Dr. Paul LaViolette | Future Physics Breakthroughs 2015

Source: capricornradio.com, etheric.com, starburstfound.org

Dr. LaViolette is credited with the discovery of the planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation which demonstrates that the Sun, planets, stars, and supernova explosions are powered by spontaneous energy creation through photon blueshifting. With this relation, he successfully predicted the mass-luminosity ratio of the first brown dwarf to be discovered. More recently, his maser signal blueshifting prediction has found confirmation following publication of the discovery of a blueshift in the Pioneer 10 spacecraft tracking data.

In addition, Paul LaViolette has developed a new theory of gravity that replaces the deeply flawed theory of general relativity. Predicted from subquantum kinetics, it accounts for the electrogravitic coupling phenomenon discovered by Townsend Brown and may explain the advanced aerospace propulsion technology utilized in the B-2 bomber. -capricornradio.com

Max Igan | Raconteurs News | Jan. 23, 2016

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Raconteurs News - Peoples Internet Radio - Jan 23rd, 2016

Jay Dyer | 2015 Secret Space program Debriefing, The Media & What's next | FarOut Radio

Source: FarOutRadio.com, JaysAnalysis.com

Jay Dyer was back for his second visit to give us a debriefing of the 2015 Secret Space program Conference in Austin, Texas. This was a gathering of independent researchers sharing their findings that all point into the direction of a secret space program that's been going on, maybe since the 1850s! Many perspectives from finance to history, technology, social engineering, and more were presented.

One of Jay's many areas of research is movies with secret space programs and breakaway civilization plot lines, and the James Bond book and movie franchise. Many Bond stories have had plot lines involving ultra-mega rich, dark, nefarious characters with their own PRIVATE space programs.

While this might seem like a big stretch, remember the old saying, “Follow the money trail.” Katherine Austin Fitts, another of the presenters, explained the gigantic, invisible, off the books, money system that may well be paying for this Secret Space Program and THAT'S where the really cool hardware and software is being employed, and NOT the fireworks show NASA has been showing us for the past 50 years.

We also touched on how "out in the open" private space programs, including Elon Musk's SpaceX and Sir Richard Branson's, Virgin Galactic are likely to be fronts, or distractions for our consumption, so that "we the sheeple" don't think or ask about the "real" advanced hardware and software. Both SpaceX and Virgin Galactic programs are using concepts that are over 60 years old, but dressed up with new materials and computers.

They are definitely real programs that are potentially very dangerous (as we say a years ago), but are using very old concepts. This could be THE biggest story of our time and since it is probably out of the hands of the government, (ANY government for that matter) from “the government's perspective,” there's nothing to “disclose.”-FarOut Radio.com

Crystal Clark | Homegrown Terrorists | Freeman TV | Jan. 23, 2016

Source: freemantv.com, DrowninginAbsurdity.org

We are the last generation that could escape a digital footprint. Most of us haven't. What is the database for? Will you become a non-violent anarchistic homegrown terrorist? "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" is the meme of this generation. Why would anyone want to make the planet so miserable that children don't want to live? Are we heading for a catastrophe on par with Atlantis? 

After working over a decade in both high-end technology solutions and Operations Management in the logistics field, Crystal Clark finally left the corporate, profit-driven paradigm due to rank and out-of-control corruption across the board.

Leaving the corporate world behind for good and adjusting to exchanging “expensive things” for personal “free time” changed her life forever. No longer having the time of her life bought and paid for by a corporation, among other things, she returned to environmental research twenty years later and became even more horrified by what she learned. DrowninginAbsurdity.org

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Tom Campbell at The Monroe Institute 11/2015 | Sunday Session

Source: my-big-toe.com, monroeinstitute.org, MBTEvents.com

Tom is the physicist T.C. in Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys. Tom shares his unique abilities with the participants by providing advice on preparing for consciousness exploration. Participants reported significant breakthroughs, advances, and life-changing experiences in this six day workshop.

The binaural beats used in this program created by Tom are available at MBTEvents.com.

New World Next Week | Davos Degenerates Reveal Robot Replacements | Jan. 21, 2016

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Saudi Arabia, China Sign MoU to Build Nuclear Reactor
China Offers Support for Yemen Government as Xi Visits Saudi Arabia
China's Xi Opens Refinery With Saudi King Salman
Egypt to Receive $1 Billion from China
Xi Jinping’s Iran Visit is of ‘Historic Significance’
Jinping Bows to ‘Death Star’-Like Sphere at AIIB Ceremony

Story #2: Davos Robot Eclipses Davos Man as Gloom Descends on Elite
Meet “Beware”, The New Police Tool That Data-Mines Your Life
Palantir, the War on Terror's Secret Weapon
DiCaprio Gives Indigenous Peoples Lip Service On TV, But Really Hangs With Banksters at Davos
Media Monarchy: Rise of the Robots - Dollar Edition
PDF: “Extreme Automation and Connectivity: The Global, Regional, and Investment Implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”
Markets In TurmOIL: Futures Plunge, Japan Enters Bear Market, Crude And Commodity Currencies Crash
For the Sake of Capitalism, Pepper Spray Davos

Story #3: People Trust Search Engines More than Traditional Media for News
Flashback: Google’s Search Algorithm Could Steal the Presidency (Aug 2015)

#GoodNewsNextWeek – Positive Polls, Liberty-Minded Librarians, Wal-Mart Closings

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: Canada's New Hope And Change Is A Lie
Monsanto Works Hard to Evict Argentinian Protesters
The Story You Aren't Being Told About Iran Capturing Two American Vessels
Media Monarchy: Interview w/Brent DeBoer of The Dandy Warhols
Immigrant Union - “War is Peace”

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 21, 2016

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Show Notes:
Stocks Slump After Saudis Threaten Nukes Against "Nefarious" Iran
LEAKED REPORT: Iran Says Top ISIS Commander Was Aboard Captured U.S. Navy Boats

Joseph Farrell | Secret Space Wars, Babylonian Banksters, Alchemy of Money, Breakaway Civilizations | Jan. 20, 2016

Source: leakproject.com, gizadeathstar.com

Breakaway Societies, Secret Space Wars, Babylonian Banksters, Alchemy of Money, Transhumanism, Black Reich, Nazi Technology

Max Igan | The Full Circle Project | Anarchast | Jan. 20, 2016

Source: anarchast.com, thecrowhouse.com, fullcircleproject.net

Jeff interviews Australian freedom fighter Max Igan, topics include:

- Max's recent politically motivated assault in Australia
- Israel's open war crimes in Palestine
- Max was deliberately targeted for speaking out
- Paid pro Israeli propaganda agents
- The anti-semitic smoke screen
- The geopolitics of the region
- Planned destabilization in the middle east
- False Jews are in charge of Israel
- Mandatory vaccination in Australia
- Government itself is a threat to national security
- The labeling of protesters as anti-government extremists
- This year 2016 people need to stand up and speak to power
- The Full Circle Project and support groups
- The logical fallacies of the statist
- Using the system against itself
- Debt slavery
- Kilary Clinton
- Ayahuasca and Anarchapulco!

John Lenard Walson | Moon & UFO Footage January 2016

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

The really interesting stuff begins at: 2:00 min.

Zen Gardner | Minority Of One Report | CCN | Jan. 17, 2016

Source: consciousconsumernetwork.tv, zengardner.com

Wolfgang Halbig: "I'll give $10,000 To Anyone Who Proves Me Wrong About The Sandy Hook Shooting!" | Richie Allen Show | Jan. 19, 2016

Source: richieallen.co.uk, SandyHookJustice.com

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