The Short Film BP Doesen't Want You To See

2012: Dr. Martin Luther King relative, contactee, brings UFO/ET message of dimensional shift in 2012


Anthony Kane, a black American relative of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize) and reported continuing contactee of representatives of an apparent extraterrestrial, hyperdimensional governance authority known as the “Council of Twelve,” has delivered a number of specific datelines and predicted developments concerning a dimensional shift which Earth and human consciousness is now undergoing in relation to the year 2012, according to information Mr. Kane received from the “Council of Twelve.”

Mr. Kane describes the “Council of Twelve” as stating that during the nine days from December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to December 21, 2012, the planet Earth will split dimensionally into two separate Earths, each of which has different dimensional frequencies.  Mr. Kane describes this as a process analogous to the way that a single cell can split into two cells.

According to the “Council of Twelve,” humans with a consciousness anchored in fear will remain in the third dimensional Earth.  Individuals who are experiencing a “conscious awakening” and putting an effort into being conscious of the shift will migrate into the new dimension of the fifth dimensional Earth.  

Mr. Kane made these declarations in an in-depth 60-minute interview with reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre.

download mp3 A conversation with ET contactee Anthony Kane on the dimensional shift–12/16/09

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Lindsey Williams | Gulf Well Pressure Cannot be Controlled


11 June 2010—BILL RYAN—Lindsey Williams made a strong appearance on Alex Jones last night.

Lindsey put numbers to the pressures in the reservoir, which his own sources feared were beyond the ability of any current human technology to control. The pressures at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, were a healthy 1,500 psi (pounds per square inch). The pressures breaking loose in the Gulf of Mexico are 20,000 to 70,000 psi.

BP contract workers lay down an absorbent boom to clean up the marsh west of Lake Felicity near Cocodrie, Louisiana June 1, 2010. Photo: Sean Gardner

Besides confirming the almost unstoppable pressures in the reservoir, Lindsey stated the following:

  • The well casing is almost certainly fractured.

  • There are plumes of oil rising from the sea bed many miles from the blown out well.

  • There are volatile organic compounds (hydrogen sulphide, benzene and methylene chloride) being released in quantities many hundreds times the levels accepted as safe. In the case of benzene, which is a highly toxic carcinogen, safe levels are considered to be 0-4 ppb (parts per billion). The levels being released have been measured by the EPA at over 3,000 ppb.

  • A nuclear device is being considered to seal the well... but this is so risky that the possibilities of failure are hard to think about.

  • The blowout was a genuine accident.

  • Various insiders and insider groups had learned—through occult means—that they should sell their BP shares... although they did not know specifically that the blowout would occur.

  • Although the blowout was unplanned, the Controllers lost no time in determining to use the accident to further their own agendas.
  • BP Blocking Media Access?

    12. Juni 2010 — BP Blocking Media Access? Interview from New Orleans TV station wdsu tv.

    Joseph Farrell, Ph.D. | Nazi, Inc.: The Business Plan Continues


    June 11, 2010–Joseph Farrell joined us for a discussion on the connection between UFOs and the Nazi's Third Reich, and presented a very different scenario of what crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947. "If, two years after the end of World War II, something Nazi crashes in the New Mexico desert," he said, "then, yes, that's going to get the American military to panic." This panic, Farrell believes, caused them to create the "UFO v. weather balloon" debate which has persisted to this day and, thus, pushed all other theories into the peripheral.

    He detailed a number of issues surrounding the Roswell story which suggest that the downed craft was of terrestrial, but non-American, origin. For instance, Farrell noted that witnesses, who saw the Roswell debris, observed numbers on the wreckage. This, he surmised, suggests an Earthly origin since it is highly unlikely that ETs would be using our symbols for there numeric system. On the subject of the beings allegedly recovered from the crash, he asserted that, based on the vast majority of the accounts, there is "nothing that compels to the fact that these were extraterrestrial beings. We simply have very odd looking humans." Apparently, this idea was shared by the Army personnel who arrived at the scene, since Farrell said that one witness claims that the recovery team attempted to speak Japanese and German to the crash victims.

    Taking these aspects of the event into account, Farrell advanced his alternative theory that the downed craft at Roswell was really a version of the erstwhile Nazi project known as The Bell. According to his research, work on the Bell can be traced from Germany to Argentina following World War II. To that end, he revealed that immediately following the Roswell crash, the US Army re-opened the security classification files of the former Nazis that were brought to America via Project Paperclip. Additionally, he cited the testimony of Col. Philip Corso, who Farrell contends, "hints, repeatedly throughout his book, that there is some apparent Nazi 'look' to the technology that they had recovered." Ultimately, Farrell theorized that the displaced Nazis were "sending a message to their former enemy that 'we have a technology that you cannot touch.'"

    Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and has published four previous works, all on theology. He resides in his his home state of South Dakota, where he pursues research on his other loves and hobbies: classical music (he is an organist, plays the harpsichord, and composes classical music), he also enjoys physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". He has written many books, including: Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control the Worlds of Science, Finance, Space, and Conflict, Roswell and the Reich: The Nazi Connection, Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion.

    Project Winterhaven, Mach 3 Electrogravitic Propulsion

    Headed by Dr TT Brown, Project Winterhaven was the start of the first Black Project. It was a partnership between industry and government to create craft which used field propulsion to nullify the effects of gravitational forces.


    Dr. Paul Laviolette goes into great detail in regards to the fact that America has an Antigravitics Programs and continues to covertly create new propulsion systems uses on many different types of craft. Several of these craft are believed to employ power systems capable of generating the next level of power beyond Nuclear which have achieved super luminal speeds. His boob on anti gravity has led him to believe that dark forces to maintain the enslavement of the world are in play. Free energy is the end game with only the Powers That Be needing to take and control that monkey. In the following interview you will learn that at least a dozen aircraft companies were involved in electrogravitics in the early 50's. You will also learn that the National Science Foundation and the Fellowship of American Scientist have defrauded the population of the world by openly lying to them about the fundamentals of physics. Dr. Laviolette has come up with his "Unified Field Theory" based upon "Sub-Quantum Kinentics".

    Veritas Show with guest Dr. Paul Laviolette, Episode 50

    Dr. Paul LaViolette, discussed the physics behind anti-gravity propulsion technology and showed how it is not only possible, but is currently being used in secret projects by our own government. "We're sort of being held in a 'technology cage,' on purpose, for fear of change," he said about what he believes to be a decades-long clandestine development of anti-gravity technology by the United States. "A lot of this work has been going on since the end of WWII, if not before," LaViolette said about the quest to break the bonds of gravity. He detailed some of the early experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown, who both used electricity to affect gravity. LaViolette noted that, in the mid-1950's, numerous aviation companies were not only attempting to develop anti-gravity technology but were quite open and enthusiastic about it -- until 1959. "Suddenly it was like a blackout in the media," he observed. This sudden silence, LaViolette surmised, was at the behest of the US government. He asserted that the B2 Stealth Bomber is a contemporary craft that utilizes anti-gravity capabilities. LaViolette speculated that it uses jet engines to take off, but then makes use of anti-gravity propulsion to maneuver. This, he said, adds an additional layer to the jet's stealth capabilities since, if his theories were correct, it could "go into the stratosphere, or beyond, and then just come down directly over the country they were entering."

    Antoine Gigal | Pyramids, Ancient Egypt


    8 June 2010—Antoine Gigal joins Red Ice from France to discuss her work and research on ancient Egypt, pyramids found around the world and her theories concerning underground activity, subterranean chambers and boat pits at Giza and other parts of the world. She travels to the sites that many researchers just study from afar or read about and she has visited many of the different pyramids sites around the world.

    download mp3

    EMVs in the Corona of the Sun and the Rings of Saturn | James Horak explains


    "In the sun right now what you see is an EMV that's the size of a planet, of this planet. I'll refer to them by the name Dr. Norman Bergrun gave them when he discovered them in the rings of Saturn and wrote a book which he published in 1986, "The Ringmakers of Saturn". Out of deference to him, I'll apply that name to them, EMVs - Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles. They are the EMVs that were in the rings of Saturn that he'd detected before in 1985.

    There'll be eighteen in the sun right now. They're task driven and that's the number required. They are all the same but you have to realize they can change size and they are solid. Normaly EMVs are shy but they are making a display for you, for the world.

    The EMVs have protected this world up until now but the direction things have taken are considered counter-evolutionary and you're on the threshold. The threshold will be crossed when these people start a progam of global depopulation.

    That's humanities call on this planet.

    Events have recently happened which are precursor to implementing inhuman and monsterous designs. A number of people already know this, both on the inside of it and on the outside.

    These are objects I have an affinity with, I am interrelated with them. They do not have a consciousness like anything like human mind and they react with the sun, they are necessary to providing the planet with what it needs to begin to be a seedbed for life, especially sentient life.

