Tom Campbell | Fireside Chat, May 2020 | Part 1-3


Part 1

Part 1:
00:30 My pet dog died suddenly - Where is my dog now? Will it reeincarnate ?
08:00 Comprehending why death happens - It seems unfair - What is good in this challenge?
15:25 Teenage depression - Taking drugs does not feel like the right solution. How to proceed?
35:10 If you want to change who you are at the core - How can formulate a good intention for that?
46:10 Forgiveness and clearing relationships in a non-physical way
57:40 Apologizing to the LCS for making a really big mistake in life

Part 2

Part 2:
0:00:10 Choices with mixed results - Balancing personal choices with their effects on others
0:08:10 Is there such a thing as no-intent? What is the purpose or value of a no-intent approach?
0:16:00 How can we love ourselves more and build up a better self-esteem?
0:27:25 Why are some people underweight - How can they put on weight?
0:38:10 Dealing with embarassing moments from my past - How to overcome them?
0:47:50 How has Tom's sense of identity changed? What does Tom still identify with?
0:54:30 Too what extend is Tom still driven by human insticts?
1:01:45 How could we help a person with delayed sleep phase disorder

Part 3

Part 3:
00:10 Why do IUOCs choose to incarnate in de-evolving reality frames?
09:10 To what extend does consciousness evolution gained in one reality frame carry over to other reality frame
15:35 Conscious decision making process - making the right choices
20:50 Boosting spritual evolution from a nutrition perspective
27:30 Growth through intellectual assessment or through intent - What's more important?
35:25 When we start a new experience packet, do we bring actual specific fears with us or only the potential to develop fears?
38:00 Tom's experience with 2 non-physical workers foreseeing something about his life - Did Tom find out what they saw?
44:30 Covid-19 fear response - Manditory Corona virus vaccination - Should we say no?

All previous Fireside Chats are also available as free audio podcasts here:

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., PH.D. | Cancer Decoded | Dr. BurzynskiI's Story | Hour 1 | Sanitas Radio


Kevin Barrett, Simon Dolan | The Richie Allen Show | June 29, 2020


The entrepreneur Simon Dolan takes the UK government to the High Court this coming Thursday. it has been described as the most important case in our lifetime. Simon is challenging the legality of the coronavirus lockdown. it's huge. He reminds Richie why the case is so important and how he has prepared for it.

There's a row brewing between Black Lives Matter UK and the Campaign Against Antisemitism. BLM UK tweeted in support of Palestine yesterday, criticised Israeli settlements and claimed that UK politicians are gagged from speaking out against Israel. The UK Zionist lobby didn't like it. Academic, author and broadcaster Kevin Barrett joins Richie to discuss this and more.

Clif High | Critical Thinking | Sets Groups Projections TMs | June 29, 2020


Discussion about where we are & projections of what is next.

S0 News | Solar Risk to Society, Calling-Out Geology | June 29, 2020


Royce Christyn | The Science and Psychology of Positive Thinking | Legalise Freedom Radio | June 28, 2020


Royce Christyn discusses how a deeper understanding of science and psychology can aid positive thinking and manifesting practices.

Christyn's new book 'Scripting the Life You Want' is so much more than just another how-to manifesting handbook; it is an exploration of the cutting-edge science which makes manifesting possible.

Unlike many who claim to offer the secret of creating the life you really want, Christyn goes beyond the simplistic and superficial routines which leave so many seekers frustrated, to uncover the hidden mechanisms which shape our reality.

Mechanisms understood by magicians of ages past and by media manipulators of the present day, which can be mastered by individuals to take control of their lives in these turbulent times. If you are not truly in control of your life, you can be sure that someone else is, but without insight into how our reality is created, self-mastery may remain a mystery.

The Corbett Report | Looking Forward to the End of Humanity - #PropagandaWatch | June 27, 2020


Why is the Wall Street Journal looking forward to the end of humanity? And what does that say about the technocratic future that we're being steered into?

Join James for today's edition of #PropagandaWatch where he discusses the transhuman agenda that is being pushed on the back of the new biosecurity paradigm.

Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020
New World Next Week on the World Economic Forum’s Global Reset
Looking Forward to the End of Humanity
Transhumanist Declaration
Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You
“Technological Resurrection” and the Future of Being
The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus

Dark Journalist X-Series 91 | The Prisoner Of The HotZone Howard Hughes And Gemstone UFO File! June 27, 2020


Join us for this Special LiveStream on Billionaire Howard Hughes in the HotZone with deep dive into the obscure Gemstone File and the Hughes Aerospace UFO Mystery along with breakthrough revelations of his time as a kidnapped, zombified prisoner of the CIA in the Bahamas. Featuring live QA with DJ and Miss Olivia and a preview of DJ's new Documentary on X-Protect UFO File Assassins!

S0 News | Comet, Lightning, Climate, GAIA, Magnetic Cosmos | June 26, 2020


Spiro Skouras | The Glitch In The Code Show with Richard Willett | June 25, 2020

Source:, Spiro Skouras youtube

It was an absolute pleasure to interview one of the best independent journalists of the day Sprio Skouras for Glitch In The Code. In this episode we talk about the revelation of the World Economic Forums "Great Reset" which is completely Orwellian and Totalitarian, with a sprinkle of Nazism.

I think we are both a bit shocked at the sheer gaul of these lunatics and psychopaths that they would think it's appropriate to even consider themselves so above us all that they would get to choose when we require a "reset" . Add to this the Lockstep and Dark Winter war games and we can clearly see how little regard these Black Nobility (Prince Charles) and Banking Elites have for our ability to make our own decisions.

Are we standing on the edge of what Jim Mars called "The 4th Reich"? In my opinion that is clearly what we are seeing. The evidence shouts that the 3rd Reich may have fallen with Germany at the end of WW2 but the Nazi party merely went underground and swapped Jack boots for Medical Gowns, Brief Cases and Trainers and T Shirts in Silicon Valley.

Stack holder Capitalism is a Nazi ideology , Corporations and Government should never be connected.

Brien Foerster | Evidence Of Ancient Cataclysmic Heat Damage At The Rameseum In Egypt | June 25, 2020


SGT Report | Zach McElroy New Whistleblower Exposes Big Tech Censorship! | June 25, 2020


Facebook insider turned whistleblower Zach Mcelroy joins me to discuss big tech bias and overt censorship of conservative and Christian speech across multiple platforms. We discuss what the future holds for these fascist organizations which now face losing Section 230 protections if they don't change their ways.

Here's the Project Veritas expose featuring Zach
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