Freeman TV | Chemtrails, Morgellons, and Black Goo | Harald Kautz-Vella & Cara St. Louis | Aug. 10. 2015


20 years of research into Chemtrails have lead to unusual consequences; Morgellons, Mind Control, and Black Goo rise to the surface. Harald Kautz-Vella talks about electromagnetic and biological weapons, nano technology, DNA restructuring, Morgellons disease and a substance called Sentient Oil or “Black Goo” which mirrors the consciousness of humans and that of alien entities such as the Archons. He is a physicist, geologist and author living in Germany.

Cara St. Louis is an American activist and author who has been traveling the world speaking about The Aerosol War since 2010. She shares a snapshot of the 20th Century as an all-out social engineering war against humanity with the goal of cultural revolution. Cara asks, can we remember who we are and take back the power; Our Imagination.

The Corbett Report | Money and Society: A new online Course explores the meaning of Money | Aug. 10, 2015


What is the nature of money? Did it really evolve out of barter, and, if not, why is that myth so prevalent? What theories of money have been proposed in the past and how do they hold up? What monetary alternatives are on the table and how can they be improved?

These are the types of questions that will be explored in a new Massive Open Online Course on "Money and Society" being offered by the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability. Today James talks to course co-creator Dr. Jem Bendell about the course, what topics it will cover, and how people can register to take the course (starting August 23, 2015) for free.

Show Notes & MP3

Courtney Brown | The Phoenix Lights | Legalise Freedom Radio | Aug. 10, 2015


Courtney Brown discusses The Farsight Institute’s latest project The Phoenix Lights. On Thursday, March 13th 1997, an anomalous series of lights flew in steady formation over the American southwest, eventually settling in over Phoenix, Arizona. The lights appeared to be connected to a large craft, and the underbelly of that craft was so big it blocked out much of the sky above. The event was witnessed by thousands of people for a number of hours, including the then governor of Arizona.

Utilizing new data from two of the best remote viewers on the planet, and methodologies derived from those developed and used by the U.S. military for espionage, it appears that this event involved at least one huge extraterrestrial spacecraft. The results for this project also include impressive corroborating data, and what appears to be a direct communication between a being on the craft and one of the remote viewers, a communication beyond conventional space-time and spanning the years 1997 to 2015.

Later in the interview we turn to a number of related topics including consciousness, psychic phenomena and the subtle realms of existence beyond five sense perception, the vital importance of Earthbound human experience, and the fundamental nature of reality.

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From Trauma to Transformation : Kathy Collins' Story | Project Avalon


This video is about what is known as PROJECT MONARCH. Project Monarch is a mind control ('MK-ULTRA') program which is designed to create 'sex slaves'.

There have been more and more revelations about this in the mainstream media in recent years. The phenomenon is hard to face, or even think about, but is very real.

Satanic Ritual Abuse, for example, is a dreadful reality. It's almost impossible for normal, healthy people to understand how such a thing can be taking place in our modern world.

Several extremely brave women have come forward to tell the stories of what they experienced, endured, and survived. Two well-known names are Cathy O'Brien and Cisco Wheeler.

Here is one more. Her name is Kathy Collins. She tells the story not only of what was done to her... but of her path to healing, forgiveness, and transformation.

Kathy chooses not to go into the specifics of her horrific experiences. Not because she cannot face them herself — for she can — but because she primarily wants to share the story of her recovery.
Most of the video interview which follows presents Kathy sharing her experiences of healing and transformation. She feels this may be helpful to ANYONE who's experienced potentially life-ruining trauma of any kind.

Kathy's message: Our lives don't have to be ruined if we've experienced terrible events.
Kathy's journey is one not only of trauma and pain, but of inspiration and hope.

Jez Turner | British Isles Invasion, EU Border Collapse & Shomrim | Hour 1 | Aug. 7, 2015


August 7, 2015–Jez Turner is a British Nationalist who studied at the London School of Economics. He is a Pashtun speaker who served as an Officer in the Royal Signal Corps. He is the creator and Chairman of the London Forum.

Mr. Turner joins us for a conversation about the immigration invasion that has Europe at the tipping point. We begin by touching on the serious situation in Calais, France, where a Eurotunnel terminal has been essentially hijacked and is allowing thousands of asylum seekers from Northern Africa and the Middle East to invade Britain.

Jez explains the Schengen Agreement, an EU policy that was designed to relax borders within the EU for greater ease of travel, and has promoted a neutered military unable to perform its duties. Then, Jez talks about the path that led him to organizing the London Forum, a non-party aligned conference group for nationalists from all walks of the right that is niche for creating idealists and activists.

We seek the metapolitical answer to the question of what is happening to the White race of Europe concerning its ability to rise up and speak proudly and powerfully in favor of its own culture and lands. Our talk leads us to examine the slow and paralyzing ethnic death that is gutting the soul of the West through a misguided, and oftentimes missing, understanding of natural law.