    They protect planets from discharges from their fusion-star that have been so chosen for this cycles beginning. Their fusion-star, the sun, is a life-giving necessary component but at the same time it can wipe out any good that's been achieved, in a breath.

    And you're protected by them farming the energy in the sun, dispersing it, not allowing it to build up and be aimed towards the planets in our solar-system in the form of coronal ejections which will decimate a planet's side facing the sun when it hits, instantly.

    There is 'Anomaly' involved in how we can be in proximity with a fusion star and yet still survive to that lineage that we had to and enjoy the culture that we have reached and have that longevity to survive it.

    I can tell you a number of things about the patterns that these objects respond to. I can tell you their energy sources, I can tell you a great deal but the one thing that emboldened me was NASA's images of the objects in the sun. I don't think a lot of people are fully advised to appreciate the magnitude of wonder they represent.

    They... if you put this in terms of science today on this planet it just doesn't wash. It can't be examined for what it is, it can only be ignored because conventional science has ignored 'Anomaly' and its meaning for so long. They have their own texture and this just does not mix.

    How ETs may specifically refer to the EMVs is depending on the culture but they are observed with awe.

    The physics that even ETs observe in many cases are not going to work in mankind on earth's understanding, I mean that's evident. Now imagine something being so far advanced beyond that, that it's just as difficult for ET to comprehend as it is for mankind on Earth to comprehend ET-technology at a certain level.

    Now you might comprehend by the crashed vehicles and the attempts to recover technology that they salvaged from these vehicles, you might comprehend that level of technology but there are ETs who don't have crashes. There are ETs that are so much above that, that that level can't comprehend them.

    As a species Earth based humans are magnificent and I am sure there is envy and there's a certain amount of fear in communities from other places, people from other places. I sort of object to calling these 'Aliens' and speaking of them as if they were so removed from your reality, they are not, they are people, people from elsewhere.

    I was saddened to have to answer that ETs are indifferent, long ago having given up this 'Experiment'. Still there're those among them that display their craft and retain a hope that what they possess will example better things are obtainable. But I found that there are contradictions in what contacts I've had with ETs in the last thirty years, that there is certain ambivalence there, I have commented that they were indifferent but now it looks to me like they are stepping on the side of mankind and offering information that can help save this planet and I was extremely astonished by that.

    I have lived here long enough and been through enough to have as much awe and as much respect and as much love for people on this planet as anywhere else, maybe more. My home that I know of has always been with the EMVs. Going back as far as I can I came from some culture, civilisation and was taken and have been for a very long time what I am now. As far as being associated with the ETs, I am not."

    As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather


    June 4, 2010: Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history. To make preparations, authorities in Washington DC are holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at the National Press Club on June 8th.

    Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division, explains what it's all about:

    "The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together to discuss."

    The National Academy of Sciences framed the problem two years ago in a landmark report entitled "Severe Space Weather Events—Societal and Economic Impacts." It noted how people of the 21st-century rely on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity. A century-class solar storm, the Academy warned, could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.

    Much of the damage can be mitigated if managers know a storm is coming. Putting satellites in 'safe mode' and disconnecting transformers can protect these assets from damaging electrical surges. Preventative action, however, requires accurate forecasting—a job that has been assigned to NOAA.


    James Horak | Solving the Gulf Crisis and Its Possible False Flag Opportunity for the NWO


    June 4, 2010
    This is a special show with 3 segments. The first segment includes "Mike" (pseudonym).  Mike is someone who has a multi-decade career at a Fortune 100 company.   Mike has come up with an invention that not only can stop the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but can also prevent future disasters.

    The show proceeds with James Horak, who discussed his experience with the US military and what happened after he left the service.  We discussed a plethora of subjects, including the possibility that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may have been a false flag event perpetrated by the New World Order.  James provided a worst case scenario if the spill continues.  The elites have built underground cities, not to avert a cataclysmic event, but to  be protected from the ensuing civil unrest after the population discovers the depopulation plans.  Could the oil spill had been an error and the New World Order has found an opportunity to advance their plans?


    James Horak. Born October 14, 1943 in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

    Came to Texas with mother, her cousin, and brother, summer of 1947. UFO experience while on the way near N. Mexico/Texas state line.

    Mother remarries and settles in Dublin, Texas.

    At six, just before beginning school, have strange experience in movie theater.

    Right after starting school have life threatening hit and run in a school zone.

