Robert W. Sullivan IV | Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies | March 16, 2015


Author, lawyer, historian, theologian, philosopher and 32nd Degree Mason, Robert W. Sullivan IV joined us for a sparkling conversation about his new book, Cinema Symbolism: A Guide To Esoteric Imagery In Popular Movies.

Have you ever wondered why “007” is James Bond’s numerical designation?
Cinema Symbology connects occult, numerological, astrological, mythological, alchemical, Tarot, and kabbalistic symbolism contained within popular movies.

Cinema Symbology analyzes The Exorcist, Back to the Future, Star Wars (Episodes I-VI), The Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz, Black Swan, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the James Bond movies, The Matrix, The Shining, and many others.

You can follow Robert W. Sullivan IV’s work here:

Assange V. Authorities | 1,000 days in limbo, 10mn spent on surveillance | March 16, 2015


Today marks exactly 1000 days since whistleblower Julian Assange landed himself in limbo at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. RT's Daniel Hawkins looks back at what the self imposed incarceration has meant for both the wikileaker, and the British authorities, who've spent millions to make sure he couldn't escape.

S0 News | Space Weather Alerts, Observing the Frontier | March 16, 2015


Derrel Sims | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 25, 2015


Derrel Sims is back with us and the conversation is as lively as ever...we cover his own personal encounters with ET as a child...what to look for, how to communicate and defend yourself...what is BS and what is real...and we take calls and Derrel gives advice to the audience who has been or is being visited.

His 38+ years of field research has focused on physical evidence, and led to his groundbreaking discoveries of alien implants and alien fluorescence. As a former military police officer and CIA operative, Sims has a unique insight to the alien organization which he believes functions similarly to an intelligence agency.

Sims is also a compassionate and skilled therapist and Certified Master Hypnotherapist who has helped hundreds of alien experiencers all over the world come to terms with what they’ve witnessed.

Jared Taylor | The Suppressed Conversation About Race | Hour 1 | March 11, 2015


March 11, 2015–Jared Taylor is an American journalist, editor of the webzine American Renaissance and president of New Century Foundation organization, both dedicated to the study of immigration and race relations. Mr. Taylor is the author of several books and scholarly papers, including Paved with Good Intentions and White Identity: Racial Consciousness for the 21st Century.

Mr. Taylor is with us to make a contribution to the extremely one-sided debate of racial equality and the delegitimization of race, human biodiversity and kinship. We begin by considering why people are so afraid of discussing race and why Whites are forbidden to organize, promote and advocate for their racial group.

We discuss the established system that is designed to create hatred and distrust amongst Whites and non-whites. We consider the tremendous double standards of being branded as a racist or supremacist, the multicultural experiment, and the global history of warfare and genocide. Further, we get into White privilege, the lack of will of whites to assert their rights as a sovereign majority, and the idea that preserving race and cultural traditions is akin to cultural imperialism.

download hour 1 mp3

Joseph Rex Kerrick | Überterrestrials, Faust & European Rebirth | March 13, 2015

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,

March 13, 2015–Joseph Rex Kerrick is an American author born to a working-class family in 1946. He began studying eastern religions and the occult while in the army as a teenager and these pursuits blossomed in later years with involvement in various magical orders. His writing includes three novels, a paperback anthology and enough non-fiction online to fill a few more volumes.

These works focus on the concept of White enlightenment or a spiritual renaissance for our folk, a collective rebirth which will enable the White race to regain command of its own destiny. The conversation begins with Joseph explaining the birth of the White Order of Thule. He talks about the Übermensch, Gurdjieffs teachings of The Fourth Way, and the metaphysical idea of a parasitic force feeding on humanities energy.

We discuss the possible origins of the White race, White Gods, Nordic aliens, and the postmodern Annunaki myth. Kerrick explains the differences between Semitic gods and Thulean gods along with the true roots of Abrahamic religions. Further, we look at where material advances have led to a general departure from spirit, the manifestation of the Faust myth, and the contract with Mephistopheles that brought the Zionists into power.

