Elisa E. | Deep Ultra - FutureNow Mind Control | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans

Source: radio.offplanetmedia.net, ourlifebeyondmkultra.wordpress.com

Emily Moyer and Randy Maugans are joined by Elisa E., who was exploited as an MPD (multiple personality disorder) slave by government, military, intelligence, religious, and corporate institutions; inwardly, that exploitation was mirrored by a soul-devouring, eons-old cross-dimensional species dedicated to hybridizing and cloning human beings.

The “black tech” that fragmented her mind was administered by an elite bloodline network of minions and perpetrators enslaved for centuries by these malevolent beings. She has repeatedly encountered demi-gods, Nephilim, and Archons in the altered consciousness of trauma-based mind kontrol programming and in full waking consciousness.

We discuss: the dark technology, both physical and spiritual, that is being applied to everyone and everything; sending us into transhumanism at an ever increasing pace. She shares information about some of the black tech that she has experienced and how it is affecting all of us.

Additional links:
Website Elisa E, author of "Our Life Beyond MKUltra"
Amazon Book Link: Our Life Beyond MKULTRA
Article: Mind Control using Holography and Dissociation: A Process Model

Charles Strange | Bin Laden Raid and the loss of SEAL Team 6 member Michael Strange | Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells

Source: caravantomidnight.com

Charles Strange discusses the strange case of the Bin Laden Raid, the downed helicopter and the loss of his son, SEAL Team 6 member Michael Strange. -caravantomidnight.com

Graham Hancock’s Magicians of the Gods & Elitist Academia | Going Underground | Aug. 16, 2016

Source: RT.com, grahamhancock.com

Afshin Rattansi goes underground on an attempted academic coup in Turkey’s Göbekli Tepe. International bestseller & Author of 'Magicians of the Gods', Graham Hancock, discusses a catastrophic event that wiped out our ancient ancestors & the institutions trying to keep this civilisation a secret. -RT.com

Tom Campbell | Physics Experiments and Discoveries Outside of Physics

Source: mybigTOE.com

”With the advent of the information age, humanity now has its first opportunity to take a big step into a new paradigm based on caring and cooperation.”

Tom states, "This is a virtual reality."

“The concept of virtual reality is simple. What makes it ‘hard’ is that it is so contrary to current mainstream beliefs.”

Tom’s My Big TOE derived a basic understanding of the “whys” in physics: In Relativity; why is the speed of light a constant? In quantum mechanics; why should particles best be described as probability distributions?

Tom will be offering 12 physics experiments (variations of the Double Slit Experiment), some of which he predicts will verify many of his virtual reality concepts and clarify the way our virtual reality is implemented.

The experiments are geared to show that virtual reality logically explains the “whys” of quantum mechanics – no more non-intuitive “weird science”.

An Interesting aspect to this interview are the scientists mentioned from disciplines other than physics who, through their understanding of quantum mechanics, have come to the same conclusions as Tom’s My Big TOE (theory of everything).

Tom discusses here how the materialists might move forward in this new paradigm with their current research, thus opening up new opportunities.

The talks, institutes, and articles referenced herein are:
Dr. Bruce Greyson
Dr. Donald Hoffman
Australian National University
Tom Campbell commenting on ANU’s experiment
Dr. Edward Fredkin (Rebooting the Cosmos

David Icke | Agenda 21, The Plan To Kill You

Source: davidicke.com

Agenda 21 The Plan To Kill You - David Icke - The United Nations Depopulation Plan.

Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell | The Final Battle to Destroy Our Morality

Source: rense.com

Clip from August 10, 2016 - guest Jordan Maxwell on the Jeff Rense Program.

Barrie Trower & Richard Hall | Effects of Microwaves | Aug. 12, 2016

Source: richplanet.net

Barrie Trower campaigns on the issue of microwaves. The damaging nature of microwaves was known about decades before mobile microwave technology was introduced. Only now are governments beginning to accept this.

The list of health problems that can arise due to exposure of microwaves is vast. Not only are domestic products dangerous to health, Trower describes microwaves as "the new atomic bomb". A much more effective weapon than an atomic bomb because it is almost impossible to trace them back to their source.

Their effects as weapons is varied ranging from causing cancers or heart attacks, mind control and a whole range of psychological and physiological effects. Microwave technology, according to Trower, is employed in satellites which can be used to effect the performance of individual Olympic athletes.

Brien Foerster | DNA Of Paracas Elongated Skulls Of Peru | August 2016

Source: hiddenincatours.com

There are finally good results of DNA tests of the elongated skulls of Paracas Peru. 3 skulls from Paracas were tested along with another Peruvian elongated skull and the only ancestry that could be found was European, not Native American. History books will have to be re-written. -Brien Foerster

Link: DNA Results For The Elongated Skulls Of Paracas

Jim Bell | World Exclusive: Assassination Politics | First Interview Since Released From Jail | The Anarchast | Aug. 13, 2016

Source: anarchast.com

Jeff interviews crypto-anarchist Jim Bell, author of the essay Assassination Politics in 1995, topics include: early computing and internet, bulletin boards, the cypher punks, solving David Friedman's 'hard problem', Bitcoin makes assassination politics possible, how it would work, the societal implications, practical anarchy, smart contracts, Ethereum and Augur, assassination lists and the non aggression principle, liable to evolve into a dispute resolution system that would replace the justice and military systems, reversing the ever increasing regulatory burden, putting an end to war. -anarchast.com

Jim Bell's Essay Assassination Politics
Article: Meet The 'Assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins

Geoengineering | They have NO Air Route but a Spray Plan

Source: Chemtrails Slovensko FB

Research Geoengineering:
Climate Engineering Wikipedia

German Links: 
Aerosol Crimes - Deutsche Übersetzung
Geoengineering Wikipedia


In a speech at The Council Of Foreign Relations on 29th June 2016, CIA Director John O.Brennan talks openly about Geoengineering.

Link to full transcript here: (This link will go to a CIA.gov website)
Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations

New World Next Week | Imaginary BBC Detector Vans Now Scanning WiFi? | Aug. 11, 2016

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

STORY #1: SIMs Disconnected for Saudis Who Have Not Registered Biometrics
Flashback: Police 3D-Print Murder Victim's Finger to Unlock His Phone
$1.15 Billion In US Weapons Will Soon Be-Heading To Saudi Arabia

STORY #2: BBC Now Training Its Secret, Likely Imaginary, Fleet Of Detector Vans On Your WiFi

STORY #3: Minnesota Towns Join Forces To Build Their Own Internet
Dear Government, Deliver Us From Freedom

Martian Archaeology | Ancient Past Life on Mars, NASA Science, Curiosity Rover | Aug. 12, 2016

Source: Martian Archaeology youtube

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