    At seventeen enter the United States Navy boot camp at San Diego. While there, suffer ptomaine poisoning. Untreated, effects of hyperinsulinism last a decade.

    Shortly after going aboard ship, the USS Haleakala, am notified by mother that my grandfather is

    dying and take emergency leave. On way back to ship meet Rinn Clark during layover in Albuquerque, N. Mexico. He foretells of event in Japanese bay.

    After poor performance in ET school and disciplinary action dropped from school and sent to USS Kennebec that is just starting the Pacific Cruise. At Hawaii, suffer blood condition.

    Just before Christmas, 1962, involved in an UFO event onboard ship in Sasebo Harbor, Japan.

    Sent to Akuska Naval Hospital, incidents cause rapid removal to stateside on MATS jet with 7-8 heavily bandaged marines. Strange incident.

    Land in Long Beach California and am taken to AFB hospital where am placed in coed ward with officers. Then quickly flown across country to the Philadelphia Naval Hospital. Strange experiences.

    Medical discharge and return home and soon began looking for work. Code on DD-214 makes finding good job impossible. Go to VA to complain and end up at Fort Lyons, Colorado for assessment. Determined to be 100% service-connected disabled. This is in 1965. Start school and meet first wife at TCU. We move to Lansing, Michigan and begin attending MSU in East Lansing. She has a teaching assistantship in the Comparative Literature Dept. I finish off a B.A.and enter grad school in the Canadian/American Relations Dept. She finishes her Masters and my department is closed down and I see no further interesting goals to pursue at MSU. Canada has refused me immigration status when I am invited by my former department head to follow him to Dalhousie University in the Marine Provinces. Wife and I move to South Central Ohio and live in the country between Xenia and Wilmington. She is teaching French at Central State University. While there I have first communication with a resident UFO in the area of the now Caesar Creek Reservoir. Locals are terrified by this craft's regular appearance but will not speak of it.

    1972, wife and I split. I come back to Fort Worth and begin research and studies in grad program at TCU. VA decides they were wrong about my remaining elgibility and I drop out.

    1973, begin research in mineralogy and begin work on The Theory of the Fusion of Metals. Decide the computer programs at that time make applications required impossible to achieve results I want. Learned the extent Defense mainframes were unable while at MSU. (By the time computers were adequate decided I did not want to aid the dubious goals of present space exploration of the planet.)

    1974, began prospecting and staked claims on the Gunnison River just west of Delta, Co and assessed the Rupert Wasson patent claims on the Delores River in Utah. Discovered an EMV operation near-by and had my first interaction in this time frame with “magnitude” beings with which I had historically a long lineage of affinity.

    1975, determined that the Golden Formation was of the same mineral wealth of platinum group metals as its contiguation in the Laurentian Shield of Canada. Found the presence of high grade ore and veins in the Rattlesnake Hills of Yakima, Washington.

    1976, married second wife

    1978, divorced second wife, married third wife.

    1979, began running smelter in Dallas for Hancock Chemical and started working for USPS divorced third wife.

    1980, another inspired piss at the stars and married fourth wife

    1982, divorced fourth wife and rebounded yet again upon another hapless victim, my final and fifth dubious pasttime, unfortunately lasting 12 years until she went completely insane under the tutelage of Rick McLaren and his renegade faction of the Republic of Texas.

    Throughout 1980 to 1982 saw UFOs and mothmen frequently en route to work in Fort Worth from home in Newark, Texas. Became aware of criminal activities for the first time taken place at Kenneth Copeland's International Ministries near where I lived.

    1985, run across the niece of Rinn Clarke and find out he is the MIB I met in Albuquerque in 1961 while returning to my ship from emergency leave.

    1985, late, take wife to site in Utah to recover her from cancer. Incident with Mormons and a number of visits to ridge canyon where are the EMVs late at night.

    1995, separation from last wife and divorce. She and Rick McLaren begin to factionalize the Republic of Texas and one Arthur Griesacker, a Mossad agent, schools them in printing phony treasury warrants they begin to spend as cash. Eventually they lease a Lear jet and fly to Israel in order to sell $2.8 billion worth to the Zionist faction of the government. Strange, strange series of events in and around this time.

    1996, work with federal government agencies to bring peaceful conclusion to Davis Mountain siege. Begin research and writing on internet. Read Dr. Norman Bergrun's Ringmakers of Saturn of undertake supporting him in every way possible.

