. He explains how cataclysmic pole shifts are part of a cycle and how the deposits of coal and diamonds laying on top of dinosaurs' bones came about. About how oil and diamonds raining from the sky that formed the layers on the Dino bones. Also, he tells about "natural" nuclear explosions can happen. He shows the geo evidence of their occurrence.

From past evidence, it appears that we are due another pole shift. The energies released cause a horrendous lighting storm all over the earth that amalgamates carbon gases in the atmosphere into oil, diamonds and radioactive isotopes. The radiation will mutate and kill the present lifeforms and new species will emerge... This is why there are no evolutionary links Darwin predicted...

There isn't much written about what happened over 10,000 years ago since we couldn't write; so observation, analysis and insight are key to understanding the past. This book is about cycles. Felix tells us we are approaching the end of an 11,500 year warming period and about to enter a similar cooling period. He points out that atmospheric carbon produced by humans is not a significant problem. You also will understand what happened to the dinosaurs and the mammoths.

Robert Felix was right about magnetic reversals causing explosions In the atmosphere. He was right about almost everything else as well, according to the hard science of the past thirty years. Felix figured it out. This has been a reliable constant of science for the past 1000 years - all the major advances have been made by laymen working outside their original professions.

One of the problems with Darwin's theories is exactly that we don't find the missing links. We find different species appearing seemingly out of nowhere. There are probably other reasons that occur, natural selection being a reason, but the mutations have to occur someway, and gradual mutations probably wouldn't lead to drastic changes in species that we end up seeing.

Felix also goes into a lot of detail linking extinctions and reversals, as well as creation of new materials on earth. His theories are fascinating. The Himalayan glaciers are growing despite "global warming." Perhaps Felix's theories will become proven fact sooner than we think.

Max Igan | Systems of Control and Social Subtext, April 27, 2012


Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - April, 27th, 2012

Crystal Clark on Offplanet Radio | Sacred Science, April 25, 2012


"My personal goal, as well as the goal of millions of others at this time, is to help humanity realize its full potential in meaningful ways that not only expand awareness of theother choices that genuinely uphold, regenerate, and recreate life (of which there are many), but also to rebuild the bridge between the mind and the heart; the mystical and material, so that the peaceful and abundant paradise we all long for can finally manifest here, in, around, and through, us." ~Crystal Clark

Author, spiritual researcher, metaphysician, and healer, Crystal Clark joins us for a wide-ranging interview on her quest to provide a framework for an enlightened future on Earth. We discuss the weaponized technology turned against humanity, the codes of life, the estranged feminine nature, GMO foods, Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius, the "green agenda" and carbon tax; the "shadow" side... the evils of a monetary-based system...a call to return to the sacred in all things. ~Randy Maugans

James Horak on Offplanet Radio | The Split Consciousness, April 25, 2012


April 25, 2012–
James Horak: has issued a warning to the global elites---your time is up! We talk about the mechanics of liberation and the end of the ruling elites who have perpetrated genocide on humaity. EMV updates' and the management of the Earth grids in galactic center; the split consciousness of man...the source of evil, and "privatizing space"...a REALLY bad idea!
~Randy Maugans

Jay Weidner | Kubrick's Odyssey: How Stanley Faked the Moon Landings, April 26, 2012


April 26, 2012–Jay Weidner is an author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar, considered to be a "modern-day Indiana Jones" for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind's spiritual destiny. He returns to Red Ice to talk about his film, Kubrick's Odyssey.

Jay presents compelling evidence of how Stanley Kubrick directed the Apollo moon landings. He reveals that the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey was not only a retelling of Arthur C. Clarke and Kubrick's novel, but also a research and development project that assisted Kubrick in the creation of the Apollo moon footage. Weidner also tells how Kubrick's film, The Shining is the story of Kubrick's personal travails as he secretly worked on the Apollo footage for NASA. ~Red Ice Creations

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