Earthfiles News | Ceres Bright Spots Still Mysterious | June 18, 2015


On June 6, 2015, NASA/JPL released a new image from the DAWN spacecraft at the lowest altitude to date: 2,700 miles above the surface. Triangular patterns of bright spots and no temperature anomaly in infrared increase the puzzle about what the bright spots are. Next closest altitude will be 932 miles by early September. Stay tuned for more Earthfiles News updates.

The Corbett Report | Austin Green Shines Light on The Shadow Ring | June 17, 2015


Austin Green of Free Mind Films joins us today to discuss his new documentary, ShadowRing. Written by James Perloff, narrated by Kevin Sorbo and featuring commentary from G. Edward Griffin, Rosa Koire, Aaron Dykes, Patrick Wood, Katherine Albrecht and many others, Shadow Ring shines a light on the secret powers that control the money supply and manipulate the world into war.

Description: The Shadow Ring

This new and exciting documentary will build on the successes of ‘State of Mind: The Psychology of Control’ – Free Mind Films’ follow up to the multiple award winning documentary exposé ‘A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995′.

Free Mind Films has decided to work with international best-selling author – James Perloff to tell the virtually unknown story of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) and how that organization is the key to understanding how our world has become what we see today. Mr. Perloff literally wrote the book on the CFRs existence more than 20 years ago and now he’s back with a new book titled “Truth is a Lonely Warrior” which he is used as the research platform to write the script for ‘ShadowRing’. ShadowRing will entertainingly unfold the events that led to the creation of the CFR, the important players who were instrumental in the council’s success within American politics, and how the CFR wields unimaginable influence over the geo-political agenda of the United States and consequently the events that have shaped our world for the last 100 years.

Expert witnesses and testimony will be weaved together with a historical visual landscape designed to present the inherent complexity of this subject in a way that is palatable for someone who has no prior knowledge of the CFR or what power it has over our lives. Source documents will give credibility to these incredible and life shattering revelations. By providing the audience with the facts and avoiding opinions or conjecture, ShadowRing will break down the dis-information and unlock the secrets of the CFR providing fertile ground to encourage a new public debate on the ethical and moral implications of allowing such a small group of individuals to command such power and influence over our lives.

Fernando Cortes | Can Americans and Mexicans Unite to Defeat a Common Enemy? | June 17, 2015

Source: Radio 3Fourteen

June 17, 2015–Fernando Cortes is a Mexican national residing in Guadalajara, Mexico. He has been a self-proclaimed third position nationalist for over 15 years and has founded a handful of nationalist groups in Mexico that are geared towards guiding youth to becoming better citizens. Cortes was the MC at the recent International Identitarian Congress in Mexico. He is committed to helping establish international relationships among all identitarians, especially with his natural border, the United States.

Fernando begins with a broad overview of the Mexican nationalist scene and how he came to identify with the movement. We discuss the economic climate of Mexico and Fernando gives an interesting explanation of the country’s historical relationship with the US, as well as the transformations and tensions that emerged along the road to Mexican independence. Fernando expands upon the mix of economic discrepancies amongst Mexican land owners and the power struggles with Spanish-descended elites that led to the Mexican-American war and resulted in a huge loss of Mexican territory.

We then fast forward to the current situation of Mexican immigration to the US. We shed some light on how this upheaval of both populations is only aggravating the oppression created by transnational companies in control of natural resources. Fernando emphasizes how the Zionist/neocon model rests upon the economic bubble of US capitalism, and we consider where racial tension fits into keeping up this scam.

Further, we scrutinize the common cultural Marxist parasite that is eroding away at the identities and values of European and Mexican descended Americans alike. At the end, Fernando explains where the traditional Mexican mentality vastly differs from the mainstream, politically correct American mindset, and we explore how White and Mexican identitarians can establish a healthy middle ground to conquer our shared oppressors. -Radio 3Fourteen

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The Corbett Report | Financial Survival: Greece Drops “Odious Debt” Bombshell | June 18, 2015


The world is getting crazier by the minute, and this week’s headlines are a case in point. From the Texas bullion depository to the Greek odious debt argument to the China-Russia gas deal, James and Alfred cover the stories that are destined to impact our lives in the near future.

