OffPlanet TV | Harald Kautz-Vella: Silent Assimilation: A.I. Black Goo, Control of the Human System


This is critical information – To best understand the subject matter, we recommend the Book "Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation"

In the book, "Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation" (with Cara St. Louis), Harald Kautz-Vella details the history of aerosoling (chemtrails) and geo-engineering, Morgellons, nano-particles, tran-humanism via self-assembling nano-machines.

Morgellons: a fungus infecting the human body, and later growing "fruiting bodies”, which appear as parasites. Fungi assimilate higher DNA, multiply, and form MORPOGENIC FIELD---light-based communications, bi-directional emissions (like crystals in a radio)---the Morgellons "antennae"…hexagonal crystals reproducing light patterns…stored patterns transmit via signals---encoding (NLP?) into "rage". Archontic programs!

Alzheimers and "old age" diseases; memory loss, flattening vibratory systems

QUANTUM DOTS: Bell Labs-1982-industrialized by MITRE CORP.…has "super user status" for MIND CONTROL
(go to their website:, notice it is a dot-org: MITRE were the FIRST organization to register a DOT-ORG domain on the WWW,-30 years ago.its earliest project was The Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) was a system of large computersand associated networking equipment that coordinated data from many radar sites and processed it to produce a single unified image of the airspace over a wide area.

Project Cloverleaf - Chemtrails and their Purpose and the testimonies of mechanics who discovered strange electronic/mechanical devices in COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT received by Clifford Carnicom.

Angelo John Gage | The Marxist Matrix | Hour 1 | Aug. 17, 2015


August 17, 2015–Angelo John Gage is a political activist who is fighting against Marxism in all its abominable forms. A former US Marine, Gage went on to graduate from the International Center for Positive Change and Hypnosis as a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner and Conversational Hypnotist. He also chairs the National Youth Front (NYF), an anti-supremacist conservation organization dedicated to the preservation of all White people, including their nations and cultures across the globe.

Angelo is with us today to share an update on some of the recent activism and events the NYF has been involved with in bringing attention to the blatant anti-White agenda. We discuss the mind control techniques and public shaming campaigns that are commonly waged by the Zionist press and media against people who bring attention to the anti-White programming of the Marxist matrix.

Angelo emphasizes how in a matter of a couple generations the universities have changed their tune to a stanch chorus of White demonization - from rewriting the history of colonial times to the organization of ‘privilege’ boards - the whole system is saturated with White guilt indoctrination. Angelo describes what happened to him when a recent NYF campaign, Operation Grumpy Grundy, resulted in his expulsion from Boston University - all for standing up against the anti-White bigotry of a professor who openly accuses White college males of being a ‘problem population.

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The Eye Opener Report | Syria Invasion Watch - Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, False Flags and the Timeline to War | Aug. 13, 2015


Syria is once again the centre of attention with Washington and Ankara agreeing on "ISIS-free zones" that each partner is interpreting in its own way. Joining us to explore those interpretations is Sibel Edmonds of, just back from the region with intel on a possible timeline for increased military action in the country.

In this conversation James and Sibel discuss Turkey's battle against the Kurds and how the Kurdish population are being used by the US and Israel as pawns in a complex chess game. We also examine the recent bombing in Suruc and signs that it was a false flag provocation.

Show Notes:
US and Turkey agree to forge ‘ISIL-free zone’ in Syria, official confirms
US Allows Ally Turkey to Bomb Only Group Effectively Fighting ISIS
Suruc blast: At least 31 killed in ‘terrorist attack’ near Turkey-Syria border; explosion hits Kobane minutes later
British Special Forces “Dressing Up” As ISIS…What Could Go Wrong?
Putin’s initiative to create ‘united front’ to fight ISIS intrigues US, allies – Lavrov
US ex-intelligence chief on ISIS rise: It was ‘a willful Washington decision’

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Peter Levenda | Nazis and Modern Terrorism, Lee Harvey Oswald | Fright Night Show with Brent Holland


Brien Foerster | Your Virtual Guide To Machu Pic'chu | Aug. 16, 2015


Machu Pic'chu is the most famous ancient monument in Peru, yet not all of it was made by the Inca. It is clear that the great Inca people found an ancient megalithic place, and added their works to a far older construction. -Brien Foerster

Jeff Rense & Gerald Celente | The 2015 Financial Collapse


Clip from August 13, 2015 - guest Gerald Celente on the Jeff Rense Program.

