James Horak, Crystal Clark & Mhairead MacDonald on Hundredth Monkey Radio, Sept. 6, 2014

Source: The Hundredth Monkey Radio, emvsinfo.blogspot.com, drowninginabsurdity.org, selkiedreams.co.uk

Some of the topics discussed:
Fukushima, China Syndrome, Yellowstone, Dying Pacific & West Coast, Amazon, Cities in the Sea, WW3, God Particle, Spirituality & Moral Outrage, Kennedy's Speeches, Free Choice, Hunger, Depopulation, Chemtrails, Suiciding, Vinnie Eastwood, Psychotronics, Wizard of Oz, Gradualism, Gaza, Hamas, ISIS, Tora & Talmud, Conversion to Judaism for Banking, USS Liberty, EMVs & ETs stabilising Operations, St. Monica UFO base, new Comet Pitbull, CME knock out of MILSATs, Hale Bopp, the Lucifer Telescope...

David Eberhard | Security Obsession & How the Children Took Power | Hour 1 | Sept. 8, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, davideberhard.se

September 8, 2014–David Eberhard is a Swedish psychologist, writer and debater. He was a physician at the psychiatric emergency room at St Görans, one of Sweden's oldest hospitals. His current position is in the psychiatry department at Danderyd’s Hospital in Stockholm. He is the author of four books penned in Swedish, “How Children Took Power,” “Normal? From Madness to Everyday Psychosis,” ”Nobody Takes Shit In The Land of the Easily Offended” and “In the Land of the Security Junkies.”

We’ll begin on Sweden’s obsession with security and discuss what long term conditions this obsession has created among the people. Since the state has taken on responsibilities that should be personally handled by an adult, most Swedes are incapable of dealing with conflict and hardship. This leads to psychological problems.

Without challenges and the ability to overcome obstacles, the value of life diminishes. In the second hour, we criticize the much praised childrearing policies of Sweden. David explains how these practices will lead to long term psychological problems among the population. Despite extensive studies of monozygotic twins, which prove that environment isn’t everything, the state chooses to ignore research on genes, biology and human nature. Eberhard further warns about how this system is being exported to the rest of the west.

We’ll also discuss why children need boundaries and discipline. Instead, we are now raising a generation of brats that have taken power from their parents. Later, we talk about Sweden’s gender neutrality craze. At the end, David talks about how those who dare speak of the problems with Sweden’s immigration policies are ostracised. -redicecreations.com

download hour 1 mp3

Dr. Sabina DeVita | Secrets to Unlocking Your Intuition: The Pineal Gland Exposed

Source: sanitasradio.com, VibrationalCleaning.com

This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Sanitas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to: sanitasradio.com

Dr. Sabina DeVita is international speaker, author, a holistic energy practitioner, registered nutritionist, environmentalist, energy psychologist inspires everyone to be informed about the synthetic fragrances, formaldehyde,damaging toxins, petrochemicals and even toxic hormone disruptors lurking in your home. In the end, your bodies or your children's bodies become the toxic waste dump!

You'll also learn the latest in brain research, particularly the role of one of the most mysterious glands, your 'pineal gland' also referred to as the 'third eye', and how chemicals can impact your pineal and You in your creativity, your intuitive abilities, aging and more. Prevent illness, suffering and misery by going 'Real Green'! Wonderfully, she shows you how to make safe, affordable non-toxic choices for a healthy, safe and mold-free environment. In addition, she will help you to raise your 'home's frequencies' all while cleaning.

You'll learn how to create your 'heaven on earth' in your home...that is your 'haven with energy!' With new understanding of what true, pure 'Real Green Essentials' oils can do for your body, mind and spirit - the reader will be guided to a UNIQUE, Simple, Spectacular,Vibrational & plant-based all organic household cleaning method! Learn valuable tips for all your household needs for your kitchen, laundry room, bathroom along with GREEN air fresheners and GREEN bug repellants. With her thoughtful, creative advice, Dr. Sabina DeVita gives you more than just creating an eco-friendly/eco-green, all organic home or office space.

She shows you to Real Green clean and create a vibrationally-attuned home with new ways to activate your intuitive abilities - your Pineal gland (3rd eye chakra) all while cleaning! The 'Real Green Essentials' oils are so economical that you can eat and drink your cleaning products for a 'healthy' you! Now that's Real Green! -sanitasradio.com

NSA Whistleblower Joins AE911Truth in Calling for Real 9/11 Investigation | GRTV Feature Interview

Source: tv.globalresearch.ca, corbettreport.com

William Binney was a 30 year career official at the NSA who resigned in October 2001 because of the flagrant and deliberate violations of the constitution that the agency was engaging in. For the last 13 years he has been working to hold the agency to account for its actions. Now he has signed the petition from the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to call for a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks.

Today on GRTV, James Corbett talks to William Binney and Richard Gage about the NSA, 9/11, and the ongoing cover up surrounding the truth about September 11th. -GRTV

Robert W. Sullivan IV | Masonic Hollywood & Cinema Symbolism

Source: gnosticwarrior.com, robertwsullivaniv.com

Are Freemasons controlling the film making strings of the movie industry to push a One World Order? Do the Jews rule over Hollywood? Is the Illuminati buying the souls of actors and actresses who are just disposable pawns on the grand stage?

Welcome to the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show and Podcast. In this episode I interview 32nd degree Freemason, author, and historian, Robert W. Sullivan IV. Robert is the author of two books; “The Royal Arch of Enoch: The Impact of Masonic Ritual, Philosophy,” and his new book, “Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies.”

