Richard Dolan Show | The Dangerous War on Fake News | Apr. 4, 2018


Governments have promoted dis- and misinformation very deliberately throughout human history. Since the end of the Second World War, the U.S. has led the way in this matter.

And yet, we are now told that “fake news,” specifically in the form of alternative media (and primarily “alt-right” media) is the great new danger facing the public.

In fact … no … that’s not the great danger. The real danger is that so-called fake news is the latest opportunity that the power structure is using to fight alternative narratives that they don’t want you to hear.

Richard spends the first hour discussing how the war on “fake news” is a real threat to society, much like the war on so-called hate speech (another pernicious concept).

The second hour finds Richard discussing why the UFO research community should be concerned about the war against “fake news,” as UFO researchers themselves can easily be next on the chopping block. Because as bad as things may seem, they can always get worse.

Finally, Richard wraps up with a discussion of some very strange cases of encounters with apparent non-human beings. Such encounters are very likely an important reason for UFO secrecy in the first place.

Richard Dolan & Micah Hanks | Atlanta on Lockdown | March 30, 2018


Richard Dolan and Micah Hanks appear on Hanks's program, Middle Theory where they discuss the cyber hack/ransom of the City of Atlanta. Dolan gives his perspectives on the importance of events like this, along with how propaganda is used by the modern Western media to convey ideas and sway public opinion. Free speech, conspiracy theories, and other subjects are all featured.

James Bartley | Inside MiLABS, The Darkside of UFOs, Archons, and A.I. | Hour 1 | OffPlanet Radio | Apr. 6, 2018


OffPlanet Radio with James Bartley, experiencer, researcher. investigator MiLABS, UFO sightings, govt. mind control programs and spiritual warfare.

First hour (public):
An overview and defintions of MiLABS, how they operate, why they exist; what are MiLAB abductions? How do they differ from other abductions—or DO they? Mind control and MiLABS Deep underground bases, both human and alien—postulate: what is “down there”? James’ background and experience; his training with alien abduction researcher, Barbara Bartholic; Overview of military alliances with ETs, specifically reptilians. The “real” reptilians vs. the internet memes, David Icke, and what most people perceive them to be. Reptilians and other ET types…are there ‘friendly’ aliens? Why don’t theyt assist us? Or DO they? US and western nations alliances with ET forces; from a military historical view, is this new or have we been “occupied” for…a long time.

Max Igan | Your Government is a Terrorist | Apr. 6, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - April 6th, 2018.

Tom Campbell | Our Virtual Reality vs Video Game Virtual Reality | Apr. 5, 2018


Tom Campbell often uses video game virtual realities to illustrate some of the similarities between how our virtual reality works and how the avatars are played in video games.

Tom's explanation takes the mystery out of the sometimes complex concept that our reality is virtual.

Tom's MBT theory has, since the beginning of his writing My Big TOE over 20 years ago, and his research of over 40+ years, supported the idea that we live in a virtual reality.

Tom Campbell's Bio:
Tom Campbell is a physicist, lecturer, and author of the My Big T.O.E. (Theory of Everything) trilogy, a work that unifies general relativity, quantum mechanics, and metaphysics along with the origins of consciousness. His work represents the results and conclusions of thirty years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints. In his career he has also worked in applied physics for organizations like the Department of Defense as well as NASA.

The Corbett Report | Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King | Apr. 4, 2018


On April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered a passionate speech at Riverside Church in New York staking out his opposition to the war in Vietnam. One year later to the day, he was assassinated. Now, 50 years after that fateful day, the truth about the assassination of Dr. King can finally be told.

Show Notes & Transcript
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The Corbett Report | UPDATE - China to start paying yuan for oil | Apr. 1, 2018


No sooner had I penned my editorial on how "The Petroyuan Was Born This Week" then the next piece of the puzzle arrived: China is set to start buying oil directly with yuan this year. You may not know it, but this could be one of the most important stories of the decade.

Show Notes:
The Petroyuan Was Born This Week. Here’s What It Means.
China taking first steps to pay for oil in yuan this year – sources

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March 29, 2018


There may be a big geopolitical trend brewing in one of the world's largest banks, Deutsche Bank. Joseph offers some high octane speculation:

Chinese Company Takes Main Stake in Deutsche (DB, BLK)

The Corbett Report | Fact Checking Newsbud's "Syria Under Siege" Video | March 29, 2018


James fact checks Newsbud’s recent “Syria Under Siege” video and comes to some unfortunate conclusions.

Show Notes

Jeff Rense & Joe Imbriano | The Wicked Dangers Of 5G Frequencies | March 20, 2018


Max Igan | Ancient Mysteries, The Control Grid, Social Credits, & Finding Freedom | Hour 1 | March 28, 2018


- Are our bodies covertly being prepared for something?
- The war crimes in Gaza.
- Why the battle against the capstone cabal is a spiritual battle at it's core.
- A.I. And the prospect of an inter-dimensional invasion
- The Flat Earth & the deceptions about our environment
- Magic, language, & social media
- The positive side of gaming communities
- The Full Circle Project

Richard Dolan Show | March 19, 2018


- Russia Derangement Syndrome
- The Significance of Stanton Friedman
- Alternative Research Still Fears UFOs
- How World News Might Look Different with UFOs as Real
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