Clint Ober | Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! | Hour 1 | Sanitas Radio


Just as the sun gives us warmth and vitamin D, the Earth underfoot gives us food and water, a surface to walk, sit, stand, play, and build on, and something you never, ever thought about-an eternal, natural, and gentle energy. Think of it perhaps as vitamin G-G for ground. What does that mean to you? Maybe the difference between feeling good and not so good, of having little or a lot of energy, or sleeping well or not so well. You can't see the Earth's energy but some people can feel it as a warm, tingling, and pleasant sensation when they are out walking barefoot along the water's edge at the beach or on a stretch of dew-moistened grass. -Sanitas Radio

The Farsight Institute | The Great Pyramid of Giza: The Mystery Solved (Complete Version)


The Great Pyramid of Giza, sometimes called the Pyramid of Khufu, or the Cheops Pyramid, is truly one of the most amazing mysteries on Earth. This is the definitive breakthrough study of how it was built. It is huge, and it was built with gigantic stone blocks that seem nearly impossible to cut, transport, and assemble even today on such a massive scale as must have occurred long ago when this pyramid was originally constructed. Until now, no one on Earth really knew how these big structures were assembled, at a time when tools were rudimentary, camels and wooden or reed boats were the primary forms of transportation, and manual labor was the only means available to construct anything.

This is a breakthrough scientific study that combines the use of remote viewing on an unprecedented scale to solve the mystery of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Remote viewing is a mental procedure that was originally developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes. Now, civilians employ the same methods, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies, to study human history. In a project completed at The Farsight Institute ( using remote-viewing data collected by two of the most accomplished “military grade” remote viewers of the day, the true story of how the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually constructed using a combination of exotic advanced technology and brutal manual labor can finally be told.

Very little of what most people learned in school about the origins of the Great Pyramid of Giza is correct. Our civilization needs to uncover its true history without bias and with an open mind. Now is not the time to censor new knowledge. Now is the time to face our past.

New World Next Week | This Is What Government "Protection" Looks Like | Aug. 14, 2015


Story #1: Japan to Restart Mothballed Nuclear Reactors
Japan Restarts First Nuclear Power Plant Since Fukushima
Japan Develops Tidal Energy as Part of US$501 Million Project

Story #2: Navajo Nation Vows To Hold EPA Accountable for Colorado Spill
Did The EPA Intentionally Poison Animas River To Secure SuperFund Money?

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek - Indian Rapper 'Overwhelmed' by Success of Protest Song Against Unilever
DNA Shaming: Welcome to Orwell’s Nightmare
Nestle Sued by India's Government Over Lead in Maggi Noodles
Ireland Refuses To Extradite Man To US Because Prison System Is Too Inhumane
Scotland Says No to GMO

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: China, Russia Each Have Major Explosions In Under 24 Hours
Gunmen Attack US Consulate In Turkey After Explosion Kills Three
The #IranDeal, the #OilPricePlunge, #CurrencyWars and the end of the #Petrodollar
Democracy? Greek Bailout Terms to Give Eurozone Vast Powers Over Policymaking
Western Europe in Humanitarian Crisis - German Public Park Now Refugee Camp
Reminiscent of 2011 Riots, Police & Paramedics Attacked by Mob of 400 in NE London
US Ex-Intelligence Chief on ISIS Rise: It Was "a Willful Decision"
Predictive Policing is ‘Wave of the Future,’ NY Commissioner Says
Facebook Tells the Cops When You Talk About Criminal Activity in Private Messages
NYTimes Finally Catches Up to #NewWorldNextWeek, Warns of Pentagon Labeling Journalists 'Unprivileged Belligerents'
NWNW Flashback: Pentagon's New 'Law of War Manual' Is Chilling (June 2015)

Randy Maugans on FreemanTV | Conspiracy Theory | Hour 1


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What happens when you put two Conspiracy Theorists in a room together? Mind-Blowing connections and far-reaching questions, that's what. From Black Magick to Military Intelligence and on to UFO's, this show will touch it all. What purpose is there to Chemtrails? Was Science Fiction guiding us to a prepared future or was it a dire warning? What dangers are inherent to the Transhumanist Movement; A.I., Militarized robots, Mind-Transfer Technologies and Surveillance of your every move. Can technology turn the tide for good? What is being lost as ISIL and ISIS destroy ancient monuments in Babylon? Will we ever get the truth of our distant past?

Two guys meet and find they have both been abducted, what is common between them? As it turns out, quite a bit! Randy and I have never spoken to each other but, as our stories unfold we find that we not only have an extraterrestrial connection but, our family connections, our parents preoccupations and even our blood type are the same. This is beyond coincidence!

Randy Maugans is a Media producer, technologist, designer, talk show host/interviewer and studies advanced metaphysics. He is seeking the truth about “what’s out there”, as result of two (known) childhood “contacts” with “something” Randy could not explain. OffPlanet Radio (formerly “Exotica”) is the natural outgrowth of his interests in the areas of the paranormal, technology, and communications… "the 'future' caught up with me."

OffPlanet Radio (formerly Exotica) has been a presence on shortwave, satellite radio, and internet for over seven years, detailing many aspects of the “secret” world that exists within and without our own perception. ET/UFO disclosure is the most significant story of our times, and is NOT being covered by the major media in the traditions of fair journalism, or with the best interests of the people of planet Earth.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 13, 2015


Russia's clearing system, Japan, and a wakeup call for the West...

Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Researcher Dr. Barrie Trower Says That WiFi Is Killing Us And Quickly! | Aug. 12, 2015


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