In this interview Robert discusses his new book, Cinema Symbolism that details the occult, numerological, astrological, mythological, alchemical, Tarot, and kabbalistic iconography and symbolism contained within popular movies. He explains various films such as the Matrix, Star Wars, James Bond 007, the Exorcist,Black Swan, among many others which he reveals to us in this podcast.

Robert Stanley | Archons: Eternal Nemeses | OffPlanet Radio | Sept. 6, 2014

Source: radio.offplanetmedia.net, unicusmagazine.com

“Opening his eyes, he [the drakonic Archon] saw a vast quantity of matter without limit [spread through the galactic limbs], and he became arrogant, saying “It is I who am God [the sole deity of these regions], and there is no other apart from me.” (Hypostasis of the Archons, 94:20)

Robert Stanley joins us to present his findings into the subject of the Archons, who/what they are, the origins, relations to demons, djinn, and other dark entities. Robert also goes into his own interactions with both the archontic beings and his encounters with light beings, including his own awakening in Malibu, CA in 1985. -OffPlanet Radio

Notes and additional information on this presentation at: radio.offplanetmedia.net

David Icke | Thoughts on Rotherham | Hour 1 | Sept. 4, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, Davidicke.com

September 4, 2014–Considered one of the classics of conspiracy research, David Icke has spent the last quarter of a century unraveling the secrets of the universe, reality and the forces that manipulate our world. After writing more than 20 books, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch. Icke joins us for a short segment to shares his thoughts on the latest pedophile network scandal in Rotherham, England.

The lives of 1,400 White British girls in Rotherham have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and helped to once again expose the giant multicultural lie. Ann Cryer, a courageous former Labour MP for Keighley, was one of the first to raise the alarm in 2003 when she complained about gangs of Pakistanian pimps recruiting young British girls at the gates of schools in her constituency.

Despite these and many other warnings, it took the police and authorities 11 years to act on this information. Despite these young girls calling out for help, being abused sexually, getting addicted to drugs and used in the most horrible conditions, it was political correctness and fear of being denounced as a “racist” that prevented action to be taken against these unspeakable crimes.

David talks about how the how the Blair government opened the flood gates of immigration into the UK in order to change the country and the culture. Towards the end, we discuss British colonialism and why it’s a major error to believe that these kinds of atrocities is sound “payback” for what people have been told happened during the time of the British Empire. When will people turn their back on political correctness, realize that multiculturalism is a tool for the globalists and cease the endless double standards? -redicecreations.com

download hour 1 mp3

Nora Gedgaudas | Beyond the Paleo Diet: IQ, Fat & Good Food | Hour 1 | Sept. 5, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, primalbody-primalmind.com, primaltightwad.com, Allan Savory

September 5, 2014–Nora Gedgaudas, a widely recognized expert on what is popularly referred to as the "Paleo diet" is the author of the best-selling book, Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and A Longer Life. She is also the author of the newly released book: Rethinking Fatigue: What Your Adrenals Are Really Telling You and What You Can Do About It.

She is also an experienced nutritional consultant, speaker and educator. She maintains a private practice in Portland, Oregon as both a Board-Certified nutritional consultant and a Board-Certified clinical Neurofeedback Specialist.

Throughout this interview, we’ll discuss the Paleo diet and lifestyle of our ancestors. Nora speaks about the diseases of modern civilization that arrived once we adopted agriculture. She’ll talk about the changes in the human body that have occurred since the grain diet and she elaborates on the damaging effects of eating grain.

We’ll also discuss the food and IQ connection and why the right kind of fat is essential for a healthy brain. Later, she discusses the brain/stress connection and the importance of a healthy nervous system. -redicecreations.com

New World Next Week | The Police Tool Pervs Use To Hack iCloud, Sept. 4, 2014

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Officials Warn 11 Missing Airplanes Could Be Used on 9/11 Anniversary

Flashback: 13 Airplanes Vanish From Radar Months Before Theft of Jetliners in Libya

Homeland Security 'Expert' Warns of Possible ISIS Attack on U.S. Border

U.S. Military Conducts Operation In...Somalia
Video Claims to Show Beheading of U.S. Reporter Steven Sotloff by ISIS

Story #2: The Police Tool That Pervs Use to Steal Nude Pics From Apple's iCloud

Story #3: Feds Spend $1 Million Collecting 'Suspicious Memes'

President Obama Announces National Science Foundation Appointees

Please Report Any SuspiciousMemes to @SuspiciousMemes

Bezos Ends @WashingtonPost Publishing Dynasty With @Politico Alum

Solar Impact Update, Sept. 4, 2014

Source: BPEarthWatch.Com

Michael S. King | The War Against Putin | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com, TomatoBubble.com

This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to: veritasradio.com

In the West, politicians and journalists of all stripes have referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "thug", a "tyrant", a "murderer", a "Communist", a "Nazi", the next "Hitler" and more.

But amongst the Russian people, his popularity rating has reached levels as high as 85%. There is even a very popular hit 'disco' song about him - 'A Man Like Putin'.

So, who's right? Why such hatred for Vladimir Putin? Is it justified? Or has Putin been targeted merely for standing up the US-EU Axis of Internationalism?

This interview takes you through 'crash course' journey from Russia's Medieval founding, through the days of the Czars, through the Communist Revolution and bloody Civil War, through Stalin & World War II, through the Cold War, through the Soviet collapse, through the Yeltsin disaster, and finally the Putin-led rebirth of the Russian nation.

It is one of the "greatest stories never told", and will shed badly needed light on the new Russia, its dynamic leader, the dark forces aiming to bring about its demise, and maybe even World War III.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | Most Of What We Think We Know Is Wrong

Source: rense.com, jimmarrs.com

Clip from August 28, 2014 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.
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