    1997, Begin developing a methodology to teach unified consciousness. Acquire two students that undertake the study to have one become an excellent poet and the other to penetrate Dr. Bergrun's trust and to betray it by working with someone in NASA to feed the scientist doctored images for raw while my former student was set up to discredit him.

    1999, work to defeat implementation of the New World Order. Exchange information with a CIA researcher who wants my information on the Aurora Crash from the nineteenth century. Has to cut ties with me when he gets in trouble researching my questions about Kenneth Copeland.

    2000, work to defeat implementation of the New World Order a third time.

    2001, begin to participate in various anomaly, UFO, mind-control forums for research and exchange of ideas. Temper what I know to the levels of credibility I find on each and begin to try and discuss EMVs, the helium paradox, distinguishing between ET and EBEs and revealing the conspiracy growing into a New World Order.

    2004, begin to publish articles online, eventually several on UFO Digest. Belong to UFO Updates but get banned twice. Never for any impropriety on my part.

    2008, am asked by Brazilian ufologist, Milton Frank to write my bio for his magazine and website, answering a number of questions he poses.

    2010, am induced to give interviews on the Kevin Smith Show and accept doing so only because of the show's recent interest in the EMVs SOHO imagery displayed in the sun. Back in 2000 I had first told The Millennium Group, an assortment of amateur astronomers, that as Hale-Bopp passed the sun on its second trip through the system, they would detect enormous objects in the sun interacting with the solar flares. The latest development from the SOHO images existed ONLY because SOHO was not under the control of either NASA or JPL. Just as these two agencies had been disingenuous in how they portrayed Shoemaker-Levy, they would have done the same with their own probes and satellite imagery detecting EMVs and repeatedly had.

    David Sereda | Solar Activity & The Universe


    June 2, 2010 – Space scientist, filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda discussed his latest research on differentials, energy, and the hidden codes in the Universe, as well as how sunspot activity is affecting the Earth. Based on his observance of solar activity, he said he's been able to predict various earthquakes such as the ones in Chile, and Haiti, as well as other Earth disasters. "There was a million-mile kilometer long snake, called a filament, hanging out of one of these...sunspots," he explained, adding that when this filament collapses it can lead to a rare eruption on the sun called a hydra-flare. The charged plasma wave from the flare takes 3-4 days to get here, and Sereda predicted that something huge was coming, "and sure enough, that was Chile-- 8.8," he said.

    He's also matched past major disasters such the December 26, 2004 Tsunami to a massive eruption on the sun. A Boeing scientist who has been witness to some of his predictions believes this theory needs to be submitted for research at USGS, he reported. By monitoring the sun and predicting events, Sereda hopes that the global mind can affect and help diminish the power of these potential disasters before they happen, and has seen some success in this regard.

    Sereda also spoke about harmonic ratios in the universe, and how zero point energy might be approached by building a wave generator that produces certain vibrations or infinities. In regard to life beyond Earth, he suggested that exotic life forms could exist based on other ratios, such as planetary-sized watery beings that might thrive in a galactic black hole.

    Kevin D. Randle | UFO Crashes


    June 1, 2010 – Investigator and author Kevin Randle discussed UFO reports from around the world and throughout the ages, including Roswell, Kecksburg, and Shag Harbour. In 1950, Frank Scully published the book Behind the Flying Saucers that first brought attention to purported UFO crashes in such places as Aztec, NM, and Paradise Valley, AZ. But a reporter for True Magazine in 1952 so thoroughly debunked UFO crashes in the public's mind that investigators ignored such cases for quite a few years afterward, Randle noted. One of the earliest UFO cases he researched was an account from 840 AD in France in which a mob was about to stone a group of people, who were said to come down from "cloud ships."

    In one newspaper account, witnesses who were shipwrecked in the Indian Ocean in 1862, described seeing an object crash into a cliff. They went to the site and saw giant-sized corpses, though Randle suspects this could have been a tall tale. Other newspaper accounts described a UFO crash that occurred in Nebraska in the 1880's. The wreckage was too hot to get near, but tiny ears were reportedly found.

    Interestingly, Randle said he was not able to find any newspaper reportage for the Aurora, Texas UFO crash of 1897 in which an alien was allegedly buried at a cemetery, and so he believes this crash was probably a hoax. Predating Roswell by six years, was an incident in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, originally investigated by Len Stringfield. It involved a Reverend who was summoned to pray over the bodies of three alien crash victims. Randle also talked about his investigations into the Roswell case, and his interviews with various players such as Glenn Dennis, Frank Kaufmann, and Walter Haut.
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