John Ellis | The Hydrogen Bonding Angle of Water, March 2, 2014


Inventor John Ellis has revolutionized water filtration for decades with a lightweight, patented technology for energizing and distilling tap water. Sickly and weak from radium treatments in his youth, John began to look for a way to reverse the damage. He developed a device that would recycle water hundreds of times per gallon – a much more thorough process than the water filtration processes commonly used in the public domain. By using a proprietary method for heating, cooling, and distilling water, John Ellis was able to produce water 827 times purer than what comes out of municipal water supplies. The results, verified by York Labs, confirmed that water from John’s machines was even purer than the lab standard for pure water.

John Ellis is an alumnus of The Choate School and Lafayette College, where he earned an engineering degree in steam plant design. He went on to work at Douglas Aerospace and later Honeywell, where he developed his patented technology for recycling, energizing, and distilling water.

It's Rainmaking Time!® learned in 2004 that simply filtering or heating water is an ineffective measure against infection by pathogenic bacteria. Our interview with the stewards of the water industry highlighted the fact that removing toxic materials from water does not remove their energetic signatures.

In our ongoing investigation of the science of water, we learned about the healing and energetic properties of structured water, which is determined by the hydrogen bonding angle. According to John Ellis, whereas the bonding angle for ordinary water is 104 degrees, and 101 degrees for distilled water, the bonding angle between hydrogen molecules in water produced by his device is 114 degrees. Water that has been structured this way holds up to 3000% more energy, and is sufficient to destroy disease markers in the bloodstream.

John Ellis’ water filtration methodology represents a major step forward in personal health empowerment, anti-aging, and disease prevention. Join us with the inventor himself as we discuss the history, evidence, and testimonials that support this unprecedented breakthrough in water structuring technology.

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David Icke | The Perception Deception | Hour 1 | February 28, 2014


February 28, 2014–David Icke has spent the last quarter of a century unraveling the secrets of the Universe, reality and the forces that manipulate our world. After writing more than 20 books, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch.

He returns to discuss his latest book, The Perception Deception, which is a massive work of 435,000 words, 900 pages and more than 800 illustrations. Icke lays out in dot-connected detail a lifetime of research and insight about our ‘computer’-simulated reality, the holographic universe and the hidden non-human forces that are manipulating human life via hybrid bloodline families and networks into a global Orwellian state of total control. We’ll discuss perception deception in various forms in our world.

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Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | Nasa's Nazis & the Great Pyramid Weapon System | Freeman TV


Dr. Joseph P. Farrell – Nazi Atomic Technology, Anti-Gravity, Time Control Weapons, Hidden History, Corporate Space War, CERN Extreme Torsion Shear, SS Brotherhood of the Bell

Max Igan | Slipping Into Fiction, March 1, 2014


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 12 - The Peoples Voice TV - American Voice Radio.

Nightvision | HI-8 Footage | Glowing Objects in Formation, February 28, 2014

Source: whotookmymojo youtube

Great detail in HI-8 also the ability to observe the changing light array. Notice the smaller orbs among the larger ones in the configuration.

Spacecraft passing the Southern X Timelapse, February 29, 2014

Source: Horsefarmer1000 youtube

(watch in 720p)

Walter Cruttenden | Lost Star of Myth and Time, February 27, 2014


Walter Cruttenden discusses some of the ideas in his 2005 book Lost Star of Myth and Time.
The myth and folklore of ancestral peoples around the world hints at a vast cycle of time, with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. Plato called it the Great Year. Long believed to be a fairy tale, there is now new astronomical evidence to show it has a basis in fact. Moreover, because it is caused by the acceleration of our Sun around another star, we learn that the Earth should soon be carried into a region of space that will have a beneficial effect on our atmosphere, nudging mankind into a higher state of consciousness.

Lost Star of Myth and Time weaves together some of the latest archaeological evidence with cutting-edge astronomy to reveal a history of the world that finally fits with myth, folklore and the archaeological record. While the book explores some of the most interesting aspects of a once advanced civilization that covered the Earth, it is really about what happens to the Earth and consciousness as our solar system moves through space in the mysterious motion known as the precession of the equinox. Since the days of Isaac Newton, this astronomical phenomenon has been attributed to local gravitational forces wobbling the Earth’s axis. Lost Star now shows us in no uncertain terms that the Earth’s axis does not change orientation relative to objects inside the solar system at the same rate as it changes orientation to objects outside the solar system, meaning precession must be due to our Sun’s binary motion around another star.

Chapter by chapter it becomes clear that ancient cultures knew of precession, used it as the clock of the ages, understood it to be due to the solar system’s motion through space, and realized this subjects the Earth to a cycle of waxing and waning stellar influences. It is these forces that affect our magnetosphere, ionosphere and indirectly create the larger seasons of the Great Year. This not only gives cause for a major rethink of human history and potential, but indicates we are approaching a tipping point in the awakening of consciousness.

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New World Next Week | Ukraine Set to Ignite in Civil War, February 27, 2014


Story #1: Russia puts military on high alert as Crimea protests leave one man dead

Interview 830 - William Engdahl Exposes the Western Agenda in Ukraine

Interview 829 -- Paul Craig Roberts Connects the Dots on the Ukrainian Revolution

Putin drills ground troops at Ukraine's doorstep as US warns against intervention

Story #2: Bitcoin under threat as MtGox goes offline

Make Or Break Time for Bitcoin

Bitcoin Price Resilient as Antonopoulos, Andreessen Weigh in on Mt. Gox Debacle

How To Prove That Exchanges Really Have Your Money

Story #3: Can Twitter Predict Major Events? A New Study Says Yes

Predicting Crowd Behavior with Big Public Data

Chicago PD Believes It Can See The Future, Starts Warning Citizens About Crimes They Might Commit

Jeff Rense & Neil Sanders | Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own


Clip from February 18, 2014 - guest Neil Sanders on the Jeff Rense Program.

Mike Adams | The Rise of the Robots, February 26, 2014


Mike Adams of discusses the coming singularity and AI Robots who will decide humans are no longer relevant and begin the mass extermination.
Read more at:

Dr. Jerry Pollack | Water and the Electricity of Life, February 26, 2014


In this interview with Kim Gifford, Dr. Jerry Pollack, a professor in the bio-engineering department of the University of Washington, discusses new insights into structured water garnered in his lab. Dr. Pollack has spent the last 10 years researching the role of water in biological tissue and his discoveries could have a profound impact on our understanding of disease and healing.

David Livingstone | Introduction to Illuminati Studies: From Synarchy to Shambhala, February 25, 2014


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