Nazemroaya: The US is Confronting the Ukrainian People Via Its Puppets in Kiev, May 5, 2014



As the post-coup regime in Ukraine stormed the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk and claimed it had.captured the security service headquarters from anti-coup protesters, Press TV interviewed Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya on the situation on May 3, 2014.

Nazemroaya points out that the current regime in Ukraine is using armed force against Ukrainian protesters in the south and east of the country. The coup-installed authorities in Kiev are calling the protesters opposing them terrorists and criminals whereas they and their foreign backers have tried to legitimize their own violent takeover of the government in Kiev on the basis that the previous government in Kiev was no longer legitimate because it used armed force against the Euro-Maidan protesters. He also pointed out that unlike before when the US and the EU were supporting protesters against the Ukrainian government, they are now supporting the use of force by the coup-installed government against Ukrainian citizens opposing the coup-installed political figures.

Double-standards are at play. Occupying government buildings was good in January and February according to the US and the EU. But since April the occupation of government buildings in Ukraine has been viewed as as a criminal act. Before the US and EU claimed that the Euro-Maidan figures occupying government buildings in Ukraine were democratic activists and issued warnings to Kiev not to disturb them. But now Washington supports armed force against protesters in southern and eastern Ukraine and looks the other way when Ukrainian civilians are killed, because the views of these Ukrainians are not aligned to US and EU interests.

The Russian Federation is not the one to blame for the post-coup instability inside Ukraine, the US and the EU, which supported the coup in February 2014, are the parties to blame for the instability in Ukraine. The US wants to integrate Ukraine into its orbit via NATO and the EU while destabilizing and isolating Russia through Ukraine, which is part of a tactic by the Obama Administration, according to Nazemroaya.

To read more of Nazemroaya's work or see more of his interviewed, please visit Global Research:

Darrell Hamamoto | The Dark Side of Asian America & Weaponized Political Correctness | Hour 1| May 2, 2014


May 2, 2014–Darrell Y. Hamamoto is a professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis. He is a recognized authority on US popular culture and mass media, having written extensively in the field including Nervous Laughter: Television Situation Comedy and Liberal Democratic Ideology and Monitored Peril: Asian Americans and the Politics of TV Representation. Professor Hamamoto is also writing a handbook directed to college and university-age youth disillusioned with academic orthodoxy and political correctness titled New World Order Theory For Students.

We’ll discuss his new book, Servitors of Empire: Studies In the Dark Side of Asian America, which confounds the conventional academic wisdom concerning race, ethnicity, and social class in contemporary US politics, culture, and society. Darrell will discuss the massive importation of specialized Asian scientists and engineers into the US, assigned to build the technetronic infrastructure for the new world order command and control system. He explains how highly trained knowledge workers are being employed to bring sovereign nations such as the United States under centralized rule made possible through advances in bioscience, IT, engineering, and global finance.

download hour 1 mp3

Tony Ortega | Scientology: Behind the Glitter - Beyond the Cult | Segment 1|


Tony Ortega, executive editor of The Raw Story, covered for Jamie DeWolf, the great grandson of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology. DeWolf was involved in a car accident and was not able to participate. Nonetheless, Ortega did a magnificent job taking us deep inside Scientology; its beginnings, phases, and where it stands today. This is a fascinating interview for anyone who wants to understand Scientology. Its founder was also responsible in writing the necessary protocols to address dissent inside and outside the organization.

Max Igan | The Architects of Destiny


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 2 - Episode 4

Jeff Rense & David Cole | The Zionist Perversion Of History


Clip from April 24, 2014 - guest David Cole on the Jeff Rense Program.

The Geneva Business Insider | F$%k the EU! (The EU is F*#ked), April 30, 2014


David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider joins us once again to discuss the latest in economics, finance, geopolitics and society. This month we tackle the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and how it will inevitably backfire on the EU and the US, the so-called European recovery, and the European immigration issue.

Show Notes & MP3

Niara Isley | Military Abduction Whistleblower: The Richard Dolan Show, April 28, 2014


Interview with Niara Isley on the Richard Dolan Show, April 28, 2014. Formerly of the USAF, she discusses her abduction experiences, both apparent ET and military. She talks about three months of missing time while stationed at the Nevada Test Site. Her book, Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light, is available at:

UFO Sighting over Chicago, Many Witnesses, March 18, 2014


Multiple Witnesses, Chicago March 18, 2014.