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Show Notes:
Texas Governor Signs Legislation To Establish State Bullion Depository
Iraq Nets Handsome Profit by Dumping Dollar for Euro (2003)
Gaddafi’s ‘Gold Money’ Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar (2011)
The JFK Myth: Was He Assassinated Because He Opposed the Fed?
Debt Truth Committee: Greece’s Debt ‘Illegal, Illegitimate and Odious’
Greek Bank Outflows Accelerate, Reached 5 billion Euros in April
Russia and China To Exclude Dollar From Gas Deals
PetroYuan Proliferation: Russia, China To Settle “Holy Grail” Pipeline Sales In Renminbi
#Bilderberg2015 Press Release
Bilderbergers Actually Determine The Policy For The Coming Year (2010)

Joseph Farrell | Akhenaten Prophecy: Mystery Schools & Gizah Death Star | Dark Journalist


Dark Journalist welcomes back Oxford Scholar and Author of the popular Giza Death Star book series, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell for his fourth appearance on the show. In a mesmerizing and revealing interview, Dr. Farrell outlines a fascinating web of intrigue and Hidden History that started in our ancient past with Egyptian Mystery Schools and continues with the tradition of occult practices in modern-day Secret Societies.

He exposes that secret holy orders such as the Knights Templar discovered in their quest for the grail that the legendary temple treasure was shockingly related to the reign of the controversial and heretical Pharaoh Akhenaten and that his attempts at revealing the secrets of the Egyptian Mysteries and the cosmic origins of humanity caused him to be assassinated by the corrupt black magic Egyptian Priesthood. Eventually he was erased from dynastic Egyptian history along with his powerful wife Queen Nefertiti leaving behind his vulnerable son, Tutankhamun, King Tut, who was also removed. Plus the shocking revelation that there is a prophecy concerning the rise of Akhenaten’s powerful wisdom in the 21st century!

He also goes further and outlines the details of a cosmic war in ancient history and how the Great Pyramid at Giza was used as an Interstellar, Time Space Weapon along with the strange fact of excessive radiation that remains inside the Great Pyramid to this day! They also investigate whether the legend of Osiris and the history of alchemy may indicate that the Great Pyramid was designed as a Gigantic Resurrection Machine!

This leads them to dive further into primordial esoteric mysteries and to explore the ascension of a high culture in antiquity that possessed advanced technology and an all-knowing spiritual/dimensional consciousness and how the memory of this culture was suppressed by powerful forces that decided to keep this vital chapter in world history to themselves as a way to secretly search for these ancient power sources and technology for their own purposes.

Featuring Dr. Farrell’s most cutting-edge research and analysis of hidden power and covert forces, from the ancient world to the present day, this riveting episode includes profound exploration of the secret voyages by the Templars to America hundreds of years before the discovery of the new world to set up a major mystery school and 'Templar State.' He further reveals that Columbus visited America decades before his 1492 voyage with help from ancient maps that were created using global satellites and were saved from the burning of the library of Alexandria and were handed down by secret hermetic schools that have been guiding humanity from the shadows. There is also a fascinating section on how the Nazi leadership wanted to know the connection between the mystical sect of Essenes that taught Christ and the early Egyptian Magic Rituals and Mysteries.

Get ready to see history and reality turned on it’s head in this fascinating, shocking, eye-opening, controversial and earth-shaking Dark Journalist episode.

Kristiina Ojuland | EU to Force Mass Immigration on Estonia | June 15, 2015


June 15, 2015–Kristiina Ojuland studied law and politology at University of Tartu. She is the founder and leader of the People’s Unity Party 2014. Ms. Ojuland was once the Foreign Minister of Estonia, a member of Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament), and served on the European Parliament in the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) group.

Kristiina is with us to talk about the increasingly troublesome issue of mass immigration in Estonia and Europe in general. She sums up the demographic, economic and social climates of the small, relatively poor country of Estonia, where native populations are quickly being transformed by “refugee” transplants flooding in from North Africa and other Mediterranean countries.