We also consider the decline of yang and the importance of revitalizing the warrior spirit. Joseph shares his thoughts on how human civilization has degenerated and how we can regenerate the White racial soul. At the end, Joseph talks about experiencing the Supernal Spirit, the living presence of RamaSpirit, the Kin of Aries community, and the emerging collective consciousness that may be on the verge of separating from the matrix. -Radio 3Fourteen

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Happy Birthday Lana! -Information Machine

Max Igan | PressTV - US Plans to Increase Non Lethal Aid to Groups Fighting Bashar Assad | March 14, 2015


Max Igan - US Plans to Increase Non Lethal Aid to Groups Fighting Bashar Assad - PressTV World News - March 14,2015.

Max Igan | Whose Reality Are You Living?


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 4 - Episode 02.

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

Graham Nicholls | Navigating the Out Of Body Experience: Part Two | Legalise Freedom Radio | March 13, 2015


Graham Nicholls discusses his books Avenues of the Human Spirit and Navigating the Out of Body Experience. The talk includes the nature of the out of body experience, the science behind it, and the state of current research into OBEs.

Out of body experiences can be self-induced, but can they be controlled? Are out of body experiences always positive, and might they ultimately have a purpose? What might they tell us about the nature of consciousness and the possibility of life after death?

Other subjects touched upon include remote viewing, near death experiences, reincarnation, quantum entanglement and the notion of extended mind and collective consciousness, and the role of sound in altered states of consciousness. We also discuss the skeptic community and their role in denying and debunking non-material forces and psychic phenomena in general.

Graham Nicholls | Navigating the Out Of Body Experience: Part One

Catherine Austin Fitts | Economic Crash-Up & Black Budget goes Global | March 13, 2015


Join Dark Journalist and his special guest, Former Assistant Housing Secretary, Financial Expert and Coast to Coast AM contributor Catherine Austin Fitts, for an exhilarating overview of the hidden forces of the Black Budget at work in the 2015 economic landscape. Making her fifth appearance on the show, Catherine exposes an emerging economic trend she calls a "Crash-Up" that may be the next move of the financial cabal she refers to as "Mr Global."

After draining most of the money out of the economy with the disastrous housing bubble and the dire crash of 2008 , the cabal is ready to make their next move by Crashing Up equity and relentlessly debasing currencies for even more profit!

Catherine, the publisher of The Solari Report, traces the history of worldwide financial manipulation and draws on her personal experience in high-ranking positions on Wall Street and in Government to expose the global game being played out by a tiny elite of people who dominate the committee to run the world.

She also gives out rare insight and wisdom for finding your economic security while battling the covert forces of mind control, entrainment technology, money harvesting, black budget operations and power centralization.

Spellbinding, informative, startling and provocative, this is the interview you're going to need to navigate 2015!

Jay Weidner | Psychopaths & Archons Run The World!!! | The Gnostics Warned Us 2000 Years Ago! | FarOutRadio


Jay Weidner has been at the leading edge of getting the word out about the epidemic of psychopaths in our modern world. Psychopaths tend to be extremely smart and excel in the areas of business and enterprises with large organizations, such as large corporations, the military, the arena of politics, large medical establishments, and organized religion. They are masters at blending into situations, have little to no empathy (aside for themselves), and DO NOT think like “normal” people with a conscience. This makes them potentially very dangerous and difficult to identify.

We also got into Jay’s research of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts, written by the Gnostics, forewarning us of a race of ETs that have invaded this planet, and they are called ARCHONS. Are they still here today? (YES!) And how do they manifest? Jay Weidner and others have concluded that today they are called psychopaths.

This is an important area of study because unless you can recognize the common traits of psychopaths, you will forever be an easy mark for them. They are indeed, the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Nick Redfern | "Roswell Slides" | FADERNIGHT Open-lines | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 17, 2015


Description: Open-lines...taking your calls from around the world...tonight we talk ISIS, UFOs...and then Donna calls in from AZ...during a on the air...yeap...takes pictures and sends them in...which we now have posted! Crazy show!!!
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