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New World Next Week | Scientists Warn Against DNA Editing in Wildlife | Aug. 7, 2015


Story #1: US Allows Ally Turkey to Bomb Only Group Effectively Fighting ISIS
US-Trained Syrian Rebels Refuse to Fight al-Qaida Group After Kidnappings
British Special Forces “Dressing Up” As ISIS…What Could Go Wrong?
SITE Says ISIS Launched Its Own Android App
Moscow Denies Putin Called Erdogan 'Dictator'
Russian Airborne Troops Chief Says Paratroopers Ready to Help Syria in Combating Terrorism

Story #2: Caution Urged Over Editing DNA in Wildlife
Last Scientist in Congress Has Human Genetic Engineering Warning
UK Company Plans to Release Genetically Engineered Flies in Spain
Agriculture Can Not be Considered Secure Confinement of the Release of Genetically Modified Flies
Genetic Engineering for Our Babies Is Real
The Hidden Politics of Abortion: Genetic Modification

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek: Idaho Rules Anti-Whistleblower "Ag-Gag" Law Unconstitutional
Anti-Whistleblower 'Ag-Gag' Law Ruled Unconstitutional
PDF: Idaho Ag-Gag MSJ Decision
Japan's New State Secrets Law Raise Fears Over Fukushima Reporting

#GoodNewsNextWeek Updates:
Tech Leaders Urge Ban on AI Warfare
Nestlé India Sales Drop 20% After Maggi Noodle Recall
Miracle Motorbike Goes 500km/300mi On a Liter of Water
Marijuana Found Growing in Vancouver BC Traffic Circle

Hiroshima and Nagasaki - The Worst Terror Attacks in History
PA to Become First State to Use "Precrime" Stats in Criminal Sentencing
George W. Bush Called Up for Jury Duty
Former UK PM Ted Heath Accused by Rape Victim Who Was 12
Bin Ladens Killed in UK Plane Crash
Amy Schumer Joins Her Cousin Chuck's Call for Gun Control
German Government Launches Investigation of Journalists for Treason

Max Igan | Transcending Tyranny | Aug. 7, 2015


Transcending Tyranny (15 min Synopsis).

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

Jeff Rense, Yoichi Shimatsu & Dana Durnford | Fukushima...Death Of The West Coast


Clip from August 03, 2015 - guest Yoichi Shimatsu & Dana Durnford on the Jeff Rense Program.

Jim Marrs Reveals the Agenda of the Elite: Population Control | Aug. 8, 2015


David Knight talks with Jim Marrs about the eugenics agenda of the globalists and how it is designed to let them rule and control the population that they decide to let live.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 6, 2015


The Nefarium's Department of Transhumanist Tyranny is now starting to show their hand more actively...

Robot Maggots Feed On Brain Tumors
Transhumanist Candidate Wants “Brain Implants to Manage Violent Actions of Prisoners”… And Society

Connor Boyack | The Clash Between Voluntaryism, Leftism & Multiculturalism | Aug. 5, 2015

Source: Radio 3Fourteen, Connors Connundrums

August 5, 2015–Connor Boyack is the founder and president of Libertas Institute, a free market think tank in Utah. He is the author of several books, including the popular "Tuttle Twins" series for children, teaching kids age 5-10 about the principles of liberty. Boyack’s most recent book, “Feardom,” is an exposé of how politicians use fearmongering to acquire more power.

In this “free market flashback,” Connor characterizes his perspective on the leftist tyranny that has infiltrated the US via the federal government, the public education system, and the mainstream media.

He explains his political philosophy and vision, which he refers to as “voluntaryism,” where a civil society is governed by cooperation and voluntary participation in contractual agreements. We discuss the ideas of collectivism, public property, and rights of regulation in relation to current crude policies that have been created by an elite few to implement majority control over immigration, welfare, and egalitarian disputes.

Then, Connor places the history of Mormonism into the context of the recent marriage hoopla that has cast a curious rainbow light on the US’s otherwise centralized thuggery of a government. We consider the original purpose of the Constitution of the US and the complete abandonment of consensual ratification that has the country in a state of arrested development.

Later, Connor gives an overview of his book, “Feardom,” underscoring how politicians use fear as a weapon through calculated and statistically driven efforts designed to change societal behaviors. To round things off, we dig into governmental debacles such as race relations policies, the war on drugs, the criminal justice system, and taxes. -Radio 3Fourteen

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The Corbett Report | Gladio B Update | Kyrgyzstan Cancels US Cooperation Treaty | Aug. 5, 2015


James welcomes back to the program Christoph Germann of the New Great Game Round-up to discuss Kyrgyzstan's recent decision to cancel a two decade old US cooperation treaty. We talk about the ostensible reason for this rift and what might really be behind it, as well as the ramifications of this cancelation for USAID and otherUS-backed organizations in the country.

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