We discuss the special privileges and benefits that are granted to non-European immigrants and the major burdens the social system is experiencing through receiving foreigners who resist true integration and exploit the social order. Kristiina touches on the important point of security threats that are presented with mass quantities of Muslims entering Europe, many of whom are lacking passports, have questionable backgrounds, and are seeking new identities as ISIS fighters and Jihadist radicals.

We expand on the crippling effects of political correctness in government and where this absurdity needs to be eliminated in order to speak frankly and honestly about immigration issues, namely the European Commission’s response to the recent boat crisis in the Mediterranean and their plan to impose non-voluntary immigration quotas across all EU countries. In conclusion, Kristiina talks about what she is doing to raise awareness about these extreme proposals and highlights steps that must be taken in order to preserve the continued existence of the unique cultures and peoples of Europe.

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‘Utter lies’: Greenwald debunks Sunday Times spin on Snowden | June 16, 2015


Glenn Greenwald, a US journalist who published the first reports on documents leaked by Edward Snowden, says allegations in the British press that Russian and Chinese spies accessed Snowden’s documents are lies aimed at smearing the whistleblower.

Back in Time Series | Dr. Paul LaViolette | Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion | 2011


Dr. Paul LaViolette will discuss aerospace propulsion technologies that have been under secret military development for over 60 years. Although he previously had long been interested in UFO's and advanced science his scientific work on gravity control theory actually began in 1985 when he encountered the work of American researcher T. Townsend Brown.

Jonas De Geer | The Destruction of Western Culture | Hour 1 | June 12, 2015


June 12, 2015–Jonas De Geer was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1971. He's a writer, publisher, radio-personality and an activist. He has been a leading personality in the opposition in Sweden since the 90’s. Jonas is with us to help make some sense of what is happening with mass immigration to Northern Europe and the US and the policies that keep these throngs of people pouring over the borders.

We discuss the unique altruistic attitudes based in freedom and democracy that are prevalent in these mainly White, Christian countries, and we question what has been reshaping public opinion about many hotly debated subjects such as gay marriage, divorce, the right to question history, and more. We point to evidence of a mainstream media agenda that is directing Western society to believe there is something wrong with wanting what is best for its own people, while an elite power structure benefits from the slow, steady erosion of American and European homelands and culture.

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The Brink | James Horak on Enemy Within Radio | June 2015

Source:, Enemy Within Radio

At the Brink
by James Horak

Many of my friends, my colleagues and indirectly others have struggled in noble efforts to provide as many as we can with information and the conclusions that information most strongly suggests with regard to what is being prepared for us. There is an old saying, "where there is smoke there is fire". Indeed, smoke is issuing forth from sources both at home and abroad. And in unsavory designs long discussed in the highest circles of power. What is avowed among these circles, eternal war, depopulation, the corporate takeover of privatized social services observing only a "bottom line" and not any degree of consumer protection or legal liability... all we see being put into practice with design. But worse than all these is the undeniable encroachment being threatened by any such exercise an operation such as Jade Helm 15 represents. By its very intents that are openly avowed too, in either practice or actual deployment, under the present circumstances, it is an iron fist in our face.

The checks and balance system devised by our forefathers, judicial review by our Supreme Court and the obedience to their oath of office to protect and defend our precious Constitution, by our elected officials, have all been subverted. Lawlessness has become "coin of the realm" as the effects of this treason filter down into all federal agencies depriving them of both mandate and any real service to the public welfare. The new agencies all have one thing in common, greater enforcement of more social encroachment upon the public by agenda.

If we review passed efforts to orchestrate events through fabricated emergencies that now, in retrospect, are proven and the use of these methods even coming to acquire recently a name, false flags, a predictable pattern emerges pointing to outcome. From that we can derive intention, to more greatly assume even the most lawless of all goals, the power of life and death over us. Only by awareness of such obvious intents can we stand any chance to survive the end game Jade Helm 15 warns us, inadvertently or not, coming.