Zoltan Istvan | The Transhumanist Wager: In Favor of Eugenics & Technological Dictatorship | Hour 1 | April 28, 2014


April 28, 2014–Zoltan Istvan is an American-Hungarian philosopher, journalist, entrepreneur, and futurist. He has explored over 100 countries—many as a journalist for the National Geographic Channel—writing, filming, and appearing in dozens of television stories, articles, and webcasts. He also pioneered and popularized the extreme sport of volcano boarding. Zoltan later became a director for the international conservation group WildAid, to stop illegal wildlife trade in Southeast Asia. He recently published The Transhumanist Wager, a controversial fictional thriller describing apatheist Jethro Knights and his unwavering quest for immortality via science and technology.

As a leading transhumanist, Zoltan presents his reasons for being in favor of humanity merging with machine. He’ll discuss his view that technology will improve on nature. Overcoming morality is his greatest concern.

We’ll discuss body harm from new technologies and the ethical dilemmas they present. Zoltan argues that ultimately technology will be helpful to the “greater good” and must be implemented, even if by force and even if there are causalities along the way.

download hour 1 mp3

Dr. Sam Osmanagich | The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, April 29, 2014


Semir Sam Osmanagich is Bosnian-born Houston (USA) resident author, researcher and businessman. He has discovered ancient pyramidal complex in Visoko (Bosnia-Herzegovina) which consists of five colossal stone structures in the shape of the pyramid with extensive pre-historical underground tunnel network. He has established non-profit and non-government „Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun“ Foundation to pursue the excavation and geo-archaeological work. He teaches at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina as Anthropology professor, in particular Bosnian megalithic sites.

Semir Osmanagich was born on June 1st, 1960 in Zenica. His father prof.dr. Muris Osmanagic obtained first PhD in mining exploration in former Yugoslavia, was holder of highest scientific award “Nagrada AVNOJ-a”, member of Yugoslav Parliament, minister in Government, and author of number of books and scientific articles. His grandfather Munib Osmanagic moved from Visegrad to Sarajevo between two World Wars and became a director of “Merhamet Bank” in Sarajevo and a member of Parliament of Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Semir Osmanagich completed elementary school in Sarajevo, graduated high school (“Druga gimnazija”) in Sarajevo as a top student in his class in City of Sarajevo (“student of generation”) and completed college diplomas, Masters and PhD at the University of Sarajevo.

His business career started in mid-1980s at UNIS (United Metal Industry of Sarajevo), a huge 55.000-employees corporation where he was working as a research fellow in UNIS-Institute on strategic planning. In 1989 he started his own export-import and construction business in Sarajevo (Bosnia) and Split (Croatia) as the owner of the “Meteorit, Inc.” and “Meteorit 2, Inc.”.

After he moved in Houston, Texas he was working for the manufacturing company “Houston Protectors, Inc.” as a general manager. He started his own business “Met Company, Inc.” (est. 1995.), a manufacturing company with the customers in Oil&Gas, Construction and other industries. He’s presently President of the Met Company, Inc. which employs over 120 employees and owner of “Met Holding Group, LLC”. He was a long-time member of the Board of Directors of non-profit “Alliance for Multicultural Activities” in Houston.

Piers Corbyn | The Reality of Long Range Weather and Climate Forecasting | EU2014


In his talk, Piers Corbyn described the failure of standard meteorology (SM) in outlook, theory, and practice. He included: signals in real meteorology data unexplained by SM; real role of jet stream, stratosphere, electro-jets, magnetosphere, solar wind, solar corona, and the Moon; the total inability of SM to explain: sudden stratospheric warmings and its consequences, tropical storm intensifications, angular momentum concentration in tornadoes; and the need for something else such as electromagnetic plasma explanations; the theoretical basis of non-standard long range weather forecasting on a real planet; a summary on his WeatherAction forecasting skill and examples; and the future of forecasting and meteorology, climate 'science' and science in general.

Piers Corbyn began recording weather and climate patterns at the age of five, constructing his own observation equipment. He obtained a first-class honors degree in physics at Imperial College London. In 1969, he became the first president of the Imperial College Students' Union to be directly elected by the student body. He later studied astrophysics in 1979 at Queen Mary College, London, and then began examining the relationship between Earth's weather and climate and solar activity. Following many years of weather prediction as an occupation, Piers formed WeatherAction in 1995, where he sells web-accessible long-range monthly forecasts for Britain and Ireland, Europe, and the USA plus special forecasts of 'Red Weather periods' and related increases in thunder/tornado and earthquake risk.

The Asia-Pacific Perspective | Russia Clears Path for South Korea Pipeline, April 29, 2014



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