Dark Journalist | Deep State Propaganda Wars: X-Factor Elite Emergency Global Lockdown! | March 15, 2020

Source: darkjournalist.com

Deep State Propaganda Wars: X-Factor Elite Global Lockdown! Special.

Lon Milo DuQuette | Magick, Demons, Sex, & The Infinite You | March 15, 2020

Source: thehighersidechats.com

Singer-songwriter, recording artist, and humorist, Lon Milo DuQuette is also the author of 19 critically acclaimed books (translated in 12 languages) on Magick and the Occult. Critics have called him one of the most respected and entertaining writers and lecturers in the field of the Western Mystery Traditions. Today he returns to THC on the heals of his latest release, Allow Me to Introduce: An Insider's Guide to the Occult. -thehighersidechats.com

Dr. Lorraine Day, MD | There are no Conspiracies: There are only Truths and Lies | Hour 1 | Veritas TV

Source: veritasradio.com

There are no conspiracies. There are lies and truths. The globalist agenda could not have a better excuse for establishing more world governance and massive economic change than this new coronavirus called Covid-19.

Crisis creates opportunity for the ruling elites, as popular dependence on the authoritative ruling class vastly increases in times of fear and stress. Panic and uncertainty lead to a weak and compliant society, one easy to control, and that is exactly what the ruling powers desire.

Any bio-weapon attack, or mass viral outbreak, regardless of whether it was intentional or not, can only lead to tyrannical measures. The release of this agent sets the stage for a perfect storm for radical global economic change, and if it was a false flag event meant purposely to create panic, these changes are already set to take place.

Is it a coincidence that we have seen a so called virus every 2 years which happen to be election years?

SARS - 2004
AVIAN - 2008
SWINE - 2010
MERS - 2012
EBOLA - 2014
ZIKA - 2016
EBOLA - 2018
CORONA - 2020

According to the CDC, it is estimated that 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations, 79,400 deaths in the United Sates and 650,000 deaths worldwide, of... the regular flu in 2018. Why wasn't this declared a pandemic when as of the day of this recording on march the 11th 2020, the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus a pandemic with 4,634 deaths worldwide. Is the coronavirus viral pneumonia being hyped as the black plague before an election? -veritasradio.com

Dark Journalist X-Series 83 | Deep State X-Flights to Nowhere! JFK Hale Boggs Nixon Hoffa And Hunt! | March 14, 2020

Source: darkjournalist.com

Dark Journalist Investigates Deep State Plane Crashes That Remain Unexplained! Join Dark Journalist tonight for a deep dive into the preferred Deep State tool of eliminating their enemies: Political Plane Crashes!

From UN Secretary to Dag Hammerskjold to JFK Jr. suspicious plane crashes and deaths have populated the landscape of political maneuvering as if an invisible hand guides our public fate. Tonight we'll explore the case of Democratic Majority Leader and Warren Commission member Hale Boggs who disappeared in 1972 in Alaska under suspicious circumstances with Congressman Nick Begich Sr. on a Cessna plane.

Boggs was making public statements about blowing open the facts on a secret police state operating inside the government before the crash. In a truly bizarre historical footnote the person who drove him to the airport was a 26 year old political activist named Bill Clinton who became President in 1992. -arkjournalist.com

The Corbett Report | Medical Martial Law | March 13, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

Top scientists are saying that the current swine flu outbreak came from a vaccine lab, but you won’t hear that in the controlled corporate media. Nor will you hear about Bilderberg plans to use the pandemic hysteria to flex the muscles of their nascent global government. But you will hear all about it in this week’s episode of The Corbett Report. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Corbett Report - Episode 086 – Medical Martial Law

S0 News | Major Flood, Galactic Density Wave, Turbulent Stars | March 13, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

The Corbett Report | Is Coronavirus the Next 9/11? | March 12, 2020

Source: corbettreport.com

In this conversation recorded on March 9th, James Corbett joins Chuck Ochelli on The Ochelli Effect to discuss the pandemic panic and its parallels to other "world-altering" (but ultimately manipulated) crises like 9/11. What is the real threat here? What is being neglected in coverage of the phenomenon? What else is happening in the world that this story is overshadowing? Your questions are answered in this in-depth conversation. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Coronavirus: The “Cures” Will Be Worse Than the Disease
Momento Mori – Unpopular Thoughts on Corona Virus 311
“Event 201” Pandemic Exercise
Bill Gates Covid-19 article in New England Journal of Medicine (2020)
Bill Gates Ebola article in New England Journal of Medicine (2015)
Afghanistan “Peace” Deal covered on New World Next Week
US conducts first air strike against Taliban since peace deal
A Terrifying Scenario: Coronavirus in ‘Quarantined’ Gaza
International court approves probe of US war crimes in Afghanistan
The Rollercoaster Ride Has Begun

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | March 12, 2020

Source: gizadeathstar.com

There's interesting news regarding Boeing, the Carlyle Group, and Blackstone...

Banking Crisis Imminent? Companies Scramble To Draw Down Revolvers

Linda Moulton Howe | COVID-19 Updates, Abductee Interview, Viewer Q&A | March 12, 2020

Source: earthfiles.com

COVID-19 updates:
- WHO declares a coronavirus pandemic
- US reported 1,109 new cases, 41 deaths
- New Rochelle on lockdown
- Michael Osterholm estimates projection. “This is not one to be taken lightly”

Abductee Interview
- Interview with “Wana Lawson” / Arrawana Allen, abductee from “Glimpses of Other Realities Volume 2: High Strangeness”

Viewer Q&A

S0 News | Paradigm Shift Demanded, Big Nova, Meltwater Pulse | March 12, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Dr. Timothy Ball | Climategate on Trial (Part 1 of 2) | Forum Borealis | March 11, 2020

Source: forumborealis.net

Climate change is real. But what do we KNOW about its causation? A world leading experts drop by to educate us in basic science, debunking myths & assumptions shaping most views. The facts are shocking!

Some topics touched: Is anthropogenic CO2 hypothesis really a majority consensus? What's the data based on? Is there ideological collusion & corruption of climate science? What was climate gate? What financial incentives behind the politicization? Global warming or cooling?

Can the Sun be causal? Why's many study fields silenced? Why's dissidents sued, harassed, & sacked? Is data falsified? + Learn how the CO2 hysteria damage environmentalism...

S0 News | The Moon Mystery, Solar Flare, Cosmic Scalability | March 11, 2020

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

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