Resolve before hand what you will do when this encroachment is at your door with a battering ram. Do not be unprepared with no such resolve. Know that your coming to be was not meant for you to be treated like human waste but for the greater design of a Universe that has come to treasure you. JCH

Some points raised
Psychopaths in charge - Fukushima is the Writing on the Wall
Nuclear threat
Lucifer, Cremation of Care
ET and what the EBE are
Second Technology
The Metal
Colares Incident
The Pope and Disclosure
Distraction and Disinformation/ Social Engineering
Naval Incident
Philadelphia experiment
Jade Helm and previous attempts at similar "exercises"
Mexico / Gangs / Military

Colares Incident

Back in Time Series | UFO Files - Brazil's Roswell, Colares


In September 1977, something amazing appears in the night sky over the Brazilian island of Colares in the Amazon delta--a luminous object hovering about 15 feet over the water. For nearly two months, strange flying objects visit the island--some big, some small, saucer-shaped, cigar-shaped, some luminous and some not.

Witnesses report they felt as if blood had been sucked from them by the strange rays. More than 30 residents suffer puncture wounds or burns after their encounters. Two islanders reportedly die from their injuries. The Brazilian Air Force sends a task force to the island for three months and it returns with 300 night photos and several motion picture reels.

Though a 500-page report is compiled, along with a catalogue of the sightings, maps, and interview transcripts, it's kept from the public. Then, in May 2005, a few of the details are released, but many questions go unanswered. In this unique hour, we examine these mysterious happenings in depth.

Nassim Haramein, Christopher Russak | The Connected Universe: A Fundamental Transformation of Human Awareness | Truth Warrior with David Whitehead | June 11, 2015


Director of Research for the Resonance Project, Nassim Haramein joins David Whitehead and Christopher Russak from Modern Knowledge for a candid, interesting discussion.

New World Next Week | Breaking #Bilderberg 2015 | June 12, 2015 


Story #1: Medical Data, Cybercriminals' Holy Grail, Now Espionage Target
Senators Want China Kept Out of Currency Club Over Hacking
Fake Mobile Towers 'Actively Listening In' On UK Calls
So-Called Justice Dept. Subpoenas To Identify Commenters on Silk Road Post

Story #2: Forget G-7 Summit, Bilderberg's Where the Big Guns Go
#Bilderberg2015 Participant List
We Are Change: The Only Journalists To Ever Be Inside Bilderberg During Lockdown
Citi Economist Argues for Abolishing Cash
Will Cash Soon Be Obsolete? First Shops Plan To Ban It In 2016
Financial Stability Board Meeting Archive
The Secret Meeting in London to End Cash
The Trilateral Commission Meeting Archive
We Are Change Rotterdam: Independent Media covers Bilderberg 2015
NavigateNetflix: Blair Witch + Loose Change + Eyes Wide Shut = The Conspiracy

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - Disillusioned black voters ask: Is voting even worth it?
Creating electricity from rice paddies

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
More Presstitute Politicians: McDonald's Hires Ex-Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
More Pedophile Politicians: Dennis Hastert Makes First Court Appearance in Chid Molestation Hush-Money Case
New Book, 'Go-Betweens for Hitler', Shows UK Royal Family Far Closer to Nazi's Than Recognised
LIBOR Rigging is "Conspiracy Theory" Says Fed-Raided @DeutscheBank
Manhattan Investment Banker Falls 24 Stories to Death in Latest Wall St. Suicide
US Government Lost 7 Fort Knox #Gold Audit Reports
Pentagon Accidentally Sent Live Anthrax to Labs via FedEx
US Military May Have Inadvertently Shipped Live Anthrax to Labs in Australia
Pentagon Shipped Live Anthrax Samples to Canada
Pentagon: We Don’t Actually Know How Much Anthrax We Mailed Ourselves
South Korea Vital to Global Economics, Could #MERS Create Another Global Financial Crash?
Obama Looks at Adding Bases and Troops in Iraq, to Fight ISIS
Ex-US Intelligence Officials Confirm: Secret Pentagon Report Proves US Complicity In Creation Of ISIS
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