The Corbett Report | Climate Change is Unfaslifiable Woo-Woo Pseudoscience | Dec. 8, 2015


Karl Popper famously said, “A theory that explains everything explains nothing.” So what do you make of the theory that catastrophic manmade CO2-driven “climate change” can account for harsher winters and lighter winters, more snow and less snow, droughts and floods, more hurricanes and less hurricanes, more rain and less rain, more malaria and less malaria, saltier seas and less salty seas, Antarctica ice melting and Antarctic ice gaining and dozens of other contradictions? Popper gave a name to “theories” like this: pseudoscience.

NATO General Expresses Alarm Over Atmospheric Aircraft Spraying | | Dec. 7, 2015


We are living at a point in human history when the willful blindness of global populations is truly tyranny of governments around the globe has been (for the most part) ignored by the masses. Many have convinced themselves that if they continue to ignore reality long enough, dire threats will somehow magically go away on their own. The folly of such thinking is manifesting by the day. A cancerous cabal of unimaginable scale is pushing the planet (and all life on it) past the point of no return, completely complacent populations are facilitating this omnicide. We must all utilize every credible informational tool at our disposal to help wake the sleeping masses to our common plight, the 4 minute video below is of help in this regard.

Dane Wigington

Susanne Posel | The Council for National Policy | Freeman TV


Who can you trust? Deeper reflection on who leads the movement is needed. The Council for National Policy fosters much of the truther propaganda. Is the Fox in Chicken Little's hen house?

...a handful of men and women, individuals of character, had a vision. A vision to see the return of righteousness, justice, and truth to our great nation." Ronald Reagan, Remarks to Council for National Policy's 10th Anniversary Celebration.

download mp3

Jeff Rense & Larry Nichols | Freedom, Refugees & Terrorists


Clip from November 04, 2015 - guest Larry Nichols on the Jeff Rense Program.

Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat with MBT Forum | Sept. 2015


Tom Campbell answers questions from his My Big TOE forum members on various subjects involving our reality and consciousness from the viewpoint of his theory, philosophy, and experience.

The Corbett Report | Study Linking GMOs and Tumors Vindicated Yet Again…MSM Stays Silent | Dec. 6, 2015


If you follow the mainstream media, you’ll probably only know the Seralini 2012 rat feeding study as “that GMO cancer study that got retracted.” You probably won’t know that the paper has since been republished and Seralini himself has won two court victories defending his work. Join me for today’s Thought For The Day as I break down the GMO truth that Monsanto doesn’t want you to know.

Show Notes:
Scientist Who Discovered GMOs Cause Tumors in Rats Wins Landmark Defamation Lawsuit in Paris
Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent (YouTube)
Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent
“Genetic Fallacy” wins Project Censored 2014 award
Double standards used in evaluating GMO safety studies
Seralini study republished in “Environmental Sciences Europe”
Seralini’s team wins defamation and forgery court cases on GMO and pesticide research

John Anthony West: Back from Egypt | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Nov. 24, 2015


John Anthony West is our guest and he just got back from another trip to Egypt and we discuss the latest and breaking news about the Great Pyramid and The Valley of the Kings and King Tut's tomb and the current search for Queen Nefertiti. We also cover symbolism...the ancient history of the Egyptian dynasties and what they really knew then that we don't know now.

Steven Greer | UFOs and the Deep National Security State | Nov. 21, 2015


This 4 hour workshop will include:
- How is secrecy maintained through the hybrid of corporate and government programs?
- Which military bases and facilities and which corporations are involved?
- How is black-budget and criminal activity funding these operations?
- The Connection between the financial system, UFO technology, drug-running and covert military airspace and bases
- Where are the key Underground Bases (UGBs) and how are they connected via subterranean tunnels?
- Who has been involved in managing this secrecy and how is that entity (MAJIC) controlled and operated?
- How do Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) operate and how are they kept secret from the people, the President and Congress?
- The History of UFO secrecy since WW II and how it has devolved into its own illegal trans-national cartel.
- See explosive documents on secrecy, how human military controlled "Abductions" are "stage-crafted" and what is the agenda for this Deception.
- What is the future agenda for the cartel managing UFO secrecy-and how you need to prepare for this future!

Jay Dyer | San Bernardino Shooting: Islam, The West & False Flags | Hour 1 | Dec. 5, 2015


December 5, 2015–Jay Dyer is behind the website JaysAnalysis, which is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our globalist pseudo culture and illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion.

Dyer deconstructs these subjects in his the weekly talk radio show, Esoteric Hollywood. The conversation with Jay begins on the lethal San Bernardino Muslim couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, and the media circus that was allowed to trample through the crime scene contained within the killers’ home.

Jay talks about the intricate relationship between the media, the military and intelligence agencies, and we look at the inconsistent stories coming out from shoddy journalists. Then, we discuss the increase in violence and crime directly related to Islam within Europe and the many incidents that are ignored or covered up by the mainstream. Jay outlines the globalist corporate plan to open borders, and we consider how the false dialectic of mainstream politics plays into the religion of consumerism.

download hour 1 mp3

Mars | LOOK! Huge Underground Base Entrances Found On Mars In Google Earth | Dec. 5, 2015


Every time an amazing discovery is made on Mars, They quickly tell the sheep it is a rock or shadow! Time and time again, They try to make excuses for the objects being discovered all over Mars. This time, they are not fooling anyone by saying its just rock formations. No doubt, some of the small minded out there will bye NASA Lies til the Great Deception! But for those out there with an open mind, And that know we are being lied to, This find speaks volumes!

These entrances are all different when it comes to the fine detail. Some of them even seem to have something inside! The best way to find them is to follow the directions in the video! I found at least 7 that stand out solid. I also found more that were clearly covered up partially by a crappy photoshop job. Regardless, THEY ARE THERE! Shout Out to FindingUFO and Sandra Andrade on the Initial find. After doing some searching, i discovered many of these entrances. At this point its rather obvious that there was at least intelligent life on mars in the past. These are of the secrets they are keeping from the masses! The only way your going to find the truth is to go digging and looking for it! Don't be fooled by the coming Deception! Stay tuned for more! Eyes to the Skies!

Max Igan | A Storm is Coming | Dec. 5, 2015


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 246 - AVR - Dec 05, 2015

Interview with Prof. Lachezar Filipov | Bulgarian Academy of Science | Dec. 3, 2015


National conference organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Science where many scientists around the world try to give the scientific basis on the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon.

The Kevin Smith Show | Mystery of Dr. Lachezar Filipov


Dr. Lachezar Filipov, top space physicist, disclosed that extraterrestrials are among us. Within 24 hours strange things began to happen to Dr. Filipov.

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